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Externally added fibroblast growth factor-1 (FGF-1) is capable of crossing cellular membranes to reach the cytosol and the nucleus in a number of cell types. We have monitored the translocation of the growth factor by two methods: phosphorylation of FGF-1, and prenylation of an FGF-1 mutant that contains a C-terminal prenylation signal. Inhibition of endosomal acidification by ammonium chloride or monensin did not block the translocation of FGF-1, whereas bafilomycin A1, a specific inhibitor of vacuolar proton pumps, blocked translocation completely. A combination of ionophores expected to dissipate the vesicular membrane potential (valinomycin plus monensin) also fully inhibited the translocation. The inhibition of translocation by bafilomycin A1 was overcome in the presence of monensin or nigericin, while ouabain blocked translocation under these conditions. The data indicate that translocation of FGF-1 to cytosol occurs from the lumen of intracellular vesicles possessing vacuolar proton pumps, and that a vesicular membrane potential is required. Apparently, activation of vesicular Na+/K+-ATPase by monensin or nigericin generates a membrane potential that can support translocation when the proton pump is blocked.  相似文献   
The transition from interphase to mitosis is marked by a dramatic change in microtubule dynamics resulting in the reorganization of the microtubule network that culminates in mitotic spindle formation. While the molecular basis for this change in microtubule organization remains obscure, it is currently thought that a balance in the activity of microtubule stabilizing and destabilizing factors regulates how dynamic cellular microtubules are. By mixing the microtubule stabilizer XMAP215 and the microtubule destabilizer XKCM1, reconstitution of in vivo-like microtubule dynamics has now been achieved in vitro.  相似文献   
Comparisons between genomes of closely related bacteria often show large variations in gene content, even between strains of the same species. Such studies have focused mainly on pathogens; here, we examined Thermotoga maritima, a free-living hyperthermophilic bacterium, by using suppressive subtractive hybridization. The genome sequence of T. maritima MSB8 is available, and DNA from this strain served as a reference to obtain strain-specific sequences from Thermotoga sp. strain RQ2, a very close relative (approximately 96% identity for orthologous protein-coding genes, 99.7% identity in the small-subunit rRNA sequence). Four hundred twenty-six RQ2 subtractive clones were sequenced. One hundred sixty-six had no DNA match in the MSB8 genome. These differential clones comprise, in sum, 48 kb of RQ2-specific DNA and match 72 genes in the GenBank database. From the number of identical clones, we estimated that RQ2 contains 350 to 400 genes not found in MSB8. Assuming a similar genome size, this corresponds to 20% of the RQ2 genome. A large proportion of the RQ2-specific genes were predicted to be involved in sugar transport and polysaccharide degradation, suggesting that polysaccharides are more important as nutrients for this strain than for MSB8. Several clones encode proteins involved in the production of surface polysaccharides. RQ2 encodes multiple subunits of a V-type ATPase, while MSB8 possesses only an F-type ATPase. Moreover, an RQ2-specific MutS homolog was found among the subtractive clones and appears to belong to a third novel archaeal type MutS lineage. Southern blot analyses showed that some of the RQ2 differential sequences are found in some other members of the order Thermotogales, but the distribution of these variable genes is patchy, suggesting frequent lateral gene transfer within the group.  相似文献   
Carcinoembryonic Ag-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM1), the primordial carcinoembryonic Ag gene family member, is a transmembrane cell adhesion molecule expressed in leukocytes, epithelia, and blood vessel endothelia in humans and rodents. As a result of differential splicing, CEACAM1 occurs as several isoforms, the two major ones being CEACAM1-L and CEACAM1-S, that have long (L) or short (S) cytoplasmic domains, respectively. The L:S expression ratios vary in different cells and tissues. In addition to CEACAM1, human but not rodent cells express GPI-linked CEACAM members (CEACAM5-CEACAM8). We compared the expression patterns of CEACAM1-L, CEACAM1-S, CEACAM6, and CEACAM8 in purified populations of neutrophilic granulocytes, B lymphocytes, and T lymphocytes from rats, mice, and humans. Human granulocytes expressed CEACAM1, CEACAM6, and CEACAM8, whereas human B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes expressed only CEACAM1 and CEACAM6. Whereas granulocytes, B cells, and T cells from mice and rats expressed both CEACAM1-L and CEACAM1-S in ratios of 2.2-2.9:1, CEACAM1-S expression was totally lacking in human granulocytes, B cells, and T cells. Human leukocytes only expressed the L isoforms of CEACAM1. This suggests that the GPI-linked CEACAM members have functionally replaced CEACAM1-S in human leukocytes. Support for the replacement hypothesis was obtained from experiments in which the extracellular signal-regulated kinases (Erk)1/2 were activated by anti-CEACAM Abs. Thus, Abs against CEACAM1 activated Erk1/2 in rat granulocytes, but not in human granulocytes. Erk1/2 in human granulocytes could, however, be activated by Abs against CEACAM8. We demonstrated that CEACAM1 and CEACAM8 are physically associated in human granulocytes. The CEACAM1/CEACAM8 complex in human cells might accordingly play a similar role as CEACAM1-L/CEACAM1-S dimers known to occur in rat cells.  相似文献   
Tumor-specific effector T cells (T(E)) are naturally sensitized within the L-selectin(low) (CD62L(low)) fraction of tumor-draining lymph nodes (TDLN). Whether isolated from day 9 (D9) or day 12 (D12) TDLN, 5 million L-selectin(low) T(E) could be culture activated and adoptively transferred to achieve complete rejection of established intradermal, pulmonary, and brain tumors. Surprisingly, although 25 million unfractionated T cells from D9 TDLN were equally effective, even 100 million unfractionated T cells from D12 TDLN seldom prevented lethal intradermal tumor progression, despite a pronounced therapeutic excess of T(E). This highly reproducible treatment failure was due to cotransfer of tumor-induced, L-selectin(high) suppressor T cells (T(S)) which were also present in D12 TDLN. In contrast, D9 TDLN and normal spleens lacked L-selectin(high) T(S). Only those L-selectin(high) D12 TDLN T cells that down-regulated L-selectin during culture activation were suppressive in vivo and in vitro, and, like L-selectin(low) T(E), trafficked promptly into tumors following i.v. administration. This is the first demonstration that adoptive immunotherapy can fail as a direct result of passenger T(S) that share certain phenotypic and trafficking features of T(E), even when otherwise curative doses of T(E) have been administered. Furthermore, in contrast to recently described CD4(+)CD25(+) T(S) and plasmacytoid dendritic cell-activated T(S), tumor-induced L-selectin(high) T(S) prevent tumor rejection via blockade of sensitized, activated T(E) rather than via afferent blockade.  相似文献   
To target NK cells against non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, we constructed a bispecific diabody (BsDb) with reactivity against both human CD19 and FcgammaRIII (CD16). Bacterially produced CD19 x CD16 BsDb specifically interacted with both CD19(+) and CD16(+) cells and exhibited significantly higher apparent affinity and slower dissociation from the tumor cells than from effector cells. It was able to induce specific lysis of tumor cells in the presence of isolated human NK cells or nonfractionated PBLs. The combination of the CD19 x CD16 BsDb with a previously described CD19 x CD3 BsDb and CD28 costimulation significantly increased the lytic potential of human PBLs. Treatment of SCID mice bearing an established Burkitt's lymphoma (5 mm in diameter) with human PBLs, CD19 x CD16 BsDb, CD19 x CD3 BsDb, and anti-CD28 mAb resulted in the complete elimination of tumors in 80% of animals. In contrast, mice receiving human PBLs in combination with either diabody alone showed only partial tumor regression. These data clearly demonstrate the synergistic effect of small recombinant bispecific molecules recruiting different populations of human effector cells to the same tumor target.  相似文献   
Although recent evidence has confirmed the importance of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses in controlling human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and simian immunodeficiency virus replication, the relevance of the epitopic breadth of those CTL responses remains unexplored. In the present study, we sought to determine whether vaccination can expand CTL populations which recognize a repertoire of viral epitopes that is greater than is typically generated in the course of a viral infection. We demonstrate that potent secondary CTL responses to subdominant epitopes are rapidly generated following a pathogenic simian-human immunodeficiency virus challenge of rhesus monkeys vaccinated with plasmid DNA or recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara vaccines. These data indicate that prior vaccination can increase the breadth of the CTL response that evolves after an AIDS virus infection.  相似文献   
One hitherto intractable problem in studying mast seeding (synchronous intermittent heavy flowering by a population of perennial plants) is determining the relative roles of weather, plant reserves, and evolutionary selective pressures such as predator satiation. We parameterize a mechanistic resource-based model for mast seeding in Chionochloa pallens (Poaceae) using a long-term individually structured data set. Each plant's energy reserves were reconstructed using annual inputs (growing degree days), outputs (flowering), and a novel regression technique. This allowed the estimation of the parameters that control internal plant resource dynamics, and thereby allowed different models for masting to be tested against each other. Models based only on plant size, season degree days, and/or climatic cues (warm January temperatures) fail to reproduce the pattern of autocovariation in individual flowering and the high levels of flowering synchrony seen in the field. This shows that resource-matching or simple cue-based models cannot account for this example of mast seeding. In contrast, the resource-based model pulsed by a simple climate cue accurately describes both individual-level and population-level aspects of the data. The fitted resource-based model, in the absence of environmental forcing, has chaotic (but often statistically periodic) dynamics. Environmental forcing synchronizes individual reproduction, and the models predict highly variable seed production in close agreement with the data. An evolutionary model shows that the chaotic internal resource dynamics, as predicted by the fitted model, is selectively advantageous provided that adult mortality is low and seeds survive for more than 1 yr, both of which are true for C. pallens. Highly variable masting and chaotic dynamics appear to be advantageous in this case because they reduce seed losses to specialist seed predators, while balancing the costs of missed reproductive events.  相似文献   
(R)-2-(beta-D-Glucopyranosyloxy)-2-phenylacetonitrile (prunasin) was isolated from Carica papaya L. and C. quercifolia (A. St.-Hil.) Hieron. (syn. C. hastata Brign.). Earlier reported presence of cyclopentanoid cyanohydrin glycosides in C. papaya could not be confirmed, and no cyclopentanoid amino acids could be detected in extracts of C. papaya and C. quercifolia. Conversion of [2,3,4,5,6-3H]phenylalanine into tritiated prunasin was demonstrated in both species. On the other hand, when the plants were administered [2-14C]-2-(2'cyclopentenyl)glycine, extracted, and the extracts hydrolyzed with beta-glucosidase (Helix pomatia), formation of labelled cyanide was not observed. The absence of cyclopentanoids, which are typical for the Passifloraceae, and the inability of Carica species to utilize 2-(2'-cyclopentenyl)glycine as a precursor of cyanogenic glycosides are in agreement with the relative phylogenetic position of the Caricaceae and the Passifloraceae. Carica species are thus rare examples of taxa in which glucosinolates and cyanogenic glycosides co-occur, both types of natural products being derived from the same amino acid, phenylalanine.  相似文献   
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