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Confined spatial patterns of microbial distribution are prevalent in nature, such as in microbial mats, soil communities, and water stream biofilms. The symbiotic two-species consortium of Pseudomonas putida and Acinetobacter sp. strain C6, originally isolated from a creosote-polluted aquifer, has evolved a distinct spatial organization in the laboratory that is characterized by an increased fitness and productivity. In this consortium, P. putida is reliant on microcolonies formed by Acinetobacter sp. C6, to which it attaches. Here we describe the processes that lead to the microcolony pattern by Acinetobacter sp. C6. Ecological spatial pattern analyses revealed that the microcolonies were not entirely randomly distributed and instead were arranged in a uniform pattern. Detailed time-lapse confocal microscopy at the single-cell level demonstrated that the spatial pattern was the result of an intriguing self-organization: small multicellular clusters moved along the surface to fuse with one another to form microcolonies. This active distribution capability was dependent on environmental factors (carbon source and oxygen) and historical contingency (formation of phenotypic variants). The findings of this study are discussed in the context of species distribution patterns observed in macroecology, and we summarize observations about the processes involved in coadaptation between P. putida and Acinetobacter sp. C6. Our results contribute to an understanding of spatial species distribution patterns as they are observed in nature, as well as the ecology of engineered communities that have the potential for enhanced and sustainable bioprocessing capacity.  相似文献   
The atrial septum enables efficient oxygen transport by separating the systemic and pulmonary venous blood returning to the heart. Only in placental mammals will the atrial septum form by the coming‐together of the septum primum and the septum secundum. In up to one of four placental mammals, this complex morphogenesis is incomplete and yields patent foramen ovale. The incidence of incomplete atrial septum is unknown for groups with the septum primum only, such as birds and reptiles. We found a low incidence of incomplete atrial septum in 11 species of bird (0% of specimens) and 13 species of reptiles (3% of specimens). In reptiles, there was a trabecular interface between the atrial septum and the atrial epicardium which was without a clear boundary between left and right atrial cavities. In developing reptiles (four squamates and one crocodylian), the septum primum initiated as a sheet that acquired perforations and the trabecular interface developed late. We conclude that atrial septation from the septum primum only results in a low incidence of incompleteness. In reptiles, the atrial septum and atrial wall develop a trabecular interface, but previous studies on atrial hemodynamics suggest this interface has a very limited capacity for shunting.  相似文献   
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Digger) was grown for 22 d inenclosed chambers with a CO2 enrichment of 35, 155, 400 or 675µmol CO2 mol1. CO2 enrichment increased photosyntheticcapacity in the plants grown at either of the two highest levelsof pCO2. A CO2 enrichment of 675µmol CO2 caused a significantincrement of shoot dry weight, whereas no changes were observedin fresh weight, chlorophyll or protein levels. At a light intensityof 860µmol m–2s–1 CO2 enrichment caused photosyntheticcapacity to increase by 250%, whereas no effect was observedat 80 µmol m–2 s–1. Over time, photosynthesisdecreased by 70% independent of CO2. A time-dependent increasein the level of extractable fructose was observed whereas totalextractable carbohydrate only changed slightly. Key words: Carbohydrates, CO2 enrichment, Hordeum vulgare, photosynthesis, respiration  相似文献   
An adipoyl-7-ADCA-producing, recombinant strain of Penicillium chrysogenum was characterized by metabolic network analysis, with special focus on the degradation of adipate and determination of the metabolic fluxes. Degradation of the side-chain precursor, adipate, causes an undesired consumption of adipate in the production of 7-ADCA. Using (13)C-labeled glucose and measurement of metabolite labeling patterns, it was shown that adipate was degraded by beta-oxidation to succinyl-CoA and acetyl-CoA. The labeling analysis indicated that degradation of adipate was taking place in the microbodies and the formed acetyl-CoA was metabolized in the glyoxylate shunt. This hypothesis was further substantiated by an enzyme assay, which showed activity of the key enzyme in the glyoxylate shunt. Flux estimations in two chemostat cultures, one with and one without adipate in the feed, revealed that degradation of adipate replaces the net anaplerotic reaction from pyruvate to oxaloacetate. Thus, with a combination of labeling experiments and enzyme assays, the pathway of adipate degradation was elucidated, and the effect of adipate degradation on the primary metabolism was quantified.  相似文献   
Little is known about the molecular basis of somatosensory mechanotransduction in mammals. We screened a library of peptide toxins for effects on mechanically activated currents in cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons. One conopeptide analogue, termed NMB-1 for noxious mechanosensation blocker 1, selectively inhibits (IC(50) 1 microM) sustained mechanically activated currents in a subset of sensory neurons. Biotinylated NMB-1 retains activity and binds selectively to peripherin-positive nociceptive sensory neurons. The selectivity of NMB-1 was confirmed by the fact that it has no inhibitory effects on voltage-gated sodium and calcium channels, or ligand-gated channels such as acid-sensing ion channels or TRPA1 channels. Conversely, the tarantula toxin, GsMTx-4, which inhibits stretch-activated ion channels, had no effects on mechanically activated currents in sensory neurons. In behavioral assays, NMB-1 inhibits responses only to high intensity, painful mechanical stimulation and has no effects on low intensity mechanical stimulation or thermosensation. Unexpectedly, NMB-1 was found to also be an inhibitor of rapid FM1-43 loading (a measure of mechanotransduction) in cochlear hair cells. These data demonstrate that pharmacologically distinct channels respond to distinct types of mechanical stimuli and suggest that mechanically activated sustained currents underlie noxious mechanosensation. NMB-1 thus provides a novel diagnostic tool for the molecular definition of channels involved in hearing and pressure-evoked pain.  相似文献   
Rooting ability was studied for cuttings derived from stock plants of wild type pea seedlings and seedings of two mutants deficient in photosystem II activity and chlorophyll. Stock plants were grown at 15, 20, 25 or 30°C at 38 W m-2. Cuttings were rooted at 20°C and at an irradiance of 16 or 38 W m-2. The rooting ability seemed to be correlated with the initial carbohydrate content only at 38 W m-2. Based on the findings of the present study it may be concluded that for pea seedlings the growth temperature is more important than photosynthesis as regards accumulation of extractable carbohydrates. During the rooting period carbohydrates are necessary for root formation, but the effect of the iradiance on the number of roots formed is not mediated by the carbohydrate content. Under specific rooting conditions it is possible to correlate the initial carbohydrate content with the rooting capacity of the cuttings within a phenotype, but not always when different phenotypes are considered. The results indicate a connection between the metabolic activity of the cuttings and their ability to form adventitious roots.  相似文献   
We analyzed metabolic interactions and the importance of specific structural relationships in a benzyl alcohol-degrading microbial consortium comprising two species, Pseudomonas putida strain R1 and Acinetobacter strain C6, both of which are able to utilize benzyl alcohol as their sole carbon and energy source. The organisms were grown either as surface-attached organisms (biofilms) in flow chambers or as suspended cultures in chemostats. The numbers of CFU of P. putida R1 and Acinetobacter strain C6 were determined in chemostats and from the effluents of the flow chambers. When the two species were grown together in chemostats with limiting concentrations of benzyl alcohol, Acinetobacter strain C6 outnumbered P. putida R1 (500:1), whereas under similar growth conditions in biofilms, P. putida R1 was present in higher numbers than Acinetobacter strain C6 (5:1). In order to explain this difference, investigations of microbial activities and structural relationships were carried out in the biofilms. Insertion into P. putida R1 of a fusion between the growth rate-regulated rRNA promoter rrnBP1 and a gfp gene encoding an unstable variant of the green fluorescent protein made it possible to monitor the physiological activity of P. putida R1 cells at different positions in the biofilms. Combining this with fluorescent in situ hybridization and scanning confocal laser microscopy showed that the two organisms compete or display commensal interactions depending on their relative physical positioning in the biofilm. In the initial phase of biofilm development, the growth activity of P. putida R1 was shown to be higher near microcolonies of Acinetobacter strain C6. High-pressure liquid chromatography analysis showed that in the effluent of the Acinetobacter strain C6 monoculture biofilm the metabolic intermediate benzoate accumulated, whereas in the biculture biofilms this was not the case, suggesting that in these biofilms the excess benzoate produced by Acinetobacter strain C6 leaks into the surrounding environment, from where it is metabolized by P. putida R1. After a few days, Acinetobacter strain C6 colonies were overgrown by P. putida R1 cells and new structures developed, in which microcolonies of Acinetobacter strain C6 cells were established in the upper layer of the biofilm. In this way the two organisms developed structural relationships allowing Acinetobacter strain C6 to be close to the bulk liquid with high concentrations of benzyl alcohol and allowing P. putida R1 to benefit from the benzoate leaking from Acinetobacter strain C6. We conclude that in chemostats, where the organisms cannot establish in fixed positions, the two strains will compete for the primary carbon source, benzyl alcohol, which apparently gives Acinetobacter strain C6 a growth advantage, probably because it converts benzyl alcohol to benzoate with a higher yield per time unit than P. putida R1. In biofilms, however, the organisms establish structured, surface-attached consortia, in which heterogeneous ecological niches develop, and under these conditions competition for the primary carbon source is not the only determinant of biomass and population structure.  相似文献   
The heterocyclic analogue of (S)-glutamic acid, (S)-2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolyl)propionic acid [(S)-AMPA] is a potent and selective AMPA receptor agonist, whereas the enantiomeric compound, (R)-AMPA, is virtually inactive. We have previously characterized (RS)-2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-phenyl-4-isoxazolyl)propionic acid [(RS)-APPA] as a partial AMPA receptor agonist showing about 60% of the efficacy of (RS)-AMPA. This partial agonism produced by (RS)-APPA is, however, only apparent, since resolution of (RS)-APPA has now been shown to provide the full AMPA receptor agonist, (S)-APPA, whereas (R)-APPA is a acid (non-NMDA) receptor antagonist showing preferential AMPA blocking effects. In agreement with classical theories for competitive interaction between agonists and antagonists, the efficacy of depolarizations produced by (S)-APPA in the rat cortical wedge preparation was shown to be progressively reduced with increasing molar ratios of (R)-APPA/(S)-APPA. These compounds and the competitive antagonists (RS)-2-amino-3-(3-carboxymethoxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolyl)propionic acid [(RS)-AMOA], 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxalin-2,3-dione (CNQX) and 6-nitro-7-sulfamoylbenzo(f)quinoxalin-2,3-dione (NBQX) were also tested in [3H]AMPA and [3H]CNQX binding systems, the latter ligand being used in the absence or presence of thiocyanate ions. On the basis of these studies it is suggested that (RS)-AMPA and the AMPA agonist (S)-APPA interact with a high-affinity receptor conformation, whereas the competitive antagonists (RS)-AMOA and (R)-APPA, derived from these agonists, preferentially bind to a low-affinity AMPA receptor conformation. The competitive antagonists, CNQX and NBQX which are structurally unrelated to (RS)-AMPA or (RS)-APPA, do not seem to discriminate between these two AMPA receptor conformations. The modified [3H]CNQX binding assay containing thiocyanate ions was shown to provide receptor affinity data for AMPA receptor agonists as well as antagonists, which correlate with the potencies of these compounds in the cortical wedge preparation. Using autoradiographic techniques, (S)- and (R)-APPA were shown to exhibit significantly different absolute potencies as inhibitors of [3H]AMPA binding in a number of regions of the rat brain.  相似文献   
Mammals and birds acquired high performance hearts and endothermy during their independent evolution from amniotes with many sauropsid features. A literature review shows that the variation in atrial morphology is greater in mammals than in ectothermic sauropsids. We therefore hypothesized that the transition from ectothermy to endothermy was associated with greater variation in cardiac structure. We tested the hypothesis in 14 orders of birds by assessing the variation in 15 cardiac structures by macroscopic inspection and histology, with an emphasis on the atria as they have multiple features that lend themselves to quantification. We found bird hearts to have multiple features in common with ectothermic sauropsids (synapomorphies), such as the presence of three sinus horns. Convergent features were shared with crocodylians and mammals, such as the cranial offset of the left atrioventricular junction. Other convergent features, like the compact organization of the atrial walls, were shared with mammals only. Pacemaker myocardium, identified by Isl1 expression, was anatomically node-like (Mallard), thickened (Chicken), or indistinct (Lesser redpoll, Jackdaw). Some features were distinctly avian, (autapomorphies) including the presence of a left atrial antechamber and the ventral merger of the left and right atrial auricles, which was found in some species of parrots and passerines. Most features, however, exhibited little variation. For instance, there were always three systemic veins and two pulmonary veins, whereas among mammals there are 2–3 and 1–7, respectively. Our findings suggest that the transition to high cardiac performance does not necessarily lead to a greater variation in cardiac structure.  相似文献   
Modelling of the fluxes in central metabolism can be performed by combining labelling experiments with metabolite balancing. Using this approach, multiple samples from a cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in metabolic and isotopic steady state were analysed, and the metabolic fluxes in central metabolism were estimated. In the various samples, the estimates of the central metabolic pathways, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway and the anaplerotic pathway, showed an unprecedented reproducibility. The high reproducibility was obtained with fractional labellings of individual carbon atoms as the calculational base, illustrating that the more complex modelling using isotopomers is not necessarily superior with respect to reproducibility of the flux estimates. Based on these results some general difficulties in flux estimation are discussed.  相似文献   
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