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In order to survive and later recruit into a population, juvenile animals need to acquire resources through the use of innate and/or learnt behaviors in an environment new to them. For far‐ranging marine species, such as the wandering albatross Diomedea exulans, this is particularly challenging as individuals need to be able to rapidly adapt and optimize their movement strategies in response to the highly dynamic and heterogeneous nature of their open‐ocean pelagic habitats. Critical to this is the development and flexibility of dispersal and exploratory behaviors. Here, we examine the movements of eight juvenile wandering albatrosses, tracked using GPS/Argos satellite transmitters for eight months following fledging, and compare these to the trajectories of 17 adults to assess differences and similarities in behavioral strategies through time. Behavioral clustering algorithms (Expectation Maximization binary Clustering) were combined with multinomial regression analyses to investigate changes in behavioral mode probabilities over time, and how these may be influenced by variations in day duration and in biophysical oceanographic conditions. We found that juveniles appeared to quickly acquire the same large‐scale behavioral strategies as those employed by adults, although generally more time was spent resting at night. Moreover, individuals were able to detect and exploit specific oceanographic features in a manner similar to that observed in adults. Together, the results of this study suggest that while shortly after fledging juvenile wandering albatrosses are able to employ similar foraging strategies to those observed in adults, additional skills need to be acquired during the immature period before the efficiency of these behaviors matches that of adults.  相似文献   
It has been reported that auxin induces an epinastic growth response in plant leaf tissues. Leaf strips of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. 'Bright Yellow 2') were used to study the effects of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), the principal form of auxin in higher plants, and a synthetic auxin, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), on epinastic leaf curvature. Incubation of leaf strips with 10 micro M IAA resulted in a marked epinastic curvature response. Unexpectedly, 2,4-D showed only a weak IAA-like activity in inducing epinasty. Interestingly, the presence of 2,4-D resulted in inhibition of the IAA-dependent epinastic curvature. In vivo Lineweaver-Burk kinetic analysis clearly indicated that the interaction between IAA and 2,4-D reported here is not a result of competitive inhibition. Using kinetic analysis, it was not possible to determine whether the mode of interaction between IAA and 2,4-D was non-competitive or uncompetitive. 2,4-D inhibits the IAA-dependent epinasty via complex and as yet unidentified mechanisms.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton preferences for light intensity and colour weredetermined in field experiments using coloured plexiglass cubessuspended at different depths in Heney Lake, Québec.Diatoms and green algae favoured intensities greater than 1%Io (surface irradiance) contrary to dinoflagellates and otherflagellates that preferred lower intensity. Red radiation usuallyincreased the relative proportion of blue-greens, diatoms andgreen algae, whereas it reduced that of dinoflageilates. Wepropose that differential utilization of the light gradientallows certain phytoplankton taxa to partition the water column,thereby reducing potential competition. This is supported bythe general agreement between our findings and the known depthdistribution of algae in lakes.  相似文献   
The telomeric G-rich single-stranded DNA can adopt in vitro an intramolecular quadruplex structure, which has been shown to directly inhibit telomerase activity. The reactivation of this enzyme in immortalized and most cancer cells suggests that telomerase is a relevant target in oncology, and telomerase inhibitors have been proposed as new potential anticancer agents. In this paper, we have analyzed the selectivity of four ethidium derivatives and ethidium itself toward different G-quadruplex species, with electrospray mass spectrometry and competitive equilibrium dialysis and evaluated their inhibitory properties against telomerase. A selectivity profile may be obtained through electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), which is in fair agreement with competitive equilibrium dialysis data. It also provides unambiguous data on the number of binding sites per nucleic acid (maximal number of two ethidium derivatives per quadruplex, in agreement with external stacking). Our experiments also demonstrate that one compound (4) is the most active and selective G-quadruplex ligand within this series and the most selective telomerase inhibitor in a modified TRAP-G4 assay.  相似文献   
In several neuroblastoma cell lines, retinoic acid (RA)-induced differentiation is coupled to increased expression of functional neurotrophic factor receptors, including Trk family receptors and the glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor receptor, Ret. In several cases, increased expression is dependent on signaling through TrkB. Unlike TrkA and TrkB, Ret has never been implicated as a prognostic marker for neuroblastomas. SK-N-BE(2) cells do not express any of Trk family receptors; therefore, they are a choice system to study the specific role of Ret in RA-induced differentiation. Using a 2'-fluoro-RNA aptamer and a truncated Ret protein as specific inhibitors of Ret, we show that RA-induced differentiation is mediated by a positive autocrine loop that sustains Ret downstream signaling and depends on glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor expression and release. This report shows that in SK-N-BE(2) cells, stimulation of Ret is a major upstream mechanism needed to mediate RA-induced differentiation. These results provide important insights on the molecular mechanism of RA action, which might be relevant for the development of biologically based therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   


It has been suggested that disturbed activity of the autonomic nervous system is one of the factors involved in gastroesophageal reflux (GER) in adults. We sought to establish whether transient ANS dysfunction (as assessed by heart rate variability) is associated with the occurrence of GER events in neonates during sleep and wakefulness.


Nineteen neonates with suspected GER underwent simultaneous, synchronized 12-hour polysomnography and esophageal multichannel impedance-pH monitoring. We compared changes in HRV parameters during three types of periods (control and prior to and during reflux) with respect to the vigilance state.


The vigilance state influenced the distribution of GER events (P<0.001), with 53.4% observed during wakefulness, 37.6% observed during active sleep and only 9% observed during quiet sleep. A significant increase in the sympathovagal ratio (+32%, P=0.013) was observed in the period immediately prior to reflux (due to a 15% reduction in parasympathetic activity (P=0.017)), relative to the control period. This phenomenon was observed during both wakefulness and active sleep.


Our results showed that GER events were preceded by a vigilance-state-independent decrease in parasympathetic tone. This suggests that a pre-reflux change in ANS activity is one of the factors contributing to the mechanism of reflux in neonates.  相似文献   
The Bcl-2 proteins Bax and Bak can permeabilize the outer mitochondrial membrane and commit cells to apoptosis. Pro-survival Bcl-2 proteins control Bax by constant retrotranslocation into the cytosol of healthy cells. The stabilization of cytosolic Bax raises the question whether the functionally redundant but largely mitochondrial Bak shares this level of regulation. Here we report that Bak is retrotranslocated from the mitochondria by pro-survival Bcl-2 proteins. Bak is present in the cytosol of human cells and tissues, but low shuttling rates cause predominant mitochondrial Bak localization. Interchanging the membrane anchors of Bax and Bak reverses their subcellular localization compared to the wild-type proteins. Strikingly, the reduction of Bax shuttling to the level of Bak retrotranslocation results in full Bax toxicity even in absence of apoptosis induction. Thus, fast Bax retrotranslocation is required to protect cells from commitment to programmed death.  相似文献   
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