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BACKGROUND: Triplet repeat sequences are of considerable biological importance as the expansion of such tandem arrays can lead to the onset of a range of human diseases. Such sequences can self-pair via mismatch alignments to form higher order structures that have the potential to cause replication blocks, followed by strand slippage and sequence expansion. The all-purine d(GGA)n triplet repeat sequence is of particular interest because purines can align via G.G, A.A and G.A mismatch formation. RESULTS: We have solved the structure of the uniformly 13C,15N-labeled d(G1-G2-A3-G4-G5-A6-T7) sequence in 10 mM Na+ solution. This sequence adopts a novel twofold-symmetric duplex fold where interlocked V-shaped arrowhead motifs are aligned solely via interstrand G1.G4, G2.G5 and A3.A6 mismatch formation. The tip of the arrowhead motif is centered about the p-A3-p step, and symmetry-related local parallel-stranded duplex domains are formed by the G1-G2-A3 and G4-G5-A6 segments of partner strands. CONCLUSIONS: The purine-rich (GGA)n triplet repeat sequence is dispersed throughout the eukaryotic genome. Several features of the arrowhead duplex motif for the (GGA)2 triplet repeat provide a unique scaffold for molecular recognition. These include the large localized bend in the sugar-phosphate backbones, the segmental parallel-stranded alignment of strands and the exposure of the Watson-Crick edges of several mismatched bases.  相似文献   
Results from Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) have shown that the genetic basis of complex traits often include many genetic variants with small to moderate effects whose identification remains a challenging problem. In this context multi-marker analysis at the gene and pathway level can complement traditional point-wise approaches that treat the genetic markers individually. In this paper we propose a novel statistical approach for multi-marker analysis based on the Rasch model. The method summarizes the categorical genotypes of SNPs by a generalized logistic function into a genetic score that can be used for association analysis. Through different sets of simulations, the false-positive rate and power of the proposed approach are compared to a set of existing methods, and shows good performances. The application of the Rasch model on Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) ADNI GWAS dataset also allows a coherent interpretation of the results. Our analysis supports the idea that APOE is a major susceptibility gene for AD. In the top genes selected by proposed method, several could be functionally linked to AD. In particular, a pathway analysis of these genes also highlights the metabolism of cholesterol, that is known to play a key role in AD pathogenesis. Interestingly, many of these top genes can be integrated in a hypothetic signalling network.  相似文献   
Electrical stimulation of femoral nerve modulates voluntary tonic activity o of ipsilateral soleus muscle. Stimulus time-locked inhibitory and facilitatory phases can be distinguished. EMG temporal analysis suggests that early perturbations are correlated with spinal effects of centripetal electrical activity. The inhibitory effects which momentarily abolish voluntary soleus activity are thought to result from quadriceps Ib fibres recruitment. While no heteronymous activity is induced at rest, femoral nerve Ia fibres activation can produce soleus muscle reflex when soleus motor nucleus excitability is increased by voluntary command. Recurrent discharge resulting from soleus reflex response enhances inhibition initially due to quadriceps Ib volley. Secondary effects of isometric quadriceps contraction (and soleus contraction when the femoral stimulus elicits a reflex in this muscle) have their own effects later. These findings suggest that proprioceptive relationships of the two muscular groups are efficient during tonic isometric voluntary command.  相似文献   
In the present study, two groups of pregnant female rats were submitted to food restriction (24 h fast versus 24 h diet intake) from the 14th day of pregnancy until either the 14th day (group B) or the 4th day after parturition (group C). All pups and their mothers were sacrificed on day 14 after delivery. The body weight of the 14-day-old pups (group B) was 46% less than the controls (group A). Free thyroxine and free triiodothyronine levels in the plasma were reduced by 44 and 16% in pups and by 20 and 36% in their mothers, respectively. These reductions were correlated with a decrease in thyroid iodine content of the pups (-50%) and their mothers (-24%). Radioiodine uptake (131I) by the thyroid gland of pups was significantly increased by 27%. Plasma TSH levels were decreased by 38% in pups and by 44% in dams. Morphological changes in thyroid glands were observed in energy restricted dams and in their pups. Some of follicles in pups were empty. Moroever in dams, we noted the presence of peripheral resorbed vacuoles, sign of thyroid hyperactivity. After a refeeding (group C) period of ten days, total recovery occurred in plasma thyroid hormone levels (FT4 and FT3) and in thyroid iodine contents of pups in spite of a partial recovery of body weights and plasma TSH levels. In dams, a partial recovery occurred in plasma thyroid hormone levels in spite of total recovery in thyroid iodine contents, while plasma TSH levels exceeded control values. A significant amelioration in thyroid histological aspects was observed in pups and their dams.  相似文献   
Several phenotypic markers were used in this study to determine the biodiversity of rhizobial strains nodulating Cicer arietinum L. in various areas of Tunisia. They include symbiotic traits, the use of 21 biochemical substrates, and tolerance to salinity and pH. In addition, restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of PCR-amplified 16S rDNA were compared with those of reference strains. Numeric analysis of the phenotypic characteristics showed that the 48 strains studied fell into three distinct groups. This heterogeneity was highly supported by the RFLP analysis of 16S rRNA genes, and two ribotypes were identified. Chickpea rhizobia isolated from Tunisian soils are both phenotypically and genetically diverse. Results showed that 40 and 8 isolates were assigned, respectively, to Mesorhizobium ciceri and Mesorhizobium mediterraneum.  相似文献   
Oleuropein-rich extracts from olive leaves and their enzymatic and acid hydrolysates, respectively rich in oleuropein aglycone and hydroxytyrosol, were prepared under optimal conditions. The antioxidant activities of these extracts were examined by a series of models in vitro. In this study the lipid-lowering and the antioxidative activities of oleuropein, oleuropein aglycone and hydroxytyrosol-rich extracts in rats fed a cholesterol-rich diet were tested. Wistar rats fed a standard laboratory diet or cholesterol-rich diets for 16 weeks were used. The serum lipid levels, the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) level, as indicator of lipid peroxidation, and the activities of liver antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT)) were examined. The cholesterol-rich diet induced hyperlipidemia resulting in the elevation of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). Administration of polyphenol-rich olive leaf extracts significantly lowered the serum levels of TC, TG and LDL-C and increased the serum level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). Furthermore, the content of TBARS in liver, heart, kidneys and aorta decreased significantly after oral administration of polyphenol-rich olive leaf extracts compared with those of rats fed a cholesterol-rich diet. In addition, these extracts increased the serum antioxidant potential and the hepatic CAT and SOD activities. These results suggested that the hypocholesterolemic effect of oleuropein, oleuropein aglycone and hydroxytyrosol-rich extracts might be due to their abilities to lower serum TC, TG and LDL-C levels as well as slowing the lipid peroxidation process and enhancing antioxidant enzyme activity.  相似文献   
The present work aims at the characterizing chemlali extra-virgin olive oils from different locations in northern, central and southern Tunisia in terms of their quality indices, fatty acids, sterol content, phenolic composition and sensory profiles to show the classification of oil samples according to the geographical area. The majority of the analytical parameters have presented statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). The main sterols found in all chemlali olive oils were β-sitosterol, ?-5-avenasterol, campesterol and stigmasterol. The phenolic compounds present in five olive oil samples were analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method, thus identifying 16 phenolic compounds belonging to different phenolic types. The results have shown no qualitative differences in the phenolic fractions among extra-virgin olive oils from different geographical regions. However, the quantitative differences were observed in a wide number of phenolic compounds. In all studied olive oil samples, secoiridoids were the most abundant, followed by lignans, phenolic alcohols and flavonoids, respectively. Although there is no significant influence on the sensory scores of oils, some slight changes in sensorial profiles were noted: slightly higher intensities of sensory characteristics that are pungent, fruity and bitter in chemlali olive oil from Hammamet and Gafsa.  相似文献   
Chromium is known for its wide toxic manifestations. This experiment aims to evaluate the effect of selenium against oxidative stress induced by chromium in the cerebrum and cerebellum. Female Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups of six each: group I served as controls which received the standard diet; group II received drinking water K(2)Cr(2)O(7) alone (700 ppm); group III received both K(2)Cr(2)O(7) and Se (0.5 mg Na(2)SeO(3)/kg of diet); and group IV received Se (0.5 mg/kg of diet) for 3 weeks. The exposure of rats to K(2)Cr(2)O(7) promoted oxidative stress in the cerebrum and cerebellum with an increase in malondialdehyde and a decrease of nonenzymatic antioxidant levels such as glutathione, nonprotein thiol, and vitamin C. An increase of enzyme activities like catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase activities was also observed. Acetylcholinesterase activity was inhibited after treatment with K(2)Cr(2)O(7). Co-administration of Se restored the parameters cited above. The histopathological findings confirmed the biochemical results.  相似文献   
Although recognized as effective measures to curb the spread of the COVID19 outbreak, social distancing and home confinement have generated a mental health burden with older adults who are considered to be more vulnerable to psychosocial strains. To date, the application of digital technologies in response to COVID-19 pandemic has been narrowed to public-health needs related to containment and mitigation. However, information and communications technology (ICT)-based initiatives directed toward prediction and prevention of psychosocial support are still limited. Given the power of digital health solutions to allow easy and accurate characterization and intervention for health and disease, as well as to flatten the COVID19 incidence curves in many countries, our ECLB-COVID19 consortium is highlighting the importance of providing innovative ICT-based solutions (ICT-COVID-Companion) to improve elderly physical and mental health, thereby preventing/dampening psychosocial strain during pandemics. Based on innovative approaches (e.g., emotional/social computing, open social platform, interactive coaching, gamification, fitness-tracker, internet of things) and smart digital solutions (smartwatch/smartphone), smart companions must provide safe personalised physical, mental and psychosocial health surveillance. Additionally, by delivering personalised multi-dimension crisis-oriented health recommendations, such innovative crisis-oriented solutions would help (i) facilitate a user’s adherence to active and healthy confinement lifestyle (AHCL), (ii) achieve a rapid psychosocial recovery in case of depression issues and (iii) enhance preparedness for eventual future pandemics.  相似文献   
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