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With the advance of experimental procedures obtaining chemical crosslinking information is becoming a fast and routine practice. Information on crosslinks can greatly enhance the accuracy of protein structure modeling. Here, we review the current state of the art in modeling protein structures with the assistance of experimentally determined chemical crosslinks within the framework of the 13th meeting of Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction approaches. This largest-to-date blind assessment reveals benefits of using data assistance in difficult to model protein structure prediction cases. However, in a broader context, it also suggests that with the unprecedented advance in accuracy to predict contacts in recent years, experimental crosslinks will be useful only if their specificity and accuracy further improved and they are better integrated into computational workflows.  相似文献   
Since the summer of 1982, we have cultured patient specimens for Lyme disease spirochetes. Of 118 patients cultured, four specimens yielded spirochetes: two from blood, one from a skin biopsy specimen of erythema chronicum migrans (ECM), and one from cerebrospinal fluid. All four isolates appeared identical when examined with a monoclonal antibody. However, attempts to recover the spirochete from synovium or synovial fluid were unsuccessful. In addition, the organism could not be visualized in skin or synovial biopsy specimens using the avidin-biotin peroxidase complex detection system. Thus, the current yield in culturing spirochetes from patients is quite low, and it is not yet known whether the organism is still alive later in the disease when arthritis is present.  相似文献   
Pangolins in the genus Manis are nocturnal, burrowing, insectivorous mammals listed as Critically Endangered or Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Two species of pangolins are found in Nepal: the Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla) and Indian pangolin (Manis crassicaudata). Despite having high conservation priority, little attention has been given to conservation interventions of both species of pangolins found in the Terai region (low land) of Nepal. The present study assesses habitat use and factors affecting the habitat choice of pangolins in low land (Terai), Nepal, focusing on Amritdharapani Community Forest of Chitwan district. Pangolin burrows were used as the indirect signs, and opportunistic sampling method was used to record the burrows. After the identification of all occurrence sites (burrows) in the field, random points were generated excluding the points where burrows were recorded for sampling of nonoccurrence sites. A total of thirty‐nine burrows were observed at elevations ranging from 301 to 413 masl. Burrows were frequently associated with northwest aspects, gentle slope (15°–20°), moderate canopy cover (51%–75%), red‐colored soil, and acidic soils with pH 6.5–7. The burrows were most common in areas with weak human disturbance (i.e., 1,500–1,700 m from settlements), 800–1,200 m from roads, and within 300 m from a water source and within 20 m from the nearest termitarium. Distance to settlement, distance to road, soil pH, and canopy cover were found to affect the habitat choice of pangolins in the study area.  相似文献   
Erosion resulting from landslides is a serious problem in mountainous countries such as Nepal. To restore such sites it is essential to establish plant cover that protects the soil and reduces surface erosion. Mycorrhizal fungi growing in symbiosis with plants are essential in this respect because they improve both plant nutrient uptake and soil structure. We investigated the influence of organic matter and P amendment on recently produced biomass of bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in eroded slopes in Nepal. Eroded soil mixed with different types of organic matter or P was placed in mesh bags, which were buried around trees of Bauhinia purpurea and Leucaena diversifolia between June 2003 and December 2003 (the wet season) or between December 2003 and June 2004 (the dry season). Signature fatty acids were used to determine bacterial and AM fungal biomass after the 6‐month intervals. The amount and composition of AM fungal spores were analyzed in the mesh bags from the dry season. More microbial biomass was produced during the wet season than during the dry season. Furthermore, organic matter addition enhanced the production of AM fungal and bacterial biomass during both periods. The positive influence of organic matter addition on AM fungi could be an important contribution to plant survival in plantations on eroded slopes. Different AM spore communities and bacterial profiles were obtained with different organic amendments and this suggests a possible way of selecting for specific microbial communities in the management of eroded sites.  相似文献   
The most economically important diseases of grapevine cultivation worldwide are caused by the fungal pathogen powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator syn. Uncinula necator) and the oomycete pathogen downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola). Currently, grapegrowers rely heavily on the use of agrochemicals to minimize the potentially devastating impact of these pathogens on grape yield and quality. The wild North American grapevine species Muscadinia rotundifolia was recognized as early as 1889 to be resistant to both powdery and downy mildew. We have now mapped resistance to these two mildew pathogens in M. rotundifolia to a single locus on chromosome 12 that contains a family of seven TIR‐NB‐LRR genes. We further demonstrate that two highly homologous (86% amino acid identity) members of this gene family confer strong resistance to these unrelated pathogens following genetic transformation into susceptible Vitis vinifera winegrape cultivars. These two genes, designated r esistance to P lasmopara v iticola (MrRPV1) are the first resistance genes to be cloned from a grapevine species. Both MrRUN1 and MrRPV1 were found to confer resistance to multiple powdery and downy mildew isolates from France, North America and Australia; however, a single powdery mildew isolate collected from the south‐eastern region of North America, to which M. rotundifolia is native, was capable of breaking MrRUN1‐mediated resistance. Comparisons of gene organization and coding sequences between M. rotundifolia and the cultivated grapevine V. vinifera at the MrRUN1/MrRPV1 locus revealed a high level of synteny, suggesting that the TIR‐NB‐LRR genes at this locus share a common ancestor.  相似文献   
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