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Telomere shortening occurs concomitant with organismal aging, and it is accelerated in the context of human diseases associated with mutations in telomerase, such as some cases of dyskeratosis congenita, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and aplastic anemia. People with these diseases, as well as Terc-deficient mice, show decreased lifespan coincidental with a premature loss of tissue renewal, which suggests that telomerase is rate-limiting for tissue homeostasis and organismal survival. These findings have gained special relevance as they suggest that telomerase activity and telomere length can directly affect the ability of stem cells to regenerate tissues. If this is true, stem cell dysfunction provoked by telomere shortening may be one of the mechanisms responsible for organismal aging in both humans and mice. Here, we will review the current evidence linking telomere shortening to aging and stem cell dysfunction.  相似文献   
Telomere lengthening early in development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stem cells and cancer cells maintain telomere length mostly through telomerase. Telomerase activity is high in male germ line and stem cells, but is low or absent in mature oocytes and cleavage stage embryos, and then high again in blastocysts. How early embryos reset telomere length remains poorly understood. Here, we show that oocytes actually have shorter telomeres than somatic cells, but their telomeres lengthen remarkably during early cleavage development. Moreover, parthenogenetically activated oocytes also lengthen their telomeres, thus the capacity to elongate telomeres must reside within oocytes themselves. Notably, telomeres also elongate in the early cleavage embryos of telomerase-null mice, demonstrating that telomerase is unlikely to be responsible for the abrupt lengthening of telomeres in these cells. Coincident with telomere lengthening, extensive telomere sister-chromatid exchange (T-SCE) and colocalization of the DNA recombination proteins Rad50 and TRF1 were observed in early cleavage embryos. Both T-SCE and DNA recombination proteins decrease in blastocyst stage embryos, whereas telomerase activity increases and telomeres elongate only slowly. We suggest that telomeres lengthen during the early cleavage cycles following fertilization through a recombination-based mechanism, and that from the blastocyst stage onwards, telomerase only maintains the telomere length established by this alternative mechanism.  相似文献   
The somatic embryogenesis (SE) capacity of megagametophytes belonging to Continental and Mediterranean Spanish provenances of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton) was studied, noting factors (megagametophyte developmental stage and culture medium) that enhanced the induction and establishment of SE lines. In both provenances, initiation and establishment of embryogenic calli was higher on megagametophytes in which the dominant zygotic embryo had begun to develop. In the Mediterranean provenance, however, SE lines were also established from megagametophytes enclosing zygotic embryos with well-developed cotyledons. A modified Litvay medium (mLV) containing 9.9???M 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 4.4???M 6-benzyladenine (BA) was superior to DCR medium containing 13.6???M 2,4-D and 4.4???M BA for SE induction, but there were no differences between media in terms of the number of SE lines established after 4?months in culture (153 vs. 155 established SE lines, for mLV and DCR media respectively). Of the 26 embryogenic lines tested for maturation, 15 (58?%) produced cotyledonary somatic embryos and 75?% of these gave rise to plants on germination medium. SE-like cultures from adult maritime pine trees were also initiated, but embryogenic lines could not be established. This is the first report on the production of SE in maritime pine of Continental and Mediterranean origin. The micropropagation protocols presented here provide an important tool for the vegetative multiplication of selected families and breeding programs for maritime pines from Spain.  相似文献   
This study is aimed at improving the analysis of data used in identifying marker-associated effects on quantitative traits, specifically to account for possible departures from a Gaussian distribution of the trait data and to allow for asymmetry of marker effects attributable to phenotypic divergence between parental lines. A Bayesian procedure for analysing marker effects at the whole-genome level is presented. The procedure adopts a skewed t-distribution as a prior distribution of marker effects. The model with the skewed t-process includes Gaussian prior distributions, skewed Gaussian prior distributions and symmetric t-distributions as special cases. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm for obtaining marginal posterior distributions of the unknowns is also presented. The method was applied to a dataset on three traits (live weight, carcass length and backfat depth) measured in an F2 cross between Iberian and Landrace pigs. The distribution of marker effects was clearly asymmetric for carcass length and backfat depth, whereas it was symmetric for live weight. The t-distribution seems more appropriate for describing the distribution of marker effects on backfat depth.  相似文献   
Considering the economic importance of the tomato and its nutritional benefits for human health, we studied how different environmental factors [temperature, solar radiation and vapour–pressure deficit (VPD)] influenced the pectin solubilization and the calcium concentration in cherry tomato fruits (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Naomi) grown in two experimental greenhouses: improved parral type (low-technology) and multispan type (high-technology). For three years (2004, 2005 and 2006), three fruit samples were taken over the entire production period: at the beginning of harvest [16 weeks after transplanting (WAT)], at mid-harvest (26 WAT), and at the end of harvest (35 WAT). Values for temperature, solar radiation, and VPD peaked in the third sampling in both greenhouses during the three years, being higher in the parral greenhouse during the production cycle. No-market production and peroxidation indicators [measured as H2O2 and malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations] significantly increased at the end of the productive period in both greenhouses, indicating the presence of oxidative stress caused by the rise in temperature, solar radiation, and VPD, which was more pronounced in the parral greenhouse. Water-soluble pectins, pectate, and protopectin contents were measured, revealing an increase in the former two and a reduction in the latter under environmental stress. This indicates a clear pectin solubilization in cherry tomato fruit. The enzymes pectolytic polyglacturonase (PG), pectin methylesterase (PME), and pectate lyase (PEL), altered their activities during the third sampling, while the calcium concentration fell drastically. Therefore, both the increase in pectin solubilization as well as the reduction in the Ca concentration during harshest environmental stress in the third sampling, especially in the parral greenhouse, could degenerate the textural properties of the cherry tomato, reducing its quality and consumer acceptance.  相似文献   
Here, we describe a role for mammalian DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) in telomere length control. Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells genetically deficient for DNMT1, or both DNMT3a and DNMT3b have dramatically elongated telomeres compared with wild-type controls. Mammalian telomere repeats (TTAGGG) lack the canonical CpG methylation site. However, we demonstrate that mouse subtelomeric regions are heavily methylated, and that this modification is decreased in DNMT-deficient cells. We show that other heterochromatic marks, such as histone 3 Lys 9 (H3K9) and histone 4 Lys 20 (H4K20) trimethylation, remain at both subtelomeric and telomeric regions in these cells. Lack of DNMTs also resulted in increased telomeric recombination as indicated by sister-chromatid exchanges involving telomeric sequences, and by the presence of 'alternative lengthening of telomeres' (ALT)-associated promyelocytic leukaemia (PML) bodies (APBs). This increased telomeric recombination may lead to telomere-length changes, although our results do not exclude a potential involvement of telomerase and telomere-binding proteins in the aberrant telomere elongation observed in DNMT-deficient cells. Together, these results demonstrate a previously unappreciated role for DNA methylation in maintaining telomere integrity.  相似文献   
Aquatic environments are the recipients of many sources of environmental stress that trigger both local and global changes. To evaluate the associated risks to organisms and ecosystems more sensitive and accurate strategies are required. The analysis of the microbiome is one of the most promising candidates for environmental diagnosis of aquatic systems. Culture-independent interconnected meta-omic approaches are being increasing used to fill the gaps that classical microbial approaches cannot resolve. Here, we provide a prospective view of the increasing application of these high-throughput molecular technologies to evaluate the structure and functional activity of microbial communities in response to changes and disturbances in the environment, mostly of anthropogenic origin. Some relevant topics are reviewed, such as: (i) the use of microorganisms for water quality assessment, highlighting the incidence of antimicrobial resistance as an increasingly serious threat to global public health; (ii) the crucial role of microorganisms and their complex relationships with the ongoing climate change, and other stress threats; (iii) the responses of the environmental microbiome to extreme pollution conditions, such as acid mine drainage or oil spills. Moreover, protists and viruses, due to their huge impacts on the structure of microbial communities, are emerging candidates for the assessment of aquatic environmental health.  相似文献   
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