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Linkage of ricin A chain (RA) to a cell surface binding antibody or other ligand can result in a potent cytotoxic agent. We expressed the primary sequence for RA in Escherichia coli to facilitate production and to obtain protein free of naturally occurring contaminants, i.e. ricin B chain. Differences in the level of expression and in the characteristics of the expressed protein were noted when several different host/vector systems were tested. Recombinant RA (rRA) was expressed directly under control of the phage lambda major leftward promoter (PL) and the E. coli trp promoter. It was also expressed fused to E. coli alkaline phosphatase sequences, both in the same reading frame for secretion and out-of-reading frame for expression in a cistron-like arrangement. Expression in the PL promoter system, which is temperature-regulated, was achieved at 37 degrees C as well as at 42 degrees C. The protein expressed at these different temperatures had grossly different properties. Whereas rRA expressed at 37 degrees C was soluble and fully active, that produced at 42 degrees C was aggregated, insoluble, and reduced in activity. Soluble rRA could be converted to the insoluble form by incubation at 42 degrees C in vivo, but not in vitro. Hence, this difference in properties does not simply reflect an inherent thermal instability of the protein. Conditions present in vivo, including the possible association with other proteins, are apparently required for this effect on rRA.  相似文献   
Hybridization experiments were carried out between DNAs from more than 70 strains of Campylobacter spp. and related taxa and either 3H-labeled 23S rRNAs from reference strains belonging to Campylobacter fetus, Campylobacter concisus, Campylobacter sputorum, Campylobacter coli, and Campylobacter nitrofigilis, an unnamed Campylobacter sp. strain, and a Wolinella succinogenes strain or 3H- or 14C-labeled 23S rRNAs from 13 gram-negative reference strains. An immunotyping analysis of 130 antigens versus 34 antisera of campylobacters and related taxa was also performed. We found that all of the named campylobacters and related taxa belong to the same phylogenetic group, which we name rRNA superfamily VI and which is far removed from the gram-negative bacteria allocated to the five rRNA superfamilies sensu De Ley. There is a high degree of heterogeneity within this rRNA superfamily. Organisms belonging to rRNA superfamily VI should be reclassified in several genera. We propose that the emended genus Campylobacter should be limited to Campylobacter fetus, Campylobacter hyointestinalis, Campylobacter concisus, Campylobacter mucosalis, Campylobacter sputorum, Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli, Campylobacter lari, and "Campylobacter upsaliensis." Wolinella curva and Wolinella recta are transferred to the genus Campylobacter as Campylobacter curvus comb. nov. and Campylobacter rectus comb. nov., respectively. Bacteroides gracilis and Bacteroides ureolyticus are generically misnamed and are closely related to the genus Campylobacter. Campylobacter nitrofigilis, Campylobacter cryaerophila, and an unnamed Campylobacter sp. strain constitute a new genus, for which the name Arcobacter is proposed; this genus contains two species, Arcobacter nitrofigilis comb. nov. (type species) and Arcobacter cryaerophilus comb. nov. Wolinella succinogenes so far is the only species of the genus Wolinella. The genus Helicobacter is also emended; Campylobacter cinaedi and Campylobacter fennelliae are included in this genus as Helicobacter cinaedi comb. nov. and Helicobacter fennelliae comb. nov., respectively. The genus "Flexispira," with "Flexispira rappini" as the only species, is closely related to the genus Helicobacter. The free-living, sulfur-reducing campylobacters do not belong to any of these genera; they probably constitute a distinct genus within rRNA superfamily VI.  相似文献   
Pharmfit-a Nonlinear Fitting Program for Pharmacology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new program is presented for nonlinear fitting of data from pharmacological and chronobiological investigations. It contains functions for calculating data from ligand-binding studies and competition experiments, for the analysis of dose-response curves, for pharmacokinetic calculations, and for cosine analysis of harmonic and overlapping rhythms. In addition, it is possible to implement general equations by the user. The program allows data exchange with most spreadsheet, database, and graphics presentation programs, and accepts data from two widely used ambulatory 24-h blood-pressure monitoring systems. The fitting procedure uses the Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm. It calculates the weighted or the unweighted fit together with a great variety of statistics for estimation of goodness of fit. A graphics module permits graphical presentation of the fitted curve. Moreover, fitting of data to different models can be compared for the most likely fit and model discrimination statistics for improvement of further experiments are provided. To demonstrate the chronobiological application of the fitting program PHARMFIT, the analysis of telemetric heart rate data from rats is presented.  相似文献   
Summary Aspergillus niger SZ was grown under citric acid accumulation conditions in a 1l bioreactor. Radioactive citric acid was added during the fermentation to the culture medium. The accumulation of radioactive citric acid in the mycellium was measure by measuring radioactive CO2 in the offgas. Evidence was obtained of significant turnover and metabolism of exogenous citric acid even during the phase of maximum accumulation into the medium.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that controlledhypoxemic resuscitation improves early cerebral metabolic andelectrophysiological recovery in hypoxic newborn piglets. Severelyhypoxic anesthetized piglets were randomly divided into threeresuscitation groups: hypoxemic, 21%O2, and 100%O2 groups (8 in each group). Thehypoxemic group was mechanically ventilated with 12-18%O2 adjusted to achieve a cerebralvenous O2 saturation of17-23% (baseline; 45 ± 1%). Base excess (BE) reached22 ± 1 mM at the end of hypoxia. During a 2-h resuscitationperiod, no significant differences in time to recovery ofelectroencephalography (EEG), quality of EEG at recovery, orextracellular hypoxanthine concentrations in the cerebral cortex andstriatum were found among the groups. BE and plasma hypoxanthine,however, normalized significantly more slowly during controlledhypoxemic resuscitation than during resuscitation with 21 or 100%O2. We conclude that early brainrecovery during controlled hypoxemic resuscitation was as efficient as,but not superior to, recovery during resuscitation with 21 or 100%O2. The systemic metabolicrecovery from hypoxia, however, was delayed during controlled hypoxemicresuscitation.

We performed hybridizations between labeled rRNAs from seven representative members of the family Pasteurellaceae and from three other taxa on the one hand and DNAs from 53 strains known or presumed to belong to the Pasteurellaceae on the other hand. The members of the Pasteurellaceae are most closely related to members of the Enterobacteriaceae, the Vibrionaceae, the Aeromonadaceae, and the genus Alteromonas. The family Pasteurellaceae is very heterogeneous. There are at least seven rRNA branches. Several organisms with the same genus name are dispersed over the entire dendrogram. The "Histophilus ovis," [Haemophilus] ducreyi, [Actinobacillus] actinomycetemcomitans, and [Haemophilus] aphrophilus rRNA branches are separate and quite remote from the three authentic genera in this family; this might justify eventual later separate generic status. DNA-rRNA hybridization with suitable, labeled rRNA probes is an excellent method to establish whether an organism belongs in the Pasteurellaceae; e.g., some strains of Bisgaard's taxa 7, 13, and 16 and of the gas-producing "SP" group certainly belong in this family, whereas three bovine lymphangitis organisms (strains NCTC 10547, NCTC 10549, and NCTC 10553), [Haemophilus] piscium ATCC 10801T (T = type strain), and [Pasteurella] piscicida ATCC 17911 belong in the Enterobacteriaceae, the Aeromonadaceae, and the Vibrionaceae, respectively.  相似文献   
Single-channel measurements and whole-cell experiments with the two suction electrode, voltage clamp technique were used to investigate the effects of external and internal proton concentrations on T-type Ca channels in heart muscle cells of the guinea pig. As in the L-type Ca channel, an increase in the external proton concentration decreases T-type currents, while external alkalinization enlarges the currents. In contrast to the L-type Ca channel, however, a change in the internal proton concentration does not modulate T-type Ca currents. The T-type Ca channel is much more sensitive to variations in pHo than the L-type Ca channel. By the combination of single-channel and whole-cell experiments we can conclude that the observed changes in macroscopic currents are due to (a) changes in the single-channel conductance and in the probability of the T-type Ca channel being open, and (b) the titration of the negative surface charges in the neighborhood of the T-type Ca channel with shifts of both the activation and inactivation processes of the channel. The pHo-induced changes in the maximal conductance (gmax) of the T-type Ca channel show an apparent pKa in the range of 7.1-7.5, while the titration of the negative surface charges near the channel shows an apparent pKa of 7.1 with a concomitant surface potential of -24.6 mV at 5.4 mM [Ca]o. These pKa values, less acid than the pKa values found for the pHo-induced, L-type Ca channel modulation, might imply a physiological importance of this novel type of channel modulation.  相似文献   
The relationship between endogenous cytokinin content and relative growth rate (RGR) was studied in cultures of Lemna gibba L. G3 supplied with daily doses of mineral nutrients that were increased exponentially over time. At the optimal level of nutrient supply the RGR was 30–35% day-1. The RGR was regulated by adjusting the rate of nitrogen supply, or it was restricted by addition of 0.5 M abscisic acid (ABA). Another approach used to investigate the specific roles of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), was to transfer optimally growing plants to media without N or P but otherwise complete. The plants were harvested at regular intervals for determination of the RGR and levels of cytokinins of the isopentenyladenosine (iPA) and zeatinriboside (ZR) types with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Levels of both iPA- and ZR-type cytokinins decreased when nitrogen was applied to cultures in growth limiting amounts. The cytokinin levels decreased more rapidly than the RGR when either N or P was lacking in the medium, suggesting an early influence of nutrient availability on cytokinin levels which in turn may induce adaptive response by the plant. RGR retardation induced by ABA did not affect cytokinin levels during the first 4 days of the treatment, and the later effects were small. The experiments gave no indication that ABA is involved in the adaptation response of Lemna plants to nutritional stress.Abbreviations ABA - abscisic acid - BAP - benzylaminopurine - ELISA - enzyme-linked-immunosorbent-assay - iP - isopentenyladenine - iPA - isopentenyladenosine - PBS - phosphate-buffered saline - PVP - polyvinylpyrrolidone - RGR - relative growth rate - RN - relative nitrogen addition rate - Z - trans-zeatin - ZR - trans-zeatin riboside  相似文献   
Peat bogs play a large role in the global sequestration of C, and are often dominated by different Sphagnum species. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how Sphagnum vegetation in peat bogs will respond to global warming. We performed a greenhouse experiment to study the effect of four temperature treatments (11.2, 14.7, 18.0 and 21.4°C) on the growth of four Sphagnum species: S. fuscum and S. balticum from a site in northern Sweden and S. magellanicum and S. cuspidatum from a site in southern Sweden. In addition, three combinations of these species were made to study the effect of temperature on competition. We found that all species increased their height increment and biomass production with an increase in temperature, while bulk densities were lower at higher temperatures. The hollow species S. cuspidatum was the least responsive species, whereas the hummock species S. fuscum increased biomass production 13-fold from the lowest to the highest temperature treatment in monocultures. Nutrient concentrations were higher at higher temperatures, especially N concentrations of S. fuscum and S. balticum increased compared to field values. Competition between S. cuspidatum and S. magellanicum was not influenced by temperature. The mixtures of S. balticum with S. fuscum and S. balticum with S. magellanicum showed that S. balticum was the stronger competitor, but it lost competitive advantage in the highest temperature treatment. These findings suggest that species abundances will shift in response to global warming, particularly at northern sites where hollow species will lose competitive strength relative to hummock species and southern species.  相似文献   
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