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Lead is a heavy metal that has been used for many centuries and it is still used for various industrial purposes thanks to its physical and chemical characteristics. Human exposure to lead can result in a wide range of biological effects depending upon the level and duration of exposure. Despite the fact that lead has been found capable of eliciting genotoxic responses in a wide range of tests, not all studies have been conclusive. Although several experimental studies have shown that lead may modulate immune responses, data in exposed humans are still preliminary. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the genotoxic and immunotoxic effects of lead exposure in a group of 70 male workers from two Portuguese factories. The control group comprised 38 healthy males. The exposed individuals showed significantly higher levels of lead in blood and zinc protoporphyrin, and significantly lower δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity than the controls, suggesting a relatively high lead exposure. Nevertheless, the limit of 70 μg/dl for lead in blood established by the Portuguese regulation was never reached. Results of the comet assay were not modified by the exposure, but a significant increase in the mutation frequency in the exposed workers was obtained in the T-cell receptor mutation assay. Furthermore, data obtained in the analysis of the different lymphocyte subsets showed a significant decrease in %CD8+ cells and a significant increase in the %CD4+/%CD8+ ratio in exposed individuals with regard to the controls. No clear effect was observed for vitamin D receptor genetic polymorphism on the parameters evaluated. In view of our results showing mutagenic and immunotoxic effects related to lead exposure in occupational settings, it seems that the Portuguese biological exposure limit for lead needs to be revised in order to increase the safety of exposed workers.  相似文献   
In this study, a characterization of cell wall polysaccharide composition of three yeasts involved in the production of agave distilled beverages was performed. The three yeast strains were isolated from different media (tequila, mezcal and bakery) and were evaluated for the β(1,3)-glucanase lytic activity and the β-glucan/mannan ratio during the fermentation of Agave tequilana juice and in YPD media (control). Fermentations were performed in shake flasks with 30 g l−1 sugar concentration of A. tequilana juice and with the control YPD using 30 g l−1 of glucose. The three yeasts strains showed different levels of β-glucan and mannan when they were grown in A. tequilana juice in comparison to the YPD media. The maximum rate of cell wall lyses was 50% lower in fermentations with A. tequilana juice for yeasts isolated from tequila and mezcal than compared to the bakery yeast.  相似文献   
The Andes provide an extensive latitudinal and topographical framework for studying the factors that control the spatial patterns of forests (timberlines) and their species components expressed through the presence of tree growth forms (tree lines). Despite consistent overall similarities in landscape patterns, many processes must be unique, given the dramatic differences in species richness and biophysical constraints along the Andes. In all cases evaluated to date, morphological plasticity is a common trait of plant species that dominate at tree lines. In fact, many changes observed can be related to species-specific traits. Physiological limitations on tree growth form only explain species limits, while disturbances and cyclical climate fluctuations interact to affect many landscape patterns. Over long periods of time, tree lines provide unique habitats and perhaps opportunities for speciation. Understanding the spatial organization of tree-line dynamics is one viable research approach for evaluating the likely past fluxes and possible future changes.  相似文献   
We present a study on the control and elimination of the fungi affecting the mummies specifically at the museum "El Carmen", in San Angel, Mexico City. Twelve analysed mummies presented an important deterioration attributed to colonizing fungi. The degree of fungal contamination and the efficacy of imazalil were evaluated. Two samplings were performed in order to isolate and identify the fungal genera, one for control and the other after the treatment. Isolation was done by the carpet-square technique and identification was performed by morphological features. Each sampling gave a total of 100 samples as follows: 17 from the air, 23 from the walls and 60 from the mummies. Samples were cultured on Sabouraud dextrose agar. From the first sampling a total of 649 colonies corresponding to 24 genera were obtained being the most frequent Penicillium, Cladophialophora and Aspergillus. From the second sampling, after the imazalil treatment, which was applied by means of lit candles containing the antifungal drug, 57 colonies were recovered, representing a 91.2% fungal reduction; 18 genera were eliminated. In spite of resistance showed by many Penicillium strains, the imazalil is an alternative drug for the control of fungal colonization on these studied materials.  相似文献   
Within the genus Centaurea (subtribe Centaureinae, tribe Cardueae, Compositae) hybridizations and reticulate-evolution phenomena have widely been recognized. This is especially true in the taxa included in the subgroup Acrolophus from the western Mediterranean area, in which recurrent hybridizations of parapatric ("microallopatric") lineages within the geographical range of a primary radiation have been suggested. The subgroup Acrolophus includes taxa from three sections (i.e. Acrolophus, Phalolepis and Willkommia), and, together with other subgroups, forms the named Jacea group (one of the three main groups into which Centaurea is divided). In this paper, we have studied the influence that the complex evolutionary scenario described for the Acrolophus subgroup from the western Mediterranean exerts on the evolutionary pattern of a satellite-DNA family, the HinfI family, which exists within the genomes of these taxa. To this end, we have analyzed the evolution of this satellite-DNA family in taxa from different taxonomic comparative levels: i) seven subspecies of the C. boissieri complex (one of which with two varieties) of the sect. Willkommia; ii) species of the sections Willkommia (10 species, 19 taxa), Acrolophus (two species), and Phalolepis (two species), all in the Acrolophus subgroup; iii) one external species to the Jacea group, C. granatensis from the group Acrocentron; iv) and species from other related genera from the Centaureinae subtribe (Phonus and Carthamus, both belonging to the Carthamus group). The influence of the suggested model for the origin and diversification of the Acrolophus subgroup is evidenced by the existence of three different HinfI satellite-DNA subfamilies coexisting in some genomes, and by the analysis that we have made by comparing site-by-site the transition stages in the process of concerted evolution between the sequences of the each subfamily. From this analysis, we can deduce that the HinfI repeated subfamilies evolved in a gradual manner, and that the different stages of concerted evolution fit quite well with the combined nuclear-chloroplast-DNA-deduced divergences and phylogeny of the subtribe Centaureinae. The HinfI satellite-DNA from the Carthamus species group (genera Carthamus and Phonus) and from the Acrocentron group (Centaurea granatensis) shows a high intraspecific conservation of the repeats, suggesting that the mechanisms producing concerted evolution have been efficient in these taxa. In addition, the comparison of individual nucleotide positions between related species shows a paucity in the spreading of variants in each subfamily with satellite-DNA divergence, an indication of a constant rate of homogenization of the repeated cluster. On the contrary, this trend is absent in the comparisons of the HinfI sequences from taxa of the subgroup Acrolophus. In this subgroup, we have found in this repetitive family similar representative average sequences for each taxon analyzed, polymorphic sites in each taxon being scant, most of them autapomorphic, representing early stages of genetic differentiation between taxa in the process of concerted evolution. The absence of concerted evolution was visualized by similar levels of intraspecific variation and interspecific divergence and by the lack of fixed species-diagnostic nucleotide sites. These facts might reflect the reticulate mode of evolution of Acrolophus.  相似文献   
Cholesterol has been shown to regulate the activity of several membrane proteins. Although this phenomenon represents an important factor in the regulation of ion homeostasis, insights are needed to fully understand the role of this lipid in cell function in order to better comprehend the effect of bilayer components upon membrane function. Since evolution has shaped the composition of the membrane bilayer, it becomes of interest to study these changes in parallel with the many functions of membranes such as ion transport. The present study employing a plasma membrane preparation obtained from calf ventricular muscle demonstrates that cholesterol partially inhibits the Ca(2+),Mg(2+)-ATPase as the catalytic function of the calcium pump, when incubation reaction temperatures are below 42 degrees C. In contrast, when incubation reaction temperatures are above 42 degrees C, cholesterol apparently promotes enzyme stabilization reflected in higher activity. Although the activation energy values for the enzyme are almost the same at ranges between 15 and 40 degrees C, the use of elevated temperatures promote higher enzyme inactivation rates in control than in cholesterol enriched membranes. Cholesterol apparently is promoting stabilization that in turn protects the enzyme against thermal inactivation. This protective effect is reflected in a decrease of inactivation rate values and energy released during enzyme catalysis. The modification of many membrane properties throughout million of years made it possible for new evolutionary driving forces to show themselves as new characteristics in eukaryotes such as the one discussed in this study, dealing with the presence of cholesterol in the cell membrane directly associated to the promotion of protein thermostability.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to develop an innovative method for the internal sizing of paper by use of laccase and hydrophobic compounds. Nine different products containing hydrophobic moieties were tested in combination with laccase derived from Trametes villosa on Eucalyptus globulus kraft pulp in order to assess their internal sizing capability. The strongest internal sizing effect was obtained with lauryl gallate (LG). Heat treatment of the handsheets was found to increase the resistance to water absorption of internally sized samples significantly. Tests were conducted under variable operating conditions, including enzyme and reactant doses and treatment time. In addition to altering the water absorption rate, internal sizing with the laccase–LG treatments was found to affect the mechanical and optical properties of the handsheets. As shown in this work, treatments based on laccase and a hydrophobic compound (particularly lauryl gallate), can provide a new, effective biotechnological method for the internal sizing of paper.  相似文献   
Thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) was applied to study the effects of enzymatic bleaching of eucalyptus pulp with xylanase and a laccase-mediator system. The thermal degradation profile of the pulps was sensitive to the enzymatic treatments. Xylanase treatment produced an ordered and clean microfibril, whereas laccase oxidized surface cellulose chains and increased the amorphous (paracrystalline) cellulose content. In this case, pulp viscosity decreased from 972 to 859 mL/g and apparent pulp crystallinity calculated from TGA data decreased almost 50%. Alkaline extraction was necessary to recover pulp crystallinity and to remove oxidized lignin in the laccase-treated samples. TGA data allowed differentiating and quantifying crystalline and amorphous cellulose. This thermogravimetric approach is a simple method in order to monitor superficial changes in cellulosic microfibrils.  相似文献   
Functionalization of sisal specialty pulp fibers by laccase-catalysed grafting of ferulic acid (FRC) was investigated. To this end, the extent of phenol coupling to fibers under different reaction conditions (laccase and FRC rates, and time) was evaluated in terms of pulp properties including kappa number (expressed as the combined contributions of lignin and hexenuronic acids), brightness, Klason lignin and surface anionic charge after Soxhlet extraction of acetone-treated pulp. The specific treatment resulting in the highest degree of grafting was then used in a comparative study of the effects of applying the laccase-FRC system to refined and unrefined pulp with a view to confirming whether the increased surface area obtained by effect of fibrillation would lead to enhanced grafting. Based on the results, refining the pulp prior to the enzyme treatment resulted in increased grafting which in turn led to handsheets with improved strength-related properties (particularly wet tensile strength) relative to control samples.  相似文献   
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