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Red cell Lewis antigens are carried by glycosphingolipids passively absorbed from plasma. Plasma was collected from a spectrum of individuals with normal and unusual Lewis/secretor phenotypes in order to investigate the glycolipid basis for the unusual phenotypes. Samples were obtained from: a Le(a+b–) ABH nonsecretor who secreted Lewis substances; a Le(a+b–) partial secretor; Le(a+b+) partial secretors; Le(a+b+) secretors; and a full range of normal Lewis/secretor phenotypes as controls. The Le(a+b+) samples represented Polynesian, Asian and Réunion Island ethnic backgrounds. Nonacid glycolipids were prepared, separated by thin-layer chromatography, and then immunostained with potent monoclonal antibodies of known specificity. Despite different serological profiles of the Le(a+b–) and Le(a+b+) Polynesian samples, their plasma glycolipid expressions were very similar, with both Lea and Leb co-expressed. The copresence of Lea and Leb in Le(a+b+) samples is in marked contrast to Caucasians with normal Lewis phenotypes, who have predominantly either Lea or Leb. These results suggest that there is a range of the secretor transferases in different individuals, possibly due to different penetrance or to several weak variants. We also show that Lewis epitopes on longer and/or more complex core chains appear to be predominant in the Polynesian Le(a+b+) samples. The formation of these extended glycolipids is compatible with the concept that in the presence of reduced secretor fucosyltransferase activity, increased elongation of the precursor chain occurs, which supports the postulate that fucosylation of the precursor prevents or at least markedly reduces chain elongation.Abbreviations CBA chromatogram binding assay - TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   
The anisotropic self-diffusion coefficient of 7Li+ (I = 3/2) counterions has been studied in hydrated, macroscopically oriented Li-(B)DNA fibers at relatively high water contents, corresponding to approximate DNA-DNA helix axis distances of 22–35 Å, using the pulsed field gradient hmr spin-echo method. Self-diffusion coefficients parallel (D) and perpendicular (D?) to the DNA helix axis increase with increasing salt content and with increasing DNA-DNA helix axis distance. The observed anisotropy D/D? decreases from 1.6 to 1.2 with the DNA-DNA separation increasing from 22 to 35 Å in the salt-free sample. This result can be understood by the obstruction effect caused by the DNA molecules themselves. The values of the Li+ self-diffusion coefficients in the most water-rich system with no added salt (corresponding to an approximate distance of 35 Å between the DNA helix axes) were D ~ 1.15 × 10?10 m2 s?1 and D? ~ 0.98 × 10?10 m2 s?1, compared to 9.14 × 10?10 m2 s?1 for the diffusion of Li+ in an aqueous solution of LiCl (~ 2.1M). The possible occurrence of restriction effects in the DNA fibers have also been studied by determining the self-diffusion coefficient at different effective diffusion times. The self-diffusion coefficient of Li+ in the sample with the largest DNA-DNA helix axis distance seems to be independent of the effective diffusion time, which indicates that the lithium ions are not trapped within impermeable barriers. The possibility of diffusion through permeable barriers has also been investigated, and is discussed. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
A series of 4 experiments were designed to evaluate the feasibility of superstimulation in beef cattle with a single sc injection of the porcine pituitary extract, Folltropin-V. In the preliminary study (Experiment 1), superovulatory response of cows (n=7) treated with a single sc injection of 400 mg NIH-FSH-P1 Folltropin-V was not different than that of cows (n=8) superstimulated with twice daily im injections over 4 d, or a single sc injection plus an injection of eCG (n=12). Experiments 2 and 3 were designed to determine the optimal site of a single sc injection. In Experiment 2, cows (n=25) with body condition scores (BCS) of 1 to 2 were used. The mean number of CL counted and ova/embryos collected was lower (P<0.05) in cows treated with the single sc injection in the neck region than in cows treated with a single sc injection behind the shoulder, or with the twice daily im injection treatment. In Experiment 3, cows (n=49) with BCS of 3 to 5 were used. There were no differences in the number of CL, total ova/embrvos collected, fertilized ova and transferable embryos whether treatments were given in the neck region or behind the shoulder, or whether the cows were implanted or not implanted with Syncro-Mate-B. Experiment 4 was designed to determine the optimal superstimulatory dosage of Folltropin-V administered by a single sc injection. Superovulatory response of cows treated with the higher doses (400 mg, 600 mg or 800 mg NIH-FSH-P1) was higher (P<0.05) than those treated with 200 mg NIH-FSH-P1. The number of unovulated (>/=10 mm) follicles at the time of ova/embryo collection was higher (P<0.05) in the 600 and 800 mg groups, and progesterone concentration at estrus was higher (P<0.05) in cows treated with 800 mg than with 400 or 200 mg. It was concluded that a single, bolus sc injection of 400 mg NIH-FSH-P1 of Folltropin-V is as efficacious as the 4-d, twice daily im treatment protocol for inducing superovulation in beef cows. The amount of subcutaneous fat and site of injection appeared to affect the efficacy of a single sc injection; a single bolus sc injection of Folltropin-V behind the shoulder resulted in the most predictable superovulatory response.  相似文献   
Rhizopus arrhizus lipase immobilized on celite was used to prepare isomerically pure 2-monoglycerides by alcoholysis of triglycerides in organic media. Reaction parameters such as choice of solvent, choice of alcohol, and alcohol concentration were studied. When 12.5 mM tripalmitin was used as substrate, methyl-tert-butyl ether was the best solvent for alcoholysis at water activity 0.11. Ethanol gave the highest yield (97%) at an optimal ethanol concentration of 200–300 mM. At higher alcohol concentrations, the enzyme activity was substantially lowered. The enzyme preparation showed high stability in repeated-batch reactions.  相似文献   
redspecimenrepersentsanewgenusandspecies.Wanshuinaliigen.etsp.nov.SpecimenShaftofarighthumerus,andthedistalendofaIefttibiotarsusanda1efttarsometatarsus,Vlo529.DistributionQianshan,AnhuiProvince;Paleocene,DoumuFormation.DiagnosisSizesma1l-medium,humeruss1enderandlong,mediancrestventraleelongated,tibiotarsuscompressedanteroposteriorly,externalcondy1eroundinlateraIview,grooveforperoneusprofundusdeepandlong;internalcondylelongerthanex-ternalcondyle,adepressionwelldeve1opedin1owerborder0finter…  相似文献   
It is generally accepted that the Kd for hormone binding to estrogen receptors in extracts ranges between 0.1–1 nM and that binding displays positive cooperativity due to formation of homodimers. After carefully optimizing assay procedures, to diminish ligand depletion phenomena and to fully control recoveries, we find a single class of non-interacting high affinity hormone binding sites with a Kd of approx. 10 pM. Ligand depletion was avoided by decreasing receptor concentrations to 5–8 pM. We were therefore obliged to employ radioiodinated estradiol as a probe as the specific radioactivity of tritiated estradiol was too low to maintain the accuracy of the binding assay. Human estrogen receptor extracted from the MCF7 cell line and recombinantly produced (in yeast) wild-type human receptor have identical equilibrium hormone binding characteristics.  相似文献   
Two experiments were designed to evaluate the responsiveness of beef heifers to superstimulatory treatments administered during the first follicular wave. Heifers were examined daily (Experiment 1) or twice daily (Experiment 2) by ultrasonography to determine the status of follicular wave development and the day of initiation of superstimulatory treatment. Heifers in both experiments were superstimulated with a total dose of 10 ml Folltropin (equivalent to 200 mg of NIH-FSH-P1), divided into 10 equal intramuscular injections over 5 days. On the last day of treatment, heifers received 500 mug of cloprostenol after each injection of Folltropin to induce luteolysis. In the respective groups, superstimulatory treatments were initiated on Day -1, Day 0 (day of ovulation) or Day +1 for Experiment 1, and on Day -1, Day 0, Day +1 or Day +2 for Experiment 2. In Experiment 1, the number of ovulations in each ovary was assessed by ultrasonography and by counting the number of corpora lutea (CL) in each ovary at slaughter. The correlation between both techniques for assessing ovulatory response was high (r= 0.98; P< 0.0001), and there was no significant difference in the mean number of ovulations detected by ultrasound (5.7+/-1.1) versus the mean number of CL counted at slaughter (6.2+/-1.2). In Experiment 1, the mean (+/- SEM) number of CL counted at slaughter in heifers treated on Day -1 (9.4+/-3.8) and Day 0 (7.3+/-1.6) was higher (P< 0.05) than that of heifers treated on Day +1 (0.7+/-0.3). The mean number of follicles >/=7 mm in diameter on the last day of treatment was also higher (P<0.05) in the Day -1 group compared with the Day +1 group; the Day 0 group was intermediate. In Experiment 2, the mean number of ovulations was higher (P< 0.05) in the Day 0 group (18.4+/-3.4) than the Day -1 (9.5+/-2.3), Day +1 (6.7+/-2.2) or Day +2 (6.5+/-2.3) groups. Heifers in the Day -1, and Day 0 groups had more (P< 0.05) follicles >/=7 mm at the end of treatment compared with heifers in the Day +1 or the Day +2 group. The stated hypothesis was supported: exogenous FSH treatment initiated at the time of wave emergence, near the expected time of the endogenous wave-eliciting FSH surge, has a positive effect on the superstimulatory response. A higher superstimulatory response was elicited when treatments were initiated on the day of, or the day before, wave emergence compared with that of later treatments.  相似文献   
A study was performed to investigate possible interactions by magnetic fields (MF) with the processes of initiation and promotion of chemically induced preneoplastic lesions in rat liver. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to a 70% partial hepatectomy followed after 24 h by i.p. injection of diethylnitrosamine (DENA) as a tumour initiator. Starting one week after the DENA-treatment phenobarbital (PB) was given to promote growth of enzymatically altered foci of liver cells. MF was applied immediately after the partial hepatectomy and continued until sacrifice after 12 weeks of PB exposure. Homogenous horizontal AC magnetic fields with a frequency of 50 Hz and flux densities of 0.5 μT or 0.5 mT were used. The rats coexposed with MF and DENA plus PB did not gain weight as much as the rats exposed to the chemical agents only. The MF-exposure also resulted in a slight reduction in size and numbers of the focal lesions. The results suggest an interaction of MF with the processes of chemical carcinogenesis either as a result of stress or depending on effects on the proliferation of preneoplastic cells. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
王海林  金冬雁 《病毒学报》1994,10(4):311-315
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