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The adsorption performance of CS beads impregnated with triton X-100 (TX-100) as a nonionic surfactant and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as an anionic surfactant was investigated for the removal of anionic dye (congo red) from aqueous solution. While the adsorption capacity of CS/TX-100 beads was enhanced at all concentrations of TX-100 (0.005–0.1%), the increase in the concentration of SDS above 0.01% in the CS/SDS beads gradually reduced the adsorption capacity of the beads. Equilibrium adsorption isotherm data indicated a good fit to the Sips isotherm model and a heterogeneous adsorption process. The Sips maximum adsorption capacity in dry weight of the CS/TX-100 beads was 378.79 mg/g and 318.47 mg/g for the CS/SDS beads, higher than the 223.25 mg/g of the CS beads. Modification of CS beads by impregnation with nonionic surfactant, or even anionic surfactant, at low concentrations is a possible way to enhance adsorption of anionic dye.  相似文献   
Mycobacterial plasmid pAL5000 represents a family of plasmids found mostly in the Actinobacteria. It replicates using two plasmid-encoded proteins, RepA and RepB. While BLAST searches indicate that RepA is a replicase family protein, the evolutionary connection of RepB cannot be established, as no significant homologous partner (E < 10(-3)) outside the RepB family can be identified. To obtain insight into the structure-function and evolutionary connections of RepB, an investigation was undertaken using homology modeling, phylogenetic, and mutational analysis methods. The results indicate that although they are synthesized from the same operon, the phylogenetic affinities of RepA and RepB differ. Thus, the operon may have evolved through random breaking and joining events. Homology modeling predicted the presence of a three-helical helix-turn-helix domain characteristic of region 4 of extracytoplasmic function (ECF) σ factors in the C-terminal region of RepB. At the N-terminal region, there is a helical stretch, which may be distantly related to region 3 of σ factors. Mutational analysis identified two arginines indispensable for RepB activity, one each located within the C- and N-terminal conserved regions. Apart from analyzing the domain organization of the protein, the significance of the presence of a highly conserved A/T-rich element within the RepB binding site was investigated. Mutational analysis revealed that although this motif does not bind RepB, its integrity is important for efficient DNA-protein interactions and replication to occur. The present investigation unravels the possibility that RepB-like proteins and their binding sites represent ancient DNA-protein interaction modules.  相似文献   
Oxalate decarboxylase from Bacillus subtilis is a binuclear Mn-dependent acid stress response enzyme that converts the mono-anion of oxalic acid into formate and carbon dioxide in a redox neutral unimolecular disproportionation reaction. A π-stacked tryptophan dimer, W96 and W274, at the interface between two monomer subunits facilitates long-range electron transfer between the two Mn ions and plays an important role in the catalytic mechanism. Substitution of W96 with the unnatural amino acid 5-hydroxytryptophan leads to a persistent EPR signal which can be traced back to the neutral radical of 5-hydroxytryptophan with its hydroxyl proton removed. 5-Hydroxytryptophan acts as a hole sink preventing the formation of Mn(III) at the N-terminal active site and strongly suppresses enzymatic activity. The lower boundary of the standard reduction potential for the active site Mn(II)/Mn(III) couple can therefore be estimated as 740 mV against the normal hydrogen electrode at pH 4, the pH of maximum catalytic efficiency. Our results support the catalytic importance of long-range electron transfer in oxalate decarboxylase while at the same time highlighting the utility of unnatural amino acid incorporation and specifically the use of 5-hydroxytryptophan as an energetic sink for hole hopping to probe electron transfer in redox proteins.  相似文献   
Soft-rotting Erwinia spp. export degradative enzymes to the cell exterior (Out+), a process contributing to their ability to macerate plant tissues. Transposon (Tn5, Tn10, Tn10-lacZ) insertion Out- mutants were obtained in Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora 71 by using plasmid and bacteriophage lambda delivery systems. In these mutants, pectate lyases, polygalacturonase, and cellulase, which are normally excreted into the growth medium, accumulated in the periplasm. However, localization of the extracellular protease was not affected. The Out- mutants were impaired in their ability to macerate potato tuber tissue. Out+ clones were identified in a cosmid library of E. carotovora subsp. carotovora 71 by their ability to complement mutants. Localization of cyclic phosphodiesterase in the periplasm indicated that the Out+ plasmids did not cause lysis or a nonspecific protein release. The Out+ derivatives of the E. carotovora subsp. carotovora 71 mutants regained the ability to macerate potato tuber tissue. Our data indicate that a cluster of several genes is required for the Out+ phenotype. While one plasmid, pAKC260, restored the Out+ phenotype in each of the 31 mutants of E. carotovora subsp. carotovora, E. carotovora subsp. atroseptica, and Erwinia chrysanthemi, it failed to render Escherichia coli export proficient. Homologs of E. carotovora subsp. carotovora 71 out DNA were detected by Southern hybridizations in subspecies of E. carotovora under high-stringency conditions. In contrast, E. chrysanthemi sequences bearing homology to the E. carotovora subsp. carotovora 71 out DNA were detectable only under low-stringency hybridization. Thus, although the out genes are functional in these two soft-rotting bacterial groups, the genes appear to have diverged.  相似文献   
Oxidized lipids, such as 13-hydroperoxyoctadecadienoic acid (13-HPODE), have been implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. 13-HPODE, a constituent of oxidized low-density lipoproteins, can induce cytotoxicity of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC), which may facilitate plaque destabilization and/or rupture. 13-HPODE-induced cytotoxicity has been linked to oxidative stress, although the mechanisms by which this occurs are unknown. In the present study, we show that 13-HPODE and 9-HPODE (10-30 microM) increased superoxide (O2*-) production and induced cytotoxicity in SMC. The 13-HPODE-induced increase in O2*- was blocked by transfecting the cells with antisense oligonucleotides against p22phox, suggesting that the O2*- was produced by NAD(P)H oxidase. Similar concentrations of the corresponding HPODE reduction products, 13-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid (13-HODE) and 9-HODE, neither increased O2*- production nor induced cytotoxicity, while 4-hydroxy nonenal (4-HNE), an unsaturated aldehyde lipid peroxidation product, induced cytotoxicity without increasing O2*- production. Treatment with superoxide dismutase or Tiron to scavenge O2*-, or transfection with p22phox antisense oligonucleotides to inhibit O2*- production, attenuated 13-HPODE-induced cytotoxicity, but not that induced by 4-HNE. These findings suggest that activation of NAD(P)H oxidase, and production of O2*-, play an important role in lipid hydroperoxide-induced smooth muscle cytotoxicity.  相似文献   
A mouse L cell line containing the centromeric insertion of herpes thymidine kinase genes (tk) was previously shown to undergo a high frequency of DNA rearrangement at the site of tk insertion. Analysis of TK- revertants had demonstrated that DNA rearrangements were usually associated with DNA deletion and were always mediated by intrachromosomal recombinations. In this study, we further analyzed several TK+ subclones to examine the mode of DNA rearrangements in the absence of negative selection pressure. In two clones, LC2-3F and LC2-3E17, rearrangements were accompanied by DNA amplification and were mediated by intrachromosomal recombination. In subclone LC2-3E17-19, we further detected perturbations in the pattern of centromeric heterochromatization. This was associated with chromosome instability, as evidenced by chromosome breakage at the centromere. The analysis of three other sibling clones, LC2-3, LC2-6 and LC2-15, further suggests that reciprocal recombination events may play a role in such centromeric rearrangements. These results suggest that DNA rearrangements in the centromere may be mediated by a number of different mechanisms, and generally do not affect chromosome stability except when accompanied by changes in the pattern of heterochromatization.  相似文献   
Propagation of signals from G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in cells is primarily mediated by protein-protein interactions. MAS is a GPCR that was initially discovered as an oncogene and is now known to play an important role in cardiovascular physiology. Current literature suggests that MAS interacts with common heterotrimeric G-proteins, but MAS interaction with proteins which might mediate G protein-independent or atypical signaling is unknown. In this study we hypothesized that MAS C-terminal tail (Ct) is a major determinant of receptor-scaffold protein interactions mediating MAS signaling. Mass-spectrometry based proteomic analysis was used to comprehensively identify the proteins that interact with MAS Ct comprising the PDZ-binding motif (PDZ-BM). We identified both PDZ and non-PDZ proteins from human embryonic kidney cell line, mouse atrial cardiomyocyte cell line and human heart tissue to interact specifically with MAS Ct. For the first time our study provides a panel of PDZ and other proteins that potentially interact with MAS with high significance. A ‘cardiac-specific finger print’ of MAS interacting PDZ proteins was identified which includes DLG1, MAGI1 and SNTA. Cell based experiments with wild-type and mutant MAS lacking the PDZ-BM validated MAS interaction with PDZ proteins DLG1 and TJP2. Bioinformatics analysis suggested well-known multi-protein scaffold complexes involved in nitric oxide signaling (NOS), cell-cell signaling of neuromuscular junctions, synapses and epithelial cells. Majority of these protein hits were predicted to be part of disease categories comprising cancers and malignant tumors. We propose a ‘MAS-signalosome’ model to stimulate further research in understanding the molecular mechanism of MAS function. Identifying hierarchy of interactions of ‘signalosome’ components with MAS will be a necessary step in future to fully understand the physiological and pathological functions of this enigmatic receptor.  相似文献   
The synthesis and filaricidal activity of 1-iso-butoxycarbonyl-4-methylpiperazine against Litomosoides carinii in Sigmodon hispidus and Dipetalonema viteae in Mastomys natalensis is reported. At an intraperitoneal or oral dose of 3 mg/kg given for 6 days, the compound removed 91% of the circulating microfilariae but had no effect on adult L. carinii. However, it killed all microfilariae and adults of D. viteae at a subcutaneous dose of 50 mg/kg given for 6 days. The compound also possessed chemoprophylactic activity against the larvae of L. carinii and D. viteae at a dose of 30 and 50 mg/kg respectively.  相似文献   
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