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Eye-specific patches or stripes normally develop in the visual cortex and superior colliculus of many (but not all) mammals and are also formed, after surgically produced binocular innervation, in the optic tectum of fish and frogs. The segregation of ocular dominance patches or columns has been studied using a variety of anatomical pathway-tracing techniques, by electrophysiological recording of postsynaptic units or field potentials, and by the 2-deoxyglucose method following visual stimulation of only one eye. In the tectum of both fish and frogs and in the cortex and colliculus of mammals, eye-specific patches develop from initially diffuse, overlapping projections. Of the various mechanisms that might cause such segregation, the evidence favors an activity-dependent process that stabilizes synapses from the same eye because of their correlated activity. First, several environmental manipulations affect the segregation of afferents in visual cortex: strabismus and alternate monocular exposure apparently enhance segregation, whereas dark rearing slows the segregation process, and monocular deprivation causes the experienced eye to form larger patches at the expense of those of the deprived eye. Second, blocking activity in both eyes is effective in preventing the segregation both in the tectum of fish and frog and in the visual cortex of cat. With the eyes blocked, alternate stimulation of the optic nerves permits the segregation of ocular dominance, at least onto single cells in the cat visual cortex. These findings are discussed in terms of an activity-dependent stabilization of those synapses having correlated activity (those from neighboring ganglion cells within one eye) but not of those lacking correlated activity (those from left and right eyes). We suggest that the eye-specific patches represent a compromise between total segregation of the projections from the two eyes and the formation of a single continuous retinotopic map across the surface of the cortex or tectum.  相似文献   
The Kosi coastal lake system, a chain of four interconnected basins, is located in the subtropical north-eastern corner of South Africa. Little information is available on zooplankton of the system and the main aim of this study is to report on zooplankton samples collected during 2002 and 2003. The set of samples consists of seasonal, subsurface mesozooplankton samples that were collected during nighttime in each of the lakes. A well-developed salinity gradient was evident along the interconnected lakes in the subsurface water during all seasons, ranging from freshwater in the upper lake Amanzamnyama to a maximum of 22 recorded in Lake Makhawulani. The zooplankton community structures of the lakes reflected the salinity gradient of the system, with some coastal marine taxa recorded in the lakes closer to the mouth and only freshwater taxa recorded in Lake Amanzamnyama. Mesozooplankton diversity and abundance were relatively low compared to other estuarine systems along the eastern coast of South Africa. The dominant taxa were calanoid copepods Acartiella natalensis and Pseudodiaptomus stuhlmanni and the mysid Mesopodopsis africana in the lower lakes, whereas cyclopoids Mesocyclops sp. and Thermocyclops sp. dominated the freshwater lake Amanzamnyama.  相似文献   
The identification of molecular markers linked to economically important traits for use in crop improvement is very important in long-lived perennial species. Three-hundred-and-sixty RAPD primers were used with bulked segregant analysis to identify markers linked to loci of specific interest in peach [(Prunus persica) L. Batch] and peach x almond [(Prunus dulcis) Batch] crosses. The traits analyzed included flesh color, adhesion, and texture; pollen fertility; plant stature; and three isozyme loci. The Mendelian behavior of the RAPD loci was established, and RAPD markers were mapped relative to the loci controlling flesh color, adhesion, and texture, and the isozyme loci Mdh-1, 6Pgd-2 and Aat-1, as well as the existing RFLP genetic linkage map constructed previously using a peach x almond F2 population. This technique has facilitated rapid identification of RAPD and RFLP markers that are linked to the traits under study. Loci controlling these traits mapped predominantly to linkage groups 2 and 3 of the peach genetic linkage map. Linkages to genes with both dominant and co-dominant alleles were identified, but linkages to dominant genes were more difficult to find. In several crosses, RAPD marker bands proved to be allelic. One co-dominant RAPD formed a heteroduplex band in heterozygous individuals and in mixtures of alternate homozygotes. The Mendelian behavior of the RAPD loci studied was established and the results suggest that RAPD markers will be useful for plant improvement in peach.  相似文献   
The semienclosed tube culture technique of Gibson was modified to permit growth of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) roots in humid air, enabling enumeration of the homologous (nodule forming) symbiont, Rhizobium phaseoli, by the most-probable-number plant infection method. A bean genotype with improved nodulation characteristics was used as the plant host. This method of enumeration was accurate when tubes were scored 3 weeks after inoculation with several R. phaseoli strains diluted from aqueous suspensions, peat-based inoculants, or soil. A comparison of population sizes obtained by most-probable-number tube cultures and plate counts indicated that 1 to 3 viable cells of R. phaseoli were a sufficient inoculant to induce nodule formation.  相似文献   
Two experiments were conducted to examine the effect of estradiol-17beta (E(2)-17beta) on content of immunoreactive prostagladin F(2)alpha (PGF, ng) and total protein (TUP, mg) in uterine flushings, as well as concentrations of 13, 14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF(2)alpha (PGFM) in plasma (Pg/ml). In experiment 1, Holstein heifers were utilized in a single reversal trial in which either E(2)-17beta (3 mg in 2 ml saline/ethanol 50:50; n=5) or vehicle alone (n=6) were given intravenously on day 14 or 15 of the estrous cycle (Period 1) following an induced estrus (day of estrus = day 0). Treatment (Trt) groups were reversed in Period 2 (Day 14 or 15 of the second estrous cycle). Jugular venous plasma was obtained before treatment (Oh), and at 5, 6, and 9h posttreatment (PT). Uterine flushings were collected nonsurgically in vivo , per cervix, via Foley catheter at 6h PT (20 ml of .9% saline per uterine horn). E(2)-17beta did not significantly alter (E(2)-17beta vs vehicle; x(-) +/- S.E.M.) PGF (1674 +/- .11 +/- 338.39 vs 1889.91 +/- 400.24 ng; P> .10) or TUP (33.25 +/- 2.57 vs 39.16 +/- 3.04 mg; P > .10). However, E(2)-17beta increased (P < .05) plasma PGFM (E(2)-17beta vs vehicle) after treatment (0h, 113.2 vs 163.8; 5h, 312.5 vs 203.9; 6h, 324.5 vs 198.0; 9h, 323.2 vs 246.8, pg/ml). In experiment 2, crossbred beef cattle received comparable treatments of either E(2)-17beta (n=5) or vehicle (n=5) on day 14 or 15 postestrus. Jugular venous plasma was obtained at 0h PT, and at 6h PT. Uterine flushings (1.9% saline, 20 ml per uterine horn) and peripheral plasma were collected at slaughter. Estradiol-17beta increased PGF (30.07 +/- 5.94 vs 8.46 +/- 2.01 ng; P> <.05) in uterine flushings as well as PGFM in plasma (E(2)-17beta : 55.82 +/- 19.13 pg/ml, at 0h and 89.31 +/- 14.02 pg/ml, at 6h, vs saline: 103.46 +/- 50.73 pg/ml, at 0h and 17.78 +/- 14.22, at 6h). Estradiol-17beta stimulated uterine production and release of PGF and protein as measured in flushings (experiment 2) as well as plasma PGFM responses (experiments 1 and 2). Uterine and/or cervical stimulation of experiment 1 may have masked uterine response to E(2)-17beta.  相似文献   
During the greening of leaves of Sorghum bicolor var. Wheatland milo, the activity of 4-hydroxycinnamic (p-coumaric) acid hydroxylase in pH 6 buffered extracts was shifted from a relatively low to a high molecular weight fraction. Differences between these forms found in etiolated and green leaves were based on differential centrifugation, ammonium sulfate precipitation, and on elution patterns from Agarose A-15m. Both molecular weight forms were precipitated by protamine sulfate at pH 6, and approximately 40 to 80% of the activity of each form was associated with a 500 to 37,000g pellet when tissues were ground at pH 8 in media of either high or low osmotic concentration. Although no fraction with hydroxylase activity was ever found without any chlorogenic acid oxidase activity, the two activities frequently varied independently, and could be partially separated from each other, using the above techniques. Comparisons were made with the very small molecular weight form of 4-hydroxycinnamic acid hydroxylase characteristic of tissues of first internodes. The significance of these results in terms of possible multienzyme complexes capable of converting phenylalanine and tyrosine to cinnamic acid derivatives is discussed.  相似文献   
Polymyxin is an effective antibiotic for the treatment of severe infections produced by Ps. aeruginosa, H. pertussis, H. influenzae, E. coli, and A. aerogenes. Its toxicity to date precludes its general use in infections susceptible to its therapeutic effects.Chloromycetin has been demonstrated to be an effective antibiotic agent for the treatment of rickettsial diseases and typhoid fever. It will undoubtedly prove effective in the treatment of other infections produced by certain Gram-negative micro-organisms and viral agents.Aureomycin has been shown to be an active antibiotic agent against rickettsial diseases, primary atypical pneumonia, acute brucellosis, pneumococcal, streptococcal, and staphylococcal infections, urinary tract infections produced by E. coli, A. aerogenes and Strept. fecalis, certain types of infections of the eye, and in subacute bacterial endocarditis when the infecting agent is Strept. fecalis. Its clinical use in forms of extrapulmonary tuberculosis is in a completely experimental stage. It is not recommended in typhoid fever or in infections due to Ps. aeruginosa or P. vulgaris, and it seems to be ineffective in whooping cough.To date, neither chloromycetin nor aureomycin has shown significant signs of systemic toxicity.  相似文献   
1. While several reports of photosensitive pigments from the retinas of animals possessing large numbers of cone cells have been published, the only study which could be confirmed was Wald''s discovery of iodopsin, a red-sensitive pigment from chicken eyes. 2. In its chemical properties, such as the range of pH stability and the effect of polar organic solvents, iodopsin resembles rhodopsin but is considerably more labile. 3. A partial purification from inert yellow impurities has been effected by prehardening the retinas in pH 4.9 acetate buffer before extraction by 2 per cent digitonin. Rhodopsin was an inevitable contaminant in most methods of extraction, but could be reduced to about 10 per cent of the absorption due to iodopsin by extraction of unhardened retinas with 4 per cent Merck''s saponin in ¾ saturated magnesium sulfate for about 1 hour. 4. The rate of bleaching of iodopsin was found to be first order and linear with respect to energy. 5. The bleaching effectiveness spectrum of iodopsin was determined with the aid of color filters of known energy transmission, and shows a maximum at 560 mµ in the yellow green with a lower plateau in the blue. The spectrum is in good agreement with the sensitivity of the human cones except for the wavelength of maximum bleaching effectiveness. The maximum sensitivity of the human cones is found at 540 mµ. 6. Previous reports of changes in pH and inorganic phosphate level of retinas due to bleaching could not be confirmed.  相似文献   
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