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Serum activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AspAT = GOT), alanine aminotransferase (AlAT = GPT), and total lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) have been investigated in newborn calves, pigs, and lambs. In the two latter species the LDH isoenzyme distribution in serum was also studied. Blood samples were taken at frequent intervals from birth to 48–72 hrs. post partum. Calves and pigs were born with very low serum enzyme values, whereas lambs showed a picture more similar to what has been reported in human infants. In all species a marked temporary enzyme increase occurred during the first 24–48 hrs. This elevation was found not to be due to colostrum feeding, since a parallel increase was found in starved animals. Possible regulating mechanisms are discussed. The LDH isoenzyme pattern proved to be more stable than total LDH in the early post-natal period. The percentage isoenzyme distribution, however, showed characteristic differences from that found in adult animals of the same species.  相似文献   
Summary The isolation, morphology and growth chracteristics of pure cultures of a Thiothece, Lamprocystis and Thiodictyon strain are described.Their carotenoid composition is reported. The Thiothece strain produced in addition to okenone (1), several related ketocarotenoids, among which a demethylated okenone (6) was identified by a small scale total synthesis. Thiodictyon and Lamprocystis produced carotenoids of the rhodopinal (previously warmingone) series, the latter organism contained as major carotenoids a lycopenol (4), not previously found in Nature, and a cross-conjugated lycopenal (2), previously called anhydro-warmingone.Part 7. Acta chem. scand. 21, 2185 (1967).  相似文献   
Summary The cellular localization of dopamine in the caudate nucleus of the rat hat been studied with the highly sensitive and specific fluorescence method of Falck and Hillarp, and by electron microscopy. The histochemical studies provided strong support for the view that the dopamine is concentrated within very fine nerve fibres which have abundant varicosities with an intense fluorescence. The electron microscopical studies revealed the presence of a tightly packed plexus built up i.a. of abundant synaptic nerve terminals, many of which had a diameter below 0.4 . The terminals made synaptic contact mainly with processes that seemed to belong to an extensive dendrite net.The investigation was supported by research grants from the United States Public Health Service (02854-04), The Swedish Medical Research Council and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.  相似文献   
For the formation of chloroplasts in excised wheat roots blue light is necessary, but red light enhances the blue light effect. Intensity-response relationships and action spectra have been determined for the specific blue light effect as well as for the effect of red light when given before or after blue light. The longest wave length giving a blue light effect is about 500 nm. The spectrum shows a peak at about 450 nm, and a considerable effect extends down to 368 nm, the shortest wave length tested. The photoreceptor mechanism for the “blue reaction” is thought to be related to that of certain phototropisms and chloroplast movements, and to that involved in carotenoid synthesis in certain fungi. The active pigment is thought to be either a carotenoid or a flavoprotein, probably the latter. The effect of red light shows similar action spectra whether the red light is given before or after the blue, and they are consistent with protochlorophyll absorption. However, much less light is needed to produce a detectable response when the red light is given before the blue light than after. Because of the similarity of the spectra phytochrome may also be involved in the response to red light when given before blue. Far-red reversal has not been tested. The results are discussed in relation to the development of chloroplasts in leaves.  相似文献   
Livers from chickens, rats, mongrel dogs, Dalmatian dogs, and man have been examined in the electron microscope in order to compare the microbodies with the known content of uricase. It is concluded that microbodies with inclusion are present in rats, mongrel dogs, and, although the inclusion generally is smaller, in Dalmatian dogs. The inclusion has a characteristic structural appearance. These species (rat, dog) have uricase. Chickens and man lack both the enzyme uricase and the microbody inclusion. This evidence and that from previously published electron micrographs in the literature on microbodies support the notion of a positive correlation between uricase and microbodies with an inclusion. It is recommended that the term "uricosome" be used for such microbodies that have an inclusion of the appearance here described.  相似文献   
Subcellular fractionation of human liver   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this procedure for embedding monolayers of cells, the usual glass slides are replaced by plates of resin 1-1.5 mm thick. Unlike the open-face embedding technique, the present procedure uses only a few drops of unpolymerized resin, which are applied to the fixed and dehydrated cells. During polymerization this small amount of liquid resin spreads across a relative large area, leaves the cells covered by a very thin layer, and permits phase contrast observations through it. Ultrathin sections of a particular cell encircled by a rotary scriber can be obtained by sectioning the resin slide, which has been trimmed and mounted directly in the specimen holder of the ultramicrotome.  相似文献   
Summary Photoadaptation in some marine Arctic diatoms has been studied. Thalassiosira antarctica, Nitzschia delicatissima and Chaetoceros furcellatus were grown at-0.5°C and various irradiances and continuous light. Growth and cellular chlorophyll were followed during transitional phase after the algae had been transferred from one irradiance to another. Adaptation time for cellular chlorophyll was linearly related to the gradient in irradiance, and adaptation to transfer from high to low light was faster than from low to high light. Adaptation time was found to be species dependent, and Arctic diatoms growing at low temperature seemed to adapt as fast as temperate species.Contribution No. 243 from Trondhjem Biological Station  相似文献   
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