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Estimation of heterozygosity for single-probe multilocus DNA fingerprints   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In spite of the increasing application of DNA fingerprinting to natural populations and to the genetic identification of humans, explicit methods for estimation of basic population genetic parameters from DNA fingerprinting data have not been developed. Contributing to this omission is the inability to determine, for multilocus fingerprinting probes, relatively important genetic information, such as the number of loci, the number of alleles, and the distribution of these alleles into specific loci. One of the most useful genetic parameters that could be derived from such data would be the average heterozygosity, which has traditionally been employed to measure the level of genetic variation within populations and to compare genetic variation among different loci. We derive here explicit formulas for both the estimation of average heterozygosity at multiple hypervariable loci and a maximum value for this estimate. These estimates are based upon the DNA restriction-pattern matrices that are typical for fingerprinting studies of humans and natural populations. For several empirical data sets from our laboratory, estimates of average and maximal heterozygosity are shown to be relatively close to each other. Furthermore, variances of these statistics based on simulation studies are relatively small. These observations, as well as consideration of the effect of missing alleles and alternate numbers of loci, suggest that the average heterozygosity can be accurately estimated using phenotypic DNA fingerprint patterns, because this parameter is relatively insensitive to the lack of certain genetic information.   相似文献   
In cetaceans, blubber is the primary and largest lipid body reservoir. Our current understanding about lipid stores and uses in cetaceans is still limited, and most studies only focused on a single narrow snapshot of the lipidome. We documented an extended lipidomic fingerprint in two cetacean species present in northern Norway during wintertime. We were able to detect 817 molecular lipid species in blubber of killer whales (Orcinus orca) and humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). The profiles were largely dominated by triradylglycerols in both species and, to a lesser extent, by other constituents including glycerophosphocholines, phosphosphingolipids, glycerophosphoethanolamines, and diradylglycerols. Through a unique combination of traditional statistical approaches, together with a novel bioinformatic tool (LION/web), we showed contrasting fingerprint composition between species. The higher content of triradylglycerols in humpback whales is necessary to fuel their upcoming half a year fasting and energy‐demanding migration between feeding and breeding grounds. In adipocytes, we assume that the intense feeding rate of humpback whales prior to migration translates into an important accumulation of triacylglycerol content in lipid droplets. Upstream, the endoplasmic reticulum is operating at full capacity to supply acute lipid storage, consistent with the reported enrichment of glycerophosphocholines in humpback whales, major components of the endoplasmic reticulum. There was also an enrichment of membrane components, which translates into higher sphingolipid content in the lipidome of killer whales, potentially as a structural adaptation for their higher hydrodynamic performance. Finally, the presence of both lipid‐enriched and lipid‐depleted individuals within the killer whale population in Norway suggests dietary specialization, consistent with significant differences in δ15N and δ13C isotopic ratios in skin between the two groups, with higher values and a wider niche for the lipid‐enriched individuals. Results suggest the lipid‐depleted killer whales were herring specialists, while the lipid‐enriched individuals might feed on both herrings and seals.  相似文献   
The distributions of allele sizes at eight simple-sequence repeat (SSR) or microsatellite loci in chimpanzees are found and compared with the distributions previously obtained from several human populations. At several loci, the differences in average allele size between chimpanzees and humans are sufficiently small that there might be a constraint on the evolution of average allele size. Furthermore, a model that allows for a bias in the mutation process shows that for some loci a weak bias can account for the observations. Several alleles at one of the loci (Mfd 59) were sequenced. Differences between alleles of different lengths were found to be more complex than previously assumed. An 8-base-pair deletion was present in the nonvariable region of the chimpanzee locus. This locus contains a previously unrecognized repeated region, which is imperfect in humans and perfect in chimpanzees. The apparently greater opportunity for mutation conferred by the two perfect repeat regions in chimpanzees is reflected in the higher variance in repeat number at Mfd 59 in chimpanzees than in humans. These data indicate that interspecific differences in allele length are not always attributable to simple changes in the number of repeats.   相似文献   
Cone outer segments (OS) of the goldfish retina are diffusely labeled after intravitreal injection of [(3)H]fucose while rod OS remain unlabeled. By electron microscopic radioautography, the OS of red- and blue-sensitive cones are heavily labeled while green- sensitive cone OS are lightly labeled. The time-course and pattern of OS labeling in all cone types from 30 min to 24 h resemble that of incorporation of other sugars into rhodopsin in rod OS. The nature of the cone OS-specific fucosylated component(s) was examined using biochemical techniques. Cone OS were prelabeled by intravitreal injection of [(3)H]fucose 24 h before sacrifice. Photoreceptor OS were isolated using a discontinuous sucrose density gradient and it was verified by electron microscopic radioautography that the only source of radioactivity in the preparations was cone OS. The different cone types could be recognized by the heaviness of labeling, characteristic membrane spacing, and 'staining' of green cone OS in vitro with horseradish peroxidase. After acid hydrolysis of prelabeled photoreceptor membranes, 90 percent of the counts were in the neutral sugar fraction which was analyzed by thin-layer chromatography. Approximately 70 percent of the radioactivity co-chromatographed with authentic fucose. SDS-PAGE/fluorography of prelabeled photoreceptor membranes revealed a single radioactive component that was lightly stained with coomassie blue and showed an apparent molecular weight of 33,000. This cone-derived band was separated from unlabeled rod opsin which was well stained and showed an apparent mol wt of 38,000. Isoelectric focusing under denaturing conditions produced two major and one minor band of radioactivity with isoelectric points of 8.2, 8.6, and 8.8 respectively. No radioactivity was found in association with a stained band corresponding in isoelectric point to that of bovine opsin (pl, 6.2). The fucosylated component was readily digested by pronase, indicating its protein nature. Washing of the isolated OS with isotonic and hypotonic buffers failed to extract major amounts of the radioactivity, suggesting that the fucosylated component is an integral membrane protein. The presence of a fucosylated protein thus represents a major difference between cone and rod OS in the goldfish and has enabled us to identify cone OS in preparations of isolated photoreceptor membranes and to demonstrate the separation of a cone-derived glycoprotein from rod opsin.  相似文献   
Structure and organization of the bovine beta-globin genes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genomic clones spanning the entire cow beta-globin gene locus have been isolated and characterized. These clones demonstrate that the linkage of embryonic-like (epsilon) genes and pseudogenes (psi) to the previously described fetal (gamma) and adult (beta) genes is as follows: 5'-epsilon 3-epsilon 4-psi 3-beta-epsilon 1-epsilon 2-psi 1- psi 2-gamma-3'. Present data indicate that, like that of the goat, the fetal and adult genes arose via block duplication of an ancestral four- gene set: epsilon-epsilon-psi-beta. This duplication event preceded the divergence of cows and goats, which occurred greater than or equal to 18-20 Myr ago. However, cows do not have the additional four-gene block containing a preadult/stress globin gene (beta C). Furthermore, the cow fetal cluster contains an extra beta-like pseudogene, which apparently arose by a small-scale duplication. The fixation of this duplication may indicate a possible evolutionary role for pseudogenes.   相似文献   
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