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Glutamate mutase (Glm) is an adenosylcobamide-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the reversible rearrangement of (2S)-glutamate to (2S, 3S)-3-methylaspartate. The active enzyme from Clostridium cochlearium consists of two subunits (of 53.6 and 14.8 kDa) as an alpha2beta2 tetramer, whose assembly is mediated by coenzyme B12. The smaller of the protein components, GlmS, has been suggested to be the B12-binding subunit. Here we report the solution structure of GlmS, determined from a heteronuclear NMR-study, and the analysis of important dynamical aspects of this apoenzyme subunit. The global fold and dynamic behavior of GlmS in solution are similar to those of the corresponding subunit MutS from C. tetanomorphum, which has previously been investigated using NMR-spectroscopy. Both solution structures of the two Glm B12-binding subunits share striking similarities with that determined by crystallography for the B12-binding domain of methylmalonyl CoA mutase (Mcm) from Propionibacterium shermanii, which is B12 bound. In the crystal structure a conserved histidine residue was found to be coordinated to cobalt, displacing the endogenous axial ligand of the cobamide. However, in GlmS and MutS the sequence motif, Asp-x-His-x-x-Gly, which includes the cobalt-coordinating histidine residue, and a predicted alpha-helical region following the motif, are present as an unstructured and highly mobile loop. In the absence of coenzyme, the B12-binding site apparently is only partially formed. By comparing the crystal structure of Mcm with the solution structures of B12-free GlmS and MutS, a consistent picture on the mechanism of B12 binding has been obtained. Important elements of the binding site only become structured upon binding B12; these include the cobalt-coordinating histidine residue, and an alpha helix that forms one side of the cleft accommodating the nucleotide 'tail' of the coenzyme.  相似文献   
Supplementation with folic acid during pregnancy is known to reduce the risk of neural tube defects and low birth weight. It is thought that folate and other one-carbon intermediates might secure these clinical effects via DNA methylation. We examined the effects of folate on the human methylome using quantitative interrogation of 27,578 CpG loci associated with 14,496 genes at single-nucleotide resolution across 12 fetal cord blood samples. Consistent with previous studies, the majority of CpG dinucleotides located within CpG islands exhibited hypomethylation while those outside CpG islands showed mid-high methylation. However, for the first time in human samples, unbiased analysis of methylation across samples revealed a significant correlation of methylation patterns with plasma homocysteine, LINE-1 methylation and birth weight centile. Additionally, CpG methylation significantly correlated with either birth weight or LINE-1 methylation were predominantly located in CpG islands. These data indicate that levels of folate-associated intermediates in cord blood reflect their influence and consequences for the fetal epigenome and potentially on pregnancy outcome. In these cases, their influence might be exerted during late gestation or reflect those present during the peri-conceptual period.Key words: cord blood, birth weight, folic acid, homocysteine, BeadArray, hierarchical clustering, Illumina  相似文献   
A 329 bp DNA segment from both Anabaena variabilis and Anabaena PCC 7119 was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The sequences from the two cyanobacteria showed strong similarities to the corresponding part of the nifJ gene from Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter agglomerans. The present findings underline earlier results of enzymatic studies that heterocystous cyanobacteria possess a pyruvate: ferredoxin (flavodoxin) oxidoreductase (PFO). The nifJ gene segment could not be detected in the non-dinitrogenfixing, unicellular cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans which is also in accord with previous findings from enzyme assays.  相似文献   
A conventional Clark-type O2 probe was used to determine N2O concentrations in suspensions. At a polarizing voltage of–0.95 V versus the reference Ag/AgCl electrode, the probe is almost half as sensitive for N2O as for O2, and the detection limit is less than 1 M N2O. The probe can also be used to determine NO for which the suitable polarizing voltage is–0.7 V. The method was successfully applied for continuously recording dissimilatory formation or utilization of N2O by intactAzospirillum brasilense Sp 7, NO production by extracts from this bacterium, and N2O reduction catalyzed by nitrogenase in intactKlebsiella pneumoniae. It is concluded that the probe is useful for measuring N2O or NO contents in bacterial suspensions when the O2 level is zero or kept constant during the assays.  相似文献   
Extracts from the nitrogen fixing blue-green algaAnabaena cylindrica catalyse a pyruvate decarboxylation, which is dependent on ferredoxin and stimulated by coenzyme A, ATP and a SH-protecting compound. This pyruvate clastic reaction is completely reversible: The net synthesis of pyruvate requires CO2, acetyl-coenzyme A and reduced ferredoxin. Preparations fromAnabaena cylindrica also catalyse the exchange reaction between CO2 and the carboxyl group of pyruvate. Thus the enzyme fromAnabaena cylindrica has essentially all the characteristics known for the pyruvate: ferredoxin oxidoreductase from anaerobic bacteria.The activity of the pyruvate: ferredoxin oxidoreductase inAnabaena grown with ammonia is lower than one-fifth of that in cells grown with molecular nitrogen or nitrate as the nitrogen source. From this, it will be concluded that a physiological role of the reaction is to generate reduced ferredoxin for the assimilation of nitrogen to ammonia. The pyruvate synthesis is probably not physiological inA. cylindrica.In addition, extracts fromA. cylindrica also catalyse a ferredoxin dependent decarboxylation of -ketoglutarate. It is not yet clear, whether this ketoglutarate cleavage has a function inA. cylindrica.  相似文献   
Several blue-green algae were surveyed for the occurrence of the hydrogenase which was assayed by the oxyhydrogen or Knallgas reaction in the intact organisms. In aerobically grown cultures, the reaction was detectable in Anabaena cylindrica, Nostoc muscorum and in two Anabaena variabilis species, whereas virtually no activity was observed in Anacystis nidulans and Cyanophora paradoxa. In these latter two algae, the reaction was, however, found after growth under molecular hydrogen for several days, which drastically increased the activity levels with all the algae tested. In the nitrogen fixing species, the activity of the Knallgas reaction was enhanced when all combined nitrogen was omitted from the media. H2 and hydrogenase could not significantly support the CO2-fixation in photoreduction experiments with all blue-green algae investigated here. Hydrogenase was assayed by the dithionite and methyl viologen dependent evolution of hydrogen and was found to be present with essentially the same specific activity levels in preparations of both heterocysts and vegetative cells from Anabaena cylindrica. Na2S2O4 as well as H2 supported the C2H2-reduction of the isolated heterocysts. The H2-dependent C2H2-reduction did not require the presence of oxygen but was strictly light-dependent where H2 served as an electron donor to photosystem I of these cells. It is concluded that hydrogen can be utilized by two different pathways in blue-green algae.Abbreviations Chl chlrophyll - CP creatine phosphate - CP kinase creatine phosphokinase - DCMU N-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)N,N-dimethylurea  相似文献   
NAD(P)(+)-reducing hydrogenases have been described to be composed of a diaphorase (HoxFU) and a hydrogenase (HoxYH) moiety. This study presents for the first time experimental evidence that in cyanobacteria, a fifth subunit, HoxE, is part of this bidirectional hydrogenase. HoxE exhibits sequence identities to NuoE of respiratory complex I of Escherichia coli. The subunit composition of the cyanobacterial bidirectional hydrogenase has been investigated. The oxygen labile enzyme complex was purified to close homogeneity under anaerobic conditions from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301. The 647-fold and 1290-fold enriched purified enzyme has a specific activity of 46 micromol H(2) evolved (min mg protein)(-1) and 15 micromol H(2) evolved (min mg protein)(-1), respectively. H(2)-evolution of the purified enzyme of S. sp. PCC 6803 is highest at 60 degrees C and pH 6.3. Immunoblot experiments, using a polyclonal anti-HoxE antibody, demonstrate that HoxE co-purifies with the hydrogenase activity in S. sp. PCC 6301. SDS-PAGE gels of the purified enzymes revealed six proteins, which were partially sequenced and identified, besides one nonhydrogenase component, as HoxF, HoxU, HoxY, HoxH and, remarkably, HoxE. The molecular weight of the native protein (375 kDa) indicates a dimeric assembly of the enzyme complex, Hox(EFUYH)(2).  相似文献   
目前几乎所有有机化学品和塑料是从原油和天然气中生产的, 而生物技术的应用使得利用可再生资源进行大规模化工生产成为可能。以下主要综述了白色生物技术, 即利用细菌、酵母或酶将可发酵糖转化为特定的化学产品的技术。白色生物技术极大节省了不可再生能源的消耗, 减少了温室气体的排放。在有利条件下, 如果化工生产中相关技术有了发展并且可以成功以木质纤维素为原料, 那么到2050年不可再生能源的消耗将减少将近2/3 (67%)。欧洲(EU-25)地区的分析表明, 白色生物技术相关的用地在未来几年的欧洲不会受到制约, 尤其是有大量闲置资源的东欧。另外, 虽然原则上可以在白色生物技术中使用自然的细菌和酶, 但是很多专家认为, 利用经遗传改造生物体(GMO)可以达到高产量、高浓度、高效率, 这对实现经济活力是必要的。值得注意的是, 目前并不是所有的重组基因和其他物种间的相互作用所带来的后果都可预见, 因此化工生产释放的GMOs的安全失活和处理非常重要, 但是如果采取足够的预防措施, 在白色生物技术中应用GMOs的风险是可以控制的。我们认为, 生物生产过程的技术突破、下游生产过程的控制、化石燃料的高价格、可发酵糖的低价获得是生物质化学产业发展中的关键因素, 这4个因素及其他伴随策略是发展整体白色生物技术的要求。  相似文献   
Recent reports suggest that hypovitaminosis D in athletes is as common as in the general population. This study was devised to examine vitamin D status and determinants of deficiency in athletes living in a sunny country (Tunisia). One hundred and fifty national elite athletes, training outdoors (n = 83) or indoors (n = 67), were enrolled from January to February 2012. Plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D was measured by radioimmunoassay. Concentrations were between 50 and 75 nmol · l-1 in 21.3% of participants, between 25 and 50 nmol · l-1 in 55.3% of participants and <25 nmol · l-1 in 14.7% of participants. The concentrations were significantly lower in indoor athletes than outdoor athletes (36.2±19.0 nmol · l-1 vs. 49.1±19.2 nmol · l-1; p < 0.001). In multivariate analysis, vitamin D deficiency (25-hydroxyvitamin D <50 nmol · l-1) was associated with indoor sports [multi-adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence interval), 5.03 (1.64-15.4); p = 0.005], female gender [3.72 (1.44-9.65); p = 0.007] and age < 18 years [2.40 (1.01-5.85); p = 0.05]. Athletes living in sun-rich environments are exposed to a high risk of vitamin D inadequacy. Given the importance of vitamin D in health and athletic ability, targeting sufficient levels of plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D in athletes is well justified.  相似文献   
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