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Bartlett JL  Li Y  Blount P 《Biophysical journal》2006,91(10):3684-3691
The mechanosensitive channel of large conductance acts as a biological "emergency release valve" that protects bacterial cells from hypoosmotic stress. Although structural and functional studies and molecular dynamic simulations of this channel have led to several models for the structural transitions that occur in the gating process, inconsistencies linger and details are lacking. A previous study, using a method coined as the "in vivo SCAM", identified several residues in the channel pore that were exposed to the aqueous environment in the closed and opening conformations. Briefly, the sulfhydryl reagent MTSET was allowed to react, in the presence or absence of hypoosmotic shock, with cells expressing mechanosensitive channel of large conductance channels that contained cysteine substitutions; channel dysfunction was assessed solely by cell viability. Here we evaluate the MTSET-induced functional modifications to these mechanosensitive channel activities by measuring single channel recordings. The observed changes in residue availability in different states, as well as channel kinetics and sensitivity, have allowed us to elucidate the microenvironment encountered for a number of pore residues, thus testing many aspects of previous models and giving a higher resolution of the pore domain and the structural transitions it undergoes from the closed to open state.  相似文献   
Investigation of the role of regulatory T cells (Treg) in model systems is facilitated by their depletion using anti-CD25 Abs, but there has been considerable debate about the effectiveness of this strategy. In this study, we have compared the depletion and repopulation of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ Treg in uninfected and malaria-infected mice using 7D4 and/or PC61 anti-CD25 Abs. We find that numbers and percentages of CD25(high) cells, but not Foxp3+ cells, are transiently reduced after 7D4 treatment, whereas treatment with PC61 alone or in combination with 7D4 (7D4 plus PC61) reduces but does not eliminate Foxp3+ cells for up to 2 wk. Importantly, all protocols fail to eliminate significant populations of CD25-Foxp3+ or CD25(low)Foxp3+ cells, which retain potent regulatory capacity. By adoptive transfer we show that repopulation of the spleen by CD25(high)Foxp3+ cells results from the re-expression of CD25 on peripheral populations of CD25-Foxp3+ but not from the conversion of peripheral Foxp3-) cells. CD25(high)Foxp3+ repopulation occurs more rapidly in 7D4-treated mice than in 7D4 plus PC61-treated mice, reflecting ongoing clearance of emergent CD25+Foxp3+ cells by persistent PC61 Ab. However, in 7D4 plus PC61-treated mice undergoing acute malaria infection, repopulation of the spleen by CD25+Foxp3+ cells occurs extremely rapidly, with malaria infection driving proliferation and CD25 expression in peripheral CD4+CD25-Foxp3+ cells and/or conversion of CD4+CD25-Foxp3- cells. Finally, we reveal an essential role for IL-2 for the re-expression of CD25 by Foxp3+ cells after anti-CD25 treatment and observe that TGF-beta is required, in the absence of CD25 and IL-2, to maintain splenic Foxp3+ cell numbers and a normal ratio of Treg:non-Treg cells.  相似文献   
Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flüggé) is the predominant forage grass in the southeastern US. The commercially important bahiagrass cultivar ‘Argentine’ is preferred for genetic transformation over sexual diploid cytotypes, since it produces uniform seed progeny through apomixis. Pseudogamous apomictic seed production in Argentine bahiagrass may contribute to transgene confinement. It is characterized by embryo development which is independent of fertilization of the egg cell, but requires fertilization with compatible pollen to produce the endosperm. Pollen-mediated gene transfer from transgenic, glufosinate-resistant apomictic bahiagrass as pollen donor at close proximity (0.5–3.5 m) with non-transgenic sexual or apomictic bahiagrass cultivars as pollen receptors was evaluated under field conditions. Hybridization frequency was evaluated by glufosinate herbicide resistance in >23,300 seedlings derived from open-pollinated (OP) pollen receptor plants. Average gene transfer between transgenic apomictic, tetraploid and sexual diploid bahiagrass was 0.03%. Herbicide-resistant hybrids confirmed by immuno-chromatographic detection of the PAT protein displayed a single copy bar gene identical to the pollen parent. Hybrids resulting from diploid pollen receptors were confirmed as triploids or aneu-triploids with significantly reduced vigor and seed set as compared to the parents. Transmission of transgenes to sexual bahiagrass is severely restricted by the ploidy difference between tetraploid apomicts and diploid sexual bahiagrass. Average gene transfer between transgenic apomictic tetraploid and non-transgenic, apomictic tetraploid bahiagrass was 0.17%, confirming a very low frequency of amphimixis in apomictic bahiagrass cultivars. While not providing complete transgene containment, gene transfer between transgenic apomictic and non-transgenic bahiagrass occurs at a much lower frequency than reported for other cross-pollinating or facultative apomictic grasses.  相似文献   


Hematopoietic development in vertebrate embryos results from the sequential contribution of two pools of precursors independently generated. While intra-embryonic precursors harbour the features of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), precursors formed earlier in the yolk sac (YS) display limited differentiation and self-renewal potentials. The mechanisms leading to the generation of the precursors in both sites are still largely unknown, as are the molecular basis underlying their different potential. A possible approach to assess the role of candidate genes is to transfer or modulate their expression/activity in both sites. We thus designed and compared transduction protocols to target either native extra-embryonic precursors, or hematopoietic precursors.  相似文献   
Using a battery of seven lectin-ferritin conjugates as probes for cell surface glycoconjugates, we have studied the pattern of plasmalemmal differentiation of cells in the embryonic rat pancreas from day 15 in utero to the early postpartum stage. Our results indicate that differentiation of plasmalemmal glycoconjugates on acinar, endocrine, and centroacinar cells is temporally correlated with development and is unique for each cell type, as indicated by lectin-ferritin binding. Specifically, (a) expression of adult cell surface saccharide phenotype can be detected on presumptive acinar cells as early as 15 d in utero, as indicated by soybean agglutinin binding, and precedes development of intracellular organelles characteristic of mature acinar cells; (b) maturation of the plasmalemma of acinar cells is reached after intracellular cytodifferentiation is completed, as indicated by appearance of Con A and fucoselectin binding sites only at day 19 of development; conversely, maturation of the endocrine cell plasmalemma is accompanied by "loss" (masking) of ricinus communis II agglutinin receptors; and (c) binding sites for fucose lectins and for soybean agglutinin are absent on endocrine and centroacinar cells at all stages examined. We conclude that acinar, centroacinar, and endocrine cells develop from a common progenitor cell(s) whose plasmalemmal carbohydrate composition resembles most closely that of the adult centroacinar cell. Finally, appearance of acinar lumina beginning at approximately 17 d in utero is accompanied by differenetiation of apical and basolateral plasmalemmal domains of epithelial cells, as indicated by enhanced binding of several lectin-ferritin conjugates to the apical plasmalemmal, a pattern that persists from this stage through adult life.  相似文献   
Throughout the Western World, huge numbers of people regularly supply food for wild birds. However, evidence of negative impacts of winter feeding on future reproduction has highlighted a need to improve understanding of the underlying mechanisms shaping avian responses to supplementary food. Here, we test the possibility that carry‐over effects are mediated via their impact on the phenotypes of breeding birds, either by influencing the phenotypic structure of populations through changes in winter survival and/or by more direct effects on the condition of breeding birds. Using a landscape‐scale 3‐year study of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus), we demonstrate the importance of nutritional composition of supplementary food in determining carry‐over effect outcomes. We show that breeding populations which had access to vitamin E‐rich foods during the previous winter were comprised of individuals with reduced feather carotenoid concentrations, indicative of lower pre‐feeding phenotypic condition, compared to fat‐fed and unfed populations. This suggests that supplementary feeding in winter can result in altered population phenotypic structure at the time of breeding, perhaps by enhancing survival and recruitment of lower quality individuals. However, supplementation of a fat‐rich diet during winter was detrimental to the oxidative state of breeding birds, with these phenotypic differences ultimately found to impact upon reproductive success. Our findings demonstrate the complex nature by which supplementary feeding can influence wild bird populations.  相似文献   
Lithium, an effective antipsychotic, induces nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) in ∼40% of patients. The decreased capacity to concentrate urine is likely due to lithium acutely disrupting the cAMP pathway and chronically reducing urea transporter (UT-A1) and water channel (AQP2) expression in the inner medulla. Targeting an alternative signaling pathway, such as PKC-mediated signaling, may be an effective method of treating lithium-induced polyuria. PKC-alpha null mice (PKCα KO) and strain-matched wild type (WT) controls were treated with lithium for 0, 3 or 5 days. WT mice had increased urine output and lowered urine osmolality after 3 and 5 days of treatment whereas PKCα KO mice had no change in urine output or concentration. Western blot analysis revealed that AQP2 expression in medullary tissues was lowered after 3 and 5 days in WT mice; however, AQP2 was unchanged in PKCα KO. Similar results were observed with UT-A1 expression. Animals were also treated with lithium for 6 weeks. Lithium-treated WT mice had 19-fold increased urine output whereas treated PKCα KO animals had a 4-fold increase in output. AQP2 and UT-A1 expression was lowered in 6 week lithium-treated WT animals whereas in treated PKCα KO mice, AQP2 was only reduced by 2-fold and UT-A1 expression was unaffected. Urinary sodium, potassium and calcium were elevated in lithium-fed WT but not in lithium-fed PKCα KO mice. Our data show that ablation of PKCα preserves AQP2 and UT-A1 protein expression and localization in lithium-induced NDI, and prevents the development of the severe polyuria associated with lithium therapy.  相似文献   
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