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Perforin is an important mediator of inflammatory reactions. It is a quick-action cytotoxic mediator accumulated in the cytoplasmic granules of effector immunity cells (T lymphocytes, NK and NKT cells) which provide death signal in infected or transformed cells. Perforin-positive cells were previously detected in myocardial tissue during Trypanosoma cruzi infection and viral myocarditis while its role in chronic and progressive cardiovascular inflammatory disease such as atherosclerosis is almost completely unexplored. The perforin activity is also untested during acute coronary events that represent unexpected atherosclerotic complications due to the inflammatory destabilisation and atherosclerotic plaque rupture. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of perforin, an important immunological inflammatory molecule in peripheral blood lymphocytes during the early period after acute myocardial infarction. We analyzed three subject groups: women with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), conservatively treated women with acute myocardial infarction without ST-segment elevation (NSTEMI) and a control group of healthy volunteers. The STEMI and NSTEMI groups did not basically differ in medication neither in levels of routine laboratory tests, while troponin I were significantly higher in the STEMI group. In the study, we detected an early decrease of perforin-positive lymphocytes in STEMI patients that were in contrast with their persisting elevation among NSTEMI patients. Despite greater myocardial necrosis in the STEMI group, results of this pilot-study indicated the prolonged perforin-mediated inflammatory response in patients with NSTEMI. This perforin down-regulation that follows the coronary interventional reperfusion in STEMI emphasized the possible anti-inflammatory role of primary PCI among patients with acute myocardial infarction. Given that the issue of routine primary PCI in NSTEMI is nowadays highly topical, the results we expect in the wake of this pilot study could demonstrate a significant impact on clinical practice. Further research is needed to confirm these results, compare the perforin-mediated activity to other inflammatory mediators in acute coronary events and to examine their impact on the long-term outcome.  相似文献   
Attachment is a point of interest in psychosomatic research since it influences a wide array of biopsychosocial phenomena. Data from literature highlights the role of this concept in the context of Inflammatory Bowel disease (IBD), still, there is a lack of data regarding attachment among parents of children with chronic gastrointestinal diseases. The main hypothesis for the current study is that parents of children with IBD will have a more insecure attachment than parents of children with celiac disease (CD) and parents of healthy children. The second hypothesis is that insecure attachment among parents of sick children will be associated with lower parental quality of life (QoL). 46 parents of children with IBD, 42 parents of children with CD and 43 parents of healthy children completed the validated modification of the Brennan's Experiences in Close Relationship Inventory. Results were categorized as secure and insecure attachment. In order to assess parental QoL, the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire was used. The Total QoL was calculated as a sum of all domain items. Secure attachment was found in 45.7% parents of children with IBD, in 35.7% parents of children with CD and in 32.6% parents of healthy children. Surprisingly, the lowest rate of secure attachment was found in parents of healthy children. However, significant differences among groups do not exist. For all groups of parents the attachment style is associated with Total QoL, although only among parents of children with IBD, the secure attachment independently and significantly predicts higher parental Total QoL. According to results, we might say that parental attachment style does not have a role that exclusively belongs in the context of paediatric chronic gastrointestinal diseases. However, parents of children with IBD who have insecure attachment represent target group for psychosocial support in order to improve their QoL.  相似文献   
The retrospective investigation was done about relationships between diabetes and cranial nerve lesions (CNL) on the sample of hospitalized neurological patients in Clinical Hospital Dubrava (CHD) in 6 yrs. period (2001-2006). The goal was to expand the cognition about CNL as a complication of diabetes, to investigate possibility of better therapy models as well as to investigate the prevention possibilities. The results show that CNL are significantly more present by the diabetic patients vrs. the other hospitalized neurological patients. The main risk factors for CNL development are the duration of diabetes, patient's age and diabetes per se. No significant differences between masculine and feminine patients were registered nor by diabetics neither by other patients. For CNL are also not from significant importance the successfully treatment of diabetes, as well as type of antidiabetic and other medication. This investigation can not confirm the suspicion that some of antidiabetic medicaments are responsible for CNL due to their neurotoxic side effects.  相似文献   
Because of their widespread use, fragrances are among the most common causes of contact allergic dermatitis, second only to nickel. During a five-year period 3,065 patients with contact dermatitis were patch tested using a specific mix of fragrances. 509 (16.6%) patients were allergic to the fragrance mix, while 258 (8.4%) patients exhibited an allergic reaction to Myroxylon pereirae (balsam of Peru). Between those 509 patients, 157 were patch tested with eight individual substances contained in the fragrance mix: cinnamal, cinnamyl alcohol, eugenol, isoeugenol, geraniol, hydroxycitronellal, alpha-amyl cinnamal and Evernia prunastri (oak moss). The most frequent allergens were isoeugenol 57.9% (91/157), eugenol 55.4% (87/157), cinnamyl alcohol 34.4% (54/157) and Evernia prunastri (oak moss) 24.2% (38/157). There were 62 patients (39.5%) who exhibited an allergic reaction to both the fragrance mix and Myroxylon pereirae (balsam of Peru). The results prove the importance of avoiding allergens in daily life, especially in industrial and cosmetic products. In order to prevent ACD, better cooperation between industry and dermatologists is needed.  相似文献   
Phototherapy denotes the use of ultraviolet (UV) light in the management of several dermatoses. Most phototherapy regimens utilize ultraviolet radiation of different wavelenghts. Currently, irradiations with broadband UVB (290-320 nm), narrowband UVB (311-313 nm), 308 nm excimer laser, UVA 1 (340-400 nm), UVA with psoralen (PUVA), and extracorporeal photochemotherapy (photopheresis) are being used. The interplay of the various photobiologic pathways is far from being completely understood. Disordes that may benefit from such approach are numerous, with psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, cutaneous T-cell lymphomas, morphea, and vitiligo as main indications. The immunomodulatory effects of UVB radiation primarily affect the epidermis and superficial dermis, while UVA radiation affects mid and deep dermal components, especially blood vessels. UVB radiation is absorbed by endogenous chromophores, such as nuclear DNA, which initiates a cascade of events. Absorption of UV light by nucleotides causes the formation of DNA photoproducts and suppresses DNA synthesis. In addition UV light stimulates synthesis of prostaglandins and cytokines that play important roles in immune suppression. It may reduce the number of Langerhans cells, cutaneous T lymphocytes and mast cells in the dermis. UV radiation can also affect extranuclear molecular targets located in the cytoplasm and cell membrane. Immune suppression, alteration in cytokine expression, and cell cycle arrest may all contribute to the suppression of disease activity. PUVA is a form of chemophototherapy which uses UVA light to activate chemicals known as psoralens, hence psoralen ultraviolet A. The conjunction of psoralens with epidermal DNA inhibits DNA replication and causes cell cycle arrest. Psoralen photosensitization also causes an alteration in the expression of cytokines and cytokine receptors. Psoralens interact with RNA, proteins and other cellular components and indirectly modify proteins and lipids via singlet oxygen-mediated reactions or by generating of free radicals. Infiltrating lymphocytes are strongly suppressed by PUVA, with variable effects on different T-cell subsets. Psoralens and UV radiation also stimulate melanogenesis. Extracorporeal photopheresis is technique used in treatment of erythrodermic cutaneous lymphomas. It is very potent in induction of lymphocyte apoptosis. Despite the introduction of numerous effective systemic medications and biologic agents in dermatology, phototherapy remains a reliable, and often preferred option for several dermatoses.  相似文献   
Through the treatment of anaemia in dialysis patients part of the iron ions remain free in the serum which is at the bacterias disposal for growth and the strengthening of their virulence. The linear relation of the increased serum iron level and tissue iron stores in the body and the infection incidence in dialysed patients has become more emphasised. The need of a clearly defined upper threshold of the serum iron concentration limit has been mentioned in scientific journals intensely, and consequently the demand for more precise professional instructions for anaemia treatment. For the purpose of participating in these professional and scientific discussions, we have observed the relation between the iron overload of the organism and complication incidence in 120 of our haemodialysis uremic patients, with special emphasis on infections. It has been established that the sepses incidence is much higher in patients with a serum ferritin concentration above 500 microg/L, than in those patients with a ferritin level lower than the mentioned value ( 2 = 7.857, p = 0.005). The incidence of vascular access infection is significantly higher in those patients with a serum ferritin level above 500 microg/L than in those patients with a ferritin level lower than the mentioned value (Chi2 = 23.186, p = 0.001). Furthermore, it has been determined that the incidence of total infection in patients is 3.8 episodes per 100 patients months, which is in accordance to the referral values of other authors. CONCLUSION--In the analysis of the achieved results, it has been determined that the infection incidence is significantly higher in dialysed patients with a serum iron level higher than 500 g/L, than in those patients with lower values.  相似文献   
Amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) leads to reduction of inflammatory symptoms and causes faster epithelisation in corneal ulcers and persistant epithelial defect. 21 patients with corneal ulcer (n = 18) or non-healing epithelial defect (n = 3) unresponsive to conventional treatment were included in the study. All patients were treated by AMT. Corneal epithelial cells in patients suffering from corneal ulcer secreted 3.51 +/- 1.79 of IL-1alpha, 64.27 +/- 31.53 pg/mL of TNFalpha and 209.07 +/- 201.82 pg/mL of VEGF. Levels of all 3 investigated cytokines were significantly higher as compared to controls (p < 0.005). Amniotic membranes that were used contained 775.69 +/- 613.98 pg/mL of IL-1alpha, 0.036 +/- 0.033 pg/mL of sTNF and 175.01 +/- 166.63 pg/mL of VEGF-R. Supporting effect of the AMT could be explained by the fact that AM secretes its natural antinflammatory antagonists IL-1ra, sTNF and VEGF-R.  相似文献   
The subjective investigation, that is focused on the sensations of a person, is a good tool for the evaluation of an environment that group of people consider comfortable. In the experiment reported here, participants were dressed into 1-layer and 2-layer clothing systems. They performed physical activity and rated the subjective perception of comfort, as well as the thermal and moisture sensation. The aim of this investigation is to compare the subjective human perception during the physical activity wearing different clothing systems to the objective results of sweat absorption.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to compare the effects of femoral analgesia (FA) with 0.25% levobupivacain and intravenous patient controlled analgesia (PCA) with morphine on postoperative pain assessed by a visual-analog scale (VAS) score and their complications during the first 24 postoperative hours after the a total knee arthroplasty in a prospective randomized study. Secondary outcomes included: morphine use, patient satisfaction, complication of analgesia and duration of hospital stay. We analyzed 71 patients with an ASA score of II or III. The patients were randomized into two groups: group PCA (n = 36) was given the PCA pump, which contained morphine; and group FA (n = 35) was given first a bolus dose, then a continuous infusion 0.25% levobupivacain via a femoral catheter. The assessment of VAS was performed every 2 hours. There were no differences between the PCA and FA groups regarding demographic characteristics, operation duration, ASA score distribution, duration of hospital stay and satisfaction with analgesia (although there were more satisfied patients in the FA group). Significant differences were noted in the quantity of morphine used (higher values were in the PCA group; p < 0.001). More complications were recorded in PCA group (p < 0.001). The VAS score was lower in the FA group (p < 0.001). The highest difference occurred 4 hours after the operation, with the PCA group having significantly higher VAS score values compared to the FA group. Femoral analgesia leads to a stronger pain relief with less side effects, less morphine use and more patient satisfaction than intravenous PCA with morphine.  相似文献   
Determining a patient's prognosis after severe traumatic brain injury remains difficult and complex. The purpose of the present study was following up patients with severe traumatic brain injury by correlating their clinical outcome and sequential computer tomography (CT) findings. We investigated 51 patients who survived the first year following an accident. All patients underwent successive CT examinations within a maximum period of 2 years. The patients' outcomes depended on the underlying brain damage and are presented by the Glasgow Outcome Scale. Based on the investigated data we concluded that the worst outcomes were experienced by patients with initial massive cerebral edema, extensive subdural hematoma and intraventricular hemorrhage, followed by stroke as subacute CT finding and cerebral atrophy as chronic finding visible at follow-up CT scans. The majority of lesions identified by CT scan were found in the frontal lobes, basal ganglia, and temporal lobes. We suggest that CT examination still represents a simple and useful tool in attempting to predict the clinical outcome in patients with severe traumatic brain injury.  相似文献   
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