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1. Fatty acid synthesis was studied in microsomal preparations from germinating pea (Pisum sativum). 2. The preparations synthesized a mixture of saturated fatty acids up to a chain length of C(24) from [(14)C]malonyl-CoA. 3. Whereas hexadecanoic acid was made de novo, octadecanoic acid and icosanoic acid were synthesized by elongation. 4. The products formed during [(14)C]malonyl-CoA incubation were analysed, and unesterified fatty acids and polar lipids were found to be major products. [(14)C]Palmitic acid represented a high percentage of the acyl-carrier protein esters, whereas (14)C-labelled very-long-chain fatty acids were mainly present as unesterified fatty acids. CoA esters were minor products. 5. The addition of exogenous lipids to the incubation system usually resulted in stimulation of [(14)C]malonyl-CoA incorporation into fatty acids. The greatest stimulation was obtained with dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine. Both exogenous palmitic acid and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine increased the amount of [(14)C]-stearic acid synthesized, relative to [(14)C]palmitic acid. Addition of stearic acid increased the amount of [(14)C]icosanoic acid formed. 6. [(14)C]Stearic acid was elongated more effectively to icosanoic acid than [(14)C]stearoyl-CoA, and its conversion was not decreased by addition of unlabelled stearoyl-CoA. 7. Incorporation of [(14)C]malonyl-CoA into fatty acids was markedly decreased by iodoacetamide and 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid). Palmitate elongation was sensitive to arsenite addition, and stearate elongation to the presence of Triton X-100 or fluoride. The action of fluoride was not, apparently, due to chelation. 8. The microsomal preparations differed from soluble fractions from germinating pea in (a) synthesizing very-long-chain fatty acids, (b) not utilizing exogenous palmitate-acyl-carrier protein as a substrate for palmitate elongation and (c) having fatty acid synthesis stimulated by the addition of certain complex lipids.  相似文献   
Summary Allolobophora rosea (Savigny) was found to be common in mull type soils beneath bramble (Rubus fruticosus L.). Burrow construction in this soil type in the laboratory at 4.4, 10.0 and 14.8°C ranged between 133 and 516 mm g-1 fresh wt of worm day-1. Burrowing was affected by both body size and temperature. Rates of soil displacement during burrowing were estimated from burrowing rates, burrow dimensions and soil density; depending on body size and temperature they were in the range 809–1,928 mg dry wt of soil g-1 fresh wt of worm day-1. These values were in reasonable agreement with measured egestion rates (range: 1,000–2,000 mg dry wt of egesta g-1 fresh wt of worm day-1). It was concluded that A. rosea eats its way through the soil and is adapted to its rapid turnover. Gut turnover times were calculated to be between 1 and 2.5 h.Direct observation indicated that feeding was by a grazing procedure and it was shown that A. rosea preferentially selects the more organic fractions of the soil for ingestion.The evaluation of energy budgets for individual small immature, large immature and adult worms at 10°C revealed respiration to production ratios (R/P) of 1.0, 1.8 and 4.1, respectively. Assimilation efficiencies (A/C) were always less than 2.5%.  相似文献   
Summary The immune competence of a group of 276 patients with suspected breast cancer has been assessed using a spectrum of tests: the peripheral lymphocyte count, serum immunoglobulin levels, lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA), Mantoux test, and dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) skin test. All tests were completed prior to any form of treatment as the initial part of an ongoing, long-term assessment which will ultimately relate immune competence to prognosis. 225 patients with breast cancer were allocated into stages based on their TNM status. The remaining 51 patients proved to have benign breast disease and made up the control group. In analysis, control patients were compared with early breast cancer patients, while the effect of advancing disease was assessed by betweenstage comparisons in the cancer group.There were no significant differences between early breast cancer and control patients or between cancer stages in peripheral lymphocyte count, serum immunoglobulin levels, lymphocyte response to PHA, or Mantoux responses. Age was found to have a crucial effect on some of these parameters and some apparent differences between the various groups lost significance after appropriate allowances were made for age.Important differences seen with the DNCB test persisted after allowing for age effects. Responses to DNCB were significantly depressed in patients with early breast cancer compared to controls. Patients with disseminated cancer showed greater depression than early breast cancer patients, but surprisingly, patients with locally advanced tumors had good responses to DNCB. Possible reasons for the paradoxical preservation of DNCB reactivity in patients with locally advanced cancer are discussed.The DNCB test is the most discriminating of the five tests of immune function studied.  相似文献   
The fate of sheep urine-N applied to an upland grass sward at four dates representing widely differing environmental conditions, was followed in soil (0–20 cm) and in herbage. Urine was poured onto 1-m2 plots to simulate a single urination in August 1984 (warm and dry), May (cool), July and August 1985 (cool and wet) at rates equivalent to 40–52 g N m−2. The transformation of urine-N (61–69% urea-N) in soil over a 6–7 week period followed the same general pattern when applied at different times during the season; rapid hydrolysis of urea, the appearance of large amounts of urine-N as ammonium in soil extracts, and the appearance of nitrate about 14 days after application. The magnitude of “apparent” nitrification however differed markedly with environmental conditions, being greatest in May 1985 when a maximum of 76% of the inorganic soil N was in the form of nitrate. At all other application dates nitrate levels were relatively low. With the August 1984 application soil inorganic N returned to control levels (given water only) after 31 days but considerable amounts remained in soil for 60–90 days with the other applications. Weekly cuts to 3-cm indicated that increases in herbage dry matter and N yields in response to urine application were greatest in absolute terms after the May 1985 application and continued for at least 70 days with all applications. Relative to control plots the May application resulted in a 3-fold increase in herbage DM compared with corresponding values of 6-, 5-, and 7-fold increases with the August 1984, July and August 1985 applications. Recovery of urine-N in herbage was poor averaging only 17% of that applied at different dates, while recovery in soil extracts was incomplete. The exact routes of loss (volatilisation, leaching, denitrification or immobilisation) were not quantified but it is evident that substantial amounts of urine-N can be lost from the soil-plant system under upland conditions.  相似文献   
A real-time PCR assay was developed for the quantitative detection of Campylobacter jejuni in foods after enrichment culture. The specificity of the assay for C. jejuni was demonstrated with a diverse range of Campylobacter species, related organisms, and unrelated genera. The assay had a linear range of quantification over six orders of magnitude, and the limit of detection was approximately 12 genome equivalents. The assay was used to detect C. jejuni in both naturally and artificially contaminated food samples. Ninety-seven foods, including raw poultry meat, offal, raw shellfish, and milk samples, were enriched in blood-free Campylobacter enrichment broth at 37 degrees C for 24 h, followed by 42 degrees C for 24 h. Enrichment cultures were subcultured to Campylobacter charcoal-cefoperazone-deoxycholate blood-free selective agar, and presumptive Campylobacter isolates were identified with phenotypic methods. DNA was extracted from enrichment cultures with a rapid lysis method and used as the template in the real-time PCR assay. A total of 66 samples were positive for C. jejuni by either method, with 57 samples positive for C. jejuni by subculture to selective agar medium and 63 samples positive in the real-time PCR assay. The results of both methods were concordant for 84 of the samples. The total time taken for detection from enrichment broth samples was approximately 3 h for the real-time PCR assay, with the results being available immediately at the end of PCR cycling, compared to 48 h for subculture to selective agar. This assay significantly reduces the total time taken for the detection of C. jejuni in foods and is an important model for other food-borne pathogens.  相似文献   
Autism spectrum disorders (henceforth autism) are diagnosed in around 1% of the population [1]. Familial liability confers risk for a broad spectrum of difficulties including the broader autism phenotype (BAP) [2, 3]. There are currently no reliable predictors of autism in infancy, but characteristic behaviors emerge during the second year, enabling diagnosis after this age [4, 5]. Because indicators of brain functioning may be sensitive predictors, and atypical eye contact is characteristic of the syndrome [6-9] and the BAP [10, 11], we examined whether neural sensitivity to eye gaze during infancy is associated with later autism outcomes [12, 13]. We undertook a prospective longitudinal study of infants with and without familial risk for autism. At 6-10 months, we recorded infants' event-related potentials (ERPs) in response to viewing faces with eye gaze directed toward versus away from the infant [14]. Longitudinal analyses showed that characteristics of ERP components evoked in response to dynamic eye gaze shifts during infancy were associated with autism diagnosed at 36 months. ERP responses to eye gaze may help characterize developmental processes that lead to later emerging autism. Findings also elucidate the mechanisms driving the development of the social brain in infancy.  相似文献   
The bacterial expression and purification of human pi class glutathione S-transferase (hGST P1-1) as a hexahistidine-tagged polypeptide was performed. The expression plasmid for hGST P1-1 was constructed by ligation of the cDNA which codes for the protein into the expression vector pET-15b. The expressed protein was purified by either glutathione or metal (Co(2+)) affinity column chromatography, which produced the pure and fully active enzyme in one step with a yield of more than 30 mg/liter culture. The activity of the purified protein was 130 units mg(-1) from the GSH affinity column and 112 units mg(-1) from the Co(2+) affinity column chromatography. The purity of the protein was assessed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and size-exclusion chromatography. It showed that the real molecular weight of the hexahistidine-tagged hGST P1-1 polypeptide chain agreed with the calculated value and that the purified protein eluted as an apparent homodimer on the gel filtration column. Our expression system allows the expression and purification of active hexahistidine-tagged hGST P1-1 in high yield with no need of removal of the hexahistidine tag and gives pure protein in one purification step allowing further study of this enzyme.  相似文献   
Understanding the determinants of species’ distributions is a fundamental aim in ecology and a prerequisite for conservation but is particularly challenging in the marine environment. Advances in bio‐logging technology have resulted in a rapid increase in studies of seabird movement and distribution in recent years. Multi‐colony studies examining the effects of intra‐ and inter‐colony competition on distribution have found that several species exhibit inter‐colony segregation of foraging areas, rather than overlapping distributions. These findings are timely given the increasing rate of human exploitation of marine resources and the need to make robust assessments of likely impacts of proposed marine developments on biodiversity. Here we review the occurrence of foraging area segregation reported by published tracking studies in relation to the density‐dependent hinterland (DDH) model, which predicts that segregation occurs in response to inter‐colony competition, itself a function of colony size, distance from the colony and prey distribution. We found that inter‐colony foraging area segregation occurred in 79% of 39 studies. The frequency of occurrence was similar across the four seabird orders for which data were available, and included species with both smaller (10–100 km) and larger (100–1000 km) foraging ranges. Many predictions of the DDH model were confirmed, with examples of segregation in response to high levels of inter‐colony competition related to colony size and proximity, and enclosed landform restricting the extent of available habitat. Moreover, as predicted by the DDH model, inter‐colony overlap tended to occur where birds aggregated in highly productive areas, often remote from all colonies. The apparent prevalence of inter‐colony foraging segregation has important implications for assessment of impacts of marine development on protected seabird colonies. If a development area is accessible from multiple colonies, it may impact those colonies much more asymmetrically than previously supposed. Current impact assessment approaches that do not consider spatial inter‐colony segregation will therefore be subject to error. We recommend the collection of tracking data from multiple colonies and modelling of inter‐colony interactions to predict colony‐specific distributions.  相似文献   
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