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The Mlc1 gene of Drosophila melanogaster encodes two MLC1 isoforms via developmentally regulated alternative pre-mRNA splicing. In larval muscle and tubular and abdominal muscles of adults, all of the six exons are included in the spliced mRNA, whereas, in the fibrillar indirect flight muscle of adult, exon 5 is excluded from the mRNA. We show that this tissue-specific pattern of alternative splicing of the Mlc1 pre-mRNA is conserved in D. simulans, D. pseudoobscura, and D. virilis. Isolation and sequencing of the Mlc1 genes from these three other Drosophila species have revealed that the overall organization of the genes is identical and that the genes have maintained a very high level of sequence identity within the coding region. Pairwise amino acid identities are 94%-99%, and there are no charge changes among the proteins. Total nucleotide divergence within the coding region of the four genes supports the accepted genealogy of these species, but the data indicate a significantly higher rate of amino acid replacement in the branch leading to D. pseudoobscura. A comparison of nucleotide substitutions in the coding portions of exon 5 and exon 6, which encode the alternative carboxyl termini of the two MLC1 isoforms, suggests that exon 5 is subject to greater evolutionary constraints than is exon 6. In addition to the coding sequences, there is significant sequence conservation within the 5' and 3' noncoding DNA and two of the introns, including one that flanks exon 5. These regions are candidates for cis- regulatory elements. Our results suggest that evolutionary constraints are acting on both the coding and noncoding sequences of the Mlc1 gene to maintain proper expression and function of the two MLC1 polypeptides.   相似文献   
Twenty-two polytocous lactating Chios ewes were used to test the effects of bovine somatotropin (bST) on reproduction, progesterone concentration and LH secretion during estrus. Half of the ewes were injected every second week with 160 mg bST in a prolonged release vehicle, from the fifth day post partum until the end of lactation, while the remaining ones were used as controls. All animals were fed the same amount of ration. Supplementation with bST resulted in an increase of milk production (P<0.05) and an insignificant trend for delayed resumption of normal estrous cycles. Although there were no differences between groups, there was also a tendency for the bST group to display lower progesterone concentrations during the first three fortnights after the onset of normal estrous cycles and higher ones during the last three fortnights of the experiment, compared with the control group. Duration of the first normal luteal phase after delivery of the bST group was found to be shorter compared with the control group (P<0.05). After estrous synchronization the bST group showed a shorter estrus compared with the control group (P<0.05). Average and baseline LH concentrations during synchronized estrous in the bST group was lower (P<0.001) compared with the control group. Additionally, the conception rate did not differ between the two groups. This study supports the concept that the beneficial effects of bST treatment on milk production outweigh the potential deleterious effects on reproduction.  相似文献   
Several studies have indicated that olfactory responses are impeded by amiloride. Therefore, it was of interest to see whether, and if so which, olfactory epithelial cellular compartments have amiloride- sensitive structures. Using ultrastructural methods that involved rapid freezing, freeze-substitution and low temperature embedding of olfactory epithelia, this study shows that, in the rat, this tissue is immunoreactive to antibodies against amiloride sensitive Na(+)- channels. However, microvilli of olfactory supporting cells, as opposed to receptor cilia, contained most of the immunoreactive sites. Apices from which the microvilli sprout and receptor cell dendritic knobs had much less if any of the amiloride-antibody binding sites. Using a direct ligand-binding cytochemical method, this study also confirms earlier ones that showed that olfactory receptor cell cilia have Na+, K(+)-ATPase. It is proposed that supporting cell microvilli and the receptor cilia themselves have mechanisms, different but likely complementary, that participate in regulating the salt concentration around the receptor cell cilia. In this way, both structures help to provide the ambient mucous environment for receptor cells to function properly. This regulation of the salt concentration of an ambient fluid environment is a function that the olfactory epithelium shares with cells of transporting epithelia, such as those of kidney.   相似文献   


NEP1-like proteins (NLPs) are a novel family of microbial elicitors of plant necrosis. Some NLPs induce a hypersensitive-like response in dicot plants though the basis for this response remains unclear. In addition, the spatial structure and the role of these highly conserved proteins are not known.  相似文献   


In dogs in the western world neoplasia constitutes the most frequently diagnosed cause of death. Although there appear to be similarities between canine and human cancers, rather little is known about the cytogenetic and molecular alterations in canine tumours. Different dog breeds are susceptible to different types of cancer, but the genetic basis of the great majority of these predispositions has yet to be discovered. In some retriever breeds there is a high incidence of soft tissue sarcomas and we have previously reported alterations of chromosomes 11 and 30 in two poorly differentiated fibrosarcomas. Here we extend our observations and present a case report on detail rearrangements on chromosome 11 as well as genetic variations in a tumour suppressor gene in normal dogs.  相似文献   
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