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We tested, in rat liver, the postulate that free polysomes were precursors of membrane-bound polysomes. Three methods were used to isolate free and membrane-bound ribosomes from either post-nuclear or post-mitochondrial supernatants of rat liver. Isolation and quantitation of 28 S and 18 S rRNA allowed determination of the 40 S and 60 S subunit composition of free and membrane-bound ribosomal populations, while pulse labeling of 28 S and 18 S rRNA with [6-14C]orotic acid and inorganic [32P]phosphate allowed assessment of relative rates of subunit renewal. Throughout the extra-nuclear compartment, 40 S and 60 S subunits were present in essentially equal numbers, but, free ribosomes contained a stoichiometric excess of 40 S subunits, while membrane-bound ribosomes contained a complementary excess of 60 S subunits. Experiments with labeled precursors showed that throughout the extra-nuclear compartment, 40 S and 60 S subunits accumulated isotopes at essentially equal rates, however, free ribosomes accumulated isotopes faster than membrane-bound ribosomes. Among free ribosomes or polysomes, 40 S subunits accumulated isotopes faster than 60 S subunits, but, this relationship was not seen among membrane-bound ribosomes. Here, 40 S subunits accumulated isotope more slowly than 60 S subunits. This distribution of labeled precursors does not support the postulate that free polysomes are precursors of membrane-bound polysomes, but, these data suggest that membrane-bound polysomes could be precursors of free polysomes.  相似文献   
Cultural transmission and the evolution of cooperative behavior   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Sociobiological theory predicts that humans should not cooperate with large groups of unrelated individuals. This prediction is based on genetic models that show that selection acting on variation between large unrelated groups will generally be much weaker than selection acting on variation between individuals. Recently, several authors have presented related models of human evolution that integrate cultural and genetic transmission of behavior. We show that in such models group selection is potentially a strong force. Data on ethnocentrism is examined in the context of these results.  相似文献   
A monolayer culture system was developed to study the role of microtubules in insulin secretion. Cultured cells were obtained to study the role of microtubules in insulin secretion. Cultured cells were obtained by enzymatic digestion of pancreases from C57BL-KsJ mice 6-12 wk of age. On day 4 of culture, the medium was changed, control or treatment medium added, and frequent samples were removed for insulin assay. Microtubules and beta cells were identified by indirect immunofluorescence with monospecific antibodies to tubulin and insulin. An extensive microtubule network radiates from the perinuclear region of the beta cell to the plasma membrane. Although alterations in the calcium concentration of the medium did not affect the microtubule pattern, the absence of calcium or glucose in the medium inhibited insulin secretion (P less than 0.001). Optimum insulin release occurred at a calcium concentration of 2.5 mM. Colchicine, in concentrations of 10(-10) M, did not affect the microtubule immunofluorescent pattern, whereas concentrations of 1 and 5 x 10(-7) M decreased the number of microtubules, and microtubules could not be identified in cultures treated with 10(-6) M colchicine for 2 h. After a 2-h preincubation, the prolonged release of insulin at either 2.0 or 4.5 mg/ml of glucose was decreased by 10(-6) M colchicine (P less than 0.02). The immediate release of insulin was similar to that in control plates and occurred in cultures with no identifiable microtubules. Microtubules and insulin secretion were not altered by 10(-6) M lumicolchicine and prolonged insulin secretion recovered 24 h after removal of colchicine. These studies show that the microtubules facilitate sustained secretion of insulin but are not required for the immediate release of the hormone. Alterations in the extracellular calcium concentration which play an essential role in insulin secretion do not alter the microtubule pattern in the beta cell.  相似文献   
L Boyd  E G Beveridge 《Microbios》1981,30(120):73-85
The growth inhibitory and bactericidal activities of eight alkyl esters of gallic acid towards Escherichia coli NCTC 5933 have been determined. A previously suggested role for gallic acid and its esters as shikimate antimetabolites could not be substantiated. No induction of gross changes in cell morphology was observed. Bactericidal activity was accompanied only be very slight leakage of general ionic materials from the bacteria. Propyl gallate did not appear to uncouple oxidative phosphorylation from respiration as indicated by its failure to stimulate proton translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   
Mutants at 2 new loci which control mutagen-sensitivity are described. Mutants at both loci are female-sterile and are hypersensitive to killing by MMS; neither increases the frequency of sex-linked recessive lethals. A screen of previously described female-sterile and meotic mutants has revealed that a number of these are also sensitive to mutagens. In addition, several new mutants have been identified on the basis of sensitivity to either HN2 or MMS. An anlysis of complementation data suggests that all of the X-linked genes controlling sensitivity to MMS may now have been identified. Among the new mei-41 alleles are mutants which show verly little meiotic nondisjunction or loss. Cytogenetic mapping of previously known mutants is also described. The mutants mus(1)104D1 and mei-41D5 are located in th eregion 14B13±?14D1,2 on the polytene chromosome map, and they map very close to each other genetically. Cytogenetically mus(1)101D1 is between salivary chromosome bands 12A6,7 and 12D3, mus(1)103D1 is between bands 12A1,2 and 12A6,7, and mus(1)-109A1 is in section 8F3-9A2.  相似文献   
Primary cell cultures derived from mutants in seventeen different genes were analyzed for their ability to excise pyrimidine dimers from DNA. Five of these mutagen-sensitive mutants [mus(2)205A1, mus(3)302D1, mus(3) 304D3, mus(3)306D1, mus(3)308D2] display a significantly reduced excision capacity relative to control cultures. In addition, two of the five [mus(3)306D1, mus(3)308D2] are defective in the accumulation of single-strand breaks normally seen after ultraviolet irradiation. This study, therefore, brings the total number of Drosophila mutants known to be defective in excision repair to seven. The results are discussed relative to other genetic and biochemical properties of these mutants. This work is dedicated to Professor W. Beermann whose own contributions were instrumental in focusing a modern analysis of the eukaryotic genome on the diptera. Those of us who benefitted so much from his personal guidance recognize that we did so as a result of some sacrifice on his part. One of Boyd's contemporaries in Tübingen once remarked: “It's terrifying to think what Professor Beermann could do if he were in the lab full time.”  相似文献   
1. The compound trans-1,4 bis-(2-dichlorobenzylaminomethyl)cyclohexane dihydrochloride (AY9944) blocks cholesterol synthesis at a late stage. This leads to a decrease in cholesterol and accumulation of cholesta-5,7-diene-3-beta-ol (7-dehydrocholesterol) in tissues and plasma. 2. The effect of AY9944 on bile salt synthesis in rat liver was studied. The synthesis of conjugated cholic and chenodeoxycholic acids was measured in hepatocytes isolated from rats 2 h, 24 h and 48 h after administration of a single oral dose of AY9944. Production of the two bile salts was inhibited by 70-80% in hepatocytes from AY9944-treated as compared to untreated animals. 3. When AY9944 was added to the incubation medium in vitro of hepatocytes prepared from untreated rats the synthesis of conjugated cholic and chenodeoxycholic acids was not inhibited during the first hour of incubation, probably because of the presence of endogenous cholesterol. However when hepatocytes from untreated rats were incubated with AY9944 for periods of 2 h or longer, bile salt production was decreased markedly. 4. Bile salt synthesis is stimulated when rats are subjected to total biliary drainage for 24 h. The effect of AY9944 on this stimulation was studied. The content of conjugated cholic and chenodeoxycholic acid in the bile was measured as an indicator of bile salt synthesis. 5. In control animals the rate of secretion of biliary bile salts began to increase after about 24 h of total biliary drainage and reached a maximum after approximately 36 h. A single oral dose of AY9944 given 2 h after the start of total biliary drainage delayed and reduced this response. 6. The results show that inhibition of cholesterol synthesis by AY9944 resulting in the replacement of cholesterol by 7-dehydrocholesterol decreases but does not completely prevent bile salt synthesis.  相似文献   
Ion-pairing has little effect on ionic activity calculations for weakly mineralized natural water (ionic strength < 2 mM). However, for more strongly mineralized freshwaters, corrections for ion-pairing are necessary if highly accurate ionic activities are required.  相似文献   
The tsr and tar genetic loci of Escherichia coli determine the presence in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs) I and II, respectively, each of which consists of a distinct group of multiple bands. Synthesis of the tsr and tar products was directed in ultraviolet-irradiated bacteria by lambda transducing phages. The addition of appropriate chemotactic stimuli to these cells resulted in the appearance of additional, faster migrating electrophoretic forms of the Tsr and Tar polypeptides which disappeared upon removal of the stimulus. The stimulus-elicited forms comigrated with component bands of the corresponding MCPs. These results indicate that methylation itself caused shifts in electrophoretic mobility and hence led to the observed MCP band patterns. The number of Tsr species suggested that there were at least three methylated sites on the Tsr polypeptide. The conclusion that methylation generates multiplicity was supported by the results of experiments in which the tsr product was synthesized in mutant bacteria defective in specific chemotaxis functions concerned with methylation or demethylation of MCPs. Thus, the presence of a cheX defect blocked the stimulus-elicited appearance of faster migrating forms of the tsr product; conversely, the presence of a cheB defect resulted in a pronounced shift toward these forms in the absence of a chemotactic stimulus.  相似文献   
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