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Partial processing of the neuropeptide Y precursor in transfected CHO cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The activation of regulatory peptides by post-translational modification of their biosynthetic precursors is generally thought to occur only in neuroendocrine cells. We have selected clones of Chinese hamster ovary cells, a non-neuroendocrine cell line, which were transfected with a eukaryotic expression vector coding for the precursor for neuropeptide Y. Although the majority of the immunoreactive NPY was found in the form of pro-NPY, some degree of intracellular proteolytic processing of the precursor occurred in all clones. Part of the intracellular NPY immunoreactivity was even correctly amidated. Extracellular degradation of pro-NPY in the tissue culture medium generated immunoreactivity which corresponded in size to NPY. It is concluded that precursor processing can occur in non-neuroendocrine cells both as a biological process within the cells and as apparent processing, degradation in the tissue culture medium.  相似文献   
Summary Receptive females of the gomphocerine grasshopperOmocestus viridulus L. were offered different artificial grasshopper songs in a one- or two-channel test situation. In the computer generated songs the tooth-impact-rate and the amplitude functions of the chirp were varied.The results of the one-channel experiments showed that the grasshoppers preferred signals with normal tooth-impact-rate to signals with half the rate. The amplitude function seems to play a minor role in the recognition process, unless this parameter is changed very radically.The results of the two-channel tests were ambiguous. A third test series was developed to interpret these results. It was found that female grasshoppers once excited by an acceptable signal afterwards responded to former unacceptable signals. Accordingly, if just one of the two signals is able to excite the female, the female may subsequently choose randomly between the signals. If the signals are of different sound levels, the louder is preferred.The shorthorned grasshopper may interpret the tooth-impact-rate as a frequency. It is proposed that the grasshopper may use the four sense cell groups of the ear as a simple sort of a spectral analyzer. These cells are tuned to different frequencies and/or differently tuned.The running Root Mean Square value of a grasshopper signal, its dependence on the applied integration time and its possible relation to perceived energy are reported in an appendix.  相似文献   
The carbohydrate-binding specificity ofPseudomonas aeruginosa lectin I (PA-I) in iodinated or biotinylated form was studied. A large number of glycosphingolipids, as well as some glycoproteins and neoglycoproteins were used as ligands. Also, inhibition by free saccharides of PA-I binding to glycosphingolipids was tested. It was found that the lectin binds most strongly to terminal and nonsubstituted Gal3Gal- or Gal4Gal-structures.Abbreviations PA-I Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectin I - Cer ceramide - lactosylceramide Gal4GlcCer - iso globotriaosylcerami Gal3Gal4GlcCer - globotriaosylceramide Gal4Gal4GlcCer - globoside or globotetraosylceramide GalNAc3Gal4Gal4GlcCer - Forssman glycolipid GalNAc3GalNAc3Gal4Gal4GlcCer - P1 glycolipid Gal4Gal4GlcNAc3Gal4GlcCer - lactoneotetraosylceramide Gal4GlcNAc3Gal4GlcCer - B5 glycolipid Gal3Gal4GlcNAc3Gal4GlcCer - gangliotetraosylceramide Gal3GalNAc4Gal4GlcCer - GM1 Gal3GalNAc4(NeuAc3)Gal4GlcCer - RBC red blood cells - BSA bovine serum albumin - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - TLC thin-layer chromatography - HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography - MS mass spectrometry - FAB fast-atom bombardment - EI electron impact  相似文献   
This study was designed to examine the cellular distribution of the angiotensin II type-1 (AT1) and type-2 (AT2) receptors in the normal human and pathological human lung. Riboprobes were prepared against specific portions of each receptor DNA and labelled with FITC for detection using an anti-FITC antibody in combination with the alkaline phosphatase-anti-alkaline phosphatase technique and new Fuchsin. These were used to detect the presence of receptor mRNA in the lung. Specific antibodies were used to detect receptor protein in cells by immunocytochemistry. Image analysis was used in order to semi-quantify receptor density. AT1 receptor mRNA and protein were localised on vascular smooth muscle cells, macrophages and in the stroma underlying the airways epithelium probably relating to underlying fibroblasts. The AT1 receptor protein was not expressed in the epithelium although there was a low level of mRNA. In contrast, AT2 receptor RNA and protein was observed in the epithelium, with strong staining on the bronchial epithelial cell brush border and also on many of the underlying mucous glands. The AT2 receptor was also present on some endothelial cells. These findings were supported by the presence of mRNA in each case. In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, there was a five- to sixfold increase in the ratio of AT1 to AT2 receptors in the regions of marked fibrosis surrounding the bronchioles. This correlated well with the reduced lung function as expressed by the forced expiratory volume.  相似文献   


Deworming is recommended by the WHO in girls and pregnant and lactating women to reduce anaemia in areas where hookworm and anaemia are common. There is conflicting evidence on the harm and the benefits of intestinal geohelminth infections on the incidence and severity of malaria, and consequently on the risks and benefits of deworming in malaria affected populations. We examined the association between geohelminths and malaria in pregnancy on the Thai-Burmese border.


Routine antenatal care (ANC) included active detection of malaria (weekly blood smear) and anaemia (second weekly haematocrit) and systematic reporting of birth outcomes. In 1996 stool samples were collected in cross sectional surveys from women attending the ANCs. This was repeated in 2007 when malaria incidence had reduced considerably. The relationship between geohelminth infection and the progress and outcome of pregnancy was assessed.

Principal Findings

Stool sample examination (339 in 1996, 490 in 2007) detected a high prevalence of geohelminths 70% (578/829), including hookworm (42.8% (355)), A. lumbricoides (34.4% (285)) and T.trichuria (31.4% (250)) alone or in combination. A lower proportion of women (829) had mild (21.8% (181)) or severe (0.2% (2)) anaemia, or malaria 22.4% (186) (P.vivax monoinfection 53.3% (101/186)). A. lumbricoides infection was associated with a significantly decreased risk of malaria (any species) (AOR: 0.43, 95% CI: 0.23–0.84) and P.vivax malaria (AOR: 0.29, 95% CI: 0.11–0.79) whereas hookworm infection was associated with an increased risk of malaria (any species) (AOR: 1.66, 95% CI: 1.06–2.60) and anaemia (AOR: 2.41, 95% CI: 1.18–4.93). Hookworm was also associated with low birth weight (AOR: 1.81, 95% CI: 1.02–3.23).


A. lumbricoides and hookworm appear to have contrary associations with malaria in pregnancy.  相似文献   
Diphenylphosphinic amides and diphenylphosphine oxides have been synthesized and tested as inhibitors of the Kv1.5 potassium ion channel as a possible treatment for atrial fibrillation. In vitro structure–activity relationships are discussed and several compounds with Kv1.5 IC50 values of <0.5 μM were discovered. Selectivity over the ventricular IKs current was monitored and selective compounds were found. Results from a rabbit PD-model are included.  相似文献   
Acoustic harassment and deterrent devices have become increasingly popular mitigation tools for negotiating the impacts of marine mammals on fisheries. The rationale for their variable effectiveness remains unexplained, but high variability in the surrounding acoustic field may be relevant. In the present study, the sound fields of one acoustic harassment device and three acoustic deterrent devices were measured at three study sites along the Scandinavian coast. Superimposed onto an overall trend of decreasing sound exposure levels with increasing range were large local variations in the sound level for all sources in each of the environments. This variability was likely caused by source directionality, inter-ping source level variation and multipath interference. Rapid and unpredictable variations in the sound level as a function of range deviated from expectations derived from spherical and cylindrical spreading models and conflicted with the classic concept of concentric zones of increasing disturbance with decreasing range. Under such conditions, animals may encounter difficulties when trying to determine the direction to and location of a sound source, which may complicate or jeopardize avoidance responses.  相似文献   
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