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Ecological diversity indices are frequently applied to molecular profiling methods, such as terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP), in order to compare diversity among microbial communities. We performed simulations to determine whether diversity indices calculated from T-RFLP profiles could reflect the true diversity of the underlying communities despite potential analytical artifacts. These include multiple taxa generating the same terminal restriction fragment (TRF) and rare TRFs being excluded by a relative abundance (fluorescence) threshold. True community diversity was simulated using the lognormal species abundance distribution. Simulated T-RFLP profiles were generated by assigning each species a TRF size based on an empirical or modeled TRF size distribution. With a typical threshold (1%), the only consistently useful relationship was between Smith and Wilson evenness applied to T-RFLP data (TRF-E(var)) and true Shannon diversity (H'), with correlations between 0.71 and 0.81. TRF-H' and true H' were well correlated in the simulations using the lowest number of species, but this correlation declined substantially in simulations using greater numbers of species, to the point where TRF-H' cannot be considered a useful statistic. The relationships between TRF diversity indices and true indices were sensitive to the relative abundance threshold, with greatly improved correlations observed using a 0.1% threshold, which was investigated for comparative purposes but is not possible to consistently achieve with current technology. In general, the use of diversity indices on T-RFLP data provides inaccurate estimates of true diversity in microbial communities (with the possible exception of TRF-E(var)). We suggest that, where significant differences in T-RFLP diversity indices were found in previous work, these should be reinterpreted as a reflection of differences in community composition rather than a true difference in community diversity.  相似文献   
The in vitro susceptibility of 103 cultures of E. coli isolated from scouring and nonscouring pigs, and four cultures of Salmonella isolated from a case of necrotic enteritis was tested against Ampicillin contained in nutrient broth at concentrations of 0, 0.1, 1.0 and 5.0 uG per ml. of the medium. All but three cultures of E. coli were found to be susceptible to 5.0 uG/ml., all Salmonella isolates were also susceptible to this concentration of the antibiotic. Susceptibility of E. coli was also tested by plating dilutions of fecal samples obtained from either a scouring or a nonscouring pig, with E.M.B. agar containing 0, 0.1, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 uG Ampicillin per ml. of the medium. No difference in the growth of E. coli was observed at 0, 0.1 and 1.0 uG concentrations. The three higher concentrations of the antibiotic inhibited the growth of E. coli proportional to the amount of Ampicillin in each concentration.Ampicillin proved very effective in alleviating the symptoms of hemorrhagic enteritis in a 11-week old pig. The disappearance of scours was associated with the replacement of the previously existing sero-biotypes of fecal E. coliwith another aberrant type of E.coli which produced H(2)S. No Ampicillin resistant strains of E. coli emerged following treatment of the animal with this antibiotic.  相似文献   
Biogeochemistry is at the dawn of an era in which molecular advances enable the discovery of novel microorganisms having unforeseen metabolic capabilities, revealing new insight into the underlying processes regulating elemental cycles at local to global scales. Traditionally, biogeochemical inquiry began by studying a process of interest, and then focusing downward to uncover the microorganisms and metabolic pathways mediating that process. With the ability to sequence functional genes from the environment, molecular approaches now enable the flow of inquiry in the opposite direction. Here, we argue that a focus on functional genes, the microorganisms in which they reside, and the interaction of those organisms with the broader microbial community could transform our understanding of many globally important biogeochemical processes.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas syringae pv. tagetis, a plant pathogen being considered as a biological control agent of Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense), produces tagetitoxin, an inhibitor of RNA polymerase which results in chlorosis of developing shoot tissues. Although the bacterium is known to affect several plant species in the Asteraceae and has been reported in several countries, little is known of its genetic diversity. The genetic relatedness of 24 strains of P. syringae pv. tagetis with respect to each other and to other P. syringae and Pseudomonas savastanoi pathovars was examined using 16S–23S rDNA intergenic spacer (ITS) sequence analysis. The size of the 16S–23S rDNA ITS regions ranged from 508 to 548 bp in length for all 17 P. syringae and P. savastanoi pathovars examined. The size of the 16S–23S rDNA ITS regions for all the P. syringae pv. helianthi and all the P. syringae pv. tagetis strains examined were 526 bp in length. Furthermore, the 16S–23S rDNA ITS regions of both P. syringae pv. tagetis and P. syringae pv. helianthi had DNA signatures at specific nucleotides that distinguished them from the 15 other P. syringae and P. savastanoi pathovars examined. These results provide strong evidence that P. syringae pv. helianthi is a nontoxigenic form of P. syringae pv. tagetis. The results also demonstrated that there is little genetic diversity among the known strains of P. syringae pv. tagetis. The genetic differences that do exist were not correlated with differences in host plant, geographical origin, or the ability to produce toxin.  相似文献   
Usher syndrome is the most commonly recognized cause of combined visual and hearing loss in technologically developed countries. There are several different types and all are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. There may be as many as five different genes responsible for at least two closely related phenotypes. The nature of the gene defects is unknown, and positional cloning strategies are being employed to identify the genes. This is a report of the localization of one gene for Usher syndrome type I to chromosome 11q, probably distal to marker D11S527. Another USH1 gene had been previously localized to chromosome 14q, and this second localization establishes the existence of a new and independent locus for Usher syndrome.  相似文献   
Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) is a culture-independent method of obtaining a genetic fingerprint of the composition of a microbial community. Comparisons of the utility of different methods of (i) including peaks, (ii) computing the difference (or distance) between profiles, and (iii) performing statistical analysis were made by using replicated profiles of eubacterial communities. These samples included soil collected from three regions of the United States, soil fractions derived from three agronomic field treatments, soil samples taken from within one meter of each other in an alfalfa field, and replicate laboratory bioreactors. Cluster analysis by Ward's method and by the unweighted-pair group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA) were compared. Ward's method was more effective at differentiating major groups within sets of profiles; UPGMA had a slightly reduced error rate in clustering of replicate profiles and was more sensitive to outliers. Most replicate profiles were clustered together when relative peak height or Hellinger-transformed peak height was used, in contrast to raw peak height. Redundancy analysis was more effective than cluster analysis at detecting differences between similar samples. Redundancy analysis using Hellinger distance was more sensitive than that using Euclidean distance between relative peak height profiles. Analysis of Jaccard distance between profiles, which considers only the presence or absence of a terminal restriction fragment, was the most sensitive in redundancy analysis, and was equally sensitive in cluster analysis, if all profiles had cumulative peak heights greater than 10,000 fluorescence units. It is concluded that T-RFLP is a sensitive method of differentiating between microbial communities when the optimal statistical method is used for the situation at hand. It is recommended that hypothesis testing be performed by redundancy analysis of Hellinger-transformed data and that exploratory data analysis be performed by cluster analysis using Ward's method to find natural groups or by UPGMA to identify potential outliers. Analyses can also be based on Jaccard distance if all profiles have cumulative peak heights greater than 10,000 fluorescence units.  相似文献   
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