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C Oliveira LM Vera JF López-Olmeda JM Guzmán E Ma?anós J Ramos FJ Sánchez-Vázquez 《Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology》2009,152(2):168-175
In this paper we attempted to investigate the existence of daily fluctuations on plasma sexual steroids (17beta-estradiol, E(2) and testosterone, T) in Senegal sole (Solea senegalensis) females. We described the monthly day/night concentrations and seasonal daily rhythms in animals reared under natural photo- and thermo-period. In addition, the influence of the natural annual fluctuation of the water temperature on the plasma concentration of these steroids was investigated, using one group of Senegal sole under a natural photoperiod, but with an attenuated thermal cycle (around 17-20 degrees C) for one year. Although no significant day/night differences were detected in monthly samplings, the existence of an annual rhythm of E(2) and T (p<0.01) with an acrophase in February was revealed by COSINOR analysis. Maximum values were reached in March for both steroids (6.1+/-1.7 ng mL(-1) at mid-dark, MD and 4.0+/-0.6 ng mL(-1) at mid-light, ML for E2 and 1.4+/-0.4 ng mL(-1) at MD and 0.8+/-0.1 ng mL(-1) at ML for T) in anticipation of the spawning season (May-June). As regards seasonal daily rhythms, the presence of daily oscillations was revealed. At the spring solstice (21st March) a daily rhythm was observed for both steroids (COSINOR, p<0.01), with an acrophase at 20:00 h (E(2)) and at 21:08 h (T). In summer, autumn and winter no daily rhythms were observed due to the low steroid levels at those seasons. When Senegal sole females were submitted to an attenuated annual thermal cycle, the steroid rhythm disappeared (there was no surge in spring, as in the control group) and these fish did not spawn, despite being subjected to natural photoperiod conditions. This result underlined the importance of the natural annual fluctuation of water temperature and photoperiod on the synchronization of the spawning season and on the onset of steroidogenesis. 相似文献
Methylmethacrylate (MMA) is the most commonly used embedding medium for sectioning undecalcified bone; however, a number of problems exist with its use in a research laboratory. MMA requires a long infiltration time and temperature control, and it reacts with many polymers. We used Kleer Set resin? as an alternative embedding medium for sectioning undecalcified bone specimens. Fluorochrome labeled bone specimens were sectioned transversely using a ground section technique and longitudinally on a sledge macrotome. The slides were viewed using both transmitted light and epifluorescence microscopy. High quality sections were obtained using Kleer Set resin? for both sectioning techniques. We have shown that this new embedding medium is simpler, safer, quicker to use and does not interfere with visualization of fluorochromes. 相似文献
Chemoattractants added to cells of the cellular slime mold dictyostelium discoideum induce a transient elevation of cyclic GMP levels, with a maximum at 10 s and a recovery of basal levels at approximately 25 s after stimulation. We analyzed the kinetics of an intracellular cGMP binding protein in vitro and in vivo. The cyclic GMP binding protein in vitro at 0 degrees C can be described by its kinetic constants K(1)=2.5 x 10(6) M(- 1)s(-1), k(-1)=3.5 x 10(-3)s(-1), K(d)=1.4 x 10(-9) M, and 3,000 binding sites/cell. In computer simulation experiments the occupancy of the cGMP binding protein was calculated under nonequilibrium conditions by making use of the kinetic constants of the binding protein and of the shape of the cGMP accumulations. These experiments show that under nonequilibrium conditions by making use of the kinetic constants of the binding protein and the shape of the cGMP accumulations. These experiments show that under nonequilibrium conditions the affinity of the binding protein for cGMP is determined by the rate constant of association (k(1)) and not by the dissociation constant (k(d)). Experiments in vivo were performed by stimulation of aggregative cells with the chemoattractant cAMP, which results in a transient cGMP accumulation. At different times after stimulation with various cAMP concentrations, the cells were homogenized and immediately thereafter the number of binding proteins which were not occupied with native cGMP were determined. The results of these experiments in vivo are in good agreement with the results of the computer experiments. This may indicate that: (a) The cGMP binding protein in vivo at 22 degrees C can be described by its kinetic constants: K(1)=4x10(6)M(-1)s(-1) and K(-1)=6x10(-3)s(-1). (b) Binding the cGMP to its binding protein is transient with a maximum at about 20-30 s after chemotactic stimulation, followed by a decay to basal levels, with a half-life of approximately 2 min. (c) The cGMP to its binding proteins get half maximally occupied at a cGMP accumulation of δ[cGMP](10)=2x10(-8) M, which corresponds to an extracellular stimulation of aggregative cells by 10(-10) M cAMP. (d) Since the mean basal cGMP concentration is approximately 2x10(-7) M, the small increase of cGMP cannot be detected accurately. Therefore the absence of a measurable cGMP accumulation does not argue against a cGMP function. (e) There may exist two compartments of cGMP: one contains almost all the cGMP of unstimulated cells, and the other contains cGMP binding proteins and the cGMP which accumulates after chemotactic stimulation. (f) From the kinetics of binding, the cellular responses to the chemoattractant can be divided into two classes: responses which can be mediated by this binding protein (such as light scattering, proton extrusion, PDE induction, and chemotaxis) and responses which cannot be (solely) mediated by this binding protein such as rlay, refractoriness, phospholipids methylation, and protein methylation. 相似文献
Diel movements of Orange–Vaal smallmouth yellowfish Labeobarbus aeneus (Burchell, 1822) in the Vaal River, South Africa, were determined by externally attaching radio transmitters to 11 adult fish and manually tracking them between March and May 2012. Twenty-four radio telemetry monitoring surveys produced 2 304 diel tracks. At night, yellowfish displayed a preference for slow shallow (<0.3?m s?1, <0.5?m) and fast shallow habitats (>0.3?m s?1, <0.3?m), whereas by day they avoided these habitats, preferring fast deep areas (>0.3?m s?1, >0.3?m). The average total distance of 272?m moved per 24-hour period was three times greater than the diel range, and the average maximum displacement per minute was significantly higher in daytime (4?m) than at night (1.5?m). These findings suggest that L. aeneus is active primarily during the day in fast-flowing, deeper waters, and relatively inactive at night, when it occupies shallower habitats. This behaviour should be further explored to identify causal mechanisms underlying the diel habitat shifts in this species such as water temperature, foraging tactics and/or predator avoidance. 相似文献
Cecile Fremond Nasiema Allie Ivy Dambuza Sergei I Grivennikov Vladimir Yeremeev Valerie FJ Quesniaux Muazzam Jacobs Bernhard Ryffel 《Respiratory research》2005,6(1):136
Tumour necrosis factor (TNF) is crucial for the control of mycobacterial infection as TNF deficient (KO) die rapidly of uncontrolled infection with necrotic pneumonia. Here we investigated the role of membrane TNF for host resistance in knock-in mice with a non-cleavable and regulated allele (mem-TNF).Methods
C57BL/6, TNF KO and mem-TNF mice were infected with M. tuberculosis H37Rv (Mtb at 100 CFU by intranasal administration) and the survival, bacterial load, lung pathology and immunological parameters were investigated. Bone marrow and lymphocytes transfers were used to test the role of membrane TNF to confer resistance to TNF KO mice.Results
While TNF-KO mice succumbed to infection within 4–5 weeks, mem-TNF mice recruited normally T cells and macrophages, developed mature granuloma in the lung and controlled acute Mtb infection. However, during the chronic phase of infection mem-TNF mice succumbed to disseminated infection with necrotic pneumonia at about 150 days. Reconstitution of irradiated TNF-KO mice with mem-TNF derived bone marrow cells, but not with lymphocytes, conferred host resistance to Mtb infection in TNF-KO mice.Conclusion
Membrane expressed TNF is sufficient to allow cell-cell signalling and control of acute Mtb infection. Bone marrow cells, but not lymphocytes from mem-TNF mice confer resistance to infection in TNF-KO mice. Long-term infection control with chronic inflammation likely disrupting TNF mediated cell-cell signalling, additionally requires soluble TNF. 相似文献26.
Dirk Sanders Rachel Kehoe FJ Frank van Veen Ailsa McLean H. Charles J. Godfray Marcel Dicke Rieta Gols Enric Frago 《Ecology letters》2016,19(7):789-799
Animals often engage in mutualistic associations with microorganisms that protect them from predation, parasitism or pathogen infection. Studies of these interactions in insects have mostly focussed on the direct effects of symbiont infection on natural enemies without studying community‐wide effects. Here, we explore the effect of a defensive symbiont on population dynamics and species extinctions in an experimental community composed of three aphid species and their associated specialist parasitoids. We found that introducing a bacterial symbiont with a protective (but not a non‐protective) phenotype into one aphid species led to it being able to escape from its natural enemy and increase in density. This changed the relative density of the three aphid species which resulted in the extinction of the two other parasitoid species. Our results show that defensive symbionts can cause extinction cascades in experimental communities and so may play a significant role in the stability of consumer‐herbivore communities in the field. 相似文献
Joshua R. Thienpont Steven V. Kokelj Jennifer B. Korosi Elisa S. Cheng Cyndy Desjardins Linda E. Kimpe Jules M. Blais Michael FJ. Pisaric John P. Smol 《PloS one》2013,8(11)
Recent attention regarding the impacts of oil and gas development and exploitation has focused on the unintentional release of hydrocarbons into the environment, whilst the potential negative effects of other possible avenues of environmental contamination are less well documented. In the hydrocarbon-rich and ecologically sensitive Mackenzie Delta region (NT, Canada), saline wastes associated with hydrocarbon exploration have typically been disposed of in drilling sumps (i.e., large pits excavated into the permafrost) that were believed to be a permanent containment solution. However, failure of permafrost as a waste containment medium may cause impacts to lakes in this sensitive environment. Here, we examine the effects of degrading drilling sumps on water quality by combining paleolimnological approaches with the analysis of an extensive present-day water chemistry dataset. This dataset includes lakes believed to have been impacted by saline drilling fluids leaching from drilling sumps, lakes with no visible disturbances, and lakes impacted by significant, naturally occurring permafrost thaw in the form of retrogressive thaw slumps. We show that lakes impacted by compromised drilling sumps have significantly elevated lakewater conductivity levels compared to control sites. Chloride levels are particularly elevated in sump-impacted lakes relative to all other lakes included in the survey. Paleolimnological analyses showed that invertebrate assemblages appear to have responded to the leaching of drilling wastes by a discernible increase in a taxon known to be tolerant of elevated conductivity coincident with the timing of sump construction. This suggests construction and abandonment techniques at, or soon after, sump establishment may result in impacts to downstream aquatic ecosystems. With hydrocarbon development in the north predicted to expand in the coming decades, the use of sumps must be examined in light of the threat of accelerated permafrost thaw, and the potential for these industrial wastes to impact sensitive Arctic ecosystems. 相似文献
Jasminka Sterjovski Melissa J Churchill Anne Ellett Lachlan R Gray Michael J Roche Rebecca L Dunfee Damian FJ Purcell Nitin Saksena Bin Wang Secondo Sonza Steven L Wesselingh Ingrid Karlsson Eva-Maria Fenyo Dana Gabuzda Anthony L Cunningham Paul R Gorry 《Retrovirology》2007,4(1):1-21
CCR5-restricted (R5) human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) variants cause CD4+ T-cell loss in the majority of individuals who progress to AIDS, but mechanisms underlying the pathogenicity of R5 strains are poorly understood. To better understand envelope glycoprotein (Env) determinants contributing to pathogenicity of R5 viruses, we characterized 37 full-length R5 Envs from cross-sectional and longitudinal R5 viruses isolated from blood of patients with asymptomatic infection or AIDS, referred to as pre-AIDS (PA) and AIDS (A) R5 Envs, respectively.Results
Compared to PA-R5 Envs, A-R5 Envs had enhanced fusogenicity in quantitative cell-cell fusion assays, and reduced sensitivity to inhibition by the fusion inhibitor T-20. Sequence analysis identified the presence of Asn 362 (N362), a potential N-linked glycosylation site immediately N-terminal to CD4-binding site (CD4bs) residues in the C3 region of gp120, more frequently in A-R5 Envs than PA-R5 Envs. N362 was associated with enhanced fusogenicity, faster entry kinetics, and increased sensitivity of Env-pseudotyped reporter viruses to neutralization by the CD4bs-directed Env mAb IgG1b12. Mutagenesis studies showed N362 contributes to enhanced fusogenicity of most A-R5 Envs. Molecular models indicate N362 is located adjacent to the CD4 binding loop of gp120, and suggest N362 may enhance fusogenicity by promoting greater exposure of the CD4bs and/or stabilizing the CD4-bound Env structure.Conclusion
Enhanced fusogenicity is a phenotype of the A-R5 Envs studied, which was associated with the presence of N362, enhanced HIV-1 entry kinetics and increased CD4bs exposure in gp120. N362 contributes to fusogenicity of R5 Envs in a strain dependent manner. Our studies suggest enhanced fusogenicity of A-R5 Envs may contribute to CD4+ T-cell loss in subjects who progress to AIDS whilst harbouring R5 HIV-1 variants. N362 may contribute to this effect in some individuals. 相似文献29.
Nadia F Ojeda-Robertos Juan FJ Torres-Acosta Armín J Ayala-Burgos Carlos A Sandoval-Castro Rosa O Valero-Coss Pedro Mendoza-de-Gives 《BMC veterinary research》2009,5(1):1-7
Rabies is a widespread disease in African domestic dogs and a serious public health problem in developing countries. Canine rabies became established in Africa during the 20th century, coinciding with ecologic changes that favored its emergence in canids. This paper reports the results of a cross-sectional study of dog ecology in the Antananarivo urban community in Madagascar. A questionnaire survey of 1541 households was conducted in Antananarivo from October 2007 to January 2008. The study addressed both owned and unowned dogs. Various aspects of dog ecology were determined, including size of dog population, relationship between dogs and humans, rabies vaccination.Results
Dog ownership was common, with 79.6 to 94.1% (mean 88.9%) of households in the six arrondissements owning dogs. The mean owned dog to person ratio was 1 dog per 4.5 persons and differed between arrondissements (administrative districts), with ratios of 1:6.0 in the first arrondissement, 1:3.2 persons in the 2nd, 1:4.8 in the 3rd, 1:5.2 in the 4th, 1:5.6 in the 5th and 1:4.4 in the 6th arrondissement. Overall, there were more male dogs (61.3%) and the male/female sex ratio was estimated to be 1.52; however, mature females were more likely than males to be unowned (OR: 1.93, CI 95%; 1.3930.
Measurements of the Ca content, [Ca](T), of freshly isolated squid axons show a value of 60 μmol/kg axoplasm. Axons in 3 mM Ca(Na) seawater show little change in Ca content over 4 h, while axons in 3 mM Ca(Na) seawater show little change in Ca content over 4 h, while axons in 10 mM Ca(Na) seawater show gains of 18 μmol/Ca/kgxh. In 10 Ca (Choline) seawater the gain is 2,400 μmol/kgxh. Using aequorin confined to a dialysis capillary in the center of an axon, one finds that [Ca](i) is in a steady state with 3 Ca (Na) seawater, and that both 10 Ca (Na) and 3 Ca (choline) seawater cause increases in [Ca](i). In 3 Ca (Na) seawater-3 Ca (choline) seawater mixtures, 180 mM [Na](0) (40 perecent Na) is as effective as 450 mM [Na](0) (100 percent Na) in maintaining a normal [Ca](1); lower [Na] causes an increase in [Ca](i). If axons are injected with the ATP-splitting enzyme apyrase, the resulting [Ca](1) is not loading with high [Ca](0) or low [Na](0) solutions. Depolarization of an axon with 100 mM K (Na) seawater leads to an increase in the steady-state level of [Ca](1) that is reversed upon returning the axon to normal seawater. Freshly isolated axons treated with either CN or FCCP to inhibit mitochondrial Ca buffering can still maintain a normal [Ca](i) in 1 Ca (Na) seawater. 相似文献