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Experimental Study of changes in water content during dehydration and rehydration of the Fern: Notochlaena vellea R. Br.—This study takes place after studies made on otherPolypodiaceen Ferns. We have shown that, in these ferns, the survival duration was longer for the subterranean organs than for aerial ones. The problem was to show that this difference is due to a lower dehydration of the subterranean tissues. As far as we looked at the total water deficiency, we did not find any significant difference between the leaves and the meristematic parts of the subterranean organs: the main difference is the rate of rehydration which is higher in subterranean parts.  相似文献   
Summary Anacanthotermes ochraceus (Burgmeister), in the oasis of Béni-Abbès (Sahara) will establish its colonies only in the low eathern garden walls and in the clay and straw walls of the houses, where it can find both the water and the malleable clayed materials it requires.Soil analyses have given information on the physico-chemical characteristics of some of the termitaria and of the surrounding sand-hill.The organic matter in the termitarium comes both from the soil and the excrement of the termite. It is high in carbon and low in nitrogen (C/N=2,5), and its mineralization in the présense of gravitational water may result in a loss of mobilizable elements such as the bases.Both the Ph and the aeration of the termitarium favour the mineralization of nitrogenous waste material by bacterial agency.The distribution of calcium carbonate and the condition in which it occurs are more important than the total amount present on account of the part it plays in the texture and structure of the materials, of which the termitarium is composed.A statistical granulometric study of the sand fraction with the results expressed as polar coordinates enables, in comparison with those obtained by mechanical analysis, the texture of the materials colonised byAnacanthotermes ochraceus (Burgmeister) to be defined.
Zusammenfassung In der Oase Béni-Abbés (Sahara) gründen dieAnacanthotermes ochraceus (Burgmeister) ihre Kolonien nur in den Wänden der Gärten und in den Mauern der Wohnungen. Dort finden sie das nötige Wasser und die tonigen Plastikmaterialien.Die Bodenanalysen geben Auskunft über einige der characteristichen physikalischchemischen Eigenschaften der Materialien in der Termitenbauten und in dem benachbartem Erg.Das organische Material in den Termitenbauten stammt einerseits aus dem Boden und andererseits aus den Ausscheidungen der Termiten. Reich an Kohlenstoff und arm an Stickstoff (C/N=2,5) kann seine Mineralisation, in Gegenwart von gravifischem Wasser, einen Verlust von einsatzfähigen Elementen, wie den Laugen, nach sich ziehen.Die Bedingungen des Ph und der Belüftung der Termitenbauten sind günstig für eine Mineralisation der stikstoffhaltigen Abfallstoffe auf bakteriellem Wege.Die Verteilung und die Beschaffenheit des CO3Ca sind dort wichtiger als ihre Gesamtauswertung. Der Grund dafür ist die Rolle, die sie auf der Ebene der Textur und des Aufbaus der Materialen in den Termitenbauten spielen.Die Untersuchung der sandigen Bruchstücke durch die granulometrischen Statistiken in Polarkoordinaten, verglichen mit den Ergebnissen der granulometrischen Analyse, erlauben eine Erklärung der Textur der mit Beschlag belegten kolonisierten Materialen durch dieAnacanthotermes ochraceus (Burgmeister).
Relationship of water potential to growth of leaves   总被引:33,自引:9,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
Boyer JS 《Plant physiology》1968,43(7):1056-1062
A thermocouple psychrometer that measures water potentials of intact leaves was used to study the water potentials at which leaves grow. Water potentials and water uptake during recovery from water deficits were measured simultaneously with leaves of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), papaya (Carica papaya L.), and Abutilon striatum Dickson. Recovery occurred in 2 phases. The first was associated with elimination of water deficits; the second with cell enlargement. The second phase was characterized by a steady rate of water uptake and a relatively constant leaf water potential. Enlargement was 70% irreversible and could be inhibited by puromycin and actinomycin D. During this time, leaves growing with their petioles in contact with pure water remained at a water potential of —1.5 to —2.5 bars regardless of the length of the experiment. It was not possible to obtain growing leaf tissue with a water potential of zero. It was concluded that leaves are not in equilibrium with the potential of the water which is absorbed during growth. The nonequilibrium is brought about by a resistance to water flow which requires a potential difference of 1.5 to 2.5 bars in order to supply water at the rate necessary for maximum growth.

Leaf growth occurred in sunflower only when leaf water potentials were above —3.5 bars. Sunflower leaves therefore require a minimum turgor for enlargement, in this instance equivalent to a turgor of about 6.5 bars. The high water potentials required for growth favored rapid leaf growth at night and reduced growth during the day.

The RsrI endonuclease, a type-II restriction endonuclease (ENase) found in Rhodobacter sphaeroides, is an isoschizomer of the EcoRI ENase. A clone containing an 11-kb BamHI fragment was isolated from an R. sphaeroides genomic DNA library by hybridization with synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotide probes based on the N-terminal amino acid (aa) sequence of RsrI. Extracts of E. coli containing a subclone of the 11-kb fragment display RsrI activity. Nucleotide sequence analysis reveals an 831-bp open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 277 aa. A 50% identity exists within a 266-aa overlap between the deduced aa sequences of RsrI and EcoRI. Regions of 75-100% aa sequence identity correspond to key structural and functional regions of EcoRI. The type-II ENases have many common properties, and a common origin might have been expected. Nevertheless, this is the first demonstration of aa sequence similarity between ENases produced by different organisms.  相似文献   
Turkey erythrocyte membranes possess a phospholipase C that is markedly activated by P2Y-purinergic receptor agonists and guanine nucleotides. Reconstitution of [3H]inositol-labeled turkey erythrocyte membranes with guanine nucleotide regulatory protein (G-protein) beta gamma subunits resulted in inhibition of both AlF-4-stimulated adenylate cyclase and AlF-4-stimulated phospholipase C activities. The apparent potency (K0.5 approximately 1 microgram or 20 pmol of beta gamma/mg of membrane protein) of beta gamma subunits for inhibition of each enzyme activity was similar and occurred with beta gamma purified by different methodologies from turkey erythrocyte, bovine brain, or human placenta membranes. In contrast to the effect on AlF-4-stimulated activity, the stimulatory effect on phospholipase C of the P2Y-purinergic receptor agonist 2-methylthioadenosine 5'-triphosphate in the presence of guanine nucleotides was potentiated by 50-100% in a concentration-dependent manner by reconstitution of beta gamma subunits. beta gamma subunits did not affect the K0.5 value of 2-methylthioadenosine 5'-triphosphate for the stimulation of phospholipase C activity. These results indicate that beta gamma subunits influence phospholipase C activity in a concentration range similar to that necessary for regulation of adenylate cyclase activity and suggest the involvement of a G-protein possessing an alpha beta gamma heterotrimeric structure in coupling hormone receptors to phospholipase C.  相似文献   
A detailed understanding of how bone marrow stem cell progenitors are affected by heat is prerequisite to predicting how whole-body or regional hyperthermia protocols may affect bone marrow function. This investigation reports the reproductive integrity of murine tibial bone marrow granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming units (CFU-GM) after in situ hyperthermia. Heat was applied by water bath immersion of the leg of male BALB/c mice anesthetized with 90 mg/kg pentobarbital given subcutaneously. Tibial and rectal temperatures were monitored in representative animals by microthermocouples (tip diameter approximately 100 microns). By approximately 3 min after immersion of the limb, marrow temperature was within 0.3 degree C of water bath temperature (O'Hara et al., Int. J. Hyperthermia 5, 589-601, 1989) and was within 0.1 degree C by 5 min after immersion. The CFU-GM were cultured in "lung-conditioned" McCoy's 5A medium supplemented with 15% fetal calf serum and 0.3% Bacto agar. In situ heating of tibial marrow to exposure temperatures of 42, 42.5, 43, 44, and 45 degrees C gave D0's (+/- 95% CI) of 91 +/- 44, 44 +/- 27, 27 +/- 2.2, 16 +/- 6, and 7 +/- 4 min, respectively. Heating to 41.5 degrees C for up to 180 min did not result in cytotoxicity. Development of thermotolerance after approximately 100 min of heating was apparent by the presence of a "resistant tail" of the 42 degrees C survival curve. A plot of D0 vs water bath temperature was bimodal with an inflection point at approximately 42.5 degrees C. The inactivation enthalpy for temperatures above 42.5 degrees C was 586 kJ/mol (140 kcal/mol) and for temperatures below 42.5 degrees C was estimated to be 1205 kJ/mol (288 kcal/mol). These results show that CFU-GM can be heated predictably in situ, can be inactivated with thermal exposures as low as 42 degrees C, and are capable of developing thermotolerance. These findings underscore the necessity to understand stem cell inactivation by hyperthermia in situ prior to widespread implementation of clinical hyperthermia protocols where bone marrow may be included in the treatment field.  相似文献   
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