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The activity of the lipid-depleted, oligomycin-sensitive mitochondrial ATPase has been measured in the presence of liposomes prepared from mixtures of phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerol lysine. Enzyme activity increased linearly with an increase in the negative charge of liposomes prepared from the phosphatidylglycerol-phosphatidylglycerol lysine mixtures. The electrophoretic mobility and activating capacity of liposomes of several other phospholipids were determined. A linear relationship between electrophoretic mobility of the liposomes and oligomycin-sensitive activity was again apparent. These observations demonstrate that the activity of the ATPase is directly proportional to the ionic charge on phospholipid activators if the acyl chain composition of the phosphoglycerides is relatively constant.  相似文献   
Summary Epimastigotes of Trypanosoma vespertilionis from diphasic blood agar cultures were on the average longer and the distance between the nucleus and kinetoplast greater than epimastigotes of T. hedricki, T. myoti and T. dionisii. Also, no yellow granules were seen in the epimastigotes of T. vespertilionis whereas they were obvious in the other three species. Long thin trypomastigotes which are characteristic of T. hedricki, T. myoti and T. dionisii cultures were not seen in T. vespertilionis. T. dionisii was much less infective to fibroblasts from mice and did not develop in fibroblasts from chicken, as did T. hedricki and T. myoti. Blood trypomastigotes were seen in chicken embryos inoculated with blood agar cultures of T. hedricki and T. myoti, but none was seen in embryos infected with T. dionisii.The cultural characteristics examined could not be used to differentiate T. hedricki from T. myoti. ac]19810317  相似文献   
The immune response of six inbred mouse strains (SJL, A, C57BL/6, CBA, BALB/c, and DBA/1) to DNP56BGG was tested under three separate immunization schedules: 1 Μg DNP-BGG in 1 mg Al(OH)3 adjuvant, 50 Μg DNP-BGG in 1 mg A1(OH)3 adjuvant, and 1 Μg DNP-BGG in complete Freund's adjuvant. Individual serum samples were titered using a modified Farr assay. It was found that the first schedule allowed classification of the mice into responder (SJL, A) and nonresponder (C57BL/6, CBA, BALB/ c, DBA/1) strains. The second schedule produced quantitative as well as qualitative differences among the strains and allowed classification of the mice into higher-responder (SJL, A), intermediate-responder (C57BL/6, CBA, BALB/c), and low-responder (DBA/1) categories. When complete Freund's adjuvant was used in the third schedule, the differences among strains became insignificant. The sera from each strain were pooled and assayed for relative antibody affinity and IgM content. Both of these parameters were dependent largely on the dose of antigen and type of adjuvant used, rather than on the particular mouse strain being studied. The mechanism of adjuvant action, and possible cell interactions in the genetic control of the immune response, are discussed.  相似文献   
Several aspects of infanticide, including effects of social status, prior sexual experience, and the basis for discrimination between related and unrelated young, were examined in Swiss-Webster laboratory mice (Mus musculus). Strange males introduced into the female's cage for 24 h on day 1 postpartum significantly reduced pup survival whereas the introduction of sires did not. Direct observations of infanticide were frequent, and the motor patterns used by males to kill pups are described. Males killed their own offspring when those young were in the nest of a strange female, whereas most males did not kill unrelated young in the nest of a familiar female. Thus, past association with the mother appears to be the single most important factor mediating male discrimination of young. Prior contact with a specific female's urine reduced a male's propensity for subsequently killing her young. The act of copulation itself also reduced infanticide. Infanticidal behaviour was correlated with the male's social status: most dominant males killed unrelated pups, whereas none of the subordinates engaged in infanticide. These results are discussed in terms of the population biology of this species.  相似文献   
Polyethylene glycol (400) with 90% glycerol (aqueous) is introduced as an efficient solvent system for lipid stains. Various lipid-soluble dyes were dissolved in this solvent system and tested for their intensity, contrast, and specificity of staining of suberin lamellae in plant tissue. The stability (i.e., lack of precipitation) of the various staining solutions in the presence of fresh tissue was also tested. When dissolved in polyethylene glycol-glycerol, Sudan red 7B (fat red) was the best nonfluorescent stain and fluorol yellow 088 (solvent green 4) was an excellent fluorochrome. These two dyes formed stable staining solutions which efficiently stained lipids in fresh sections without forming precipitates. Estimations of the solubilities of these dyes in the solvent compared with their solubilities in lipids of various chemical types indicated that they should both be effective stains for lipids in general.  相似文献   
We have characterized the effects of p53 on several biochemical activities of simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor (T) antigen. While p53 induced a strong inhibition of the T antigen DNA helicase activity, surprisingly, its RNA helicase activity was stimulated. This supports the liklihood that the DNA and RNA helicase activities of T antigen reflect discrete functions. p53 did not significantly affect the ATP-dependent conversion of T antigen monomers to hexamers. However, the ability of these hexamers to assemble on a DNA fragment containing the viral origin was impaired by p53. Thus, these results suggest that p53 inhibits the function but not the formation of T antigen multimers. This conclusion was further supported by the observation that the addition of a purified p53:T antigen complex was as inhihitory as free p53 to the DNA helicase activity of free T antigen. Thus our data indicates that the targets of p53 inhibition are the functional units of T antigen, namely the hexamers.  相似文献   
The growth of Nicotiana silvestris in suspension culture is inhibited by all of the common protein amino acids at the millimolar level, except for L-glutamine. A defined experimental system for growth/inhibition studies has been established, and growth studies were carried out with cells that had been maintained in the exponential growth phase for at least 10 generations (EE cells). The following results were obtained after particularly detailed studies with aromatic amino acids. The onset of inhibition was preceded by a duration of normal growth rate which varied within a range of 12 to 48 h. The degree of inhibition was directly proportional to amino acid concentration and inversely related to the initial cell density of the inoculum. A slowed, but still exponential rate of growth persisted during an early phase of inhibition. Under sufficiently severe conditions, this was followed by progressive diminution of growth rate and eventual lysis. The most drastic inhibitory effects caused by aromatic amino acids were in the order: phenylalanine, tryptophan and tyrosine. When EE cells cultivated under conditions of growth inhibition were diluted into fresh medium, immediate resumption of growth at the uninhibited rate occurred and persisted. On the other hand, when growth-inhibited EE cells were diluted into medium containing the same concentration of amino acid used in the first round of growth, an initial burst of uninhibited growth lasting about 24 h was followed by a drastic, progressively declining growth rate which deteriorated to cell death and lysis. When cells in stationary phase were used as an inoculum, as is done in typical growth characterizations with suspension cultures, the sensitivity to inhibition during the subsequent exponential growth phase was several-fold greater than was the case with EE cells. Hypotheses that growth inhibition might be caused by ammonia toxicity, keto-acid toxicity, or by inhibition of nitrate utilization were ruled out. Observations that provide new insight are: (i)growth-inhibited cells undergo drastic plasmolysis, (ii) L-glutamine is an effective antagonist of amino-acid inhibitors, and (iii) growth-inhibited cells exhibit a transient restoration of normal growth rate upon dilution into fresh growth medium. These results implicate a linkage of amino acids with osmotic regulation and nitrogen metabolism.  相似文献   
The DNA sequence composition of 526 dicot and 345 monocot intron sequences have been characterized using computational methods. Splice site information content and bulk intron and exon dinucleotide composition were determined. Positions 4 and 5 of 5 splice sites contain different statistically significant levels of information in the two groups. Basal levels of information in introns are higher in dicots than in monocots. Two dinucleotide groups, WW (AA, AU, UA, UU) and SS (CC, CG, GC, GG) have significantly different frequencies in exons and introns of the two plant groups. These results suggest that the mechanisms of splice-site recognition and binding may differ between dicot and monocot plants.  相似文献   
We are evaluating naturally occurring isolates of Bacillus pumilus for use as microbial hay preservatives. Seven isolates of B. pumilus from hay contained a 42-kb cryptic plasmid (pMGD296). We wished to determine whether pMGD296 could be used as a molecular marker to follow populations of these isolates in hay over time. Southern blots and colony blots of 69 isolates of B. pumilus and other Bacillus spp. were probed with 32P-labeled pMGD296. Twenty-nine probe-positive isolates were identified; of these, 28 contained a plasmid with a restriction profile identical to that of pMGD296. One isolate from untreated hay contained a 40-kb plasmid (pMGD150) that was homologous to pMGD296 but had a different restriction fragment pattern. Regions of homology between the two plasmids were identified by Southern blotting, and a 1.9-kb HindIII-PstI fragment of pMGD296 lacking strong homology to pMGD150 was cloned in pUC18. The cloned fragment hybridized only with isolates containing pMGD296 and was used to estimate populations of these isolates in treated and untreated hay.  相似文献   
Inhibition of cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity by microinjection of a specific physiologic protein inhibitor into sea urchin eggs inhibits the first cleavage after fertilization. Inhibition apparently occurs at some time prior to or during formation of the mitotic spindle. Measurement of the total protein kinase activity of sea urchin egg homogenates after fertilization showed that cAMP-dependent phosphorylation increases after fertilization and then declines prior to or at the time of the first cleavage. It is concluded that a cAMP-dependent phosphorylation plays a significant role in events leading to regulation of mitotic spindle assembly.  相似文献   
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