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Five sets of cytotoxic effector cells were generated, using haploidentical, first degree relatives in five different families, against the HLA-A3; B7 serological determinants combined with different DR antigens. When tested against a panel of cells bearing combinations of the HLA-A, -B and -DR antigens it was shown that the HLA-B7 antigen was as strong a CML target determinant alone as it was in the presence of HLA-A3. The strength of the HLA-A3 antigen as target determinant varied. With effector cells primed to the HLA-A3; B7; DR2 haplotype, the A3 antigen alone behaved as a weak target determinant. When the same target cells were tested with the effector cells generated against HLA-A3; B7 without DR2, the A3 antigen behaved as a strong target determinant. A number of target cells lacking the serologically detectable HLA determinants present on the sensitizing HLA haplotype were identified as being killed by specific effector cells. These data suggest either a number of new CML target determinants controlled by different loci or the presence of a single, new locus with multiple alleles controlling CML targets.  相似文献   
Dry ashing and wet ashing are two commonly used methods for the preparation of biological materials for trace element analysis by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. In this paper, National Bureau of Standards (NBS) bovine liver was dry ashed at 450°C for 24 h in silica glass (Vycor) or procelain crucibles; the resulting ash was dissolved in either concentrated nitric or hydrochloric acid. Dry ashing efficiency was evaluated by comparing iron, copper, zinc, and manganese concentrations of the samples with the values certified by NBS. Highest recoveries were obtained by dry ashing in silica glass (Vycor) crucibles. Dissolving the resultant ash in either hydrochloric or nitric acids did not significantly alter the results. A comparison between dry and wet ashing shows the latter method to be superior for the preparation of biological tissues for analysis of iron, copper, zinc, and manganese.  相似文献   
A progressive paresis was encountered in herds of Swedish goats. The symptoms developed during a period of weeks or months, and were initially often seen as a weakness of the hind limbs before the animals became paralytic. The development and the histopathological lesions of the disease in the GNS and the lungs were similar to those of visna in sheep. In vitro grown choroid plexus cells, prepared from affected goats, showed foci of polykaryocytes. Electron microscopy revealed the presence of particles morphologically similar to those of sheep visna virus (SVV). Goats experimentally infected with the goat visna virus (GVV) developed GNS lesions similar to those of visna in sheep and became seropositive to SVV. The results of complement fixation tests, carried out on sera from 11 goat herds, showed a coincidence between seropositiveness and the occurrence of disease in one and the same herd. Using the ELISA method, an average of 80 % of the goats in 5 herds were found to be seropositive to GVV.  相似文献   
The sequence of the deoC gene of Escherichia coli K12 and the amino acid sequence of the corresponding protein, deoxyriboaldolase, has been established. The protein consists of 259 amino acids with a molecular weight of 27 737. The purified enzyme may exist both as a monomer and as a dimer. On the basis of amino acid composition, molecular weight and catalytic properties, the enzymes from E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium seem to be almost similar. They belong to the class I aldolases, which form Schiff base intermediates. Using data for the S. typhimurium enzyme, the lysine residue involved in the active site in the E. coli enzyme was tentatively identified.  相似文献   
高粱泡的生长调控与结实状况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高粱泡(Rubus lambertionus Ser.)是一种有利用价值的野生果树资源。其优点为:(1)结果早,产量高,亩产量可达500kg以上;(2)适应性广,耐瘠薄,是开发利用低山丘陵的优良资源植物;(3)果实营养丰富,酸味纯正,尤其是所含红色素稳定性好,是加工果汁饮料的优质添加剂;(4)果实采收期在11月中旬到12月底,此时气温低,有利于浆果加工和贮藏,并可利用农闲季节的劳动力。上述特点表明,高粱泡有很好的开发利用前景。但本种在野生状态下蔓生性强,多刺,并具有枝顶生根的习性,因而树形紊乱而松散,栽培时搭架困难,植株占地面积大,而单位面积产量不易提高。为了便于操作管理和提高产量,减少栽培成本,增进经济效益,我们于1990~1991年进行了生长和株形调控试验,  相似文献   
扑虱灵对稻飞虱的防治效果,及对捕食性天敌的毒性,进行了田间试验,并与叶蝉散,杀虫双的使用结果作比较.试验结果表明,扑虱灵对稻飞虱的防治效果达93%,与叶蝉散,杀虫双相比较。防治效果提高了2.39~32.85%.对黑肩绿盲蝽和蜘蛛种群具有不同程度的选择性,维护较低的稻飞虱与天敌的比值,有利于天敌作用的发挥,维持对稻飞虱较长的残效期,基本上可以控制稻田后期飞虱的增长.  相似文献   
A family of repetitive elements from the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 was identified through the proximity of one element to the psbAI gene. Four members of this seven-member family were isolated and shown to have structures characteristic of bacterial insertion sequences. Each element is approximately 1,200 bp in length, is delimited by a 30-bp inverted repeat, and contains two open reading frames in tandem on the same DNA strand. The four copies differ from each other by small insertions or deletions, some of which alter the open reading frames. By using a system designed to trap insertion elements, one of the elements, denoted IS895, was shown to be mobile. The target site was not duplicated upon insertion of the element. Two other filamentous cyanobacterial strains were also found to contain sequences homologous to IS895.  相似文献   
The plasma membrane Ca2+ pump ATPase from porcine aorta was isolated by the calmodulin affinity chromatographic method of Kosk-Kosicka et al. (Kosk-Kosicka, D., Scaillet, S., and Inesi, G. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 3333-3338). Its activity was restored by adding either phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidylserine. Cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase (G-kinase) stimulated the enzyme in a concentration-dependent manner. However, phosphatidylinositol kinase (PI-kinase) activity was not detected in the enzyme preparation, and the presence of phosphatidylinositol was not necessary for stimulation by G-kinase. Furthermore, adenosine, a potent PI-kinase inhibitor, did not affect the stimulation. The enzyme preparation contained three major proteins, with molecular masses of 240, 145, and 135 kDa, as assessed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The 240- and 135-kDa proteins were phosphorylated in association with the stimulation by G-kinase, but only the phosphorylation of the 240-kDa protein was dependent on the G-kinase concentration. A purified enzyme without the 240-kDa protein, prepared by our previous method (Imai, S., Yoshida, Y., and Sun, H.-T. (1990) J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 107, 755-761), was not activated by G-kinase. Immunoblotting with an antibody against the human erythrocyte Ca2+ pump revealed that the 135-kDa protein corresponded to one of the isoforms of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump. These results suggest that the phosphorylation of the 240-kDa protein is responsible for stimulation of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump ATPase by G-kinase.  相似文献   
小麦属的分类研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
草鱼出血病病毒对其它鱼的感染性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用草鱼出血病病鱼分离出的草鱼出血病病毒(Grass carp hemorrhage virus,GCHV)感染其它常见鱼并用ELISA方法检查感染鱼组织提取液,结果表明:青鱼、鲢鱼、布氏鳌条对GCHV抗体呈阳性反应;鲤鱼、鳙鱼、鲫鱼、团头鲂、泥鳅则呈阴性反应。综合感染鱼发病症状及死亡特征,初步认为:青鱼对GCHV是易感的,GCHV能在鲢鱼、布氏蟹条体内增值,但毒力较低,鳙鱼、鲫鱼、团头鲂、鲤鱼、泥鳅能抗GCHV感染。  相似文献   
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