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Reduction in the rate of DNA reassociation by sequence divergence   总被引:56,自引:0,他引:56  
An estimate is made of the effect of imperfectly complementary sequences on the rate of reassociation of DNA. Rate measurements are reported for the reassociation of deaminated DNA and for the pairing of DNAs from related bacteria. A method is presented for separating the effect of the incubation temperature on the rate from the effect of sequence divergence. After correction to the optimum incubation temperature, the rate of DNA reassociation appears to be reduced by a factor of two for each 10 deg. C reduction in melting temperature due to sequence divergence. For most typical cases this effect is modest. However it can be quite important for measurements of the relation between the DNAs of different species.  相似文献   
B. G. Leicht  J. J. Bonner 《Genetics》1988,119(3):579-593
In an effort to (1) characterize the 67 interval of chromosome 3 of Drosophila melanogaster genetically and (2) isolate mutations of the 67B1 small heat shock protein (hsp) gene cluster specifically, we undertook a mutational analysis of the 67A-D subinterval. Using a deficiency of the 67A2 to 67D11-13 region, Df(3L)AC1, we screened 8700 diepoxybutane-treated chromosomes and 7800 ethyl methanesulfonate-treated chromosomes for visible and lethal mutations throughout this interval and recovered 74 independent recessive lethal mutations, but no visible mutations. One of the lethal mutations, d29A6, was identified as an overlapping deficiency extending from 66F3 to 67B1. An additional 6000 diepoxybutane-treated chromosomes were screened for lethality over d29A6, yielding another four lethal mutations within the 67A2-B1 subinterval. These 78 lethal mutations, along with two others isolated in other laboratories, define 23 essential loci--6 within the 67A2-B1 subinterval and 17 within the 67A2 to D11-13 subinterval. Many of these loci appear to be required for imaginal development only, exhibiting late larval to pharate adult lethal phases. Examination of the 67A2-B1 lethal complementation groups for (1) earlier onset of lethality following a heat shock, (2) missing or altered small hsps on two-dimensional protein gels, and (3) restoration of viability by transformed wild-type copies of the small hsp genes indicates that none of these mutations affect the small hsps. On the basis of this analysis and the known homology of the genes, we conclude that the small hsps are functionally equivalent.  相似文献   
The elongation rate of cowpea epicotyls from whole cowpea (Vigna sinensis) seedlings and derooted and debladed plants (explants) increased after the main light period (8-hour duration) was extended with either continuous low intensity tungsten light or brief (5 minutes) far-red (FR) irradiation. This end-of-day FR effect was reversed by red (R) irradiation suggesting the involvement of phytochrome. These results confirm and extend those obtained previously with other species. Localization studies indicate the epicotyl to be the site of the photoreceptor. Treatment of cowpea seedlings with paclobutrazol, a gibberellin (GA) biosynthetic inhibitor, abolished the FR promoted epicotyl elongation, indicating a role for GAs in this process. There was no significant difference in epicotyl elongation rates of R plus FR irradiated explants treated with GA1 or GA20 and R irradiated explants treated with GA1. However, R irradiation inhibited subsequent epicotyl elongation of GA20 treated explants. Moreover, the observation, using GC-MS, that GA1 and GA20 are native GAs in cowpea lends support to the concept that phytochrome may control the conversion of endogenous GA20 to GA1 in cowpea.  相似文献   
The aims of the present study were to investigate the relationship of aerobic and anaerobic parameters with 400 m performance, and establish which variable better explains long distance performance in swimming. Twenty-two swimmers (19.1±1.5 years, height 173.9±10.0 cm, body mass 71.2±10.2 kg; 76.6±5.3% of 400 m world record) underwent a lactate minimum test to determine lactate minimum speed (LMS) (i.e., aerobic capacity index). Moreover, the swimmers performed a 400 m maximal effort to determine mean speed (S400m), peak oxygen uptake (V.O2PEAK) and total anaerobic contribution (CANA). The CANA was assumed as the sum of alactic and lactic contributions. Physiological parameters of 400 m were determined using the backward extrapolation technique (V.O2PEAK and alactic contributions of CANA) and blood lactate concentration analysis (lactic anaerobic contributions of CANA). The Pearson correlation test and backward multiple regression analysis were used to verify the possible correlations between the physiological indices (predictor factors) and S400m (independent variable) (p < 0.05). Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation. Significant correlations were observed between S400m (1.4±0.1 m·s-1) and LMS (1.3±0.1 m·s-1; r = 0.80), V.O2PEAK (4.5±3.9 L·min-1; r = 0.72) and CANA (4.7±1.5 L·O2; r= 0.44). The best model constructed using multiple regression analysis demonstrated that LMS and V.O2PEAK explained 85% of the 400 m performance variance. When backward multiple regression analysis was performed, CANA lost significance. Thus, the results demonstrated that both aerobic parameters (capacity and power) can be used to predict 400 m swimming performance.  相似文献   
Improving mitochondrial oxidant scavenging may be a viable strategy for the treatment of insulin resistance and diabetes. Mice overexpressing the mitochondrial matrix isoform of superoxide dismutase (sod2tg mice) and/or transgenically expressing catalase within the mitochondrial matrix (mcattg mice) have increased scavenging of O2˙ˉ and H2O2, respectively. Furthermore, muscle insulin action is partially preserved in high fat (HF)-fed mcattg mice. The goal of the current study was to test the hypothesis that increased O2˙ˉ scavenging alone or in combination with increased H2O2 scavenging (mtAO mice) enhances in vivo muscle insulin action in the HF-fed mouse. Insulin action was examined in conscious, unrestrained and unstressed wild type (WT), sod2tg, mcattg and mtAO mice using hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps (insulin clamps) combined with radioactive glucose tracers following sixteen weeks of normal chow or HF (60% calories from fat) feeding. Glucose infusion rates, whole body glucose disappearance, and muscle glucose uptake during the insulin clamp were similar in chow- and HF-fed WT and sod2tg mice. Consistent with our previous work, HF-fed mcattg mice had improved muscle insulin action, however, an additive effect was not seen in mtAO mice. Insulin-stimulated Akt phosphorylation in muscle from clamped mice was consistent with glucose flux measurements. These results demonstrate that increased O2˙ˉ scavenging does not improve muscle insulin action in the HF-fed mouse alone or when coupled to increased H2O2 scavenging.  相似文献   
DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) is a key non-homologous-end-joining (NHEJ) nuclear serine/threonine protein kinase involved in various DNA metabolic and damage signaling pathways contributing to the maintenance of genomic stability and prevention of cancer. To examine the role of DNA-PK in processing of non-DSB clustered DNA damage, we have used three models of DNA-PK deficiency, i.e., chemical inactivation of its kinase activity by the novel inhibitors IC86621 and NU7026, knockdown and complete absence of the protein in human breast cancer (MCF-7) and glioblastoma cell lines (MO59-J/K). A compromised DNA-PK repair pathway led to the accumulation of clustered DNA lesions induced by γ-rays. Tumor cells lacking protein expression or with inhibited kinase activity showed a marked decrease in their ability to process oxidatively induced non-DSB clustered DNA lesions measured using a modified version of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis or single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay). In all cases, DNA-PK inactivation led to a higher level of lesion persistence even after 24–72 h of repair. We suggest a model in which DNA-PK deficiency affects the processing of these clusters first by compromising base excision repair and second by the presence of catalytically inactive DNA-PK inhibiting the efficient processing of these lesions owing to the failure of DNA-PK to disassociate from the DNA ends. The information rendered will be important for understanding not only cancer etiology in the presence of an NHEJ deficiency but also cancer treatments based on the induction of oxidative stress and inhibition of cluster repair.  相似文献   
Batch marking is common and useful for many capture–recapture studies where individual marks cannot be applied due to various constraints such as timing, cost, or marking difficulty. When batch marks are used, observed data are not individual capture histories but a set of counts including the numbers of individuals first marked, marked individuals that are recaptured, and individuals captured but released without being marked (applicable to some studies) on each capture occasion. Fitting traditional capture–recapture models to such data requires one to identify all possible sets of capture–recapture histories that may lead to the observed data, which is computationally infeasible even for a small number of capture occasions. In this paper, we propose a latent multinomial model to deal with such data, where the observed vector of counts is a non-invertible linear transformation of a latent vector that follows a multinomial distribution depending on model parameters. The latent multinomial model can be fitted efficiently through a saddlepoint approximation based maximum likelihood approach. The model framework is very flexible and can be applied to data collected with different study designs. Simulation studies indicate that reliable estimation results are obtained for all parameters of the proposed model. We apply the model to analysis of golden mantella data collected using batch marks in Central Madagascar.  相似文献   
Glutathione biosynthesis is a key component in the network of plant stress responses that counteract oxidative damage and maintain intracellular redox environment. Using a combination of mass spectrometry and site-directed mutagenesis, we examined the response of Arabidopsis thaliana glutamate-cysteine ligase (GCL) to changes in redox environment. Mass spectrometry identified two disulfide bonds (Cys186-Cys406 and Cys349-Cys364) in GCL. Mutation of either Cys-349 or Cys-364 to a Ser reduced reaction rate by twofold, but substitution of a Ser for either Cys-186 or Cys-406 decreased activity by 20-fold and abrogated the response to changes in redox environment. Redox titrations show that the regulatory disulfide bond has a midpoint potential comparable with other known redox-responsive plant proteins. Mutation of Cys-102, Cys-251, Cys-349, or Cys-364 did not alter the response to redox environment, indicating that modulation of activity depends on the Cys186-Cys406 disulfide bond. In vivo analysis of GCL in Arabidopsis root extracts revealed that multiple oxidative stresses altered the distribution of oxidized (active) and reduced (inactive) enzyme and that this change correlated with increased GCL activity. The thiol-based regulation of GCL provides a posttranslational mechanism for modulating enzyme activity in response to in vivo redox environment and suggests a role for oxidative signaling in the maintenance of glutathione homeostasis in plants.  相似文献   
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