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Functional organization of neurons in rabbit's sensorimotor cortex was studied before and within several days after formation of the rhythmical dominant focus. Functional reorganization of neurons in cortical microareas took place during actualization of the dominant. The number of functional interneuronal relations within neuronal pairs of a certain type could be increased in comparison with the control values and decreased within pairs of another type. As a result, the total percent of the interneuronal correlations in cortical microareas in the control animals and rabbits with the acting dominant was approximately equal. The total percent of correlations between neurons of the adjacent cortical areas during the actualization of the dominant was significantly higher than in the control due to increased number of correlations with participation of small and medium-sized neurons. A possibility of information circulation about the "stimulus image" in the closed chain of neurons was exemplified by the real micronetwork. The data suggest the reverberation of encoded information between adjacent microareas of the sensorimotor cortex within several days after application of the stimulus, which has formed the excitation focus.  相似文献   
Bogdanov IuF 《Genetika》2003,39(4):453-473
Meiosis arose in the evolution of primitive unicellular organisms as a part of sexual process. One type of meiosis, the so-called classical type, predominates in all kingdoms of eukaryotes. Meiosis is controlled by hundreds of genes, both shared with mitosis and specifically meiotic ones. In a wide range of taxa, which in some cases include kingdoms, meiotic genes and features obey Vavilov's law of homologous variation series. Synaptonemal complexes (SCs) temporarily binding homologous chromosomes at prophase I, ensure precise and equal crossing over and interference. SC proteins have 60-80% homology within the class of mammals but differ from the corresponding proteins in fungi and plants. Thus, nonhomologous SC proteins perform similar functions in different taxa. Some recombination enzymes in fungi and insects have common epitopes. The molecular mechanism of recombination is inherited by eukaryotes from prokaryotes and operates in special compartments: SC recombination nodules. Chiasmata, i.e., physical crossovers of nonsister chromatids, are preserved in bivalents until metaphase I due to local cohesion of sister chromatids in the remaining SC fragments. Owing to chiasmata, homologous chromosomes participate in meiosis I in pairs rather than individually, which, along with unipolarity of kinetochores (only in meiosis 1), ensures segregation of homologous chromosomes. The appearance of SC and chiasmata played a key role in the evolution of unicellular organisms since it promoted the development of a progressive type of meiosis. Some lower eukaryotes retain primitive meiosis types. These primitive modes of meiosis also occur in the sex of some insects that is heterozygous for sex chromosomes. I suggest an explanation for these cases. Mutations at meiotic genes impair meiosis; however, due to the preservation of archaic meiotic genes in the genotype, bypass metabolic pathways arise, which provide partial rescue of the traits damaged by mutations. Individual blocks of genetic program of meiotic regulation have probably evolved independently.  相似文献   
The features of 137Cs metabolism in the rabbit's organism when feeding on silicates were investigated. By results of two experiments on rabbits radiosorption by of zeolite, saponit, humolit, vermiculite and palygorskit in the gastrointestinal tract was evaluated. It was found that vermiculite and palygorskit had the strongest influence on processes of accumulation and decorporation 137Cs, when a dose of additives was 5% of the weight of forage.  相似文献   
How does tmRNA move through the ribosome?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To test the structure of tmRNA in solution, cross-linking experiments were performed which showed two sets of cross-links in two different domains of tmRNA. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to search for tmRNA nucleotide bases that might form a functional analogue of a codon-anticodon duplex to be recognized by the ribosomal A-site. We demonstrate that nucleotide residues U85 and A86 from tmRNA are significant for tmRNA function and propose that they are involved in formation of a tmRNA element playing a central role in A-site recognition. These data are discussed in the frame of a hypothetical model that suggests a general scheme for the interaction of tmRNA with the ribosome and explains how it moves through the ribosome.  相似文献   
A stationary excitation focus produced in the sensorimotor cortex of a rabbit by rhythmic electrodermal paw stimulation was manifested in the reaction to a testing sound stimulus earlier indifferent for the animal. Regardless of the stimulated paw (left or right), reactions to the testing stimuli appeared approximately in the equal percent of cases (70.7% and 71.5%, respectively). After a single-trial induction of the "animal hypnosis" state, it was difficult to produce the dominant focus by simulation of the left paw, whereas the results of the right-paw stimulation did not differ from those obtained during control stimulation. Consequently, the influence of hypnosis on defensive stationary excitation foci in different hemispheres was not the same.  相似文献   
Studies have been made on the rate of biosynthesis of high molecular and neurospecific proteins in the hippocamp and archistriatum of chick embryos during the formation of adaptive changes in motor activity under controlled experimental conditions and unmonitored occasional stimulation. It was shown that during uncontrolled sensory stress the rate of synthesis of high molecular and neurospecific proteins in the structures investigated is increased whereas during learning these changes are absent.  相似文献   
The character of interneuronal relations in the auditory cortex of alert and anaesthetized cats (nembutal) with chronicly inplanted electrodes was studied with the method of statistic analysis of cross-intervals of the two impulse series. The analysis of the histograms, obtained by means of processing a neuronal activity, showed that nembutal did not eliminate the dependent relations between neurones and that in the majority of cases the types of these relations are either retained or supplemented with new components. Experiments with a reduced dose of nembutal permitted to trace in time the changes in the amount of the inhibitory and excitatory interrelations in the anaesthetized state, and to compare these changes to the changes in the frequency of spike activity. It was found that nembutal predominantly suppresses the activity of the neurones, generating small spikes. The number of inhibitory connections is reduced simultaneously. Such synchroneity permits to assume the participation of the neurones generating small spikes in the establishment of inhibitory interrelations in the cat auditory cortex.  相似文献   
The location of the 5′ end of 16 S RNA on the 30 S subunit has been determined. This has been done using immune electron microscopy of the 30 S subunits reconstituted from the 16 S RNA carrying 2,4-dinitrophenyl-hapten at its 5′-terminal phosphate group. Triphenylphosphine/2,2′-dipyridyl disulfide and 2,4-dinitrophenyl-ethylenediamine have been used as condensing and nucleophilic reagents, respectively, for modification of 16 S RNA. The reaction proceeds rapidly in mild conditions and results in a high yield of the modified RNA. Thus, a new general procedure for labeling the 5′-terminal nucleotides of high molecular weight RNAs is described. The 5′ end of 16 S RNA has been found to be located on a “lower” one-third of the small ribosomal subunit, on the side opposite to the ledge (platform).  相似文献   
Intramolecular fluorescence quenching of cyanine dyes was investigated using a model hairpin oligonucleotide decoy encoding a NF-kappaB p50 subunit binding site. Two types of hairpin oligonucleotides were synthesized: (1) 5'-(6-aminohexyl)- and 3'-(3-aminopropyl)-linked (I); (2) 5'-(6-aminohexyl)- and 3'-[3-(3-hydroxypropyldithio)propyl]-linked (II). Oligonucleotide I was covalently modified using monofunctional either Cy3- or Cy5.5-N-hydroxysuccinimide esters. Using reverse-phase HPLC, mono-and dicyanineamide derivatives of I were isolated. Mono-Cy3-modified derivatives of I, but not the mono-Cy5.5-modified derivatives, showed a 2-fold higher Cy3 fluorescence intensity compared to the free dye. There was no detectable difference in fluorescence between the di-Cy3 derivative of I and the free dye at the same concentration. However, there was a 4-fold quenching of fluorescence in the case of the di-Cy5.5 derivative of the same hairpin oligonucleotide. The quenching of Cy5.5 fluorescence could not be explained by the interaction of Cy5.5 with nucleotide bases as demonstrated by incubating free Cy5.5 dye with oligonuclotides. The quenching effect was further investigated using an oligonucleotide bearing a cleavable 3'-amino-terminated linker bearing an S-S bond (III). After modification of the 5'- and 3'-end of oligonucleotide III with a Cy5.5 monofunctional hydroxysuccinimide ester, a 70-75% quenching of fluorescence was observed. Fluorescence was 100% dequenched after the reduction of S-S bond. The obtained result unequivocally demonstrates that the formation of intramolecular Cy5.5 dimers is the dominant mechanism of fluorescence quenching in symmetric dye-dye hairpin decoy beacons.  相似文献   
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