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Postconditioning (POC) is known as the phenomenon whereby brief intermittent ischemia applied at the onset of reperfusion following index ischemia limits myocardial infarct size. Whereas there is evidence that the algorithm of the POC stimulus is an important determinant of the protective efficacy, the importance of the duration of index ischemia on the outcome of the effects of POC has received little attention. Pentobarbital sodium-anesthetized Wistar rats were therefore subjected to index ischemia produced by coronary artery occlusions (CAO) of varying duration (15-120 min) followed by reperfusion, without or with postconditioning produced by three cycles of 30-s reperfusion and reocclusion (3POC30). 3POC30 limited infarct size produced by 45-min CAO (CAO45) from 45 +/- 3% to 31 +/- 5%, and CAO60 from 60 +/- 3% to 47 +/- 6% (both P < or = 0.05). In contrast, 3POC30 increased infarct size produced by CAO15 from 3 +/- 1% to 19 +/- 6% and CAO30 from 36 +/- 6 to 48 +/- 4% (both P < or = 0.05). This deleterious effect of 3POC30 was not stimulus sensitive because postconditioning with 3POC5 and 3POC15 after CAO30 also increased infarct size. The cardioprotection by 3POC30 after CAO60 was accompanied by an increased stimulation of Akt phosphorylation at 7 min of reperfusion and a 36% lower superoxide production, measured by dihydroethidium fluorescence, after 2 h of reperfusion. Consistent with these results, cardioprotection by 3POC30 was abolished by phosphatidylinositol-3-OH-kinase inhibition, as well as nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibition. The deleterious effect of 3POC30 after CAO15 was accompanied by an increased superoxide production with no change in Akt phosphorylation and was not affected by NO synthase inhibition. In conclusion, the effect of cardiac POC depends critically on the duration of the index ischemia and can be either beneficial or detrimental. These paradoxical effects of POC may be related to the divergent effects on Akt phosphorylation and superoxide production.  相似文献   
In the central part of the Netherlands, wetland restoration projects involve the rewetting of former agricultural land, where low water levels were artificially maintained (polders). Many of these projects do not result in the expected reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus availability and subsequent re-establishment of a diverse wetland vegetation. The aim of the present study was to investigate which mechanisms are responsible for this lack of success. Thereto, we studied the effect of rewetting of former agricultural grasslands on acidified peat soil (pH = 3.5) on organic matter decomposition, nitrogen cycling and phosphorus availability in the soil for three seasons. To provide an explanation for the observed effects, we simultaneously studied a set of potentially controlling abiotic soil conditions that were expected to change after rewetting. It was found that rewetting of these grasslands with natural, unpolluted seepage water did not affect nitrogen cycling, but raised decomposition rates and almost doubled phosphorus availability. The main cause of these effects is a raise of soil pH to about 7 due to the hydrochemical composition of the soil pore water after rewetting, which reflects groundwater with high amounts of buffering ions. This effect overruled any reduction in process rates by the lowered soil redox potential. The counterintuitive finding of eutrophication after rewetting with natural and unpolluted water is considered to represent a new form of internal eutrophication, triggered by the restoration of natural site conditions of former agricultural land on acid peat soil.  相似文献   
Biofilms on silicone rubber voice prostheses are the major cause for frequent failure and replacement of these devices. The presence of both bacterial strains and yeast has been suggested to be crucial for the development of voice prosthetic biofilms. Adhesive interactions between Candida albicans, Candida krusei, and Candida tropicalis with 14 bacterial strains, all isolated from explanted voice prostheses were investigated in a parallel plate flow chamber. Bacteria were first allowed to adhere to silicone rubber, after which the flow chamber was perfused with yeast, suspended either in saliva or buffer. Generally, when yeast were adhering from buffer and saliva, the presence of adhering bacteria suppressed adhesion of yeast. In saliva, Rothia dentocariosa and Staphylococcus aureus enhanced adhesion of yeast, especially of C. albicans. This study shows that bacterial adhesion mostly reduces subsequent adhesion of yeast, while only a few bacterial strains stimulate adhesion of yeast, provided salivary adhesion mediators are present. Interestingly, different clinical studies have identified R. dentocariosa and S. aureus in biofilms on explanted prostheses of patients needing most frequent replacement, while C. albicans is one of the yeast generally held responsible for silicone rubber deterioration.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To assess the difference in costs between PAPNET-assisted and conventional microscopy of cervical smears when used as a primary screening tool. STUDY DESIGN: We performed time measurements of the initial screening of smears by four cytotechnologists in one laboratory. Time was measured in 816 conventionally screened smears and in 614 smears with PAPNET-assisted screening. Data were collected on the components of initial screening, clerical activities and other activities in the total work time of cytotechnologists in the routine situation and on resource requirements for both techniques. RESULTS: PAPNET saved an average of 22% on initial screening time per smear. Due to costs of processing and additional equipment, the costs of PAPNET-assisted screening were estimated to be $2.85 (and at least $1.79) higher per smear than conventional microscopy. The difference in costs is sensitive to the rate of time saving, the possibility of saving on quality control procedures and the component of the initial screening time in the total work time of cytotechnologists. CONCLUSION: Although PAPNET is time saving as compared with conventional microscopy, the associated reduction in personnel costs is outweighed by the costs of scanning the slides and additional equipment. This conclusion holds under a variety of assumptions. Using PAPNET instead of conventional microscopy as a primary screening tool will make cervical cancer screening less cost-effective unless the costs of PAPNET are considerably reduced and its sensitivity and/or specificity are considerably improved.  相似文献   
Beijerinck's entirely new concept, launched in 1898, of a filterable contagium vivum fluidum which multiplied in close association with the host's metabolism and was distributed in phloem vessels together with plant nutrients, did not match the then prevailing bacteriological germ theory. At the time, tools and concepts to handle such a new kind of agent (the viruses) were non-existent. Beijerinck's novel idea, therefore, did not revolutionize biological science or immediately alter human understanding of contagious diseases. That is how bacteriological dogma persisted, as voiced by Loeffler and Frosch when showing the filterability of an animal virus (1898), and especially by Ivanovsky who had already in 1892 detected filterability of the agent of tobacco mosaic but kept looking for a microbe and finally (1903) claimed its multiplication in an artificial medium. The dogma was also strongly advocated by Roux in 1903 when writing the first review on viruses, which he named 'so-called "invisible" microbes', unwittingly including the agent of bovine pleuropneumonia, only much later proved to be caused by a mycoplasma. In 1904, Baur was the first to advocate strongly the chemical view of viruses. But uncertainty about the true nature of viruses, with their similarities to enzymes and genes, continued until the 1930s when at long last tobacco mosaic virus particles were isolated as an enzyme-like protein (1935), soon to be better characterized as a nucleoprotein (1937). Physicochemical virus studies were a key element in triggering molecular biology which was to provide further means to reveal the true nature of viruses 'at the threshold of life'. Beijerinck's 1898 vision was not appreciated or verified during his lifetime. But Beijerinck already had a clear notion of the mechanism behind the phenomena he observed. Developments in virology and molecular biology since 1935 indicate how close Beijerinck (and even Mayer, Beijerinck's predecessor in research on tobacco mosaic) had been to the mark. The history of research on tobacco mosaic and the commitments of Mayer, Beijerinck and others demonstrate that progress in science is not only a matter of mere technology but of philosophy as well. Raemaekers' Mayer cartoon, inspired by Beijerinck, artistically represents the crucial question about the reliability of our images of reality, and about the scope of our technological interference with nature.  相似文献   
Intranasal autoantigen delivery is the most effective means of inducing mucosal tolerance and suppression of autoimmune disease. In an effort to identify markers of the "tolerant state", we employed proteomics technology at the level of the cervical lymph node. The analysis revealed that nasal antigen administration (without adiuvant) led to modulation of various proteins among which the most prominent were haptoglobin, nonintegrin 67 kDa laminin receptor, and MRP8. The immunoregulatory haptoglobin may qualify as (bio)marker for effective immunotherapy.  相似文献   
B1 cells are a significant source of natural serum IgM, thereby serving as a first line of defense against systemic bacterial and viral infections. They can migrate to the intestinal lamina propria and differentiate into IgA-producing plasma cells and thus might play a similar role in mucosal immunity. To investigate the contribution of B1 cells to the intestinal IgA response induced by the commensal flora in immunocompetent animals, we generated gnotobiotic and conventionally reared Ig allotype chimeric mice. In this system B1- and B2-derived Abs can be distinguished based on different allotypes. FACS analysis of peritoneal cavity cells and analysis of B1- and B2-derived serum IgM indicated stable B1/B2 chimerism and the establishment of a functional B1 population. Monoassociation with either Morganella morganii, Bacteroides distasonis, or segmented filamentous bacteria induced germinal center reactions in Peyer's patches and led to the production of intestinal IgA, partially reactive with bacterial Ag. A considerable amount of serum IgM was B1 cell derived in both monoassociated and conventionally reared mice. However, most of the total as well as bacteria-specific intestinal IgA was produced by B2 cells. These data suggest that intestinal IgA production induced by commensal bacteria is mainly performed by B2, not B1, cells.  相似文献   
Scavenger receptor class B, type I (SRBI) is a key regulator of high density lipoprotein (HDL) metabolism. It facilitates the efflux of cholesterol from cells in peripheral tissues to HDL and mediates the selective uptake of cholesteryl esters from HDL in the liver. We investigated the effects of SRBI deficiency in the arterial wall and in the liver using SRBI-deficient mice and wild-type littermates fed a Western-type diet. The SRBI-deficient mice showed massive accumulation of cholesterol-rich HDL in the circulation, reflecting impaired delivery to the liver. Strikingly, SRBI deficiency did not alter hepatic cholesterol (ester) content nor did it affect the expression of key regulators of hepatic cholesterol homeostasis, including HMG-CoA reductase, the low density lipoprotein receptor, and cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase. However, a approximately 40% reduction in biliary cholesterol content was observed, and the expression of ABCG8 and ABCG5, ATP half-transporters implicated in the transport of sterols from the liver to the bile, was attenuated by 70 and 35%, respectively. In contrast to the situation in the liver, SRBI deficiency did result in lipid deposition in the aorta and atherosclerosis. Vascular mRNA analysis showed increased expression of inflammatory markers as well as of genes involved in cellular cholesterol homeostasis. Our data show that, although hepatic cholesterol homeostasis is maintained upon feeding a Western-type diet, SRBI deficiency is associated with de-regulation of cholesterol homeostasis in the arterial wall that results in an increased susceptibility to atherosclerosis.  相似文献   
The small GTPase Rap1, which is activated by a large variety of stimuli, functions in the control of integrin-mediated cell adhesion. Here we show that in human megakaryocytes and several other commonly used hematopoietic cell lines such as K562, Jurkat, and THP-1, stress induced by gentle tumbling of the samples resulted in rapid and strong activation of Rap1. This turbulence-induced activation could not be blocked by inhibitors previously shown to affect Rap1 activation in human platelets, such as the intracellular calcium chelator BAPTA-AM (1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid) and various protein kinase C inhibitors. Also inhibition of actin cytoskeleton dynamics did not influence this activation of Rap1, suggesting that this activation is mediated by cell surface receptors. Human platelets, however, were refractory to turbulence-induced activation of Rap1. To determine the consequences of Rap1 activation we measured adhesion of megakaryocytes to fibrinogen, which is mediated by the integrin alphaIIbbeta3, in the presence of inhibitors of Rap1 signaling. Introduction of both Rap1GAP and RalGDS-RBD in the megakaryoblastic cell line DAMI strongly reduced basal adhesion to immobilized fibrinogen. This inhibition was partially rescued by the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate but not by alpha-thrombin. From these results we conclude that in megakaryocytes turbulence induces Rap1 activation that controls alphaIIbbeta3-mediated cell adhesion.  相似文献   
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