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Cardio/cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) have become one of the major health issue in our societies. But recent studies show that the present pathology tests to detect CVD are ineffectual as they do not consider different stages of platelet activation or the molecular dynamics involved in platelet interactions and are incapable to consider inter-individual variability. Here we propose a stochastic platelet deposition model and an inferential scheme to estimate the biologically meaningful model parameters using approximate Bayesian computation with a summary statistic that maximally discriminates between different types of patients. Inferred parameters from data collected on healthy volunteers and different patient types help us to identify specific biological parameters and hence biological reasoning behind the dysfunction for each type of patients. This work opens up an unprecedented opportunity of personalized pathology test for CVD detection and medical treatment.  相似文献   
Recombination systems represent a major breakthrough in the field of genetic model engineering. The Flp recombinases (Flp, Flpe, and Flpo) bind and cleave DNA Frt sites. We created a transgenic mouse strain ([Fsp1‐Flpo]) expressing the Flpo recombinase in fibroblasts. This strain was obtained by random insertion inside mouse zygotes after pronuclear injection. Flpo expression was placed under the control of the promoter of Fsp1 (fibroblast‐specific protein 1) gene, whose expression starts after gastrulation at Day 8.5 in cells of mesenchymal origin. We verified the correct expression and function of the Flpo enzyme by several ex vivo and in vivo approaches. The [Fsp1‐Flpo] strain represents a genuine tool to further target the recombination of transgenes with Frt sites specifically in cells of mesenchymal origin or with a fibroblastic phenotype.  相似文献   
The aspartate‐derived amino‐acid pathway from plants is well suited for analysing the function of the allosteric network of interactions in branched pathways. For this purpose, a detailed kinetic model of the system in the plant model Arabidopsis was constructed on the basis of in vitro kinetic measurements. The data, assembled into a mathematical model, reproduce in vivo measurements and also provide non‐intuitive predictions. A crucial result is the identification of allosteric interactions whose function is not to couple demand and supply but to maintain a high independence between fluxes in competing pathways. In addition, the model shows that enzyme isoforms are not functionally redundant, because they contribute unequally to the flux and its regulation. Another result is the identification of the threonine concentration as the most sensitive variable in the system, suggesting a regulatory role for threonine at a higher level of integration.  相似文献   
Eutypa lata is the causal fungal agent of Eutypa dieback, a serious grapevine necrotic disease. The erratic and delayed (1 to 2 months) appearance of characteristic conidia on culture media and the presence of numerous microorganisms in decaying wood make it difficult either to identify or to detect E. lata in grapevine wood samples. We designed six pairs of PCR primers for diagnosis of E. lata. Three primer pairs were derived from ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer sequences, and three pairs were derived from randomly amplified polymorphic DNA fragments. The six primer pairs could be used to amplify DNAs extracted from all of the E. lata isolates tested. They did not amplify DNAs from fungi and bacteria representing more than 50 different species of microorganisms associated with grapevine. We developed a simple protocol, leading to a rapid release of DNA, that enabled us to identify E. lata from pure or mixed cultures as well as from grapevine wood samples. Identification of E. lata in wood was achieved within a few hours, instead of the several weeks required for classical cultures on agar medium. We believe that the procedure described here can be adapted to detect other microorganisms involved in woody plant diseases.  相似文献   
We present an in silico approach for the reconstruction of complete mitochondrial genomes of non-model organisms directly from next-generation sequencing (NGS) data—mitochondrial baiting and iterative mapping (MITObim). The method is straightforward even if only (i) distantly related mitochondrial genomes or (ii) mitochondrial barcode sequences are available as starting-reference sequences or seeds, respectively. We demonstrate the efficiency of the approach in case studies using real NGS data sets of the two monogenean ectoparasites species Gyrodactylus thymalli and Gyrodactylus derjavinoides including their respective teleost hosts European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) and Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). MITObim appeared superior to existing tools in terms of accuracy, runtime and memory requirements and fully automatically recovered mitochondrial genomes exceeding 99.5% accuracy from total genomic DNA derived NGS data sets in <24 h using a standard desktop computer. The approach overcomes the limitations of traditional strategies for obtaining mitochondrial genomes for species with little or no mitochondrial sequence information at hand and represents a fast and highly efficient in silico alternative to laborious conventional strategies relying on initial long-range PCR. We furthermore demonstrate the applicability of MITObim for metagenomic/pooled data sets using simulated data. MITObim is an easy to use tool even for biologists with modest bioinformatics experience. The software is made available as open source pipeline under the MIT license at https://github.com/chrishah/MITObim.  相似文献   
Paraconiothyrium variabile, one of the specific endophytic fungi isolated from the host plant Cephalotaxus harringtonia, possesses the faculty to inhibit the growth of common phytopathogens, thus suggesting a role in its host protection. A strong antagonism between the endophyte P. variabile and Fusarium oxysporum was observed and studied using optic and electronic microscopies. A disorganization of the mycelium of F. oxysporum was thus noticed. Interestingly, the biological effect of the main secondary metabolites isolated from P. variabile against F. oxysporum did not account for this strong antagonism. However, a metabolomic approach of pure fungal strains and confrontation zones using the data analysis tool XCMS were analyzed and pointed out a competition-induced metabolite production by the endophyte in the presence of the phytopathogen. Subsequent MS/MS fragmentations permitted to identify one of the induced metabolites as 13-oxo-9,11-octadecadienoic acid and highlighted a negative modulation of the biosynthesis of beauvericin, one of the most potent mycotoxin of F. oxysporum, during the competition with the endophyte.  相似文献   
The analysis of extant sequences shows that molecular evolution has been heterogeneous through time and among lineages. However, for a given sequence alignment, it is often difficult to uncover what factors caused this heterogeneity. In fact, identifying and characterizing heterogeneous patterns of molecular evolution along a phylogenetic tree is very challenging, for lack of appropriate methods. Users either have to a priori define groups of branches along which they believe molecular evolution has been similar or have to allow each branch to have its own pattern of molecular evolution. The first approach assumes prior knowledge that is seldom available, and the second requires estimating an unreasonably large number of parameters. Here we propose a convenient and reliable approach where branches get clustered by their pattern of molecular evolution alone, with no need for prior knowledge about the data set under study. Model selection is achieved in a statistical framework and therefore avoids overparameterization. We rely on substitution mapping for efficiency and present two clustering approaches, depending on whether or not we expect neighbouring branches to share more similar patterns of sequence evolution than distant branches. We validate our method on simulations and test it on four previously published data sets. We find that our method correctly groups branches sharing similar equilibrium GC contents in a data set of ribosomal RNAs and recovers expected footprints of selection through dN/dS. Importantly, it also uncovers a new pattern of relaxed selection in a phylogeny of Mantellid frogs, which we are able to correlate to life-history traits. This shows that our programs should be very useful to study patterns of molecular evolution and reveal new correlations between sequence and species evolution. Our programs can run on DNA, RNA, codon, or amino acid sequences with a large set of possible models of substitutions and are available at http://biopp.univ-montp2.fr/forge/testnh.  相似文献   
Halting biological invasions and rewilding extirpated native fauna are conservation interventions to bolster biodiversity, species interactions, and ecosystems. These actions are often considered separately and the potential for reintroduced wildlife to facilitate invasive plants has been largely overlooked. Here, we investigated the role of Singapore's recolonizing native wild pigs (Sus scrofa) in facilitating an invasive weed Miconia crenata into tropical rainforests, which are normally highly resistant to invasion. We conducted line-transect surveys in 11 Singaporean rain forests and used generalized linear mixed models to consider the contribution of pigs' soil disturbances, human forest paths, and other environmental covariates, on the density of M. crenata. We found that M. crenata was more abundant at forest edges and invasion into forest interior was facilitated by pigs, paths, and canopy gaps, but that these effects were all additive, not synergistic (i.e., not multiplicative). These results highlight how modern invasions are driven by multiple disturbances as well as propagule pressure (e.g., urban birds dispersing seeds at forest edges where they establish in pig soil disturbances). Singapore's extensive native forest restoration efforts may have provided plentiful edge and secondary forests that are well suited to pigs and M. crenata, which in turn undermine the aims of fostering later-successional native plant communities. To prevent negative externalities, we suggest that plant restoration and rewilding projects consider the potential role of wildlife in facilitating non-native plants, and couple these actions with preliminary screening of unintended consequences and continued monitoring, as well as limiting human-mediated weed invasion to minimize propagule sources.  相似文献   
Whole genome resequencing of 51 Populus nigra (L.) individuals from across Western Europe was performed using Illumina platforms. A total number of 1 878 727 SNPs distributed along the P. nigra reference sequence were identified. The SNP calling accuracy was validated with Sanger sequencing. SNPs were selected within 14 previously identified QTL regions, 2916 expressional candidate genes related to rust resistance, wood properties, water‐use efficiency and bud phenology and 1732 genes randomly spread across the genome. Over 10 000 SNPs were selected for the construction of a 12k Infinium Bead‐Chip array dedicated to association mapping. The SNP genotyping assay was performed with 888 P. nigra individuals. The genotyping success rate was 91%. Our high success rate was due to the discovery panel design and the stringent parameters applied for SNP calling and selection. In the same set of P. nigra genotypes, linkage disequilibrium throughout the genome decayed on average within 5–7 kb to half of its maximum value. As an application test, ADMIXTURE analysis was performed with a selection of 600 SNPs spread throughout the genome and 706 individuals collected along 12 river basins. The admixture pattern was consistent with genetic diversity revealed by neutral markers and the geographical distribution of the populations. These newly developed SNP resources and genotyping array provide a valuable tool for population genetic studies and identification of QTLs through natural‐population based genetic association studies in P. nigra.  相似文献   
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