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The phorbol ester phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) strongly inhibits human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-induced syncytium formation; it has been suggested that this inhibitory effect is due to the transient downmodulation of the surface-associated CD4 receptors by PMA (I. H. Chowdhury, Y. Koyanagi, S. Kobayashi, Y. Hamamoto, H. Yoshiyama, T. Yoshida, and N. Yamamoto, Virology 176:126-132, 1990). Surprisingly, PMA treatment of cells expressing truncated (A2.01.CD4.401) and hybrid (A2.01.CD4.CD8) CD4 molecules, which are not downmodulated (P. Bedinger, A. Moriarty, R. C. von Borstel II, N. J. Donovan, K. S. Steimer, and D. R. Littman, Nature [London] 334:162-165, 1988), inhibited their fusion with CD4- (12E1) cells expressing vaccinia virus-encoded HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (gp120-gp41) and with chronically HIV-1-infected H9 (MN, IIIB, or RF) cells. PMA pretreatment of T (12E1) and non-T (HeLa, U937.3, and Epstein-Barr virus-transformed B) cell lines expressing vaccinia virus-encoded CD4 also blocked fusion with 12E1 cells expressing vaccinia virus-encoded gp120-gp41. Interestingly, pretreatment of the gp120-gp41-expressing 12E1 cells with PMA did not alter their fusion with untreated CD4-expressing cells. Although the inhibitory effect of PMA was rapid and treatment for 1.5 h with 5 ng of PMA per ml was sufficient to reduce fusion by more than 50%, the recovery after treatment was slow and more than 40 h was needed before the cells regained half of their fusion potential. The inhibitory effect of PMA was blocked by staurosporine in a dose-dependent fashion, suggesting that it is mediated by protein kinase C. PMA treatment of A2.01.CD4.401 cells reduced the number of infected cells 6.7-fold, as estimated by a quantitative analysis of the HIV-1 MN infection kinetics, probably by affecting the stage of virus entry into cells. CD26 surface expression was not significantly changed by PMA treatment. We conclude that PMA inhibits the CD4-gp120-gp41-mediated fusion by modulating an accessory component(s), different from CD26, in the target CD4-expressing cells. These findings suggest a novel approach for identification of accessory molecules involved in fusion and may have implications for the development of antiviral agents.  相似文献   
An approximately 29-kD protein was purified from the membrane fraction of wheat (Triticum aestivum cv Dganit) mitochondria by the utilization of standard liquid chromatography techniques. The protein, designated MmP29 for mitochondrial membrane protein having a molecular mass of approximately 29 kD, exhibited cationic properties in a buffering solution, adjusted to pH 7.5. This positive charge enabled its passage through a diethylaminoethyl column, without interaction with the positively charged matrix. Subsequently, this protein was separated from the remaining polypeptides by a preferential elution from a hydroxylapatite/celite mixed column. Reconstituted liposomes containing this protein were characterized as being permeable to 8-amino-naphthalene 1,3,6-trisulfonic acid disodium salt (Mr 445) but non-permeable to dextran fluorescein (Mr 40,000). Additionally, MmP29 was inserted into planar phospholipid membranes, and anion-selective, voltage-dependent channels were demonstrated. All of the MmP29 properties mentioned highly resemble voltagedependent, anion-selective channel (VDAC) proteins, suggesting that MmP29 is the mitochondrial outer membrane VDAC protein of wheat.  相似文献   
Antibodies to several epitopes of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein (gp120-gp41) can synergize in inhibiting HIV-1 infection. In the present study we tested the ability of a monoclonal antibody (MAb), 5A8, which interacts with CD4 domain 2, and other CD4-specific MAbs to synergize with antibodies against gp120. We have previously found that 5A8 inhibits HIV-1 entry without interfering with gp120 binding to CD4, presumably by affecting a postbinding membrane fusion event. Because antibodies to the gp120 V3 loop also affect post-CD4-gp120-binding events, 5A8 was first tested in combination with anti-V3 loop antibodies for possible synergy. The anti-V3 loop antibodies 0.5 beta, NEA-9205, and 110.5 acted synergistically with 5A8 in inhibiting syncytium formation between gp120-gp41- and CD4-expressing cells. A human MAb to an epitope of gp120 involved in CD4 binding, IAM 120-1B1, and another anti-CD4 binding site antibody, PC39.13, also exerted synergistic effects in combination with 5A8. Similarly, an antibody against the gp120 binding site on CD4, 6H10, acted synergistically with an anti-V3 loop antibody, NEA-9205. However, a control anti-CD4 antibody, OKT4, which does not significantly inhibit syncytium formation alone, produced only an additive effect when combined with NEA-9205. Serum from HIV-1-infected individuals, which presumably contains antibodies to the V3 loop and the CD4 binding site, exhibited a strong synergistic effect with 5A8 in inhibiting infection by a patient HIV-1 isolate (0104B) and in blocking syncytium formation. These results indicate that therapeutics based on antibodies affecting both non-gp120 binding and gp120 binding epitopes of the target receptor molecule, CD4, could be efficient in patients who already contain anti-gp120 antibodies and could also be used to enhance passive immunization against HIV-1 in combination with anti-gp120 antibodies.  相似文献   
The activity of a 7.3S-8.3S Drosophila DNA polymerase was characterized in detail using poly dA.p(dT)[unk] and poly rA.p(dT)[unk]. With poly dA.p(dT)[unk], Mg(2+) ion was the preferred divalent cation, and enzyme activity was inhibited by K(+) ion and by spermidine. With poly rA.p(dT)[unk], Mn(2+) ion was the preferred divalent cation and enzyme activity was stimulated by K(+) ion and by spermidine. The dependence of enzyme activity on the concentration of primer-template and on the ratio of primer to template was the same in both reactions. The two enzyme activities were identically inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide. Poly dA was replicated extensively and poly rA was replicated partially. The activation energy for poly dA replication was twice that for poly rA replication. Enzyme activity with poly dA.p(dT)[unk] was more stable to thermal inactivation than was enzyme activity with poly rA.p(dT)[unk]. These studies suggest that the same enzyme responds to both the deoxy- and the ribohomopolymer template but that the mechanisms of replication may be different.  相似文献   
Summary We synchronized Drosophila cell lines (Schneider's line 2 and Kc) by allowing the cells to enter the stationary phase of growth and then diluting them into fresh culture medium. The cells of both cell lines entered S phase, after an 8- to 14-hr delay, in a state of partial synchrony; 60 to 80% of the cell population accumulated in S phase. Measurements of the cell cycle phases of Schneider's line 2 cells (S=14 to 16 hr; G2=6 to 8 hr; M=0.4 hr) were similar to those of Kc cells. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration. A.R. was supported by an NIH post-doctoral fellowship, No. CA01060.  相似文献   
We have used thrombin to cleave apolipoprotein C-III-1 into two fragments constituting residues 1-40 (apoLP-C-III-A) and 41-79 (apoLP-C-III-B). The lipid binding properties of these fragments with dimyristoyl- and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholines have been determined using circular dichroic and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy. The peptide-phospholipid mixtures were fractionated by density gradients of cesium chloride. ApoLP-C-III-A showed disordered structure in the absence and presence of DMPC and no significant amount of peptide-phospholipid complex was isolated. ApoLP-C-III-B showed conformational changes in the circular dichroic spectrum and a shift in the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence spectrum. Ultracentrifugation in cesium chloride gradients yielded peptide-phospholipid complexes isolated between density 1.10 and 1.18. The molar ratio of lipid to protein was 12:1. The results of these studies and the examination of space filling models of apoLP-C-III provide evidence that an amphipathic alpha helix which contains a nonpolar face and a polar face is the basic structural unit for binding of phospholipid by the plasma apolipoproteins. These results also provide direct evidence that the hydrophobicity of the nonpolar face is important in lipid binding since the nonpolar face of residues 1-40 is considerably less hydrophobic than the nonpolar face of residues 41-79.  相似文献   
Summary Although hydrophobic forces probably dominate in determining whether or not a protein will insert into a membrane, recent studies in our laboratory suggest that electrostatic forces may influence the final orientation of the inserted protein. A negatively charged hepatic receptor protein was found to respond totrans-positive membrane potentials as though electrophoresing into the bilayer. In the presence of ligand, the protein appeared to cross the membrane and expose binding sites on the opposite side. Similarly, a positively charged portion of the peptide melittin crosses a lipid membrane reversibly in response to atrans-negative potential. These findings, and others by Date and co-workers, have led us to postulate that transmembrane proteins would have hydrophobic transmembrane segments bracketed by positively charged residues on the cytoplasmic side and negatively charged residues on the extra-cytoplasmic side. In the thermodynamic sense, these asymmetrically placed charge clusters would create a compelling preference for correct orientation of the protein, given the inside-negative potential of most or all cells. This prediction is borne out by examination of the few transmembrane proteins (glycophorin, M13 coat protein, H-2Kb, HLA-A2, HLA-B7, and mouse Ig heavy chain) for which we have sufficient information on both sequence and orientation.In addition to the usual diffusion and pump potentials measurable with electrodes, the microscopic membrane potential reflects surface charge effects. Asymmetries in surface charge arising from either ionic or lipid asymmetries would be expected to enhance the bias for correct protein orientation, at least with respect to plasma membranes. We introduce a generalized form of Stern equation to assess surface charge and binding effects quantitatively. In the kinetic sense, dipole potentials within the membrane would tend to prevent positively charged residues from crossing the membrane to leave the cytoplasm. These considerations are consistent with the observed protein orientations. Finally, the electrostatic and hydrophobic factors noted here are combined in two hypothetical models of translocation, the first involving initial interaction of the presumptive transmembrane segment with the membrane; the second assuming initial interaction of a leader sequence.  相似文献   
Thin-layer gels can be made with agarose and used to assess within a few minutes the efficiency with which multilamellar vesicles are converted to small unilamellar ones by sonication. A fluorescent lipid marker or vesicle-encapsulated solute permits continuous monitoring of the chromatography. Advantages over agarose gel column chromatography include speed of analysis, small sample size, the possibility of running multiple samples simultaneously, and direct accessibility to fluorescence microscopy. This approach should also be useful in the study of liposome-lipoprotein interactions and in affinity chromatography of liposomes.  相似文献   
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