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25 aromatic carboxylic acids which are analogs of benzoic acid were tested in the rat diaphragm preparation for effects on chloride conductance (G(Cl)). Of the 25, 19 were shown to reduce membrane G(Cl) with little effect on other membrane parameters, although their apparent K(i) varied widely. This inhibition was reversible if exposure times were not prolonged. The most effective analog studied was anthracene-9-COOH (9-AC; K(i) = 1.1 x 10(-5) M). Active analogs produced concentration-dependent inhibition of a type consistent with interaction at a single site or group of sites having similar binding affinities, although a correlation could also be shown between lipophilicity and K(i). Structure-activity analysis indicated that hydrophobic ring substitution usually increased inhibitory activity while para polar substitutions reduced effectiveness.

These compounds do not appear to inhibit G(Cl) by altering membrane surface charge and the inhibition produced is not voltage dependent. Qualitative characteristics of the I-V relationship for Cl(-) current are not altered. Conductance to all anions is not uniformly altered by these acids as would be expected from steric occlusion of a common channel. Concentrations of 9-AC reducing G(Cl) by more than 90 percent resulted in slight augmentation of G(I). The complete conductance sequence obtained at high levels of 9-AC was the reverse of that obtained under control conditions. Permeability sequences underwent progressive changes with increasing 9-AC concentration and ultimately inverted at high levels of the analog. Aromatic carboxylic acids appear to inhibit G(Cl) by binding to a specific intramembrane site and altering the selectivity sequence of the membrane anion channel.

China's burgeoning outbound tourist market has become a priority for Australian tourism, with national and state tourism reports advocating for ‘China‐ready’ marketing, policy and planning and increased industry training around Chinese consumer behaviour and preferences to capitalise on this market. However, studies demonstrate that Chinese tourists are generally not interested in Indigenous tourism experiences. Nevertheless, the state of Victoria is adamant about investing in Indigenous‐themed tourism products which are considered appropriate for Chinese preferences in an attempt to attract tourists from this growing inbound market. This article presents a review of relevant state government policies relating to Indigenous tourism alongside a case study of the tourism experiences developed and provided by Gunditjmara people along the Budj Bim Cultural Landscape in southwest Victoria. We demonstrate the ways that notions of ‘authenticity’ continue to shape, and constrain, Indigenous economic engagement and participation via tourism, and discuss the impact of these notions on the provision of Indigenous tourism products and experiences for Chinese and other visitors. We argue that the marketing of Gunditjmara tourism to fluctuating market demand highlights the arbitrariness of Australian governments' policies with respect to Indigenous development, and call for policymakers to focus renewed attention on the local aspirations of Indigenous entrepreneurs.  相似文献   
Peregrine falcon populations underwent devastating declines in the mid-20th century due to the bioaccumulation of organochlorine contaminants, becoming essentially extirpated east of the Great Plains and significantly reduced elsewhere in North America. Extensive re-introduction programs and restrictions on pesticide use in Canada and the United States have returned many populations to predecline sizes. A proper population genetic appraisal of the consequences of this decline requires an appropriate context defined by (i) meaningful demographic entities; and (ii) suitable reference populations. Here we explore the validity of currently recognized subspecies designations using data from the mitochondrial control region and 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci taken from 184 contemporary individuals from across the breeding range, and compare patterns of population genetic structure with historical patterns inferred from 95 museum specimens. Of the three North American subspecies, the west coast marine subspecies Falco peregrinus pealei is well differentiated genetically in both time periods using nuclear loci. In contrast, the partitioning of continental Falco peregrinus anatum and arctic Falco peregrinus tundrius subspecies is not substantiated, as individuals from these subspecies are historically indistinguishable genetically. Bayesian clustering analyses demonstrate that contemporary genetic differentiation between these two subspecies is mainly due to changes within F. p. anatum (specifically the southern F. p. anatum populations). Despite expectations and a variety of tests, no genetic bottleneck signature is found in the identified populations; in fact, many contemporary indices of diversity are higher than historical values. These results are rationalized by the promptness of the recovery and the possible introduction of new genetic material.  相似文献   
The conversion of very low density (VLDL) to low density lipoproteins (LDL) is a two-step process. The first step is mediated by lipoprotein lipase, but the mechanism responsible for the second is obscure. In this study we examined the possible involvement of receptors at this stage. Apolipoprotein B (apoB)-containing lipoproteins were separated into three fractions, VLDL (Sf 100-400), an intermediate fraction IDL (Sf 12-100), and LDL (Sf 0-12). Autologous 125I-labeled VLDL and 131I-labeled 1,2-cyclohexanedione-modified VLDL were injected into the plasma of four normal subjects and the rate of transfer of apoB radioactivity was followed through IDL to LDL. Modification did not affect VLDL to IDL conversion. Thereafter, however, the catabolism of modified apoB in IDL was retarded and its appearance in LDL was delayed. Hence, functional arginine residues (and by implication, receptors) are required in this process. Confirmation of this was obtained by injecting 125I-labeled IDL and 131I-labeled cyclohexanedione-treated IDL into two additional subjects. Again, IDL metabolism was delayed by approximately 50% as a result of the modification. These data are consistent with the view that receptors are involved in the metabolism of intermediate density lipoprotein.  相似文献   
We assessed the effect of two pathogens (myxoma virus and Eimeria stiedae) and five macroparasites (gastrointestinal helminth species) of the wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) upon total host body mass and abdominal fat level. Additionally, we assessed the effects of these organisms on the number of foetuses in adult females during the peak breeding period. Both mass of abdominal fat and total body mass of the rabbit were negatively associated with myxoma virus infection and increasing helminth species richness. Total body mass was also negatively associated with the protozoan parasite E. steidae. No relationship was found between any of the parasites/pathogens and the number of foetuses in adult females, although only relatively small sample sizes were available for this section of the analysis. Increasing host body mass was positively associated with number of foetuses and we propose that mass reduction caused by the pathogen and parasite species could also have the consequence of reducing foetal number.  相似文献   
The widespread utility of hypervariable loci in genetic studies derives from the high mutation rate, and thus the high polymorphism, of these loci. Recent evidence suggests that mutation rates can be extremely high and may be male biased (occurring in the male germ-line). These two factors combined may result in erroneous overestimates of extrapair paternity, since legitimate offspring with novel alleles will have more mismatches with respect to the biological father than the biological mother. As mutations are male driven, increasing the number of hypervariable loci screened may simply increase the number of mismatches between fathers and their legitimate offspring. Here we describe a simple statistic, the probability of resemblance (PR), to distinguish between mismatches due to parental misassignment versus mutation in either sex or null alleles. We apply this method to parentage data on thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia), and demonstrate that, without considering either mutations or male-biased mutation rates, cases of extrapair paternity (7% in this study) would be grossly overestimated (14.5%-22%). The probability of resemblance can be utilized in parentage studies of any sexually reproducing species when allele or haplotype frequency data are available for putative parents and offspring. We suggest calculating this probability to correctly categorize legitimate offspring when mutations and null alleles may cause mismatches.  相似文献   
The hypothesis that social stimulation, derived from the presence and activities of conspecifics, can hasten and synchronize breeding in colonies of birds was tested. A modified playback/recorder system was used to continuously exaggerate the amount of colony sound available to zebra finches throughout their courtship period. Males that heard 'sound supplements' generated from their own colony sang more than males in control colonies that did not receive playback; males that heard samples from a different colony, sang at an intermediate level. Females that were exposed to the vocalizations of their mate and playback from a colony other than their own, laid eggs earlier and more synchronously than females in control colonies. Females that heard the vocalizations of their mate along with playback samples generated from their own colony, laid eggs more synchronously but not earlier than control females. Both acoustic treatments caused females to lay larger clutches. Social stimulation influences the breeding schedule and clutch size in zebra finch colonies. If there are advantages associated with these effects, social stimulation may contribute to the maintenance of colonial breeding systems.  相似文献   
Marriott  C.A.  Hudson  G.  Hamilton  D.  Neilson  R.  Boag  B.  Handley  L.L.  Wishart  J.  Scrimgeour  C.M.  Robinson  D. 《Plant and Soil》1997,196(1):151-162
As preparation for a below ground food web study, the spatial variability of three soil properties (total N, total C and pH) and two stable isotopes (13C and 15N of whole soil) were quantified using geostatistical approaches in upland pastures under contrasting management regimes (grazed, fertilised and ungrazed, unfertilised) in Scotland. This is the first such study of upland, north maritime grasslands. The resulting patterns of variability suggest that to obtain statistically independent samples in this system, a sampling distance of 13.5 m is required. Additionally, temporal change (a decline of 1) was observed in whole soil 15N for the grazed, fertilised plot. This may have been caused by new inputs of symbiotically-fixed atmospheric N2.  相似文献   
Brown  D.J.F.  Neilson  R.  Connolly  T.  Boag  B. 《Systematic parasitology》1997,37(2):93-103
Morphometrics of female specimens from 46 populations and species belonging to the Longidorus vineacola Sturhan & Weischer, 1964 'complex' were examined. L. vineacola was present as 36 populations; L. attenuatus Hooper, 1961 and L. cohni Heyns, 1969 each as two populations; and L. apulus Lamberti & Bleve-Zacheo, 1977 , L. closelongatus Stoyanov, 1964 and L. pseudoelongatus Altherr, 1976 each as a single population. Specimens from two populations from France and Italy which had originally been identified as L. vineacola were found to be L. paraelongatus Altherr, 1974 and L. proximus Sturhan & Argo, 1983, respectively. A population from the Netherlands represented an unidentified species but the number of specimens available was insufficient to establish a new species. In a canonical variate analysis using the five morphometric characters of body, odontostyle, odontophore, anterior to guide ring and tail lengths, the L. vineacola populations formed several clusters and the other species formed separate clusters. All 46 populations formed a homogeneous group at 87% level of similarity. It is concluded that the five morphological characters used for the analysis provide a reliable means for distinguishing members of the L. vineacola complex of morphologically similar species. L. apuloides Roca, 1996 is considered a junior synonym of L. vineacola.  相似文献   
Yeates  G.W.  Boag  B.  Brown  D.J.F. 《Systematic parasitology》1997,38(1):33-43
Xiphinema waimungui n. sp. from native forest in the North Island, New Zealand, is distinguished from many Xiphinema spp. by having two equal female genital branches, Z differentiation absent and tail short, convex-conoid. Females are 2.71–3.19 mm long, odontostyle 117–130 µm and odontophore 65–75 µm. Four juvenile stages are distinguished; tail shape does not vary markedly. Males were not found. Longidorus waikouaitii n. sp. from a native forest remnant in the South Island, New Zealand, has a rather posteriorly positioned guide-ring, large female body size (>6 mm), a bluntly conoid lip region which is continuous with the body contour and a bluntly rounded tail less than an anal body width long. No males and few juveniles were found. A dichotomous key is provided to the seven species of longidorids currently known from New Zealand.  相似文献   
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