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Synopsis Multiple datasets show global maxima of marine biodiversity in the Indo–Malay–Philippines archipelago (IMPA). Analysis of distribution data for 2983 species reveals a pattern of richness on a finer scale and identifies a peak of marine biodiversity in the central Philippine Islands and a secondary peak between peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra. This pattern is repeated in diverse habitat and higher taxa classes, most rigorously for marine shore fishes, supporting geohistorical hypotheses as the most general unifying explanations. Specific predictions based on area of overlap, area of accumulation, and area of refuge hypotheses suggest that present day eastern Indonesia, or Wallacea, should be the center of marine biodiversity. Processes suggested by these three hypotheses contribute to the diversity in this region and are also a likely explanation for the secondary center of diversity. Our study indicates, however, that there is a higher concentration of species per unit area in the Philippines than anywhere in Indonesia, including Wallacea. The Philippine center of diversity is consistent with hypotheses that this area experienced numerous vicariant and island integration events and these hypotheses warrant further testing. Special attention to marine conservation efforts in the Philippines is justified because of the identification of it as an epicenter of biodiversity and evolution.  相似文献   
Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase is the primary target in the current clinical treatment of hypercholesterolemias with specific inhibitors of the "statin" family. Statins are excellent inhibitors of the class I (human) enzyme but relatively poor inhibitors of the class II enzymes of important bacterial pathogens. To investigate the molecular basis for this difference we determined the x-ray structure of the class II Pseudomonas mevalonii HMG-CoA reductase in complex with the statin drug lovastatin. The structure shows lovastatin bound in the active site and its interactions with residues critically involved in catalysis and substrate binding. Binding of lovastatin also displaces the flap domain of the enzyme, which contains the catalytic residue His-381. Comparison with the structures of statins bound to the human enzyme revealed a similar mode of binding but marked differences in specific interactions that account for the observed differences in affinity. We suggest that these differences might be exploited to develop selective class II inhibitors for use as antibacterial agents against pathogenic microorganisms.  相似文献   
The CD134-CD134 ligand (CD134L) costimulatory pathway has been shown to be critical for both T and B cell activation; however, its role in regulating the alloimmune response remains unexplored. Furthermore, its interactions with other costimulatory pathways and immunosuppressive agents are unclear. We investigated the effect of CD134-CD134L pathway blockade on allograft rejection in fully MHC-mismatched rat cardiac and skin transplantation models. CD134L blockade alone did not prolong graft survival compared with that of untreated recipients, and in combination with donor-specific transfusion, cyclosporine, or rapamycin, was less effective than B7 blockade in prolonging allograft survival. However, in combination with B7 blockade, long-term allograft survival was achieved in all recipients (>200 days). Moreover, this was synergistic in reducing the frequency of IFN-gamma-producing alloreactive lymphocytes and inhibiting the generation of activated/effector lymphocytes. Most impressively, this combination prevented rejection in a presensitized model using adoptive transfer of primed lymphocytes into athymic heart transplant recipients. In comparison to untreated recipients (mean survival time (MST): 5.3 +/- 0.5 days), anti-CD134L mAb alone modestly prolonged allograft survival (MST: 14 +/- 2.8 days) as did CTLA4Ig (MST: 21.5 +/- 1.7 days), but all grafts were rejected within 24 days. Importantly, combined blockade further and significantly prolonged allograft survival (MST: 75.3 +/- 12.7 days) and prevented the expansion and/or persistence of primed/effector alloreactive T cells. Our data suggest that CD134-CD134L is a critical pathway in alloimmune responses, especially recall/primed responses, and is synergistic with CD28-B7 in mediating T cell effector responses during allograft rejection. Understanding the mechanisms of collaboration between these different pathways is important for the development of novel strategies to promote long-term allograft survival.  相似文献   
We studied the distribution of connexin (Cx) 43 and ZO-1 by confocal laser scanning microscopy at early stages of dentinogenesis and amelogenesis. Labeling for Cx43 was observed at early stages of differentiation in both the epithelial cells and differentiating odontoblasts. Immunolabeling was detected at the distal and medial regions of undifferentiated ameloblasts and between cells from stratum intermedium and stellate reticulum. Differentiating odontoblasts exhibited immunoreaction for this antibody at their distal end. Immunoreactivity for ZO-1 was observed at regions that correspond to the proximal and distal junctional complexes of differentiating ameloblasts. Staining for ZO-1 was observed at apical regions of odontoblasts with a punctate appearance. In more advanced stages, expression of Cx43 was more evident on ameloblasts, especially at the junctional complexes. Punctate immunolabeling for Cx43 was observed at the lateral sides of differentiating ameloblasts and between the other cells of the enamel organ. Immunoreaction for ZO-1 in ameloblasts was more evident than at the previous stage. It was also observed at the distal end of differentiated odontoblasts. The present study showed that differentiating ameloblasts and odontoblasts express Cx43 and ZO-1 as early as the start of the differentiation process. In addition, the expression of these junctional proteins increases as differentiation of cells continues.  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted in the South of Portugal with young (0-3 years old) non-bearing ‘Lane Late’ orange trees. Five nitrogen (N) rates were used in a randomised block design with three replicates. The 180 g N tree−1 over three years led to the greatest canopy width (176 cm) and volume (2,697 dm3). The greatest rate applied (720 g N tree−1 in the three years) led to the largest flower yield. Nitrogen concentration in the flowers significantly increased with fertilizer N, and also with the flowering period up to the 23rd day, declining thereafter. Flower yield was strongly correlated (r = 0.99, p < 0.001) with flower N concentration. Nutrient composition of flowers and of mature leaves from the spring flush was compared. Significant correlations were found for N (r = 0.47, p <0.01), P (r = -0.49, p <0.01), K (r = 0.44, p <0.05) and Ca (r = 0.87, p <0.001), suggesting that flowers can be used as a tool to diagnose the nutritional status of trees. Canonical analysis (with N treatment as dummy-variables) showed strong relationships between canopy width and N, which were greater at the larger rates of fertilizer application, and strong and inverse relationships between K and Mg, also with the greatest N rates.  相似文献   
Two novel crystal protein genes from a highly mosquitocidal Bacillus thuringiensis serovar medellin strain were cloned and sequenced. The corresponding proteins, Cry29A and Cry30A, were nontoxic when tested individually against the mosquito species bioassayed (Aedes aegypti, Culex pipiens and Anopheles stephensi). However, Cry29A synergized the toxicity of Cry11Bb against Aedes aegypti by a four-fold factor.  相似文献   
Binding of R(+)-bupivacaine to open-state homology models of the mammalian K(v)1.5 membrane ion channel is studied using automated docking and molecular dynamics (MD) methods. Homology models of K(v)1.5 are built using the 3D structures of the KcsA and MthK channels as a template. The packing of transmembrane (TM) alpha-helices in the KcsA structure corresponds to a closed channel state. Opening of the channel may be reached by a conformational transition yielding a bent structure of the internal S6 helices. Our first model of the K(v) open state involves a PVP-type of bending hinge in the internal helices, while the second model corresponds to a Gly-type of bending hinge as found in the MthK channel. Ligand binding to these models is probed using the common local anaesthetic bupivacaine, where blocker binding from the intracellular side of the channel is considered. Conformational properties and partial atomic charges of bupivacaine are determined from quantum mechanical HF/6-31G* calculations with inclusion of solvent effects. The automated docking and MD calculations for the PVP-bend model predict that bupivacaine could bind either in the central cavity or in the PVP region of the channel pore. Linear interaction energy (LIE) estimates of the binding free energies for bupivacaine predict strongest binding to the PVP region. Surprisingly, no binding is predicted for the Gly-bend model. These results are discussed in light of electrophysiological data which show that the K(v)1.5 channel is unable to close when bupivacaine is bound.  相似文献   
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