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Microbial communities in two production waters of a low-temperature and low-salinity petroleum reservoir in Canada were examined using cultural and molecular approaches. The predominant cultivated microorganisms were homoacetogens but sulfate-reducers, acetoclastic methanogens and denitrifiers also gave significant counts. The dominant members of the culturable population were affiliated with the Firmicutes, the "Deltaproteobacteria", the "Epsilonproteobacteria", the Spirochaetes and the Euryarchaeota. 16S rRNA gene clone libraries were also constructed from the total DNA collected from production waters. The bacterial library was entirely composed by a single phylotype related to Arcobacter. The archaeal phylotypes were generally very closely related to members of the orders Methanosarcinales and Methanomicrobiales. Consistent with earlier observations, our data suggest that methanogenesis is a dominant terminal process in the reservoir. Moreover, the cross-evaluation of culture-dependent and -independent techniques also indicates that, contrary to most studies, both acetoclastic and lithotrophic methanogens may be involved in this process. This first investigation of the microbial diversity in a non water-flooded low-temperature and low-salinity petroleum reservoir expands substantially our knowledge of the extent of microbial diversity and highlights the complexity of microbial communities involved in the oil field food chain.  相似文献   
A resistance gene (Rph22) to barley leaf rust caused by Puccinia hordei was introgressed from the non-host species Hordeum bulbosum into cultivated barley. The H. bulbosum introgression in line ‘182Q20’ was located to chromosome 2HL using genomic in situ hybridisation (GISH). Using molecular markers it was shown to cover approximately 20 % of the genetic length of the chromosome. The introgression confers a very high level of resistance to P. hordei at the seedling stage that is not based on a hypersensitive reaction. The presence of the resistance gene increased the latency period of the leaf rust fungus and strongly reduced the infection frequency relative to the genetic background cultivar ‘Golden Promise’. An F2 population of 550 individuals was developed and used to create a genetic map of the introgressed region and to determine the map position of the underlying resistance gene(s). The resistance locus, designated Rph22, was located to the distal portion of the introgression, co-segregating with markers H35_26334 and H35_45139. Flanking markers will be used to reduce the linkage drag, including gene(s) responsible for a yield penalty, around the resistance locus and to transfer the gene into elite barley germplasm. This genetic location is also known to harbour a QTL (Rphq2) for non-hypersensitive leaf rust resistance in the barley cultivar ‘Vada’. Comparison of the ‘Vada’ and H. bulbosum resistances at this locus may lead to a better understanding of the possible association between host and non-host resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   
The neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and subtypes of GABA receptors were recently identified in adult testes. Since adult Leydig cells possess both the GABA biosynthetic enzyme glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), as well as GABAA and GABAB receptors, it is possible that GABA may act as auto-/paracrine molecule to regulate Leydig cell function. The present study was aimed to examine effects of GABA, which may include trophic action. This assumption is based on reports pinpointing GABA as regulator of proliferation and differentiation of developing neurons via GABAA receptors. Assuming such a role for the developing testis, we studied whether GABA synthesis and GABA receptors are already present in the postnatal testis, where fetal Leydig cells and, to a much greater extend, cells of the adult Leydig cell lineage proliferate. Immunohistochemistry, RT-PCR, Western blotting and a radioactive enzymatic GAD assay evidenced that fetal Leydig cells of five-six days old rats possess active GAD protein, and that both fetal Leydig cells and cells of the adult Leydig cell lineage possess GABAA receptor subunits. TM3 cells, a proliferating mouse Leydig cell line, which we showed to possess GABAA receptor subunits by RT-PCR, served to study effects of GABA on proliferation. Using a colorimetric proliferation assay and Western Blotting for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) we demonstrated that GABA or the GABAA agonist isoguvacine significantly increased TM3 cell number and PCNA content in TM3 cells. These effects were blocked by the GABAA antagonist bicuculline, implying a role for GABAA receptors. In conclusion, GABA increases proliferation of TM3 Leydig cells via GABAA receptor activation and proliferating Leydig cells in the postnatal rodent testis bear a GABAergic system. Thus testicular GABA may play an as yet unrecognized role in the development of Leydig cells during the differentiation of the testicular interstitial compartment.  相似文献   
Peripheral mechanisms responsible for penile erection are dependant upon a complex control by the nervous system, including peripheral nervous pathways, spinally mediated reflex loops and supraspinal nervous structures. Spinal cord injury is accompanied by a partial or a complete modification of these controls. In relation to the reflexogenic or psychogenic origin of penile erection, spinal cord injury does not cause the same effects. Reflexogenic erections sitll occur after spinal cord injury at a suprasacral level. After lesions at a level lower than the thoracolumbar spinal cord, tumescence following psychogenic stimulation has been observed. The hypotheses resulting from clinical and experimental observations and explaining the differences at the origin of these response are detailed. The recent developments in the neurophysiology of penile erection and the role of neurotransmitters allow a more analytical approach of the phenomenous and also bring new insights into possible compensatory pathways following spinal cord injury.  相似文献   
Phocid seal pups must learn successful survival strategies, largely independently, following their abrupt weaning at a relatively young age. To explore the ontogeny of aquatic skills, space use and first‐year habitat choices made by harbor seals, pups (n = 30) were instrumented with satellite relay data loggers (SRDLs) in Svalbard, Norway in 2009 and 2010. Initially, the pups had small home ranges and showed rapid changes in their activity budgets and diving capabilities, displaying steep linear increases in diving depth and duration and in the amount of time spent diving. Most pups underwent an abrupt shift in movement patterns at ca. 50 d of age, which likely marked the end of the postweaning fast. Around this same time, the steep progression in diving performance slowed, though longer, deeper dives gradually became the norm. However, bottom time, ascent and descent rates, and postdive recovery times remained stable after the postweaning fast, suggesting that most aquatic skill acquisition was completed during the first months of life. Few clear effects of environmental variables such as upwelling phenomenon, which are known to influence the diving behavior of adults from the same population, were detected in the diving patterns of pups.  相似文献   
Habitat heterogeneity and dispersal limitation are widely considered to be the two major mechanisms in determining tree species distributions. However, few studies have quantified the relative importance of these two mechanisms at different life stages of trees. Moreover, rigorous quantification of the effects of dominant tree species in determining species distributions has seldom been explored. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that the distribution of tree species is regulated by different mechanisms at different life history stages. In particular, we hypothesised that dispersal limitation regulates the distribution of trees at early life stages and that environmental factors control the distribution of trees as they grow, because of niche differentiation resulting from environmental filtering. To test this, trees in 400‐m2 quadrats in a 20‐ha plot in Xishuangbanna, southwest China were grouped into four classes on the basis of the diameter at breast height (DBH) that roughly represent different stages in the life history of trees. A neighbourhood index was computed to represent a neutral spatial autocorrelation effect. We used both biotic (dominant species) and abiotic (topography and soil) predictor variables to model the distribution of each target species while controlling for spatial autocorrelation within each of the DBH classes. To determine which factors played the largest role in regulating target species distribution, the simulated annealing method was used in model selection based on Akaike information criterion (AIC) values. The results showed that the relative importance of neutral and niche processes in regulating species distribution varied across life stages. The neutral neighbourhood index played the most important role in determining the distributions of small trees (1 cm ≤ DBH ≤ 10 cm), and dominant species, as biotic environmental predictor variables, were the next most important regulators for trees of this size. Environmental predictor variables played the most important role in determining the distributions of large trees (10 cm ≤ DBH). This finding builds on previous research into the relative importance of neutral and niche processes in determining species distributions regardless of life stages or DBH classes.  相似文献   
Autophagy defects accelerate aging, while stimulation of autophagy decelerates aging. Acyl‐coenzyme A binding protein (ACBP), which is encoded by a diazepam‐binding inhibitor (DBI), acts as an extracellular feedback regulator of autophagy. As shown here, knockout of the gene coding for the yeast orthologue of ACBP/DBI (ACB1) improves chronological aging, and this effect is reversed by knockout of essential autophagy genes (ATG5, ATG7) but less so by knockout of an essential mitophagy gene (ATG32). In humans, ACBP/DBI levels independently correlate with body mass index (BMI) as well as with chronological age. In still‐healthy individuals, we find that high ACBP/DBI levels correlate with future cardiovascular events (such as heart surgery, myocardial infarction, and stroke), an association that is independent of BMI and chronological age, suggesting that ACBP/DBI is indeed a biomarker of “biological” aging. Concurringly, ACBP/DBI plasma concentrations correlate with established cardiovascular risk factors (fasting glucose levels, systolic blood pressure, total free cholesterol, triglycerides), but are inversely correlated with atheroprotective high‐density lipoprotein (HDL). In mice, neutralization of ACBP/DBI through a monoclonal antibody attenuates anthracycline‐induced cardiotoxicity, which is a model of accelerated heart aging. In conclusion, plasma elevation of ACBP/DBI constitutes a novel biomarker of chronological aging and facets of biological aging with a prognostic value in cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   
Staphylococcus aureus is a major human opportunistic pathogen responsible for a broad spectrum of infections ranging from benign skin infection to more severe life threatening disorders (e.g. pneumonia, sepsis), particularly in intensive care patients. Scavenger receptors (SR-A and CD36) are known to be involved in S. aureus recognition by immune cells in addition to MARCO, TLR2, NOD2 and α5β1 integrin. In the present study, we further deciphered the contribution of SR-A and CD36 scavenger receptors in the control of infection of mice by S. aureus. Using double SR-A/CD36 knockout mice (S/C-KO) and S. aureus strain HG001, a clinically relevant non-mutagenized strain, we showed that the absence of these two scavenger receptors was protective in peritoneal infection. In contrast, the deletion of these two receptors was detrimental in pulmonary infection following intranasal instillation. For pulmonary infection, susceptible mice (S/C-KO) had more colony-forming units (CFU) in their broncho-alveolar lavages fluids, associated with increased recruitment of macrophages and neutrophils. For peritoneal infection, susceptible mice (wild-type) had more CFU in their blood, but recruited less macrophages and neutrophils in the peritoneal cavity than resistant mice. Exacerbated cytokine levels were often observed in the susceptible mice in the infected compartment as well as in the plasma. The exception was the enhanced compartmentalized expression of IL-1β for the resistant mice (S/C-KO) after peritoneal infection. A similar mirrored susceptibility to S. aureus infection was also observed for MARCO and TLR2. Marco and tlr2 -/- mice were more resistant to peritoneal infection but more susceptible to pulmonary infection than wild type mice. In conclusion, our results show that innate immune receptors can play distinct and opposite roles depending on the site of infection. Their presence is protective for local pulmonary infection, whereas it becomes detrimental in the peritoneal infection.  相似文献   
The accumulation of amyloid fibers due to protein misfolding is associated with numerous human diseases. For example, the formation of amyloid deposits in neurodegenerative pathologies is correlated with abnormal apoptosis. We report here the in vitro formation of various types of aggregates by Bcl-xL, a protein of the Bcl-2 family involved in the regulation of apoptosis. Bcl-xL forms aggregates in three states, micelles, native-like fibrils, and amyloid fibers, and their biophysical characterization has been performed in detail. Bcl-xL remains in its native state within micelles and native-like fibrils, and our results suggest that native-like fibrils are formed by the association of micelles. Formation of amyloid structures, that is, nonnative intermolecular β-sheets, is favored by the proximity of proteins within fibrils at the expense of the Bcl-xL native structure. Finally, we provide evidence of a direct relationship between the amyloid character of the fibers and the tertiary-structure stability of the native Bcl-xL. The potential causality between the accumulation of Bcl-xL into amyloid deposits and abnormal apoptosis during neurodegenerative diseases is discussed.  相似文献   
In mice, the plasma concentrations of the appetite-stimulatory and autophagy-inhibitory factor acyl-coenzyme A binding protein (ACBP, also called diazepam-binding inhibitor, DBI) acutely increase in response to starvation, but also do so upon chronic overnutrition leading to obesity. Here, we show that knockout of Acbp/Dbi in adipose tissue is sufficient to prevent high-fat diet-induced weight gain in mice. We investigated ACBP/DBI plasma concentrations in several patient cohorts to discover a similar dual pattern of regulation. In relatively healthy subjects, ACBP/DBI concentrations independently correlated with body mass index (BMI) and age. The association between ACBP/DBI and BMI was lost in subjects that underwent major weight gain in the subsequent 3–9 years, as well as in advanced cancer patients. Voluntary fasting, undernutrition in the context of advanced cancer, as well as chemotherapy were associated with an increase in circulating ACBP/DBI levels. Altogether, these results support the conclusion that ACBP/DBI may play an important role in body mass homeostasis as well as in its failure.Subject terms: Obesity, Diagnostic markers  相似文献   
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