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Cryptochrome blue-light photoreceptors are found in both plants and animals and have been implicated in numerous developmental and circadian signaling pathways. Nevertheless, no action spectrum for a physiological response shown to be entirely under the control of cryptochrome has been reported. In this work, an action spectrum was determined in vivo for a cryptochrome-mediated high-irradiance response, the blue-light-dependent inhibition of hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis. Comparison of growth of wild-type, cry1cry2 cryptochrome-deficient double mutants, and cryptochrome-overexpressing seedlings demonstrated that responsivity to monochromatic light sources within the range of 390 to 530 nm results from the activity of cryptochrome with no other photoreceptor having a significant primary role at the fluence range tested. In both green- and norflurazon-treated (chlorophyll-deficient) seedlings, cryptochrome activity is fairly uniform throughout its range of maximal response (390-480 nm), with no sharply defined peak at 450 nm; however, activity at longer wavelengths was disproportionately enhanced in CRY1-overexpressing seedlings as compared with wild type. The action spectrum does not correlate well with the absorption spectra either of purified recombinant cryptochrome photoreceptor or to that of a second class of blue-light photoreceptor, phototropin (PHOT1 and PHOT2). Photoreceptor concentration as determined by western-blot analysis showed a greater stability of CRY2 protein under the monochromatic light conditions used in this study as compared with broad band blue light, suggesting a complex mechanism of photoreceptor activation. The possible role of additional photoreceptors (in particular phytochrome A) in cryptochrome responses is discussed.  相似文献   
A stereoselective synthesis of 3′-O-((R,R,R)-trimethylsilatranyl)thymidine (R,R,R-1) and synthesis of 3′-O-silatranylthymidine (5) via an improved silatranylation procedure using tetrakis(dimethylamino)silane are reported. Diastereomeric mixture 1 showed more activity than R,R,R-1 or 5 in a primary anticancer screen against breast, CNS, and lung cell lines; demonstrating the import of the configuration and presence, respectively, of the silatrane methyl groups for growth inhibition.  相似文献   
Previously, we have demonstrated that increased superoxide generation plays a role in the nitric oxide (NO)-mediated inhibition of endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) in endothelial cells (ECs) and that the overexpression of SOD1 could reduce the inhibitory effect of NO. However, SOD1 overexpression did not completely abolish the inhibition of eNOS by NO, indicating the presence of other inhibitory mechanisms. Because superoxide can be dismutated into hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), in this study we determined whether exposure of ECs to NO resulted in increased generation of H2O2 and the potential role of H2O2 in eNOS inhibition. Our results indicated that H2O2 levels were increased in response to NO. Using adenoviral-mediated infection, we demonstrated that catalase overexpression both increased basal eNOS activity in the absence of NO and provided a significant protective effect on eNOS activity in the presence of NO. This protective effect was associated with a significant decrease in H2O2 levels in the presence of NO. In conclusion, our results indicate that increased levels of H2O2 may be involved in the inhibition of eNOS by NO and that the scavenging of H2O2 may be useful to prevent eNOS inhibition during treatments that involve inhaled NO or NO donors.  相似文献   
Ca2+-dependent nuclear export mediated by calreticulin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We have characterized a pathway for nuclear export of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) in mammalian cells. This pathway involves the Ca2+ -binding protein calreticulin (CRT), which directly contacts the DNA binding domain (DBD) of GR and facilitates its delivery from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. In the present study, we investigated the role of Ca2+ in CRT-dependent export of GR. We found that removal of Ca2+ from CRT inhibits its capacity to stimulate the nuclear export of GR in digitonin-permeabilized cells and that the inhibition is due to the failure of Ca2+-free CRT to bind the DBD. These effects are reversible, since DBD binding and nuclear export can be restored by Ca2+ addition. Depletion of intracellular Ca2+ inhibits GR export in intact cells under conditions that do not inhibit other nuclear transport pathways, suggesting that there is a Ca2+ requirement for GR export in vivo. We also found that the Ran GTPase is not required for GR export. These data show that the nuclear export pathway used by steroid hormone receptors such as GR is distinct from the Crm1 pathway. We suggest that signaling events that increase Ca2+ could positively regulate CRT and inhibit GR function through nuclear export.  相似文献   
A Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) genomic DNA library of Anopheles gambiae, the major human malaria vector in sub-Saharan Africa, was constructed and characterized. This library (ND-TAM) is composed of 30,720 BAC clones in eighty 384-well plates. The estimated average insert size of the library is 133 kb, with an overall genome coverage of approximately 14-fold. The ends of approximately two-thirds of the clones in the library were sequenced, yielding 32,340 pair-mate ends. A statistical analysis (G-test) of the results of PCR screening of the library indicated a random distribution of BACs in the genome, although one gap encompassing the white locus on the X-chromosome was identified. Furthermore, combined with another previously constructed BAC library (ND-1), ~2,000 BACs have been physically mapped by polytene chromosomal in situ hybridization. These BAC end pair mates and physically mapped BACs have been useful for both the assembly of a fully sequenced A. gambiae genome and for linking the assembled sequence to the three polytene chromosomes. This ND-TAM library is now publicly available at both http://www.malaria.mr4.org/mr4pages/index.html/ and http://hbz.tamu.edu/, providing a valuable resource to the mosquito research community.  相似文献   
The splicing of the c-src exon N1 is controlled by an intricate combination of positive and negative RNA elements. Most previous work on these sequences focused on intronic elements found upstream and downstream of exon N1. However, it was demonstrated that the 5' half of the N1 exon itself acts as a splicing enhancer in vivo. Here we examine the function of this regulatory element in vitro. We show that a mutation in this sequence decreases splicing of the N1 exon in vitro. Proteins binding to this element were identified as hnRNP A1, hnRNP H, hnRNP F, and SF2/ASF by site-specific cross-linking and immunoprecipitation. The binding of these proteins to the RNA was eliminated by a mutation in the exonic element. The activities of hnRNP A1 and SF2/ASF on N1 splicing were examined by adding purified protein to in vitro splicing reactions. SF2/ASF and another SR protein, SC35, are both able to stimulate splicing of c-src pre-mRNA. However, splicing activation by SF2/ASF is dependent on the N1 exon enhancer element whereas activation by SC35 is not. In contrast to SF2/ASF and in agreement with other systems, hnRNP A1 repressed c-src splicing in vitro. The negative activity of hnRNP A1 on splicing was compared with that of PTB, a protein previously demonstrated to repress splicing in this system. Both proteins repress exon N1 splicing, and both counteract the enhancing activity of the SR proteins. Removal of the PTB binding sites upstream of N1 prevents PTB-mediated repression but does not affect A1-mediated repression. Thus, hnRNP A1 and PTB use different mechanisms to repress c-src splicing. Our results link the activity of these well-known exonic splicing regulators, SF2/ASF and hnRNP A1, to the splicing of an exon primarily controlled by intronic factors.  相似文献   
Cell growthand differentiation are controlled in many tissues by paracrinefactors, which often require proteolytic processing for activation.Metalloproteases of the metzincin family, such as matrixmetalloproteases and ADAMs, recently have been shown to be involved inthe shedding of growth factors, cytokines, and receptors. In thepresent study, we show that hydroxamate-based inhibitors ofmetalloproteases (HIMPs), such as TAPI and BB-3103, increase the fusionof C2C12 myoblasts and provoke myotubehypertrophy. HIMPs did not seem to effect hypertrophy via proteins thathave previously been shown to regulate muscle growth in vitro, such asinsulin-like growth factor-I, calcineurin, and tumor necrosis factor-. Instead, the proteolytic maturation of myostatin (growth differentiation factor-8) seemed to be reduced inC2C12 cells treated with HIMPs, as suggested bythe presence of nonprocessed myostatin precursor only in hypertrophicmyotubes. Myostatin is a known negative regulator of skeletal musclegrowth, belonging to the transforming growth factor-/bonemorphogenetic protein superfamily. These results indicate thatmetalloproteases are involved in the regulation of skeletalmuscle growth and differentiation, that the proteolytic maturation ofmyostatin in C2C12 cells may be directly orindirectly linked to the activity of some unidentified HIMP-sensitivemetalloproteases, and that the lack of myostatin processing on HIMPtreatment may be a mediator of myotube hypertrophy in this in vitro model.

Splicing of the c-src N1 exon in neuronal cells depends in part on an intronic cluster of RNA regulatory elements called the downstream control sequence (DCS). Using site-specific cross-linking, RNA gel shift, and DCS RNA affinity chromatography assays, we characterized the binding of several proteins to specific sites along the DCS RNA. Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) H, polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB), and KH-type splicing-regulatory protein (KSRP) each bind to distinct elements within this sequence. We also identified a new 60-kDa tissue-specific protein that binds to the CUCUCU splicing repressor element of the DCS RNA. This protein was purified, partially sequenced, and cloned. The new protein (neurally enriched homolog of PTB [nPTB]) is highly homologous to PTB. Unlike PTB, nPTB is enriched in the brain and in some neural cell lines. Although similar in sequence, nPTB and PTB show significant differences in their properties. nPTB binds more stably to the DCS RNA than PTB does but is a weaker repressor of splicing in vitro. nPTB also greatly enhances the binding of two other proteins, hnRNP H and KSRP, to the DCS RNA. These experiments identify specific cooperative interactions between the proteins that assemble onto an intricate splicing-regulatory sequence and show how this hnRNP assembly is altered in different cell types by incorporating different but highly related proteins.  相似文献   
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