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Austin JD  Lougheed SC  Boag PT 《Genetics》2004,168(3):1491-1506
Nonequilibrium conditions due to either allopatry followed by secondary contact or recent range expansion can confound measurements of gene flow among populations in previously glaciated regions. We determined the scale at which gene flow can be estimated among breeding aggregations of bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) at the northern limit of their range in Ontario, Canada, using seven highly polymorphic DNA microsatellite loci. We first identified breeding aggregations that likely share a common history, determined from the pattern of allelic richness, factorial correspondence analysis, and a previously published mtDNA phylogeography, and then tested for regional equilibrium by evaluating the association between pairwise F(ST) and geographic distance. Regional breeding aggregations in eastern Ontario separated by <100 km were determined to be at or near equilibrium. High levels of gene flow were measured using traditional F-statistics and likelihood estimates of Nm. Similarly high levels of recent migration (past one to three generations) were estimated among the breeding aggregations using nonequilibrium methods. We also show that, in many cases, breeding aggregations separated by up to tens of kilometers are not genetically distinct enough to be considered separate genetic populations. These results have important implications both for the identification of independent "populations" and in assessing the effect of scale in detecting patterns of genetic equilibrium and gene flow.  相似文献   
Understanding reproductive and developmental processes of socioeconomically important parasitic nematodes is of fundamental scientific interest and could have important implications for developing novel methods for parasite control via the disruption or interruption of such processes. Central to investigating reproductive molecular biology is the identification and characterisation of genes with sex-specific expression profiles. However, there is currently a paucity of information on such genes and their expression patterns in parasitic nematodes. This article describes recent progress on the characterisation of sex-specific genes from a parasitic nematode of veterinary importance, and discusses the fundamental scientific and applied implications of this work.  相似文献   
Breeding density, synchrony, and experience are expected toinfluence the frequency of extrapair paternity in birds. UsingDNA fingerprinting, we examined the effect of these factorson tree swallows nesting at relatively high (grids of nest-boxes)and low (solitary boxes at least 100 m from the nearest neighbor)densities and in relatively synchronous (Alberta) and asynchronous(Ontario) populations in Canada. The mean percentage of extrapairoffspring per nest did not differ significantly between birdsnesting in grids (43%, n = 22 families) and solitary boxes (57%,n = 12 families). Similarly, there was no significant differencein the mean percentage of extrapair offspring per nest betweenrelatively synchronous (60%, n = 12 Alberta families) and asynchronous(41%, n = 22 Ontario families) populations. We also found noconsistent pattern between extrapair paternity and breedingexperience among seven males and seven females examined overtwo to three breeding seasons. Female tree swallows can influencethe fertilization success of extrapair males by active selectionand rejection of copulation partners. We suggest that this abilitylimits the predicted effect of various ecological factors onthe frequency of extrapair paternity  相似文献   
A study of the epidemiology of myxomatosis and the protozoan liver parasite, Eimeria stiedae, in a population of wild rabbits in Scotland from 1977 to 2010 is reported. Rabbits were collected on a monthly basis resulting in a total of 5,337 animals examined for the infections. The investigation showed that within any 1 year over the 34 years of the investigation the percentage of rabbits with myxomatosis varied between 0 and 24 %, while for E. stiedae infections fluctuated between 3 and 42 %. There were strong seasonal trends in the prevalence of myxomatosis with over 16 % being infected in September and October, and for E. stiedae, peaks of over 40 % of livers infected were recorded in July. From 2007 to 2010, faeces were also examined for coccidia oocysts and parasitic nematode eggs. Rabbits infected with the myxoma virus had mean oocyst counts of 73,665 per gram faeces, while rabbits not infected with the myxoma virus had counts of 31,952 oocysts per gram. Comparable figures for nematode faecal egg counts were 911 per gram in myxomatosis-infected animals and 427 per gram in uninfected animals. The elevated nematode faecal egg counts in rabbits with myxomatosis reflects increased worm burdens already reported, but the elevated counts of coccidial oocysts have not previously been reported. This would suggest that myxomatosis could compromise rabbit immunity to nematodes and coccidia.  相似文献   
The cellular traffic of haem during the development of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, through the stages R (ring), T (trophozoite) and S (schizonts), was investigated within RBC (red blood cells). When Plasmodium cultures were incubated with a fluorescent haem analogue, ZnPPIX (Zn protoporphyrin IX) the probe was seen at the cytoplasm (R stage), and the vesicle‐like structure distribution pattern was more evident at T and S stages. The temporal sequence of ZnPPIX uptake byP. falciparum‐infected erythrocytes shows that at R and S stages, a time‐increase acquisition of the porphyrin reaches the maximum fluorescence distribution after 60 min; in contrast, at the T stage, the maximum occurs after 120 min of ZnPPIX uptake. The difference in time‐increase acquisition of the porphyrin is in agreement with a maximum activity of haem uptake at the T stage. To gain insights into haem metabolism, recombinant PfHO (P. falciparum haem oxygenase) was expressed, and the conversion of haem into BV (biliverdin) was detected. These findings point out that, in addition to haemozoin formation, the malaria parasite P. falciparum has evolved two distinct mechanisms for dealing with haem toxicity, namely, the uptake of haem into a cellular compartment where haemozoin is formed and HO activity. However, the low Plasmodium HO activity detected reveals that the enzyme appears to be a very inefficient way to scavenge the haem compared with the Plasmodium ability to uptake the haem analogue ZnPPIX and delivering it to the food vacuole.  相似文献   
Co-infections can alter the host immune responses and modify the intensity and dynamics of concurrent parasitic species. The extent of this effect depends on the properties of the system and the mechanisms of host-parasite and parasite-parasite interactions. We examined the immuno-epidemiology of a chronic co-infection to reveal the immune mediated relationships between two parasites colonising independent organs, and the within-host molecular processes influencing the dynamics of infection at the host population level. The respiratory bacterium, Bordetella bronchiseptica, and the gastrointestinal helminth, Graphidium strigosum, were studied in the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), using long-term field data and a laboratory experiment. We found that 65% of the rabbit population was co-infected with the two parasites; prevalence and intensity of co-infection increased with rabbit age and exhibited a strong seasonal pattern with the lowest values recorded during host breeding (from April to July) and the highest in the winter months. Laboratory infections showed no significant immune-mediated effects of the helminth on bacterial intensity in the lower respiratory tract but a higher abundance was observed in the nasal cavity during the chronic phase of the infection, compared with single bacterial infections. In contrast, B. bronchiseptica enhanced helminth intensity and this was consistent throughout the 4-month trial. These patterns were associated with changes in the immune profiles between singly and co-infected individuals for both parasites. This study confirmed the general observation that co-infections alter the host immune responses but also highlighted the often ignored role of bacterial infection in helminth dynamics. Additionally, we showed that G. strigosum had contrasting effects on B. bronchiseptica colonising different parts of the respiratory tract. At the host population level our findings suggest that B. bronchiseptica facilitates G. strigosum infection, and re-infection with G. strigosum assists in maintaining bacterial infection in the upper respiratory tract and thus long-term persistence.  相似文献   
We investigated the phylogenetic relationships of 12 species within a single genus of neotropical passerine (Poospiza) using 849 bp (283 codons) of the cytochrome b mitochondrial gene. We further explored evolutionary affinities of these taxa using sequence from an additional 47 thraupine (tanagers) and 7 emberizine (sparrows and buntings) genera, members of the predominantly New World family Emberizidae. Poospiza have traditionally been considered part of the emberizine radiation. However, our analyses suggest that members of this genus are more closely related to some thraupine lineages than they are to the other neotropical emberizine genera included in our study (Atlapetes, Embernagra, Melopyrrha, Phrygilus, Saltatricula, Tiaris). Although member taxa are closely related, the genus Poospiza appears to be paraphyletic with representatives of 6 thraupine genera (Cnemoscopus, Cypsnagra, Hemispingus, Nephelornis, Pyrrhocoma, Thylpopsis) interspersed among four well-supported Poospiza clades. The majority of species within this Poospiza-thraupine clade have geographic ranges that are exclusive to, or partially overlap with, the Andes Mountains. It is probable that these mountains have played an important role in driving cladogenesis within this group. Sequence divergence (transversions only; mean 4.7+/-1.3%) within the clade suggests that much of this diversification occurred within the late Miocene and Pliocene, a period coincident with major orogenic activity in central-western South America.  相似文献   
We used 16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, and cytochrome-b sequence to investigate the history of the "30-chromosome" Hyla, a diverse assemblage of neotropical treefrogs. Three aspects of these frogs were examined: (1) phylogenetic relationships among constituent species groups, among the species of one of these groups (Hyla leucophyllata group), and among populations of Hyla leucophyllata; (2) the apparent age of cladogenetic events; and (3) the phylogeography of H. leucophyllata. Mixed success in resolving the phylogeny is not because of a lack of character variation; levels of genetic divergence are high and suggest pre-Pleistocene diversification, even among populations. Close temporal proximity of ancient cladogenetic events might make resolution of the topology difficult using any character set. At the population level, current geographic proximity is a poor predictor of phylogenetic affinity. A long history of dispersal and colonization may complicate, or even preclude, the accurate recovery of the history of this species in the Amazon Basin. It remains to be seen whether the patterns found here will prove common among neotropical frogs.  相似文献   
This study examines geneticstructure of central and eastern North American Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus)populations. Samples derived from 27populations (n = 206) covering the range of threerecognized subspecies: L. l. migrans,L. l. ludovicianus, and L. l.excubitorides, and included locales from aputative intergrade zone between twosubspecies. For L. l. migrans, samplesinclude both those from extant populations andfrom museum specimens spanning approximately130 years. For all samples we obtained 267 basepairs of mitochondrial control region sequenceand identified a total of 23 distincthaplotypes. For a subset of samplesrepresenting a locale centered on the Canadianportion of an intergrade zone between migrans and excubitorides and locales onalternate sides of the intergrade, we obtainedadditional sequence for an intron of thenuclear glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatedehydrogenase gene. Analyses of temporal trendsin control region diversity of L. l.migrans populations indicate a diminutioncoincident with the decline in populationnumbers. Results from an Analysis of MolecularVariance on the control region data showed thata significant amount of total control regionspatial variation was apportioned among thethree subspecies (24.42%; P < 0.01). Furtheranalyses indicated statistically significantdifferences between eastern and westernpopulations of L. l. migrans. We found nosignificant differences among consideredpopulations in frequencies of six identifiedGpdh alleles, although this result ispreliminary because of small sample sizes.However, both the mitochondrial and intron datasuggest a higher genetic diversity in theintergrade zone. Based on our analyses wedefine four management units for eastern andcentral populations of Loggerhead Shrikes.  相似文献   
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