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Nucleotide sequence data were generated from the gene regions COI, 16S, and arginine kinase to assess genetic variation within the Palearctic parasitoid, Microctonus aethiopoides, reared from Sitona discoideus, S. hispidulus, and Hypera postica collected from two proximate locations in Mediterranean France. Partitioned Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of the molecular data provided strong support for the presence of at least two M. aethiopoides biotypes, one associated with Hypera species and the other with Sitona species. These new results combined with previously published data from 14 countries show that M. aethiopoides genetic variation is much more strongly correlated with host taxon than with sampling location. This contrasts with earlier perceptions that M. aethiopoides exhibits significant geographic variation, and helps to explain the widely varying biological control outcomes that have been obtained following the introductions of M. aethiopoides to Australia, New Zealand, and North America. The results strongly suggest that success rates and environmental safety in biological control would both be improved by ensuring that parasitoids collected in the native range are reared from the same host species as the one being targeted for control in the region of introduction. The results also provided insights both on the evolution of M. aethiopoides' host range, and on its evolutionary transition between solitary and gregarious larval development.  相似文献   
Phenotypic differences between infected and non-infected hosts are often assumed to be the consequence of parasite infection. However, pre-existing differences in hosts’ phenotypes may promote differential susceptibility to infection. The phenotypic variability observed within the host population may therefore be a cause rather than a consequence of infection. In this study, we aimed at disentangling the causes and the consequences of parasite infection by calculating the value of a phenotypic trait (i.e., the growth rate) of the hosts both before and after infection occurred. That procedure was applied to two natural systems of host–parasite interactions. In the first system, the infection level of an ectoparasite (Tracheliastes polycolpus) decreases the growth rate of its fish host (the rostrum dace, Leuciscus leuciscus). Reciprocally, this same phenotypic trait before infection modulated the future level of host sensitivity to the direct pathogenic effect of the parasite, namely the level of fin degradation. In the second model, causes and consequences linked the growth rate of the fish host (the rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax) and the level of endoparasite infection (Proteocephalus tetrastomus). Indeed, the host’s growth rate before infection determined the number of parasites later in life, and the parasite biovolume then decreased the host’s growth rate of heavily infected hosts. We demonstrated that reciprocal effects between host phenotypes and parasite infection can occur simultaneously in the wild, and that the observed variation in the host phenotype population was not necessarily a consequence of parasite infection. Disentangling the causality of host–parasite interactions should contribute substantially to evaluating the role of parasites in ecological and evolutionary processes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Blanchet M  Sureau C 《Journal of virology》2006,80(24):11935-11945
The hepatitis B virus (HBV) envelope proteins have the ability to assemble three types of viral particles, (i) the empty subviral particles (SVPs), (ii) the mature HBV virions, and (iii) the hepatitis delta virus (HDV) particles, in cells that are coinfected with HBV and HDV. To gain insight into the function of the HBV envelope proteins in morphogenesis of HBV or HDV virions, we have investigated subdomains of the envelope proteins that have been shown or predicted to lie at the cytosolic face of the endoplasmic reticulum membrane during synthesis, a position prone to interaction with the inner core structure. These domains, referred to here as cytosolic loops I and II (CYL-I and -II, respectively), were subjected to mutagenesis. The mutations were introduced in the three HBV envelope proteins, designated small, middle, and large (S-HBsAg, M-HBsAg, and L-HBsAg, respectively). The mutants were expressed in HuH-7 cells to evaluate their capacity for self-assembly and formation of HBV or HDV virions when HBV nucleocapsid or HDV ribonucleoprotein, respectively, was provided. We found that SVP-competent CYL-I mutations between positions 23 and 78 of the S domain were permissive to HBV or HDV virion assembly. One mutation (P29A) was permissive for synthesis of the S- and M-HBsAg but adversely affected the synthesis or stability of L-HBsAg, thereby preventing the assembly of HBV virions. Furthermore, using an in vitro infection assay based on the HepaRG cells and the HDV model, we have shown that particles coated with envelope proteins bearing CYL-I mutations were fully infectious, hence indicating the absence of an infectivity determinant in this region. Finally, we demonstrated that the tryptophan residues at positions 196, 199, and 201 in CYL-II, which were shown to exert a matrix function for assembly of HDV particles (I. Komla-Soukha and C. Sureau, J. Virol. 80:4648-4655, 2006), were dispensable for both assembly and infectivity of HBV virions.  相似文献   
Vinpocetine is a potent antioxidant and free radical scavenger. We investigated the effects of vinpocetine on torsion/detorsion (T/D) induced testicular damage, HSP-70 expression and germ cell apoptosis in rats. Sixty Wistar albino adult male rats were divided into five groups of 12. The groups comprised a control group, a sham treated group, a T/D group, a vinpocetine treated group, and a T/D plus vinpocetine treated group. The left testis of each rat was subjected to unilateral torsion followed by detorsion after 2 h. Vinpocetine was administered intraperitoneally immediately and for 10 days following detorsion. At the end of the study, the rats were sacrificed and their testes removed and processed. HSP-70 expression, apoptosis and histopathological damage scores were determined for each group. Testicular T/D caused significant increases in apoptosis and HSP-70 expression, and a significant decrease in Johnsen’s testicular biopsy scores and mean seminiferous tubule diameter. Vinpocetine ameliorated testicular histopathology and HSP-70 expression in the T/D + vinpocetine group. Consequently, vinpocetine may prevent testicular injury following testicular torsion owing to its antioxidant effects.  相似文献   

Key message

The Co - x anthracnose R gene of common bean was fine-mapped into a 58 kb region at one end of chromosome 1, where no canonical NB-LRR-encoding genes are present in G19833 genome sequence.


Anthracnose, caused by the phytopathogenic fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, is one of the most damaging diseases of common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris. Various resistance (R) genes, named Co-, conferring race-specific resistance to different strains of C. lindemuthianum have been identified. The Andean cultivar JaloEEP558 was reported to carry Co-x on chromosome 1, conferring resistance to the highly virulent strain 100. To fine map Co-x, 181 recombinant inbred lines derived from the cross between JaloEEP558 and BAT93 were genotyped with polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based markers developed using the genome sequence of the Andean genotype G19833. Analysis of RILs carrying key recombination events positioned Co-x at one end of chromosome 1 to a 58 kb region of the G19833 genome sequence. Annotation of this target region revealed eight genes: three phosphoinositide-specific phospholipases C (PI-PLC), one zinc finger protein and four kinases, suggesting that Co-x is not a classical nucleotide-binding leucine-rich encoding gene. In addition, we identified and characterized the seven members of common bean PI-PLC gene family distributed into two clusters located at the ends of chromosomes 1 and 8. Co-x is not a member of Co-1 allelic series since these two genes are separated by at least 190 kb. Comparative analysis between soybean and common bean revealed that the Co-x syntenic region, located at one end of Glycine max chromosome 18, carries Rhg1, a major QTL contributing to soybean cyst nematode resistance. The PCR-based markers generated in this study should be useful in marker-assisted selection for pyramiding Co-x with other R genes.  相似文献   
Individual specialisation can lead to the exploitation of different trophic and habitat resources and the production of morphological variability within a population. Although the ecological causes of this phenomenon are relatively well known, its consequences on individual fitness are less recognised. We have investigated the extent of individual specialisation in resource use and trophic morphology and its fitness consequences through a combination of tagging–recapture, stable isotope analyses and telemetry. The European eel (Anguilla anguilla) was the model species as it displays significant variability in head shape. Independent to their body length, individuals with broader heads displayed a significantly higher trophic position (δ15N) than individuals with narrower heads. This corresponded with a significantly higher proportion of prey fish in their diet compared with invertebrates and was associated with the use of a habitat niche located further from the river bank. The European eel therefore provides a rare empirical example of individual specialisation in resource use and trophic morphology in a natural population occurring at a very small spatial scale. Individuals with intermediate head morphology displayed lower body condition (a proxy of fitness) than individuals with extreme head morphology (i.e. narrower and broader headed individuals), demonstrating the existence of disruptive selection associated with individual specialisation.  相似文献   
Anti-infection drugs target vital functions of infectious agents, including their ribosome and other essential non-coding RNAs. One of the reasons infectious agents become resistant to drugs is due to mutations that eliminate drug-binding affinity while maintaining vital elements. Identifying these elements is based on the determination of viable and lethal mutants and associated structures. However, determining the structure of enough mutants at high resolution is not always possible. Here, we introduce a new computational method, MC-3DQSAR, to determine the vital elements of target RNA structure from mutagenesis and available high-resolution data. We applied the method to further characterize the structural determinants of the bacterial 23S ribosomal RNA sarcin–ricin loop (SRL), as well as those of the lead-activated and hammerhead ribozymes. The method was accurate in confirming experimentally determined essential structural elements and predicting the viability of new SRL variants, which were either observed in bacteria or validated in bacterial growth assays. Our results indicate that MC-3DQSAR could be used systematically to evaluate the drug-target potentials of any RNA sites using current high-resolution structural data.  相似文献   
NKG2D plays a major role in controlling immune responses through the regulation of natural killer (NK) cells, αβ and γδ T-cell function. This activating receptor recognizes eight distinct ligands (the MHC Class I polypeptide-related sequences (MIC) A andB, and UL16-binding proteins (ULBP)1–6) induced by cellular stress to promote recognition cells perturbed by malignant transformation or microbial infection. Studies into human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) have aided both the identification and characterization of NKG2D ligands (NKG2DLs). HCMV immediate early (IE) gene up regulates NKGDLs, and we now describe the differential activation of ULBP2 and MICA/B by IE1 and IE2 respectively. Despite activation by IE functions, HCMV effectively suppressed cell surface expression of NKGDLs through both the early and late phases of infection. The immune evasion functions UL16, UL142, and microRNA(miR)-UL112 are known to target NKG2DLs. While infection with a UL16 deletion mutant caused the expected increase in MICB and ULBP2 cell surface expression, deletion of UL142 did not have a similar impact on its target, MICA. We therefore performed a systematic screen of the viral genome to search of addition functions that targeted MICA. US18 and US20 were identified as novel NK cell evasion functions capable of acting independently to promote MICA degradation by lysosomal degradation. The most dramatic effect on MICA expression was achieved when US18 and US20 acted in concert. US18 and US20 are the first members of the US12 gene family to have been assigned a function. The US12 family has 10 members encoded sequentially through US12–US21; a genetic arrangement, which is suggestive of an ‘accordion’ expansion of an ancestral gene in response to a selective pressure. This expansion must have be an ancient event as the whole family is conserved across simian cytomegaloviruses from old world monkeys. The evolutionary benefit bestowed by the combinatorial effect of US18 and US20 on MICA may have contributed to sustaining the US12 gene family.  相似文献   
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