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The heterotrophic nitrifier Pseudomonas putida aerobically oxidized ammonia to hydroxylamine, nitrite, and nitrate. Product formation was accompanied by a small but significant release of NO, whereas N2O evolution could not be detected under the assay conditions employed. The isolate reduced nitrate to nitrite and partially further to NO under anaerobic conditions. Aerobically grown cells utilized γ-aminobutyrate as a carbon source and as a N-source by ammonification. The physiological experiments, in particular the inhibition pattern by C2H2, indicated that P. putida expressed an ammonia monooxigenase. DNA-hybridization with an amoA gene probe coding for the smaller subunit of the ammonia monooxigenase of Nitrosomonas europaea allowed us to identify, to clone, and to sequence a region with an open reading frame showing distinct sequence similarities to the amoA gene of autotrophic ammonia oxidizers. Received: 9 April 1998 / Accepted: 15 May 1998  相似文献   
The element nitrogen has manifold effects on life. Animals, plants and microorganisms contain the element in the reduced form in many cell components. In the biological nitrogen cycle, mainly microorganisms convert nitrogen into the different oxidation states. The element is a main contributor to the pollution of soil, water and air. Heterocyclic compounds with N as constituent can be toxic or beneficial to mankind. Many aspects of the subject nitrogen can adequately be documented by stamps issued world‐wide. The author can only present a percentage of the large amount of material available.  相似文献   
Several days after the completion of the early phase of cell proliferation that generates most of the leech central nervous system, the pair of “sex ganglia” in the two reproductive segments of the midbody undergo a second period of neurogenesis that gives rise to several hundred peripherally induced central (PIC) neurons. This proliferative phase, which begins on embryonic day 17 (E17), is induced by the interaction of a few specific neurons in the sex ganglia with a peripheral target, the male genitalia, during a critical period that extends from E13 to E16. The central nervous system (CNS) determines the critical period, since the male genitalia have the capacity to induce PIC neurons beginning on E10 and continuing throughout embryogenesis. Here we first show, by injecting hydroxyurea into staged embryos to ablate dividing cells, that PIC neuron precursors begin to divide at a low rate before E17, during the critical period. Then, through a series of homochronic and heterochronic male organ transplantations combined with hydroxyurea treatment of hosts and/or donors, we show that cell proliferation is required in the target itself for it to be competent to induce PIC neurons. These observations demonstrate that a nerve connection can couple cell proliferation in a peripheral target to cell proliferation in the CNS, providing a novel means for size adjustment of a central neuronal population relative to a peripheral target. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 34: 295–303, 1998  相似文献   
Left atrial muscle extends into the proximal third of the mitral valve (MV) anterior leaflet and transient tensing of this muscle has been proposed as a mechanism aiding valve closure. If such tensing occurs, regional stiffness in the proximal anterior mitral leaflet will be greater during isovolumic contraction (IVC) than isovolumic relaxation (IVR) and this regional stiffness difference will be selectively abolished by β-receptor blockade. We tested this hypothesis in the beating ovine heart. Radiopaque markers were sewn around the MV annulus and on the anterior MV leaflet in 10 sheep hearts. Four-dimensional marker coordinates were obtained from biplane videofluoroscopy before (CRTL) and after administration of esmolol (ESML). Heterogeneous finite element models of each anterior leaflet were developed using marker coordinates over matched pressures during IVC and IVR for CRTL and ESML. Leaflet displacements were simulated using measured left ventricular and atrial pressures and a response function was computed as the difference between simulated and measured displacements. Circumferential and radial elastic moduli for ANNULAR, BELLY and EDGE leaflet regions were iteratively varied until the response function reached a minimum. The stiffness values at this minimum were interpreted as the in vivo regional material properties of the anterior leaflet. For all regions and all CTRL beats IVC stiffness was 40–58% greater than IVR stiffness. ESML reduced ANNULAR IVC stiffness to ANNULAR IVR stiffness values. These results strongly implicate transient tensing of leaflet atrial muscle during IVC as the basis of the ANNULAR IVC–IVR stiffness difference.  相似文献   
Laser flash photolysis of polyuridylic acid (poly U) in anoxic aqueous solutions leads to biphotonic photoionization of the uracil moiety followed by the formation of single strand breaks (ssb). The rate constant for ssb formation (1.0 s-1, obtained from the slow component of conductivity increase at 23 degrees C and pH 6.8) increases with decreasing pH to 235 s-1 at pH 3.5. The activation energy (pre-exponential factor) was measured to be 66 kJ mol-1 (5 X 10(11) s-1) at pH 6.8. Addition of dithiothreitol (DTT) or glutathione (GSH) prevents ssb formation by reacting with a poly U intermediate (rate constant = 1.2 X 10(6) and 0.16 X 10(6) dm3 mol-1 s-1, respectively). Since with OH radicals as initiators very similar data have been obtained for the kinetics of ssb formation and for the reaction with DTT, we conclude that photoionization of the uracil moiety in poly U leads eventually to the same chemical pathway for ssb formation as that induced by OH radicals. Furthermore, we propose that protection by DTT and GSH occurs via H donation to the C-4' radicals of the sugar moiety of DNA and to the C-4' and the C-2' radicals of poly U.  相似文献   
W. Zimmer  K. Roeben  H. Bothe 《Planta》1988,176(3):333-342
Experiments were performed to identify the substances that are excreted by the soil bacterium Azospirillum brasilense Sp7 and that were reported to stimulate the formation of lateral roots and of root hairs of grasses. Azospirillum forms indole-3 acetic acid (IAA) but only in the late stationary growth phase or when tryptophan is present in the medium, but not in continuous cultures or in the logarithmic growth phase of batch cultures. Formation of IAA by Azospirillum requires aerobic conditions. Nitrite can replace IAA in several phytohormone assay, and is even more active than IAA in a test with wheat root segments in which the increase of wet weight is determined. Higher amounts of nitrite are necessary for activity in other classical auxin assays. Nitrite shows 40–60% of the activity of IAA in the straight-growth test of Avena coleoptiles and in the formation of C2H4 by pea epicotyl segments. Like IAA, nitrite is inactive in promoting C2H4 formation by ripe apple tissues. Since nitrite alone can hardly exert phytohormonal effects, it is postulated that nitrite reacts with a substance in the cells and that a product formed by this reaction functions as auxin. Such a substance could be ascorbate. Exogenously added ascorbate enhances the rate of nitrite-dependent C2H4 formation by pea epicotyl sections and the nitrite-dependent increase in the wet weight of wheat root segments. Nitrite is formed by nitrate respiration of Azospirillum. The findings that nitrite can have phytohormonal effects offers an alternative explanation of the promotion of the growth of roots and the enhancement of mineral uptake of grasses by Azospirillum. Indole-acetic acid completely and nitrite partly substitute for an inoculation with Azospirillum in an assay where the increase of the dry weight of intact wheat roots is determined after an incubation for 10 d. Nitrite and IAA are, therefore, possibly the only factors causing an enhancement of the growth of roots of grasses.Abbreviations HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - IAA indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   
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