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Boldenone is banned in the European Union (Directive 96/22/EC) as growth promoter for meat producing animals. Boldione (ADD), boldenone and boldenone esters (mainly the undecylenate form) are commercially available as anabolic preparations, either to the destination of human, horse or cattle. Since the late 90s, the natural occurrence of boldenone metabolites has been reported in cattle. According to EU regulation, the unambiguous demonstration of boldenone administration in bovine urine should be provided on the basis of boldenone identification in the corresponding conjugate fraction. An analytical method has been developed and validated according to current standards with main concern to the measurement of intact 17β-boldenone-sulphate. The analytical procedure included direct extraction–purification of target analyte on octadecylsilyl cartridges and direct detection of phase II metabolite by liquid chromatography (negative electrospray), tandem mass spectrometry (QqQ) or high resolution mass spectrometry (Orbitrap™). Decision limit (CCα) and detection capability (CCβ) were respectively 0.2 μg L−1 and 0.4 μg L−1 on triple quadrupole and 0.1 μg L−1 and 0.2 μg L−1 on hybrid system. The method was successfully applied to the analysis of incurred samples collected in different experiments. 17β-Boldenone-sulphate was measurable up to 36 h after oral administration of boldione, and 30 days after 17β-boldenone undecylenate intra-muscular injection. This conjugate form was never detected in non-treated animals, confirming its status of definitive candidate marker for boldenone administration in calf.  相似文献   
Recent studies suggest that individuals with better problem‐solving and/or learning performance have greater reproductive success, and that individuals may thus benefit from choosing mates based on these performances. However, directly assessing these performances in candidate mates could be difficult. Instead, the use of indirect cues related to problem‐solving and/or learning performance, such as condition‐dependent phenotypic traits, might be favored. We investigated whether problem‐solving and learning performance on a novel non‐foraging task correlated with sexually selected plumage colouration in a natural population of great tits Parus major. We found that males successful in solving the task had darker blue‐black crowns than non‐solvers, and that males solving the task more rapidly over multiple attempts (i.e. learners) exhibited blue‐black crowns with higher UV chroma and shorter‐wavelength hues than non‐learners. In contrast, we found no link between behavioural performance on the task and the yellow breast colouration in either sex. Our findings suggest that blue‐black crown colouration could serve as a signal of problem‐solving and learning performance in wild great tit males. Further research remains necessary to determine whether different sexually selected traits are used to signal cognitive performance for mate choice, either directly (i.e. cognitive performance influencing individual's health and ornamentation through diet for example) or indirectly (i.e. due to a correlation with a third factor such as individual quality or condition).  相似文献   
Small distance movements are of great importance for the dynamics of local populations of insects and can indirectly be assessed using molecular markers. We isolated six polymorphic microsatellite loci in the aphid species Metopeurum fuscoviride Stroyan, monophagous on the common Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.). Twenty‐five to 30 aphids from seven populations were analysed. Between three and 17 alleles were found per locus and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.14 to 0.79. In total, 114 multilocus genotypes were found in 192 parthenogenetic aphids analysed, indicating that the resolution will be high enough to study differentiation on a small spatial scale.  相似文献   
Collagens V and VI have been previously identified as specific extracellular matrix (ECM) ligands for the NG2 proteoglycan. In order to study the functional consequences of NG2/collagen interactions, we have utilized the GD25 cell line, which does not express the major collagen-binding beta(1) integrin heterodimers. Use of these cells has allowed us to study beta(1) integrin-independent phenomena that are mediated by binding of NG2 to collagens V and VI. Heterologous expression of NG2 in the GD25 line endows these cells with the capability of attaching to surfaces coated with collagens V and VI. The specificity of this effect is emphasized by the failure of NG2-positive GD25 cells to attach to other collagens or to laminin-1. More importantly, NG2-positive GD25 cells spread extensively on collagen VI. beta(1) integrin-independent extension of ruffling lamellipodia demonstrates that engagement of NG2 by the collagen VI substratum triggers signaling events that lead to rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton. In contrast, even though collagens V and VI each bind to the central segment of the NG2 ectodomain, collagen V engagement of NG2 does not trigger cell spreading. The distinct morphological consequences of NG2/collagen VI and NG2/collagen V interaction indicate that closely-related ECM ligands for NG2 differ in their ability to initiate transmembrane signaling via engagement of the proteoglycan.  相似文献   
Inflammation and hyperglycaemia are associated with a prothrombotic state. Cell‐derived microparticles (MPs) are the conveyors of active procoagulant tissue factor (TF) and circulate at high concentration in diabetic patients. Liraglutide, a glucagon‐like peptide (GLP)‐1 analogue, is known to promote insulin secretion and β‐cell preservation. In this in vitro study, we examined the link between insulin impairment, procoagulant activity and plasma membrane remodelling, under inflammatory conditions. Rin‐m5f β‐cell function, TF activity mediated by MPs and their modulation by 1 μM liraglutide were examined in a cell cross‐talk model. Methyl‐β‐cyclodextrine (MCD), a cholesterol depletor, was used to evaluate the involvement of raft on TF activity, MP shedding and insulin secretion as well as Soluble N‐éthylmaleimide‐sensitive‐factor Attachment protein Receptor (SNARE)‐dependent exocytosis. Cytokines induced a two‐fold increase in TF activity at MP surface that was counteracted by liraglutide. Microparticles prompted TF activity on the target cells and a two‐fold decrease in insulin secretion via protein kinase A (PKA) and p38 signalling, that was also abolished by liraglutide. Large lipid raft clusters were formed in response to cytokines and liraglutide or MCD‐treated cells showed similar patterns. Cells pre‐treated by saturating concentration of the GLP‐1r antagonist exendin (9‐39), showed a partial abolishment of the liraglutide‐driven insulin secretion and liraglutide‐decreased TF activity. Measurement of caspase 3 cleavage and MP shedding confirmed the contribution of GLP‐1r‐dependent and ‐independent pathways. Our results confirm an integrative β‐cell response to GLP‐1 that targets receptor‐mediated signalling and membrane remodelling pointing at the coupling of insulin secretion and inflammation‐driven procoagulant events.  相似文献   
The adverse health effects of radon on uranium miners, especially on their lungs, are well documented, but few studies have considered the effects of other radiation exposures. This study examined the mortality risks associated with exposure to radon, external γ rays and long-lived radionuclides (LLR) in the French "post-55" sub-cohort, which includes uranium miners first employed between 1956 and 1990 for whom all three types of exposure were assessed individually. Exposure-risk relationships were estimated with linear excess relative risk models and a 5-year lag time. The post-55 sub-cohort includes 3377 miners, contributing 89,405 person-years, followed up through the end of 1999 with a mean follow-up of 26.5 years. Mean cumulative exposure was 17.8 WLM for radon, 54.7 mSv for γ rays, and 1,632 Bq.m(-3).h for LLR. Among the 611 deaths observed, 66 were due to lung cancer. Annual individual exposures were significantly correlated. Increased mortality was observed for lung cancer (SMR = 1.30; 95% CI: 1.01, 1.65) and for brain and central nervous system (CNS) cancer (SMR = 2.00; 95% CI: 1.09, 3.35). Cumulative exposure to radon, γ rays and LLR was associated only with a significant risk of lung cancer. These new results could suggest an association between lung cancer and exposure to γ rays and LLR. They must nonetheless be interpreted with caution because of the correlation between the types of exposure. The calculation of organ doses received by each of these exposures would reduce the collinearity.  相似文献   
Breeding dispersal is a key process of population structure and dynamics and is often triggered by an individual's breeding failure. In both colonial and territorial birds, reproductive success of conspecifics (RSc) can also lead individuals to change breeding sites after a failure on a site. Yet, few studies have simultaneously investigated the independent contribution of individual reproductive success (RSi) and of RSc on dispersal decision. Here, we develop a modeling framework to disentangle the effects of RSi and RSc on demographic parameters, while accounting for imperfect individual detection and other confounding factors such as age or dispersal behavior in the previous year. Using a 10‐year capture–recapture dataset composed of 1,595 banded tree swallows, we assessed the effects of nonmanipulated RSi and RSc on female breeding dispersal in this semicolonial passerine. Dispersal was strongly driven by RSi, but not by RSc. Unsuccessful females were 9.5–2.5 times more likely to disperse than successful ones, depending if they had dispersed or not in the previous year, respectively. Unsuccessful females were also three times less likely to be detected than successful ones. Contrary to theoretical and empirical studies, RSc did not drive the decision to disperse but influenced the selection of the following breeding site once dispersal had been initiated. Because detection of individuals was driven by RSi, which was positively correlated to RSc, assuming a perfect detection as in previous studies may have lead us to conclude that RSc affected dispersal patterns, yet our approach corrected for this bias. Overall, our results suggest that the value and use of RSc as public information to guide dispersal decisions are likely dictated by multiple ecological determinants, such as landscape structure and extent, if this cue is indeed used.  相似文献   
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