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1. Cell-free extracts of the photosynthetic bacterium Chlorobium thiosulfatophilum, strains 8327 and Tassajara, were assayed for ribulose 1,5-diphosphate (RuDP) carboxylase and phosphoribulokinase-the two enzymes peculiar to the reductive pentose phosphate cycle. 2. RuDP carboxylase was consistently absent in strain 8327. The Tassajara strain showed a low RuDP-dependent CO2 fixation activity that was somewhat higher in cells following transatlantic air shipment than in freshly grown cells. The stability and behaviour of this activity in sucrose density gradients were similar to those described by other workers. 3. The radioactive carboxylation products formed in the presence of RuDP by enzyme preparations from the Tassajara strain did not include 3-phosphoglycerate-the known product of the RuDP carboxylase reaction, but instead consisted of the unrelated acids glutamate, aspartate and malate. 4. Phosphoribulokinase was absent in all preparations of the two Chlorobium strains tested. By contrast, phosphoribulokinase as well as RuDP carboxylase were readily demonstrated in preparations from pea chloroplasts and the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum. 5. It is concluded that C. thiosulfatophilum appears to lack RuDP carboxylase, phosphoribulokinase, and hence, the reductive pentose phosphate cycle.Support of a J. S. Guggenheim Fellowship is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   
David B. Knaff  Bob B. Buchanan 《BBA》1975,376(3):549-560
Chromatophores isolated from the purple sulfur bacterium Chromatium and the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium exhibit absorbance changes in the cytochrome -band region consistent with the presence of a b-type cytochrome. Cytochrome content determined by reduced minus oxidized difference spectra and by heme analysis suggests that each bacterium contains one cytochrome b per molecule of photochemically active bacteriochlorophyll (reaction-center bacteriochlorophyll).

The b-type cytochrome in Chromatium has an -band maximum at 560 nm and a midpoint oxidation-reduction potential of −5 mV at pH 8.0. The b-type cytochrome in Chlorobium has an -band maximum at 564 nm and an apparent midpoint oxidation-reduction potential near −90 mV.

Chromatophores isolated from both Chromatium and Chlorobium cells catalyze a photoreduction of cytochrome b that is enhanced in the presence of antimycin A. Antimycin A and 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide inhibit endogenous (but not phenazine methosulfate-mediated) cyclic photophosphorylation in Chromatium chromatophores and non-cyclic electron flow from Na2S to NADP in Chlorobium chromatophores. These observations suggest that b-type cytochromes may function in electron transport reactions in photosynthetic sulfur bacteria.  相似文献   

We studied the joint evolution of predator body size and prey-size preference based on dynamic energy budget theory. The predators’ demography and their functional response are based on general eco-physiological principles involving the size of both predator and prey. While our model can account for qualitatively different predator types by adjusting parameter values, we mainly focused on ‘true’ predators that kill their prey. The resulting model explains various empirical observations, such as the triangular distribution of predator–prey size combinations, the island rule, and the difference in predator–prey size ratios between filter feeders and raptorial feeders. The model also reveals key factors for the evolution of predator–prey size ratios. Capture mechanisms turned out to have a large effect on this ratio, while prey-size availability and competition for resources only help explain variation in predator size, not variation in predator–prey size ratio. Predation among predators is identified as an important factor for deviations from the optimal predator–prey size ratio.  相似文献   
North American prairie pothole wetlands are known to be important carbon stores. As a result there is interest in using wetland restoration and conservation programs to mitigate the effects of increasing greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere. However, the same conditions which cause these systems to accumulate organic carbon also produce the conditions under which methanogenesis can occur. As a result prairie pothole wetlands are potential hotspots for methane emissions. We examined change in soil organic carbon density as well as emissions of methane and nitrous oxide in newly restored, long-term restored, and reference wetlands across the Canadian prairies to determine the net GHG mitigation potential associated with wetland restoration. Our results indicate that methane emissions from seasonal, semi-permanent, and permanent prairie pothole wetlands are quite high while nitrous oxide emissions from these sites are fairly low. Increases in soil organic carbon between newly restored and long-term restored wetlands supports the conclusion that restored wetlands sequester organic carbon. Assuming a sequestration duration of 33 years and a return to historical SOC densities we estimate a mean annual sequestration rate for restored wetlands of 2.7 Mg C ha−1year−1 or 9.9 Mg CO2 eq. ha−1 year−1. Even after accounting for increased CH4 emissions associated with restoration our research indicates that wetland restoration would sequester approximately 3.25 Mg CO2 eq. ha−1year−1. This research indicates that widescale restoration of seasonal, semi-permanent, and permanent wetlands in the Canadian prairies could help mitigate GHG emissions in the near term until a more viable long-term solution to increasing atmospheric concentrations of GHGs can be found.  相似文献   
对加拿大萨斯克彻温省干旱棕色土壤带、湿润棕色土壤带及黑棕色土壤带上的沙土和壤土草场区所应用的挖鱼鳞坑和犁翻两种机械措施控制丛生卷柏侵蚀天然草场的效果进行了经济效益分析。分析结果表明 :当市场折扣率为 8%和 10 %时 ,犁翻处理在任何草场区实施均在 2 0 a内不能收回投入 ,说明该处理在经济上是不可行的 ;而挖鱼鳞坑在黑棕色土壤带实施分别需要10 a和 11a才能收回投入 ,在湿润棕色土壤带分别需 12 a和 14 a,而在干燥棕色土壤带则分别需 15 a和 2 2 a。但在实际中 ,这两种处理是否能发挥 2 0 a以上的经济效益还需进一步研究。草场管理者应根据两种处理控制丛生卷柏效果及饲草产量的增量来确定净现值和内部报酬率 ,估测收回投入的年限 ,最终作出合理的经济决策。当然 ,如果考虑到铲除丛生卷柏所带来的一些生态方面的争议 ,草场管理者应慎重考虑其他一些改良措施 ,如改进放牧管理 ,施化肥及播种目标草种等 ,以达到取得经济效益的目的  相似文献   
Abstract. Immune cytolysis and immunofluorescence were used to examine chicken fetal antigen CFA) and chicken adult antigen (CAA) expression on the differentiation/maturation series of definitive erythroid cells obtained from the bone marrow of different aged chickens. We found that erythroid cells undergo changes in CFA/CAA antigenic expression dependent on their differentiation/maturation stage as well as the developmental age of the chicken. All differentiation/maturation stages of erythroid cells in the bone marrow of 12 and 18-day-old embryos express CFA only. Erythroblasts obtained from 7-day post-hatched chickens express either CFA or CAA. All three CFA/CAA phenotypes (i.e., CFA, CAA, and CFA + CAA) are observed in subsequent maturation stages, but only the CFA + CAA phenotype is observed in mature erythroid cells in the bone marrow of 7day post-hatched chickens. Erythroblasts from 62 day post-hatched chickens exhibit all three CFA/CAA phenotypes. Cells in the subsequent maturation stages express various CFA, CAA, or CFA + CAA phenotypes resulting in a majority of the mature erythrocytes expressing both CFA and CAA, and a small population of mature erythrocytes expressing CAA only. Erythroblasts from adult chickens express both CFA and CAA; however, CFA is lost during erythroid maturation resulting in mature erythrocytes which express CAA only. These studies indicate that both the erythroid differentiation/maturation stage and the developmental age of the chicken influence CFA and CAA antigenic expression on erythroid cells undergoing cellular differentiation/maturation in the bone marrow.  相似文献   
Weather can shape movements of animals and alter their exposure to anthropogenic threats. Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) are increasingly at risk from collision with turbines used in onshore wind energy generation. In the midwestern United States, development of this energy source typically occurs in upland areas that bald eagles use only intermittently. Our objective was to determine the factors that cause wintering bald eagles to occupy riparian areas and riskier, upland areas. We tracked 20 bald eagles using telemetry in the Upper Midwest (MN, IA, MO, WI, IL, USA) during winter 2014–2015 and 2015–2016 and evaluated habitat use by eagles in response to variation in weather and time of year. Eagles used riparian areas more when wind speed and atmospheric pressure were low. Exclusive use of uplands was more frequent during weather systems with low pressure and high humidity and after long periods of cold weather. There was a non-linear response to time of year (measured by days before migration) in the frequency of exclusive use of uplands or riparian areas. Probability of exclusive use of either landscape was generally constant within 95 days prior to migration. The probability of use of riparian areas, however, was markedly less during dates >100 days before migration. Our results suggest that eagles are most likely to be exposed to wind energy developments located in upland areas during low pressure systems, after long periods of cold weather, and several months before the onset of spring migration. This information helps to better understand the factors influencing bald eagle habitat use in winter and will be useful to managers and developers wishing to establish effective strategies to avoid, minimize, and mitigate take, and to survey for mortalities at wind energy developments. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Capsule Iceland is a stop‐over site for a population of Purple Sandpipers that winter in Britain. Here, they accumulate fuel loads for onward migration along with birds that have wintered in Iceland.

Aims To establish whether Purple Sandpipers from Britain stop‐over in Iceland during spring migration and, if so, to describe their population structure, changes in mass and moult.

Methods Purple Sandpipers were cannon‐netted on the coast of the Reykjanes Peninsula in southwest Iceland during May 2003 and 2005. Birds were aged, sexed (some by DNA) and standard biometric measurements made. Active body moult was scored.

Results Bill and wing lengths showed that the Purple Sandpipers we caught were similar to one of the populations that winter in Britain rather than Icelandic breeding birds. There were more males than females throughout the migration period (63% males for first‐year‐birds and 67% for adult birds). Accounting for a bias due to a higher percentage of males in a less usual habitat (muddy/sandy bays), the values for rocky sites were 52% males for first‐year birds and 62% for adults. The percentage of first‐year birds was 19% in 2003 and 32% in 2005, though the latter figure was biased by catches in muddy/sandy bays where there was a higher percentage of young birds. The percentage of first‐year birds was 25% on just the rocky shores in 2005. Many birds were in latter stages of body moult, and males were slightly in advance of females. Increasing mass showed that they were preparing for onward migration. The average increase of 0.58 g per day was similar to the rate measured in Orkney at an earlier point on the migration route. However, a high turnover of birds could be the reason for these low values. By late May, and close to the assumed departure date, the Purple Sandpipers of the different age/sex classes had fuel indices of 24–29% (33–42% of the lean mass). This was lower than that for the high Arctic sandpipers (Knots and Sanderlings) leaving southwest Iceland for Greenland and Canada.

Conclusions Our study confirmed that Purple Sandpipers do stop‐over in Iceland, and the possible lower rate of fuel accumulation and smaller amount stored, compared with Knots and Sanderlings, suggests a different migration pattern.  相似文献   
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