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Cells ofPityrosporum ovale that colonize human pilosebaceous units are constantly exposed to cutaneous androgenic steroids. The aim of our study was to find out whetherP. ovale is susceptible to these hormones. Three strains ofP. ovale were grown in vitro in the presence of various concentrations oftestosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, androstanedione, 5--dihydrotestosterone andprogesterone (10, 100, and 1000 µg/ml; agar dilution assays). In addition, three strains ofCandida albicans were also exposed to equal concentrations of the same androgens. As a result, allP. ovale strains were suppressed by 1000 µg/mlandrostenedione, which was the strongest inhibitor. The other androgenic steroids also significantly reducedP. ovale growth at different concentrations, depending on the hormone used and the strain tested.Progesterone was inhibitory at the highest concentration for oneP. ovale strain only.Candida albicans was not affected by any of the androgens. These findings demonstrate an in vitro susceptibility ofP. ovale to high concentrations of human androgenic steroids. A relevance of this interaction for the in vivo fungus-host relation is not apparent.  相似文献   
An efficient method for the regeneration of zygote-derived plants via ovule culture is desirable for overcoming postzygotic cross incompatibility as well as for the development of certain methods for genetic manipulation. High-frequency plantlet regeneration from ovules of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and a hybrid Italian/perennial ryegrass excised 1 to 4 days post pollination was obtained by culture on endosperm-derived feeder cells. Ovules excised 3 or 4 days after anthesis and grown on feeder cells generally regenerated about twice as frequently as ovules grown directly on nutrient medium. In one of the genotypes tested, ovules excised 1, 2 and 3 days post pollination developed into plantlets at percentages of 38.1, 52.0 and 52.8, respectively, using the feeder-cell system.Abbreviations EM endosperm multiplications - OC ovule culture - R regeneration - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid  相似文献   
A new chitinase gene, chi92, encoding the largest known chitinase from Streptomyces olivaceoviridisATCC 11238 was sequenced by means of different PCR-methods. The cloned gene was expressed in E. coliand the recombinant protein could be detected by Western-blot analysis. The multiplicity of chitinolytic enzymes of this strain is discussed.  相似文献   
Nerve growth factor (NGF) and the ubiquitous second messenger cyclic AMP (cAMP) are both implicated in neuronal differentiation. Multiple studies indicate that NGF signals to at least a subset of its targets via cAMP, but the link between NGF and cAMP has remained elusive. Here, we have described the use of small molecule inhibitors to differentiate between the two known sources of cAMP in mammalian cells, bicarbonate- and calcium-responsive soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC) and G protein-regulated transmembrane adenylyl cyclases. These inhibitors, along with sAC-specific small interfering RNA, reveal that sAC is uniquely responsible for the NGF-elicited rise in cAMP and is essential for the NGF-induced activation of the small G protein Rap1 in PC12 cells. In contrast and as expected, transmembrane adenylyl cyclase-generated cAMP is responsible for Rap1 activation by the G protein-coupled receptor ligand PACAP (pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating peptide). These results identify sAC as a mediator of NGF signaling and reveal the existence of distinct pathways leading to cAMP-dependent signal transduction.  相似文献   
This study demonstrates the applicability of pressurized stirred tank bioreactors for oxygen transfer enhancement in aerobic cultivation processes. The specific power input and the reactor pressure was employed as process variable. As model organism Escherichia coli, Arxula adeninivorans, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Corynebacterium glutamicum were cultivated to high cell densities. By applying specific power inputs of approx. 48kWm(-3) the oxygen transfer rate of a E. coli culture in the non-pressurized stirred tank bioreactor was lifted up to values of 0.51moll(-1)h(-1). When a reactor pressure up to 10bar was applied, the oxygen transfer rate of a pressurized stirred tank bioreactor was lifted up to values of 0.89moll(-1)h(-1). The non-pressurized stirred tank bioreactor was able to support non-oxygen limited growth of cell densities of more than 40gl(-1) cell dry weight (CDW) of E. coli, whereas the pressurized stirred tank bioreactor was able to support non-oxygen limited growth of cell densities up to 225gl(-1) CDW of A. adeninivorans, 89gl(-1) CDW of S. cerevisiae, 226gl(-1) CDW of C. glutamicum and 110gl(-1) CDW of E. coli. Compared to literature data, some of these cell densities are the highest values ever achieved in high cell density cultivation of microorganisms in stirred tank bioreactors. By comparing the specific power inputs as well as the k(L)a values of both systems, it is demonstrated that only the pressure is a scaleable tool for oxygen transfer enhancement in industrial stirred tank bioreactors. Furthermore, it was shown that increased carbon dioxide partial pressures did not remarkably inhibit the growth of the investigated model organisms.  相似文献   
A series of thienylmethylphenylpiperazins was synthesized and tested for affinity towards the five subtypes of dopaminergic receptors. Compound 5f showed more than 1000 folds selectivity to D4 receptors; analogue 5e showed the highest affinity to D4 receptors with Ki 3.9 nM. An interactive SAR approach was adopted and lead to compound 14a with Ki (D4) as low as 0.03 nM. Molecular docking studies showed a potential, first to report arene cation interaction between the D4 unique residue Arg-186 and the ligands’ arene moiety, explaining the importance of having a strong negative electrostatic potential at this area of the compound structure.  相似文献   
In a carrot (Daucus carota L.) cell line lacking the ability to undergo somatic embryogenasis, and in carrot and anise (Pimpinella anisum L.) cell lines in which embryogenesis could be regulated by presence or absence of 2,4-dichlorophen-oxyacetic acid (2,4-D), in the medium (+2,4-D=no embryogenesis,-2,4-D=embryo differentiation and development), the levels of endogenous gibberellin(s) (GA) were determined by the dwarfrice bioassay, and the metabolism of [3H]GA1 was followed. Embryos harvested after 14 d of subculture in-2,4-D had low levels (0.2–0.3 g g-1 dry weight) of polar GA (e.g. GA1-like), but much (3–22 times) higher levels of less-polar GA (GA4/7-like); GA1, GA4 and GA7 are native to these cultures. Conversely, the undifferentiated cells in a non-embryogenic strain, and proembryos of an embryogenic strain (+2,4-D) showed very high levels of polar GA (2.9–4.4 g g-1), and somewhat reduced levels of less-polar GA. Cultures of anise undergoing somatic embryo development (-2,4-D) metabolized [3H]GA1 very quickly, whereas proembryo cultures of anise (+2,4-D) metabolized [3H]GA1 slowly. The major metabolites of [3H]GA1 in anise were tentatively identified as GA8-glucoside (24%), GA8 (15%), GA1-glucoside (8%) and the 1(10)GA1-counterpart (2%). Thus, high levels of a GA1-like substance and a reduced ability to metabolize GA1 are correlated with the absence of embryo development, while lowered levels of GA1-like substance and a rapid metabolism of GA1 into GA8 and GA-conjugates are correlated with continued embryo development. Exogenous application of GA3 is known to reduce somatic embryogenesis in carrot cultures; GA4 was found to have the same effect in anise cultures. Thus, a role (albeit negative) in somatic embryogenesis for a polar, biologically active GA is implied.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GA gibberellin(s) or gibberellin-like substances - GC-RC gas chromatography-radiochromatogram counting - HPLC high-presare liquid chromatography - Rt retention time - TLC thinlaver chromatography  相似文献   
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