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Containing an epidemic at its origin is the most desirable mitigation. Epidemics have often originated in rural areas, with rural communities among the first affected. Disease dynamics in rural regions have received limited attention, and results of general studies cannot be directly applied since population densities and human mobility factors are very different in rural regions from those in cities. We create a network model of a rural community in Kansas, USA, by collecting data on the contact patterns and computing rates of contact among a sampled population. We model the impact of different mitigation strategies detecting closely connected groups of people and frequently visited locations. Within those groups and locations, we compare the effectiveness of random and targeted vaccinations using a Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered compartmental model on the contact network. Our simulations show that the targeted vaccinations of only 10% of the sampled population reduced the size of the epidemic by 34.5%. Additionally, if 10% of the population visiting one of the most popular locations is randomly vaccinated, the epidemic size is reduced by 19%. Our results suggest a new implementation of a highly effective strategy for targeted vaccinations through the use of popular locations in rural communities.  相似文献   
Iridovirus and microsporidian linked to honey bee colony decline   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


In 2010 Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), again devastated honey bee colonies in the USA, indicating that the problem is neither diminishing nor has it been resolved. Many CCD investigations, using sensitive genome-based methods, have found small RNA bee viruses and the microsporidia, Nosema apis and N. ceranae in healthy and collapsing colonies alike with no single pathogen firmly linked to honey bee losses.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used Mass spectrometry-based proteomics (MSP) to identify and quantify thousands of proteins from healthy and collapsing bee colonies. MSP revealed two unreported RNA viruses in North American honey bees, Varroa destructor-1 virus and Kakugo virus, and identified an invertebrate iridescent virus (IIV) (Iridoviridae) associated with CCD colonies. Prevalence of IIV significantly discriminated among strong, failing, and collapsed colonies. In addition, bees in failing colonies contained not only IIV, but also Nosema. Co-occurrence of these microbes consistently marked CCD in (1) bees from commercial apiaries sampled across the U.S. in 2006–2007, (2) bees sequentially sampled as the disorder progressed in an observation hive colony in 2008, and (3) bees from a recurrence of CCD in Florida in 2009. The pathogen pairing was not observed in samples from colonies with no history of CCD, namely bees from Australia and a large, non-migratory beekeeping business in Montana. Laboratory cage trials with a strain of IIV type 6 and Nosema ceranae confirmed that co-infection with these two pathogens was more lethal to bees than either pathogen alone.


These findings implicate co-infection by IIV and Nosema with honey bee colony decline, giving credence to older research pointing to IIV, interacting with Nosema and mites, as probable cause of bee losses in the USA, Europe, and Asia. We next need to characterize the IIV and Nosema that we detected and develop management practices to reduce honey bee losses.  相似文献   
A rational four-step strategy to identify novel bacterial glycosyl hydrolases (GH), in combination with various fungal enzymes, was applied in order to develop tailored enzyme cocktails to efficiently hydrolyze pretreated lignocellulosic biomass. The fungal cellulases include cellobiohydrolase I (CBH I; GH family 7A), cellobiohydrolase II (CBH II; GH family 6A), endoglucanase I (EG I; GH family 7B), and β-glucosidase (βG; GH family 3). Bacterial endocellulases (LC1 and LC2; GH family 5), β-glucosidase (LβG; GH family 1), endoxylanases (LX1 and LX2; GH family 10), and β-xylosidase (LβX; GH family 52) from multiple sources were cloned, expressed, and purified. Enzymatic hydrolysis for varying enzyme combinations was carried out on ammonia fiber expansion (AFEX)-treated corn stover at three total protein loadings (i.e., 33, 16.5, and 11 mg enzyme/g glucan). The optimal mass ratio of enzymes necessary to maximize both glucan and xylan yields was determined using a suitable design of experiments. The optimal hybrid enzyme mixtures contained fungal cellulases (78% of total protein loading), which included CBH I (loading ranging between 9-51% of total enzyme), CBH II (9-51%), EG I (10-50%), and bacterial hemicellulases (22% of total protein loading) comprising of LX1 (13%) and LβX (9%). The hybrid mixture was effective at 50°C, pH 4.5 to maximize saccharification of AFEX-treated corn stover resulting in 95% glucan and 65% xylan conversion. This strategy of screening novel enzyme mixtures on pretreated lignocellulose would ultimately lead to the development of tailored enzyme cocktails that can hydrolyze plant cell walls efficiently and economically to produce cellulosic ethanol.  相似文献   


Methylation of residues in histone tails is part of a network that regulates gene expression. JmjC domain containing proteins catalyze the oxidative removal of methyl groups on histone lysine residues. Here, we report studies to test the involvement of Jumonji domain-containing protein 6 (Jmjd6) in histone lysine demethylation. Jmjd6 has recently been shown to hydroxylate RNA splicing factors and is known to be essential for the differentiation of multiple tissues and cells during embryogenesis. However, there have been conflicting reports as to whether Jmjd6 is a histone-modifying enzyme.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Immunolocalization studies reveal that Jmjd6 is distributed throughout the nucleoplasm outside of regions containing heterochromatic DNA, with occasional localization in nucleoli. During mitosis, Jmjd6 is excluded from the nucleus and reappears in the telophase of the cell cycle. Western blot analyses confirmed that Jmjd6 forms homo-multimers of different molecular weights in the nucleus and cytoplasm. A comparison of mono-, di-, and tri-methylation states of H3K4, H3K9, H3K27, H3K36, and H4K20 histone residues in wildtype and Jmjd6-knockout cells indicate that Jmjd6 is not involved in the demethylation of these histone lysine residues. This is further supported by overexpression of enzymatically active and inactive forms of Jmjd6 and subsequent analysis of histone methylation patterns by immunocytochemistry and western blot analysis. Finally, treatment of cells with RNase A and DNase I indicate that Jmjd6 may preferentially associate with RNA/RNA complexes and less likely with chromatin.


Taken together, our results provide further evidence that Jmjd6 is unlikely to be involved in histone lysine demethylation. We confirmed that Jmjd6 forms multimers and showed that nuclear localization of the protein involves association with a nucleic acid matrix.  相似文献   


The multi-step process of carcinogenesis can be more fully understood by characterizing gene expression changes induced in cells by carcinogens. In this study, expression microarrays were used to monitor the activity of 18,224 cDNA clones in MCF-7 and HepG2 cells exposed to the carcinogen benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) or its non-carcinogenic isomer benzo(e)pyrene (BeP). Time and concentration gene expression effects of BaP exposure have been assessed and linked to other measures of cellular stress to aid in the identification of novel genes/pathways involved in the cellular response to genotoxic carcinogens.


BaP (0.25–5.0 μM; 6–48 h exposure) modulated 202 clones in MCF-7 cells and 127 in HepG2 cells, including 27 that were altered in both. In contrast, BeP did not induce consistent gene expression changes at the same concentrations. Significant time- and concentration-dependent responses to BaP were seen in both cell lines. Expression changes observed in both cell lines included genes involved in xenobiotic metabolism (e.g., CYP1B1, NQO1, MGST1, AKR1C1, AKR1C3,CPM), cell cycle regulation (e.g., CDKN1A), apoptosis/anti-apoptosis (e.g., BAX, IER3), chromatin assembly (e.g., histone genes), and oxidative stress response (e.g., TXNRD1). RTqPCR was used to validate microarray data. Phenotypic anchoring of the expression data to DNA adduct levels detected by 32P-postlabelling, cell cycle data and p53 protein expression identified a number of genes that are linked to these biological outcomes, thereby strengthening the identification of target genes. The overall response to BaP consisted of up-regulation of tumour suppressor genes and down-regulation of oncogenes promoting cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Anti-apoptotic signalling that may increase cell survival and promote tumourigenesis was also evident.


This study has further characterised the gene expression response of human cells after genotoxic insult, induced after exposure to concentrations of BaP that result in minimal cytotoxiCity. We have demonstrated that investigating the time and concentration effect of a carcinogen on gene expression related to other biological end-points gives greater insight into cellular responses to such compounds and strengthens the identification of target genes.  相似文献   
Alveolar fluid reabsorption (AFR) is important in keeping the air spaces free of edema. This process is accomplished via active transport of Na(+) across the alveolo-capillary barrier mostly by apical Na(+) channels and basolateral Na(+)-K(+)-ATPases. Recently, we have reported that acute elevation of left atrial pressures is associated with decreased AFR in isolated rat lungs. However, the effect of chronic elevation of pulmonary capillary pressure, such as seen in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF), on AFR is unknown. CHF was induced by creating an aorto-caval fistula (ACF) in Sprague-Dawley male rats. Seven days after the placement of the fistula, AFR was studied in the isolated perfused rat lung model. AFR in control rats was 0.49 +/- 0.02 ml/h (all values are means +/- SE) and increased by approximately 40% (0.69 +/- 0.03 ml/h) in rats with chronic CHF (P < 0.001). The albumin flux from the pulmonary circulation into the air spaces did not increase in the experimental groups, indicating that lung permeability for large solutes was not increased. Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity and protein abundance at the plasma membrane of distal alveolar epithelial tissue were significantly increased in CHF rats compared with controls. These changes were associated with increased plasma norepinephrine levels in CHF rats compared with controls. We provide evidence that in a rat model of chronic compensated CHF, AFR is increased, possibly due to increased endogenous norepinephrine upregulating active sodium transport and protecting against alveolar flooding.  相似文献   
The Per1 gene is a core clock factor that plays an essential role in generating circadian rhythms. Recent data reveal that major biological pathways, including those critical to cell division, are under circadian control. We report here that Per1 provides an important link between the circadian system and the cell cycle system. Overexpression of Per1 sensitized human cancer cells to DNA damage-induced apoptosis; in contrast, inhibition of Per1 in similarly treated cells blunted apoptosis. The apoptotic phenotype was associated with altered expression of key cell cycle regulators. In addition, Per1 interacted with the checkpoint proteins ATM and Chk2. Ectopic expression of Per1 in human cancer cell lines led to significant growth reduction. Finally, Per1 levels were reduced in human cancer patient samples. Our results highlight the importance of circadian regulation to fundamental cellular functions and support the hypothesis that disruption of core clock genes may lead to cancer development.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: Metabolic flux analysis via a (13)C tracer experiment has been achieved using a Monte Carlo method with the assumption of system noise as Gaussian noise. However, an unbiased flux analysis requires the estimation of fluxes and metabolites jointly without the restriction on the assumption of Gaussian noise. The flux distributions under such a framework can be freely obtained with various system noise and uncertainty models. RESULTS: In this paper, a stochastic generative model of the metabolic system is developed. Following this, the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach is applied to flux distribution analysis. The disturbances and uncertainties in the system are simplified as truncated Gaussian multiplicative models. The performance in a real metabolic system is illustrated by the application to the central metabolism of Corynebacterium glutamicum. The flux distributions are illustrated and analyzed in order to understand the underlying flux activities in the system. AVAILABILITY: Algorithms are available upon request.  相似文献   
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