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大多数昆虫主要通过气味认知感知外界环境的变化,维持生命活动。探究昆虫气味认知的嗅觉系统神经结构及分子机制,对于完善气味认知神经生物学理论及利用其原理进行仿生学研究等有重要的科学意义。近年,关于昆虫气味认知科学研究有了很大的进展。本文从昆虫神经生物学的视角详细综述了近年关于昆虫气味认知的嗅觉神经结构、分子机制及气味信号的神经传导途径等方面的基本理论及最新研究成果。综述结果显示:昆虫对气味的认知是通过嗅觉神经系统的触角感器、触角叶(AL)、蕈形体(MB)等脑内多层信号处理神经结构来实现的。当外界气味分子进入触角感器内后,由感器内特定的气味识别蛋白(OBP)将气味分子运载到达嗅觉感受神经元(ORN)树突膜上的受体位点,气味分子与表达特定气味的受体(OR)结合产生电信号,并以动作电位的形式通过ORN的轴突传到脑内的触角叶。在触角叶经过嗅觉纤维球对气味信息选择性加工处理,再由投射神经元(PNs)将初步的识别和分类的气味信息传到蕈形体和外侧角(LH)等神经中枢,实现对气味的识别和认知。虽然,近年昆虫气味认知神经生物学的研究有了很大的进步,但是,我们认为目前的研究成果还不能完全阐明昆虫气味认知的神经机制,还有很多问题,例如,触角叶上众多的嗅觉纤维球是如何对嗅觉感受神经元传入的气味信息进行编码处理的?等有待进一步深入研究。为了搞清这些疑难问题,我们认为需要提高现有的实验技术水平,加强电生理学和分子神经生物学相结合的实验研究,从分子水平探究气味认知的神经机制可能是未来研究的热点。  相似文献   
为了探讨肌肉注射Ag85A DNA疫苗能否在肿瘤宿主,一个低细胞免疫应答的机体内激发Th1型细胞免疫应答,将6~8周龄BALB/c雌性小鼠随机分成实验组(Ag85A-V1Jns.tPA组),空质粒组(V1Jns.tPA组)和生理盐水组3组,将生长旺盛的Meth-A细胞接种于各组小鼠右侧背部皮下,每只小鼠2×105个细胞,1d后于小鼠大腿肌肉内分别注射100μL Ag85A-V1Jns.tPA(1 g/L),V1Jns.tPA(1 g/L)或生理盐水。每10 d 1次,共3次,于末次注射后第8 d,无菌取脾,分离细胞进行培养。检测NK细胞活性以及脾细胞培养上清中IFN-γ含量。结果显示:实验组平均NK细胞杀伤率以及脾细胞培养上清中IFN-γ含量较空质粒组和生理盐水组均显著增高,而空质粒组和生理盐水组之间未见有意义的变化。提示肌肉注射Ag85A DNA疫苗可以提高Meth-A纤维肉瘤荷瘤小鼠Th1细胞免疫功能。  相似文献   
Radiation induced angiosarcomas (RIA) can affect breast cancer patients who had radiotherapy following conservative breast surgery. They are very rare tumors and often their diagnosis is delayed due to their benign appearance and difficulty in differentiation from radiation induced skin changes. Therefore it is very important that clinicians are aware of their existence. We report here a case of RIA followed by discussion and review of literature.  相似文献   
串管海绵在中–晚奥陶世经历了的首次辐射演化事件, 在北美、新南威尔士、哈萨克斯坦、西伯利亚和中国西北等地的上奥陶统地层中皆有报道, 但研究程度较低。本文系华南奥陶系串管海绵首次系统古生物学的报道, 详细描述江西玉山上奥陶统凯迪阶三衢山组的Corymbospongia (丛花海绵属)化石, 并基于C. amplia Rigby, Karl, Blodgett & Baichtal, 2005和C. mica Rigby & Potter, 1986的标本展示该属化石外壁的微孔等特征性结构, 这2个种具有跨板块的生物地理分布。综合串管海绵产出层的碳酸盐岩微相以及伴生钙藻和珊瑚化石等群落分子的指相参照, 识别C. amplia和C. mica均具有明显的生态专属性: C. amplia为造礁生物, 在小型微生物岩中出现; C. mica则代表适应于更浅水生境的平地群落代表。本研究将为从底栖生物群落角度开展扬子区生物地层学及古地理重建提供进一步的依据。  相似文献   
目的研究膀胱移行细胞癌(TCC)中黑色素瘤抗原(MAGE)基因表达。方法逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)技术检测20例膀胱TCC患者癌组织和3株膀胱TCC细胞株T24、EJ、BIU87中MAGE-A1、A2、A3、A4基因mRNA表达。结果20例膀胱TCC癌组织中19例(95%)至少表达一种MAGE-A基因,12例MAGE-A1阳性(60%),16例MAGE-A2阳性(80%),11例MAGE-A3阳性(55%),18例MAGE-A4阳性(90%),MAGE-A1-4均阳性8例(40%)。膀胱TCC细胞株T24中MAGE-A1-4基因均表达,EJ中MAGE-A3、A4基因表达,BIU87中MAGE-A2、A3、A4基因表达。结论MAGE基因在膀胱TCC中有较高表达,可望成为膀胱TCC免疫治疗的靶基因。  相似文献   
采用cDNA末端快速扩增(RACE)技术从西伯利亚蓼叶cDNA文库中克隆到谷氧还蛋白基因(PsGRX)的完整编码区cDNA序列(GenBank注册号为GU139794),长度为465bp,编码106个氨基酸。根据与其他植物谷氧还蛋白的氨基酸序列的比对以及系统进化分析的结果,初步确定此基因为谷氧还蛋白基因家族成员。实时定量PCR的结果显示,PsGRX在西伯利亚蓼的叶、茎、地下茎中均有表达,叶中表达量最高,地下茎和茎中较低。在NaHCO3胁迫的过程中,此基因在叶、茎和地下茎中的表达模式也有较明显的差异。  相似文献   
李娜  李华  那杰 《昆虫知识》2008,45(2):327-329
蟋蟀脑由前脑、中脑和后脑三部分组成。前脑由1对蕈形体、中央复合体和视叶构成;每个蕈形体由2个冠、柄及与柄相连的α叶和β叶组成,是信息联络整合部位;中央复合体由中央体和脑桥组成,主要参与感觉信息的加工过程;视叶由神经节层、外髓和内髓组成,是视觉系统的中心。中脑由主要组成成分为嗅觉纤维球的嗅叶组成,是嗅觉系统的中心。后脑向后与食道下神经节相连。  相似文献   
菠萝蜜中香气成分分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用溶剂法提取菠萝蜜中的香气成分,用GC-MS联用技术鉴定了82个化合物,占香气成分总量的94.66%,主要为脂肪酸类以及酯类、醇类、烷氧基烷烃类和酮类物质,主要成分为亚油酸(24.10%),棕榈酸(15.72%)和油酸(6.16%)。  相似文献   


Genetic association studies are conducted to discover genetic loci that contribute to an inherited trait, identify the variants behind these associations and ascertain their functional role in determining the phenotype. To date, functional annotations of the genetic variants have rarely played more than an indirect role in assessing evidence for association. Here, we demonstrate how these data can be systematically integrated into an association study’s analysis plan.


We developed a Bayesian statistical model for the prior probability of phenotype–genotype association that incorporates data from past association studies and publicly available functional annotation data regarding the susceptibility variants under study. The model takes the form of a binary regression of association status on a set of annotation variables whose coefficients were estimated through an analysis of associated SNPs in the GWAS Catalog (GC). The functional predictors examined included measures that have been demonstrated to correlate with the association status of SNPs in the GC and some whose utility in this regard is speculative: summaries of the UCSC Human Genome Browser ENCODE super–track data, dbSNP function class, sequence conservation summaries, proximity to genomic variants in the Database of Genomic Variants and known regulatory elements in the Open Regulatory Annotation database, PolyPhen–2 probabilities and RegulomeDB categories. Because we expected that only a fraction of the annotations would contribute to predicting association, we employed a penalized likelihood method to reduce the impact of non–informative predictors and evaluated the model’s ability to predict GC SNPs not used to construct the model. We show that the functional data alone are predictive of a SNP’s presence in the GC. Further, using data from a genome–wide study of ovarian cancer, we demonstrate that their use as prior data when testing for association is practical at the genome–wide scale and improves power to detect associations.


We show how diverse functional annotations can be efficiently combined to create ‘functional signatures’ that predict the a priori odds of a variant’s association to a trait and how these signatures can be integrated into a standard genome–wide–scale association analysis, resulting in improved power to detect truly associated variants.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-398) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
In general, optimal reaction norms in heterogeneous populations can be obtained only by iterative numerical procedures (McNamara, 1991; Kawecki and Stearns, 1993). We consider two particular, but biologically plausible and analytically tractable cases of individual optimization to gain insight into the mechanisms which shape the optimal reaction norm of fecundity in relation to an environmental variable or an individual trait. In the first case, we assume that the quality of the environment (e.g. food abundance) or the quality of the individual (e.g. body size) is fixed during its entire life; it may also be a heritable individual trait. In the second case, individual quality is assumed to change randomly such that the probability distribution of quality in the next year is the same for the parent and for her offspring. For these two cases, we obtain analytical expressions for the shape of the optimal reaction norm, which are heuristically interpretable in terms of underlying selective mechanisms. It is shown that better quality may reduce the optimal fecundity. This outcome is particularly likely if better quality increases a fecundity-independent factor of parental survival in a long-lived species with fixed quality. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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