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白芨多糖胶皮肤毒理学安全性评价研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
本文对白芨多糖胶皮肤毒理学安全性评价进行了系统研究。  相似文献   
【目的】将增强型荧光蛋白标记的(R)-和(S)-羰基还原酶于酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae W303-1A)细胞中表达,分析荧光蛋白表达谱,确定两种酶在细胞中的功能分布和亚细胞定位。【方法】采用SOE-PCR法克隆出增强型荧光蛋白与(R)-和(S)-羰基还原酶的融合基因,构建到真核表达载体pYX212中,电击转化酵母细胞,以荧光蛋白为筛选标志,观察两种酶在酵母细胞中的表达和分布。【结果】激光扫描共聚焦显微观察表明(R)-和(S)-羰基还原酶多定位于细胞内膜和细胞质中稳定表达,少数成点状分布于细胞中央。根据荧光强度可知(S)-羰基还原酶的表达水平明显高于(R)-羰基还原酶。生物转化结果显示融合型(R)-和(S)-羰基还原酶催化底物2-羟基苯乙酮,分别获得(R)-和(S)-苯基乙二醇,前者产物的光学纯度和产率为86.6%和70.4%,后者产物的光学纯度和产率分别为92.3%和81.8%。【讨论】荧光蛋白与酶的融合没有改变靶蛋白的分子构象与生物活性,酿酒酵母工程菌较重组大肠杆菌具有更明显的生物功能优势,该研究为羰基还原酶蛋白的功能表达调控与亚细胞定位的可视化研究奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
Histone H1 binds to linker DNA between nucleosomes, but the dynamics and biological ramifications of this interaction remain poorly understood. We performed single-molecule experiments using magnetic tweezers to determine the effects of H1 on naked DNA in buffer or during chromatin assembly in Xenopus egg extracts. In buffer, nanomolar concentrations of H1 induce bending and looping of naked DNA at stretching forces below 0.6 pN, effects that can be reversed with 2.7-pN force or in 200 mM monovalent salt concentrations. Consecutive tens-of-nanometer bending events suggest that H1 binds to naked DNA in buffer at high stoichiometries. In egg extracts, single DNA molecules assemble into nucleosomes and undergo rapid compaction. Histone H1 at endogenous physiological concentrations increases the DNA compaction rate during chromatin assembly under 2-pN force and decreases it during disassembly under 5-pN force. In egg cytoplasm, histone H1 protects sperm nuclei undergoing genome-wide decondensation and chromatin assembly from becoming abnormally stretched or fragmented due to astral microtubule pulling forces. These results reveal functional ramifications of H1 binding to DNA at the single-molecule level and suggest an important physiological role for H1 in compacting DNA under force and during chromatin assembly.  相似文献   
试验以香菇水提残渣为原料,针对即食型香菇蔬菜纸加工过程中的原辅料用量及配比、涂膜厚度、烘干温度等因素对加工过程中的成膜性、揭离性及最终产品风味的影响,确定了配料及调味品用量占浆液百分比为:食盐1.5%;玉米淀粉3%;CMC-Na 0.5%;明胶0.5%;膜厚度在0.8~1.3 mm,即初始阶段为80℃高温烘干,结束阶段为60℃的变温烘干的香菇蔬菜纸加工工艺。  相似文献   
Four novel coordination polymers, [Cd(Hdtbb)(dtbb)0.5(DMF)]n (1), {[Cd(dtbb)(2,2′-bpy)(H2O)]·2DMA}n (2), {[Cd2(dtbb)2(1,4-bix)2]·3DMF}n (3) and [Cd(dtbb)(1,4-btx)]n (4) [H2dtbb = 2,2-dithiobisbenzoic acid, 2,2′-bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine, 1,4-bix = 1,4-bis(imidazol-1-ylmethyl)benzene, 1,4-btx = 1,4-bis(triazol-1-ylmethyl)benzene] have been synthesized and structurally characterized. Complexes 1 and 2 possess one-dimensional (1D) infinite structures. The structures of complexes 3 and 4 exhibit two dimensional (2D) frameworks, which mainly due to the differences in the bridging modes of dtbb2− ligand and the effect of the N-donor auxiliary ligands. The infrared spectra, thermogravimetric and luminescent properties were also investigated for these compounds.  相似文献   
Adventitious roots are vital for water and nutrient assimilation by cereal crops because they comprise the bulk of the fibrous root system. We isolated and analyzed a rice mutant, adventitious rootless 2 (arl2), which failed to initiate adventitious root primordia during early development. Its seminal root produced fewer lateral roots than from the wild type. This mutant also exhibited pleiotropic phenotypes of longer and thicker seminal roots, a different morphology for the first leaf, delayed heading, and a greater tiller angle. Physiological experiments showed that exogenous auxin and ethylene could rescue adventitious root growth, a response opposite that for two previously reported mutants, arl1 and gnom1. Activity in the auxin signal pathway and the polar auxin transport system was normal for arl2. Compared with the wild type, arl2 plants showed enhanced sensitivity to ethephon but decreased sensitivity to AgNO3, an inhibitor of ethylene. Genetics analysis demonstrated that this mutant is controlled by a single dominant gene; ARL2 was mapped within a 100-kb interval on the short arm of chromosome 2.  相似文献   
辣椒红色素是红辣椒果实中的四萜类天然色素,着色效果好、安全性高,广泛应用于食品、药品、化妆品和饲料工业.概述了辣椒红色素的理化性质及其在辣椒果实成熟过程的动态变化,阐述了辣椒红色素的提取方法和在各领域应用,并展示了其广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   
以栀子苷粗提取物为原料,采用高速逆流色谱法分离栀子苷,溶剂系统为A:乙酸乙酯∶正丁醇∶水(2∶1.5∶3)和B∶正丁醇∶水(1∶1),上相为固定相,下相为流动相,流速为2.0 mL/min,转速为850 r/min,温度控制在25℃,纯度用HPLC测定.结果表明,利用溶剂系统A和B进行HSCCC制备栀子苷,使栀子苷含量从50.75%(HPLC)分别提高至86.6%和91.8%,回收率分别为81.36%和78.12%.  相似文献   
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