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AIM To show the existence of a structural formative role of magnetic fields(MFs) with respect to biological objects by using our proposed model of an acupoint.METHODS We introduced a magnetised 10-100 μT metal rod(needle) into culture dishes with a negatively charged working surface and observed during 24 h how cells were arranged by MFs and by electrical fields(EFs) when attached. Rat and human bone marrow-derived stromal stem cells(r BMSCs and h BMSCs), human nonadherent mononuclear blood cells, NCTCs and A172 cells, and Escherichia coli(E. coli) were evaluated. The dish containing BMSCs was defined as the model of an acupoint. r BMSCs proliferative activity affected by the needle was investigated. For investigating electromagnetic field structures, we used the gas discharge visualisation(GDV) method.RESULTS During 24 h of incubation in 50-mm culture dishes, BMSCs or the nonadherent cells accumulated into a central heap in each dish. BMSCs formed a torus(central ring) with an inner diameter of approximately10 mm only upon the introduction of the needle in the centre of the dish. The cells did not show these effects in 35- or 90-mm culture dishes or hydrophobic dishes or rectangular cuvettes. NCTCs and A172 cells showed unstable the effects and only up to two weeks after thawing. Moreover, we observed that the appearance of these effects depended on the season. In winter, BMSCs showed no the effects. GDV experiments revealed that the resonant annular illumination gradually formed from 10 to 18-20 s in polar solutions with and without cell suspension of BMSCs, NCTCs and E. coli when using circular 50-mm dishes, stimulation at 115 V and switching of the electrode poles at 1 kH z. All these data demonstrate the resonant nature of the central ring. Significant influence of MFs on the rB MSC proliferation rate was not observed.CONCLUSION BMSCs can be moved by MFs when in the presence of a constant EF and MF, when the cells are in the responsive functional state, and when there is a resonant relationship between them.  相似文献   
The plasmids carrying the gene encoding the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) under the control of 35S RNA single or dual promoters of the cauliflower mosaic virus CaMV 35S were constructed. These constructions were used for obtaining transgenic tobacco plants that synthesize the HBs antigen. The presence of HBsAg in tobacco plant extracts was confirmed by the enzyme-linked immunoassay using antibodies against the native HBs antigen. The antigen amount in plants carrying the HBsAg gene under a single 35S promoter was 0.0001–0.001 of the total soluble protein whereas the use of a dual 35S promoter increased the antigen synthesis to 0.002–0.05% of the protein. The antigen-synthesizing ability was inherited by the offspring. In the F1 plants, the antigen expression varied in different lines comprising 0.001 to 0.03% of the total soluble protein, which corresponded to the antigen amount in the F0 plants.  相似文献   
The authors present new data on spatial-temporal distribution of the northern red-backed vole (Myodes rutilus Pallas) and the large-toothed redback vole (M. rufocanus Sundervall) for the main habitat types in the Khanka Plain, Primorskii Krai. Data on seasonal and long-term abundance for 2003-2005 are reported. The study was stimulated by contradictory data on the distribution of the Myodes voles in the Khanka Plain.  相似文献   
Fluorescent chromatin tagging by the lacO operator/lac repressor system in Arabidopsis thaliana is useful to trace distinct chromatin domains in living cells. Nevertheless, the tandem repeats of the tagging system may alter the spatial organisation of chromatin within nuclei by increasing homologous pairing as well as association with heterochromatin. Efficient homologous pairing occurs if lacO repeat arrays of ∼10 kb are present at two loci, either on the same chromosome or on different chromosomes. DNA hypomethylation of lacO repeats results in reduced homologous pairing. Because, in plants, DNA methylation can serve as a signal for H3-lysine9-dimethylation (H3K9me2), and subsequently for non-CG-context DNA methylation, SET-domain histone methyltransferase and chromodomain dna methyltransferase 3 (cmt3) mutations were introgressed. In suvh4 suvh5 suvh6 and cmt3 mutants, H3K9me2 associated with lacO repeats is diminished, but homologous pairing persists. Thus, neither H3K9me2 nor CMT3-mediated non-CG methylation are required at wild-type level for homologous pairing of lacO repeat loci.  相似文献   
Glutamate transport in blood platelets resembles that in brain nerve terminals because platelets contain neuronal Na+-dependent glutamate transporters, glutamate receptors in the plasma membrane, vesicular glutamate transporters in secretory granules, which use the proton gradient as a driving force, and can release glutamate during aggregation/activation. The acidification of secretory granules and glutamate transport were assessed during acute treatment of isolated platelets with cholesterol-depleting agent methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MβCD). Confocal imaging with the cholesterol-sensitive fluorescent dye filipin showed a quick reduction of cholesterol level in platelets. Using pH-sensitive fluorescent dye acridine orange, we demonstrated that the acidification of secretory granules of human and rabbit platelets was decreased by ∼15% and 51% after the addition of 5 and 15 mM MβCD, respectively. The enrichment of platelet plasma membrane with cholesterol by the application of complex MβCD-cholesterol (1:0.2) led to the additional accumulation of acridine orange in secretory granules indicating an increase in the proton pumping activity of vesicular H+-ATPase. MβCD did not evoke release of glutamate from platelets that was measured with glutamate dehydrogenase assay. Flow cytometric analysis did not reveal alterations in platelet size and granularity in the presence of MβCD. These data showed that the dissipation of the proton gradient of secretory granules rather than their exocytosis caused MβCD-evoked decrease in platelet acidification. Thus, the depletion of plasma membrane cholesterol in the presence of MβCD changed the functional state of platelets affecting storage capacity of secretory granules but did not evoke glutamate release from platelets.  相似文献   
Hemolymph of Rapana venosa snails is a complex mixture of biochemically and pharmacologically active components such as peptides and proteins. Antimicrobial peptides are gaining attention as antimicrobial alternatives to chemical food preservatives and commonly used antibiotics. Therefore, for the first time we have explored the isolation, identification and characterisation of 11 novel antimicrobial peptides produced by the hemolymph of molluscs. The isolated peptides from the hemolymph applying ultrafiltration and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) have molecular weights between 3000 and 9500 Da, determined by mass spectrometric analysis. The N-terminal sequences of the peptides identified by Edman degradation matched no peptides in the MASCOT search database, indicating novel proline-rich peptides. UV spectra revealed that these substances possessed the characteristics of protein peptides with acidic isoelectric points. However, no Cotton effects were observed between 190 and 280 nm by circular dichroism spectroscopy. Four of the Pro-rich peptides also showed strong antimicrobial activities against tested microorganisms including Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   
The chemical behavior of sulfur-containing oligonucleotides and their reactivity in self-assembled nucleic acids (NA) and specific NA–protein complexes is considered. Reviewed are postsynthetic approaches that allow introducing sulfur-containing linkages at preselected positions of the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA and between neighboring nucleobases, to incorporate disulfide bridges between complementary strands of double- and triple-stranded DNAs, in large catalytic RNA, etc. Special reference is given to the site-specific chemical modifications as a tool for elucidating the structure, folding, and function of biomolecules. Structure-directed chemical reactions are shown to be helpful in detecting point mutations in DNA, targeting the modifications on specific positions of NA, probing the molecular recognition in protein–DNA interfaces, studying the conformational dynamics of nucleic acids, and discriminating between different folding models.  相似文献   
Alignment of three nucleic acids strands, in which the third strand is identical to one of the DNA duplex strands, occurs in various cellular systems. In the case of telomeric t-loops, recognition between the DNA duplex and the homologous single strand is likely to be mediated by proteins through formation of the transient recombination-type R-triplex. Earlier, using 2-aminopurine as a fluorescent reporting base, we evaluated the thermodynamic characteristics of intramolecular R-triplex formed by a mixed nucleotide sequence. Here, we used this approach to explore a propensity of the telomeric TTAGGG repeat to form the R-triplex. The circular dichroism spectral changes detected upon formation of the R-triplex suggest that this process is accompanied by specific conformational changes in DNA, including a local destabilization of the target duplex next to a GGG run revealed by the fluorescence of the reporting 2-aminopurine base. Surprisingly, stability of the R-triplex formed by telomeric sequence depends strikingly on the counter ion, being higher for Na+ than for Li+. Taken together these findings indicate a significant conformational variability of telomeric DNA in the context of recombination-type R-triplex, a phenomenon of possible biological relevance.  相似文献   
<正>Dear Editor,Lake Baikal and its neighboring territories are an intermediate zone for thesteppeandarctic-likerabies virus lineages in Russia.After the elimination of dog-mediated rabies during the early 1980s,this area remained rabies-free for over 25–30 years.A sudden reappearance of rabies occurred in this zone in the Republic of Buryatia in 2011–2012.A marginal part of the Mongolian steppe penetrates the Siberian taiga forests in this area,and human and animal rabies have been repeatedly recorded in the Republic of Buryatia from the end of the  相似文献   
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