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Synopsis Recent studies of recruitment dynamics in demersal fishes have placed major emphasis on presettlement mortality, and little on events bridging late larval and early juvenile periods. Observations on 68 taxa of Caribbean coral reef fishes before and during settlement revealed the existence of a distinct post-settlement life phase called the transition juvenile, associated with the act of recruitment. Transition juveniles were found as solitary individuals, in conspecific groups, or in heterospecific groups. The groups were either uniform or heterogenous in appearance. The complexity of the transition phase and its apparently widespread occurrence in coral reef fishes suggests that important aspects of population structure may be determined between settlement and first appearance as a full-fledged juvenile.  相似文献   
Adventitious shoots developed from in vitro-grown leaves of Vitis vinifera cultivars Cabernet Sauvignon, French Colombard, Grenache, Thompson Seedless (syn. Sultana) and White Riesling, V. rupestris cv. St. George (syn. du Lot) and V. vinifera × rupestris cv. Ganzin 1. Leaf explants less than 15 mm long were excised from nodal cultures and cultured on Murashige and Skoog or Nitsch and Nitsch-based regeneration media with 0, 1, 2 or 4 mgl-1 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). Adventitious shoots developed within 4 weeks at the petiolar stub and occasionally from wounded lamina tissues. Shoot organogenesis occurred only on media containing BAP and at a higher frequency with 2 mgl-1 than with 1 or 4 mgl-1. On media containing 2 mgl-1 BAP, 47, 67, 60, and 42%, respectively, of leaf explants of Cabernet Sauvignon, French Colombard, Thompson Seedless, and White Riesling produced adventitious shoots compared to 14, 14, and 29%, respectively, for Grenache, St. George, and Ganzin 1. Solid culture medium was superior to liquid medium and transfer frequency on solid medium did not affect the regeneration frequency. Further shoot growth was promoted by the transfer of regenerating tissues to fresh regeneration medium. More than 80% of explants initially producing adventitious buds exhibited further shoot growth, developing an average of more than 6 shoots each. Shoots rooted easily and the resulting plants appeared morphologically identical to parent vines.  相似文献   
Plasma GH profiles and IGF-I concentrations were determined in Large White intact male (LW-M), female (LW-F) and castrated male (LW-C) and in Meishan intact male (MS-M) pigs between 10 and 140 d of age. Mean GH levels slightly increased between 10 and 45 d of age in LW pigs, in connection with an alteration in the temporal distribution of GH peaks, whereas neither interpulse GH level nor maximum GH level were affected. Mean GH levels decreased after 45 d of age, in connection with a decline in maximum and interpulse GH levels. IGF-I concentrations were low between 10 and 45 d of age and increased thereafter. GH secretory profiles did not differ significantly between LW-M and LW-F at either age. Castration had no effect at 45 d of age whereas LW-C exhibited lower mean, maximum and interpulse GH levels and smaller sum of GH pulse areas and widths than LW-M or LW-F at 140 d of age. IGF-I was lower in LW-C or LW-F than in LW-M at 140 d of age. The pattern of age-related changes in GH and IGF-I was similar in MS and LW pigs. However, interpulse GH level was higher and sum of GH pulse widths was smaller in MS-M than in LW-M, whatever the age. The results indicate that: i), GH and IGF-I secretions were similar in Meishan, and Large White pigs; ii), in both breeds, GH secretion declined after 45 d of age, due to decreased maximum and interpulse GH levels; iii), sex and/or castration effects on GH and IGF-I secretion were observed after 45 d of age only.  相似文献   
Low concentrations of acetaldehyde, similar to those that can occur in the brain of ethanol-treated animals, effectively inhibit the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex purified from ox brain or from ox kidney, although the precise mechanism of this inhibition remains to be defined.  相似文献   
Etiolated excised cucumber cotyledons (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Alpha Green), while greening in distilled water, synthesized and accumulated several metalloporphyrins in the absence of added substrates or inhibitors. The metalloporphyrins, undetectable by conventional spectrophotometry, exhibited distinct fluorescence emission and excitation properties in situ and in organic solvents. The metalloporphyrins were partially segregated on thin layers of silica gel H into three Chromatographic bands and the bands were eluted in methyl alcohol:acetone (4:1 vv). The metalloporphyrins in the eluted bands were characterized by their soret excitation and short-wavelength emission maxima. One of the metalloporphyrins of band 3 (Rf, 0.4?0.56) was identified as Mg-protoporphyrin monoester. It was accompanied by traces of two other metalloporphyrins. Band 2 (Rf, 0.32?0.48) was made up of three metalloporphyrins and had the Chromatographic mobility of endogenous protochlorophyllide. Band 1 (Rf, 0.22?0.43) was made up of two metalloporphyrins; it moved with endogenous chlorophyllide. The metalloporphyrins of band 2 and 1 exhibited fluorescence emission and excitation maxima similar to Mg-protoporphyrin monoester but slightly shifted to longer wavelengths. The Chromatographic and spectral properties of these compounds suggested that they represent intermediates between Mg-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester and protochlorophyllide. The analytical techniques described in this work may prove useful in the elucidation of the enzymology between protoporphyrin IX and protochlorophyllide.  相似文献   
The recombination-defective phenotype associated with the recC genetic locus in Bacillus subtilis is not due to a chromosomal mutation at this site but rather to the presence of an integrated SPO2 prophage.  相似文献   
Summary Freeze-fracture electronmicroscopy demonstrates that vasopressin stimulation of isolated toad bladder results in a striking morphologic alteration of epithelial membrane structure. This alteration is characterized by the aggregation of intramembranous particles in orderly linear arrays at multiple sites in the luminal membranes of granular cells specifically. The size of these aggregates varies considerably, in terms of area, over a range from 0.5 to 70×10–3 m2. The median aggregate size is about 10.5×10–3 m2. Since the extent of vasopressin-associated particle aggregation, in terms of frequency of sites per area of membrane or cumulative area of membrane occupied by them, closely correlates with induced changes in transport function, as measured by osmotic water flow, the aggregates themselves appear to be of physiologic significance in the mechanism of action of vasopressin. This hypothesis is supported by the observations that sites of aggregation occur (a) in response to serosal exposure to hormone specifically, (b) independently of an osmotic gradient, and (c) following stimulation with cyclic adenosine monophosphate.  相似文献   
Permanent nerve transection of the adult rat sciatic nerve forces Schwann cells in the distal nerve segment from a myelin-maintaining to a quiescent state. This transition was followed by serial morphometric evaluation of the percentage fascicular area having myelin (myelin percent of area) in transverse sections of the distal nerve segment and revealed a rapid decline from a normal value of 36.6% to 3.2% by 14 days for the sciatic nerve to less than 1.0% throughout the remaining time course (up to 105 days). No evidence of axonal reentry into the distal nerve segment or new myelin formation was observed at times under 70 days. In some of the distal nerve segments at 70, 90, and 105 days, new myelinated fibers were observed that usually consisted of only a few myelinated fibers at the periphery and in the worst case amounted to 1.6% (myelin percent of area). Radioactive precursor incorporation of [3H]mannose into endoneurial slices at 4 and 7 days after transection revealed two species of the major myelin glycoprotein, P0, with Mr of 28,500 and 27,700. By 14 days after nerve transection, only the 27,700 Mr species remained. Incorporation of [3H]mannose into the 27,700 Mr species increased progressively to 35 days after transection and then began to decline at 70 and 105 days. Alterations in the oligosaccharide structure of this down-regulated myelin glycoprotein accounted for the progressive increase in mannose incorporation. Lectin affinity chromatography of pronase-digested P0 glycopeptides on concanavalin A-Sepharose revealed that the 28,500 Mr species of P0 had the complex-type oligosaccharide as the predominant oligosaccharide structure (92%). In contrast, the high mannose-type oligosaccharide was the predominate structure for the 27,700 Mr form, which increased to 70% of the total radioactivity by 35 days after nerve transection. Since the biosynthesis of the complex-type oligosaccharide chains on glycoproteins involves high mannose-type intermediates, the mechanism of down-regulation in the biosynthesis of this major myelin glycoprotein, therefore, results in a biosynthetic switch from the complex-type oligosaccharide structure as an end product to the predominantly high mannose-type oligosaccharide structure as a biosynthetic intermediate. This biosynthetic switch occurs gradually between 7 and 14 days after nerve transection and likely reflects a decreased rate of processing through the Golgi apparatus. It remains to be determined if the high mannose-type oligosaccharide chain on P0 can undergo additional processing steps in this permanent nerve transection model.  相似文献   
An improved culture system for plant cells that employs filter paper resting on polyurethane saturated with liquid medium is described. It combines a simplified version of the system outlined by Weber and Lark [1979, Theor Appl Genet 55: 81–86] with the method of growth estimation described by Horsch et al. [1980, Can J Bot 58: 2402–2406]. The growth of plated cells or callus can be conveniently monitored through repeated non-destructive fresh weight measurements of the filter paper and adhering cells, thereby allowing the construction of a complete growth curve over the course of an experiment. Experiments with 3 Nicotiana genotypes (N. plumbaginifolia Viv., N. tabacum L. SC 58 and N. tabacum WI 38) and 3 Vitis vinifera L. genotypes (Chenin Blanc, Dogridge and White Riesling) clearly demonstrate higher growth rates of plated cells on polyurethane supports compared with agar. Further experiments with N. plumbaginifolia illustrate the use of polyurethane supports for culturing cells at low pH (4.0) and the recovery of spent medium for monitoring changes in pH. These features will greatly facilitate quantitative studies of mineral nutrition and metal toxicity in cultured cells. Polyurethane supports also allow the incorporation of conditioned medium or feeder cells to support the growth of cells at low densities and facilitate the rapid recovery of variant cells.  相似文献   
We studied the association of several eucaryotic viral and cellular mRNAs with cytoskeletal fractions derived from normal and virus-infected cells. We found that all mRNAs appear to associate with the cytoskeletal structure during protein synthesis, irrespective of their 5' and 3' terminal structures: e.g., poliovirus that lacks a 5' cap structure or reovirus and histone mRNAs that lack a 3' poly A tail associated with the cytoskeletal framework to the same extent as capped, polyadenylated actin mRNA. Cellular (actin) and viral (vesicular stomatitis virus and reovirus) mRNAs were released from the cytoskeletal framework and their translation was inhibited when cells were infected with poliovirus. In contrast, actin mRNA was not released from the cytoskeleton during vesicular stomatitis virus infection although actin synthesis was inhibited. In addition, several other conditions under which protein synthesis is inhibited did not result in the release of mRNAs from the cytoskeletal framework. We conclude that the association of mRNA with the cytoskeletal framework is required but is not sufficient for protein synthesis in eucaryotes. Furthermore, the shut-off of host protein synthesis during poliovirus infection and not vesicular stomatitis virus infection occurs by a unique mechanism that leads to the release of host mRNAs from the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   
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