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The tyrosine-based activation motif is a 20- to 25-amino-acid sequence contained in the cytoplasmic domains of many hematopoietic receptors which is sufficient by itself to reconstitute signalling. This motif is characterized by two YXXL/I sequences separated by approximately 10 residues. The molecular basis of signalling by this motif is unknown. Here we demonstrate that the tyrosine-based activation motif is required and sufficient for association with the tyrosine kinases p59fyn and ZAP-70, suggesting that association with these kinases is a general feature of this motif. Focusing on the single activation motif present in epsilon, we analyzed which residues of the motif were critical for binding of p59fyn and ZAP-70. Surprisingly, we found that no single mutation of any residue of epsilon resulted in the loss of p59fyn association. In contrast, single mutations at five residues of the epsilon activating motif abrogated ZAP-70 binding. Both of the tyrosines and the leucine or isoleucine residues that follow them were critical. The spacing between the tyrosines was also important, as deletion of two residues disrupted binding of ZAP-70, although p59fyn binding was not disrupted. Most of the defined features of the tyrosine activation motif are therefore requirements for ZAP-70 binding. Interestingly, the interaction of ZAP-70 with the motif was dependent on the presence of both ZAP-70 SH2 domains and both of the tyrosine residues in the motif, suggesting that ZAP-70 interacts with two phosphotyrosine residues and that the binding of the two SH2 domains is cooperative. In addition, we demonstrate that the interaction between the tyrosine activation motif is direct and requires prior tyrosine phosphorylation of the motif. We propose that the activation of cells by the tyrosine activating motif occurs in four discrete steps: binding of p59fyn, phosphorylation of the motif, binding of ZAP-70, and activation of ZAP-70 kinase activity.  相似文献   
We characterize two independent variant cellular clones which arose following in vitro passage of polyomavirus middle-T-antigen (MTAg)-transformed FR3T3 cells expressing RNA complementary to c-src mRNA. These clones were initially flat and underwent morphologic transformation at a high frequency to a phenotype indistinguishable from that of parental MTAg-transformed FR3T3 cells. Biochemical analysis of the flat clones prior to phenotypic conversion revealed that these cells synthesized little detectable pp60c-src and had correspondingly low levels of pp60c-src protein kinase activity and MTAg-associated protein kinase activity. The flat cell clones did not possess detectable focus-forming activity, were not capable of detectable anchorage-independent growth, and had saturation densities and doubling times below those normally observed for FR3T3 cells. Following conversion of the flat clones to a shape resembling that of typical MTAg-transformed cells, the abundance of pp60c-src, pp60c-src kinase activity, and MTAg-associated in vitro protein kinase activity were all restored to the levels found in the parental MTAg transformants. These cells had growth rates, focus-forming activities, anchorage-independent growth rates, and saturation densities similar to those of the parental MTAg-transformed rat cells. These data provide additional evidence that maintenance of a transformed phenotype by polyomavirus MTAg in established rat cell lines depends, at least in part, on a minimal threshold level of pp60c-src.  相似文献   
Kinetics of veratridine action on Na channels of skeletal muscle   总被引:15,自引:8,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Veratridine bath-applied to frog muscle makes inactivation of INa incomplete during a depolarizing voltage-clamp pulse and leads to a persistent veratridine-induced Na tail current. During repetitive depolarizations, the size of successive tail currents grows to a plateau and then gradually decreases. When pulsing is stopped, the tail current declines to zero with a time constant of approximately 3 s. Higher rates of stimulation result in a faster build-up of the tail current and a larger maximum value. I propose that veratridine binds only to open channels and, when bound, prevents normal fast inactivation and rapid shutting of the channel on return to rest. Veratridine-modified channels are also subject to a "slow" inactivation during long depolarizations or extended pulse trains. At rest, veratridine unbinds with a time constant of approximately 3 s. Three tests confirm these hypotheses: (a) the time course of the development of veratridine-induced tail currents parallels a running time integral of gNa during the pulse; (b) inactivating prepulses reduce the ability to evoke tails, and the voltage dependence of this reduction parallels the voltage dependence of h infinity; (c) chloramine-T, N-bromoacetamide, and scorpion toxin, agents that decrease inactivation in Na channels, each greatly enhance the tail currents and alter the time course of the appearance of the tails as predicted by the hypothesis. Veratridine-modified channels shut during hyperpolarizations from -90 mV and reopen on repolarization to -90 mV, a process that resembles normal activation gating. Veratridine appears to bind more rapidly during larger depolarizations.  相似文献   
We examined the binding of polyomavirus large (L-T)-, middle (M-T)-, and small-tumor antigens to DNA cellulose. At pH 6.0, the majority of L-T bound to calf thymus DNA cellulose, while little or no small tumor antigen was retained under these conditions. Unexpectedly, a small but reproducible proportion of M-T bound to both native and denatured DNA cellulose. M-T encoded by polyomavirus mutant dl 8, which expressed shortened L-T and M-T, bound to DNA, indicating that the deleted sequences are not required for DNA binding. Also, M-T from transformed BMT-1 rat cells, which synthesize exclusively this polyomavirus tumor antigen, bound to DNA, indicating that its binding is not due to association with other polyomavirus-encoded proteins. Using the DNA fragment immunoassay, we found that, under conditions in which L-T bound specifically to DNA fragments containing viral regulatory sequences, no viral DNA fragments were bound by M-T. The existence of distinct subpopulations of M-T that differ in their DNA-binding properties was indicated by rebinding experiments in which M-T that had bound to DNA cellulose rebound very efficiently, while that which had not been originally retained by DNA cellulose rebound poorly. Furthermore, the M-T-pp60 c-src complex did not bind to DNA cellulose. These data suggest that polyomavirus M-T is heterogeneous, consisting of populations of molecules that differ in their interactions with DNA cellulose.  相似文献   
To determine the potential role of pp60c-src in polyomavirus-transformed cells, we constructed a recombinant plasmid with the mouse metallothionein-I promoter upstream of a src gene in an anti-sense orientation. We cotransfected this plasmid into middle tumor antigen-transformed FR3T3 cells with a plasmid containing the neomycin resistance gene, and G418 resistant colonies were selected. Analysis of these cells for pp60c-src expression revealed that 50 of the 200 cellular clones screened were found to have decreased levels of c-src expression when compared with the parental middle tumor antigen-transformed cells. Three independent clones which transcribed the expected 3.6-kilobase src complementary RNA and had levels of pp60c-src kinase activity comparable to that of normal FR3T3 cells were further analyzed. In the presence of Cd2+, these clones grew significantly slower in monolayer cultures than either the parental transformed cells (FR18-1) or FR18-1 cells transfected with the neomycin resistance gene alone. The morphology of these clones in the presence of Cd2+ was distinct from that of either the parental FR18-1 cells or normal FR3T3 cells. The clones expressing the complementary src RNA were found to form fewer colonies in soft agar, form fewer foci on monolayers of normal rat cells, and form tumors more slowly following injection into syngenic rats when compared with parental FR18-1 cells. The results of these studies suggest that the level of pp60c-src kinase activity affects the growth characteristics and transformation properties of polyoma virus-transformed rat cells.  相似文献   
Accumulating data suggest that the CD4 T-cell surface antigen transduces an independent intracellular signal during antigen-mediated T-cell activation. CD4 is physically associated with the internal membrane tyrosine protein kinase p56lck and can mediate, after antibody-mediated cross-linking, the rapid enzymatic activation of Lck, implying that CD4 signalling may involve changes in tyrosine protein phosphorylation. In this report, we describe that cross-linking of CD4 results in a series of rapid changes in intracellular tyrosine protein phosphorylation. The most prominent CD4-induced tyrosine phosphorylation change involved p56lck, which became extensively phosphorylated on the carboxy-terminal tyrosine residue 505 and, to a lesser extent, lymphocytes can transduce an intracellular signal resulting in tyrosine protein phosphorylation and strongly suggest that this property of CD4 is mediated through p56lck.  相似文献   
The CD4 and CD8 T cell antigens are thought to transduce an independent signal during the process of T cell activation. We report our evaluation of the possible involvement of the lymphocyte-specific tyrosine kinase p56lck in these transduction pathways. Our data demonstrate that p56lck is specifically modulated with either CD4 or CD8 following antibody-mediated cross-linking of these molecules and that a large fraction of the total cellular lck protein can be coimmunoprecipitated with these surface glycoproteins. These results suggest that p56lck is functionally and physically associated with CD4/CD8 in normal murine T lymphocytes and support the concept that an independent signal is transduced by the interaction of these surface molecules with major histocompatibility complex determinants.  相似文献   
Interactions of α-chymotrypsin with 2-coumaranone (I), 3,4-dihydrocoumarin (II), o-hydroxy-α-toluenesulfonic acid sultone (III), and β-o-hydroxyphenylethanesulfonic acid sultone (IV) were studied in the presence of 14% acetonitrile at pH 7.0 by means of the proflavin displacement technique and by inhibition of N-acetyl-l-tryptophan ethyl ester (ATrEE) hydrolysis. Under saturating conditions of either I, II, or III, an enzyme intermediate was shown to accumulate using either the proflavin displacement technique or the ATrEE activity assay. The intermediates have characteristics of covalent enzyme-substrate compounds and are believed to decompose simultaneously by two pathways, one to give free enzyme and hydrolyzed cyclic ester, and the other to give the original cyclic ester and free enzyme. With α-chymotrypsin and III the observed first-order rate constant for decomposition of the intermediate by the two pathways was 0.19 ± 0.04 min?1, while the rate constant for the hydrolytic pathway alone was 0.013 ± 0.0009 min?1. These results indicate that the covalent-like intermediate with this sultone is not only capable of reverting to starting cyclic ester but prefers this pathway over hydrolysis. Sultone IV was found to bind to enzyme; but in contrast to the behavior of esters I–III, the binding did not result in accumulation of a covalent-like intermediate.  相似文献   
M Yang  D Liu  D W Bolen 《Biochemistry》1999,38(34):11216-11222
This work determines the ratio of DeltaH(vH) /DeltaH(cal) for staphylococcal nuclease (SN) denaturation in guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) to test whether GdnHCl-induced denaturation is two-state. Heats of mixing of SN as a function of [GdnHCl] were determined at pH 7.0 and 25 degrees C. The resulting plot of DeltaH(mix) vs [GdnHCl] exhibits a sigmoid shaped curve with linear pre- and post-denaturational base lines. Extending the pre- and post-denaturational lines to zero [GdnHCl] gives a calorimetric DeltaH (DeltaH(cal)) of 24.1 +/- 1.0 kcal/mol, for SN denaturation in the limit of zero GdnHCl concentration. Guanidine hydrochloride-induced denaturation Gibbs energy changes in the limit of zero denaturant concentration (DeltaG degrees (N)(-)(D)) at pH 7. 0 were determined for SN from fluorescence measurements at fixed temperatures over the range from 15 to 35 degrees C. Analysis of the resulting temperature-dependent DeltaG degrees (N)(-)(D) data defines a van't Hoff denaturation enthalpy change (DeltaH(vH)) of 26. 4 +/- 2.8 kcal/mol. The model-dependent van't Hoff DeltaH(vH) divided by the model-independent DeltaH(cal) gives a ratio of 1.1 +/- 0.1 for DeltaH(vH)/DeltaH(cal), a result that rules out the presence of thermodynamically important intermediate states in the GdnHCl-induced denaturation of SN. The likelihood that GdnHCl-induced SN denaturation involves a special type of two-state denaturation, known as a variable two-state process, is discussed in terms of the thermodynamic implications of the process.  相似文献   
Permanent mounting of fourth instar mosquito larvae is essential for identifying Aedes spp. This procedure requires extensive exposure to xylene, a clearing agent in the mounting process. We investigated wintergreen oil as a substitute for xylene. Five hundred larvae were mounted on slides to evaluate shrinkage or expansion of specimens after clearing using xylene or wintergreen oil. We examined the ventral brush and siphonal hair tufts for species identification and for preservation of morphological characteristics after clearing specimens in xylene or wintergreen oil. Shrinkage of the length of whole larvae and width of the head, thorax and abdomen after mounting was significantly greater after clearing with xylene than with wintergreen oil. The length of the comb scale nearest the ventral brush was similar for both clearing agents. The clarity of the specimens after mounting was improved by clearing with wintergreen oil, but the integrity of the ventral brush and siphonal hair tufts were similar for both clearing agents.  相似文献   
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