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The effect of nerve growth factor (NGF), a substance that promotes the differentiation and maintenance of certain neurons, was studied via scanning electron microscopy utilizing the PC12 clonal NGF-responsive pheochromocytoma cell line. After 2-4 d of exposure to NGF, these cells acquire many of the properties of normal sympathic neurons. However, by phase microscopy, no changes are discernible within the first 12-18 h. Since the primary NGF receptor appears to be a membrane receptor, it seemed likely that some of the initial responses to the factor may be surface related. PC12 cells maintained without NGF are round to ovoid and have numerous microvilli and small blebs. After the addition of NGF, there is a rapidly initiated sequential change in the cell surface. Ruffles appear over the dorsal surface of the cells with 1 min, become prominent by 3 min, and almost disappear by 7 min. Microvilli, conversely, disappear as the dorsal ruffles become prominent. Ruffles are seen at the the periphery of cell at 3 min, are prominent on most of the cells by 7 min and are gone by 15 min. The surface remains smooth from 15 min until 45 min when large blebs appear. The large blebs are present on most cells at 2 h and are gone by 4 h. The surface remains relatively smooth until 6-7 h of NGF treatment, when microvilli reappear as small knobs. These microvilli increase in both number and length to cover the cell surface by 10 h. These changes were not observed with other basic proteins, with α-bungarotoxin (which binds specifically to PC12 membranes), and were not affected by an RNA synthesis inhibitor that blocks initiation of neurite outgrowth. Changes in the cell surface architecture appear to be among the earlist NGF responses yet detected and may represent or reflect primary events in the mechanism of the factor’s action.  相似文献   
Techniques are described for studying the labeling of ADP and ATP bound to the ATP synthase complex of beef heart submitochondrial particles catalyzing oxidative phosphorylation. These suffice for measurements of bound nucleotides during the time required for a single turnover, during steady state net ATP synthesis, or under quasiequilibrium conditions of ATP formation and hydrolysis. Results show that the "tightly bound" ATP associated with isolated submitochondrial particles does not become labeled by medium [32P]Pi rapidly enough to qualify as an intermediate in ATP synthesis. In contrast to chloroplast preparations, little or no bound [32P]Pi committed to ATP formation is present on particles during steady state synthesis. Also, highly active particles synthesizing ATP from [32P]Pi and filtered after EDTA addition have no detectable bound [32P]ATP even though several ATPs have been made per synthase complex. However, under quasiequilibrium conditions membrane-bound ADP and ATP are present whose labeling characteristics qualify them as intermediates in ATP synthesis. In addition, a hexokinase-accessibility approach shows the presence of a steady level of bound ATP. Lack of detection of bound intermediates under other conditions is regarded as reflecting the ready reversibility of oxidative phosphorylation, with consequent facile cleavage of bound ATP and release of bound Pi.  相似文献   
Endosperm cell and starch granule (amyloplast) development of six maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes, normal, amylose-extender (ae), sugary (su), waxy (wx), amylose-extender sugary (ae su), and amylose-extender waxy (ae wx), was compared. Endosperms of all genotypes were indistinguishable at 14 days after pollination. Cells were highly vacuolated and those in the central crown area of the kernel contained small starch granules in close association with the nucleus. Cellular and nuclear enlargement occurred during endosperm development in all genotypes, and major and minor gradients in physiological age of endosperm cells were observed in all kernels. Amyloplast development varied with genotype. Plastid development in normal and wx cells was characterized by an initial starch granule formation followed by granule enlargement to cell maturity. Endosperms homozygous for ae (ae, ae su, and ae wx) developed abnormal plastid-granules. Secondary granule formations preceded development of abnormality in ae and ae su, but not in ae wx endosperms. In contrast to ae and ae su starch granules, ae wx granules were highly birefringent indicating a high degree of crystallinity. In all three ae genotypes, abnormality increased as a function of kernel and physiological cell age. The su mutant had two distinct effects on amyloplast development. First, a mobilization of the initially formed starch, and second a synthesis and accumulation of phytoglycogen and the formation of large rounded plastids. In ae su plastid development, there was a mobilization of the starch initially formed (resulting in irregularly shaped, nonbirefringent granules) but only small amounts of phytoglycogen were produced.  相似文献   
We investigated concomitantly the effects of ethinyl-estradiol (EE2) at low dose (1.2 μg/animal for 10 days) and high dose (120 μg/animal for 3 days) on body weight, weight of fat stores, triglyceridemia and fat cell lipoprotein lipase and hormone-sensitive lipase activities in female rats. At low dose, EE2 increased triglyceridemia and lipoprotein lipase activity, whilst high dose decreased both parameters. At low and high doses, and regardless of whether triglyceridemia and lipoprotein lipase activity were increased and decreased, EE2 caused depletion in fat stores. Fat cells isolated from depleted fat tissue elicited marked increases in the response of hormone-sensitivelipase to epinephrine. Taken together, the data suggest that the potentiation of epinephrine-induced lipolysis in fat cells is likely to represent a major cause to estrogen-induced fat depletion.  相似文献   
Soluble starch branching enzymes and starch synthases from maize kernels of differing dosage of the ae locus were purified by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. A near-linear relationship between increasing dosage of the dominate amylose-extender allele (Ae) and branching enzyme IIb activity was found. In contrast, levels and properties of branching enzymes I and IIa, as well as the citrate-stimulated and primer-requiring starch synthases, remained unchanged. The near-linear increase in branching enzyme IIb activity with increasing doses of the Ae allele is consistent with the hypothesis that ae is the structural gene coding for branching enzyme IIb.Paper of the Journal Series, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Cook College, Rutgers University, New Brunswick. This work was performed as part of NJAES Projects 12442 and 12201 (NE-124), supported by the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Regional Research Funds, NSF Grant PCM 78-16127, and funds from Corn Refiners Association, Inc.  相似文献   
Full-grown Xenopus laevis oocytes were incubated in NaHCO3 buffer equilibrated with carbon dioxide (5 to 100%). Germinal vesicle breakdown never occurred in spite of the appearance of the characteristic white spot at the animal pole. The effect of carbon dioxide was analyzed during progesterone-induced maturation. Carbon dioxide did not inhibit the early steps of maturation whereas it inhibited germinal vesicle breakdown even when applied 4 hr after the initial hormonal trigger. When oocytes were treated transiently in NaHCO3 buffer equilibrated with carbon dioxide and further incubated in Tris buffer, drastic delay in the kinetic of germinal vesicle breakdown was observed. Inhibition of progesterone-induced maturation by carbon dioxide treatment is coincident with the time of maturation promoting factor appearance (MPF). On the basis of microinjection experiments of MPF into recipient oocytes, it was also shown that MPF expression is not inhibited by carbon dioxide and thus indicates that the late phase of MPF formation and/or MPF amplification is a carbon dioxide-sensitive period.  相似文献   
Previous reports have demonstrated the incorporation of glucose from ADP-glucose into methanol-insoluble and TCA-insoluble fractions in cell extracts of Escherichia coli in the absence of added primer α-glucan. This activity is reduced 6- to 76-fold in cell extracts of three independently isolated glycogen synthase-deficient mutants of E. coli B. Homogeneous preparations of E. coli B glycogen synthase catalyze incorporation of glucose into both methanol- and TCA-insoluble fractions in the absence of added primer. Since glycogen synthase catalyzes these reactions, it is not necessary to propose a protein acceptor glucose or a unique ADP-glucose-glycosyl transferase to catalyze formation of the glucoprotein in E. coli cell extracts to explain glucose incorporation into TCA-insoluble material (R. Barengo et al. (1975) FEBS Lett.53, 274–278). The incorporation of glucose into methanol-and TCA-insoluble fractions is stimulated by 0.25 m citrate and by branching enzyme. Citrate reduces the Km for the primer, glycogen, about 11- to 15-fold. Branching enzyme can also reduce the concentration of primer required for incorporation of glucose into methanol-insoluble material. The simultaneous presence of both 0.25 m citrate and branching enzyme enables the glycogen synthase reaction rate to proceed at 30% the maximal velocity at a primer concentration of 1 μg/ml. Incorporation of glucose into methanol- or TCA-insoluble material in the absence of primer is completely inhibited by adding α-amylase. Furthermore, incorporation into methanol- or TCA-insoluble material is reduced 13- to 16-fold relative to the reaction occurring in the presence of primer when glycogen synthase is pretreated with glucoamylase and α-amylase. Previous results show that homogeneous preparations of glycogen synthase contain glucan. Heat-denatured glucogen synthase can act as a primer for the glycogen phosphorylase and glycogen synthase reactions. Both the TCA- and methanol-insoluble products form I2-glucan complexes with wavelength maxima of about 580–590 nm and 610–615 nm, respectively, suggesting that they are mainly linear chain glucans. The products are completely solubilized with α-amylase. The TCA-insoluble product is not solubilized by pronase treatment. The above results strongly suggest that previous reports on formation of glucoprotein primer for glycogen synthesis or on de novo glycogen synthesis in various similar systems is due to endogenous glucan associated with glycogen synthase rather than formation of glucoprotein which then acts as primer for glycogen synthesis.  相似文献   
The use of 14C-carboxyl-labelled luciferin as a substrate for the firefly luciferase catalyzed reaction produces 14CO2 as a product. We have studied this reaction in the presence of 17O2 and H18OH, using an excess of luciferin over luciferase. The initial collection of CO2 contained close to one oxygen from 17O2 for each molecule of 14CO2 derived from luciferin, which is consistent with a cyclic peroxide mechanism. About half of the 14CO2 remained bound to the enzyme and was collected after acidification of the medium. This CO2 contained less than 0.1 of an atom of oxygen from 17O2 for each molecule of 14CO2 derived from luciferin. Exchange of medium CO2-HCO3 su? with water was not sufficiently great to account for the loss of any 17O previously incorporated. The most likely explanation appears to be a preferential exchange of oxygens of enzyme-bound CO2 with water oxygens. Such exchange, and dilution of CO2 from luciferin by medium CO2, may explain previous results in which little incorporation of atmospheric oxygen was noted.  相似文献   
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