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When employed as a transgene reporter, the herpes simplex type 1 virus (HSV1) thymidine kinase gene (tk) is ectopically expressed in mouse testis. The principal testicular mRNA lacks the 5'-end of the tk reading frame. As a result the principal translation products, P2 and P3, are N-terminally truncated. These co-migrate in SDS-PAGE with polypeptides synthesised during HSV1 infection that were previously thought to be initiated at methionine codons ATG46 and ATG60. Prompted by these observations we generated modified tk genes each carrying only one of the first three ATG codons. Transfected cells expressed both full-length enzyme (P1) and P2 when only ATG1 was unmodified, P2 and P3 when only ATG46 was unmodified or P2 and a fourth polypeptide (P4) when only ATG60 was unmodified. Our observations indicate that P3 is initiated at ATG46 rather than ATG60, while P2 is initiated at a non-ATG codon rather than ATG46 and P4 is initiated at ATG60. When either of two putative non-ATG initiation codons was modified P2 was no longer produced. Cells mainly expressing either P1 or P3 exhibited the same sensitivity to Ganciclovir as cells transfected with the unaltered tk gene. P1 and P3 both have TK activity while P4 probably has none.  相似文献   
Efficient energy utilization is essential for cell growth; in an attempt to improve the growth conditions of the rat T-lymphocyte culture model for potential use in studying the mutagenic activity of carcinogens in vitro, we have investigated the effects of phytohemagglutinin (PHA), interleukin-2 (IL-2) and 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) on the activities of intermediary metabolism enzymes and cell proliferation. Isolated lymphocytes were cultured in the presence and absence of PHA, IL-2, or 2-ME. The intermediary metabolism enzymes investigated were glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamate-pyruvate transaminase, malate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, pyruvate kinase, and fatty acid synthetase (FAS). Measurable activity of all enzymes investigated, except for FAS, was detected in PHA-stimulated cells cultured with IL-2 or 2-ME. The unstimulated lymphocytes had significantly lower enzyme activity than stimulated cells. The combination of all three agents showed increased enzyme activity. This increase in activity brought about by the combination of the three agents was not reproduced by either agent acting alone. In general, the increase in enzyme activity correlated with cell proliferation as measured by [3H]thymidine uptake in PHA-stimulated cultures containing IL-2 and/or 2-ME. The results suggest that the addition of exogenous IL-2 and 2-ME enhances metabolic function and may be beneficial in in vitro culture of rat lymphocytes.Abbreviations PHA phytohemagglutinin - IL-2 interleukin-2 - 2-ME 2-mercaptoethanol - GDH glutamate dehydrogenase - GPT glutamate-pyruvate transaminase - MDH malate dehydrogenase - ICD isocitrate dehydrogenase - LDM lactate dehydrogenase - PK pyruvate kinase - FAS fatty acid synthetase  相似文献   
Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) glycoprotein gE is the predominant viral cell surface molecule; it behaves as an Fc receptor for immunoglobulin G, but its central function may be more closely related to viral egress and cell-to-cell spread. To further analyze the receptor properties of VZV gE, the gE gene (also called open reading frame 68) was expressed by a baculovirus vector in insect cells. The recombinant baculovirus gE product had a molecular mass of 64 kDa, smaller than the previously documented 98 kDa of mature gE expressed in mammalian cells. The major reason for the lowered molecular mass was diminished glycosylation. In addition to the 64-kDa form, a larger (130-kDa) form was observed in insect cells and represented dimerized 64-kDa molecules. Both the monomeric and dimeric gE forms were highly phosphorylated in insect cells. Protein kinase assays conducted in vitro with [gamma-32P]ATP and [gamma-32P]GTP indicated that endogenous casein kinase II was phosphorylating monomeric gE, while the dimeric gE form was phosphorylated by another kinase which did not utilize [gamma-32P]GTP. When immobilized recombinant gE molecules were probed with a monoclonal antibody which specifically recognizes a phosphotyrosine linkage, the gE dimer was found to be tyrosine phosphorylated whereas the monomer was not similarly modified. When recombinant gE produced in HeLa cells was probed with the same antiphosphotyrosine antibody, a dimeric gE form at 130 kDa was detected on the cell surface. These results suggested that VZV gE closely resembled other cell surface receptors, being modified on its various forms by both serine/threonine and tyrosine protein kinases. In this case, tyrosine phosphorylation occurred on a previously unrecognized and underglycosylated VZV gE dimeric product.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: Class I alpha-mannosidases comprise a homologous and functionally diverse family of glycoside hydrolases. Phylogenetic analysis based on an amino acid sequence alignment of the catalytic domain of class I alpha-mannosidases reveals four well-supported phylogenetic groups within this family. These groups include a number of paralogous members generated by gene duplications that occurred as far back as the initial divergence of the crown-group of eukaryotes. Three of the four phylogenetic groups consist of enzymes that have group-specific biochemical specificity and/or sites of activity. An attempt has been made to uncover the role that natural selection played in the sequence and structural divergence between the phylogenetically and functionally distinct Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) and Golgi apparatus groups. RESULTS: Comparison of site-specific amino acid variability profiles for the ER and Golgi groups revealed statistically significant evidence for functional diversification at the sequence level and indicated a number of residues that are most likely to have played a role in the functional divergence between the two groups. The majority of these sites appear to contain residues that have been fixed within one organelle-specific group by positive selection. Somewhat surprisingly these selected residues map to the periphery of the alpha-mannosidase catalytic domain tertiary structure. Changes in these peripherally located residues would not seem to have a gross effect on protein function. Thus diversifying selection between the two groups may have acted in a gradual manner consistent with the Darwinian model of natural selection. CONTACT: bishogr@millsaps.edu.  相似文献   
Efficient use of space and high yields are critical for long-term food production aboard the International Space Station. The selection of a full dwarf wheat (less than 30 cm tall) with high photosynthetic and yield potential is a necessary prerequisite for growing wheat in the controlled, volume-limited environments available aboard long-term spaceflight missions. This study evaluated the photosynthetic capacity and carbon partitioning of a full-dwarf wheat cultivar, Super Dwarf, which is routinely used in spaceflight studies aboard U.S. space shuttle and NASA/Mir missions and made comparisons with other dwarf and semi-dwarf wheat cultivars utilized in other ground-based studies in plant space biology. Photosynthetic capacity of the flag leaf in two dwarf (Super Dwarf, BB-19), and three semi-dwarf (Veery-10, Yecora Rojo, IBWSN 199) wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) was assessed by measuring: net maximum photosynthetic rate, RuBP carboxylation efficiency, chlorophyll concentration and flag leaf area. Dry mass partitioning of carbohydrates to the leaves, sheaths, stems and ear was also assessed. Plants were grown under controlled environmental conditions in three replicate studies: slightly enriched CO2 (370 micromoles mol-1), high photosynthetic photon flux (1000 micromoles m-2 s-1; 58 mol m-2 d-1) for a 16 h photoperiod, 22/15 degrees C day/night temperatures, ample nutrients and water provided by one-half strength Hoagland's nutrient solution (Hoagland and Arnon, 1950). Photosynthetic capacity of the flag leaf was determined at anthesis using net CO2 exchange rate versus internal CO2 concentration curves measured under saturating light (2000 micromoles m-2 s-1) and CO2 (1000 micromoles mol-1). Dwarf wheat cultivars had greater photosynthetic capacities than the taller semi-dwarfs, they averaged 20% higher maximum net photosynthetic rates compared to the taller semi-dwarfs, but these higher rates occurred only at anthesis, had slightly greater carboxylation efficiencies and significantly increased chlorophyll concentrations per unit leaf area. The reduced-height wheat had significantly less dry mass fraction in the stem but greater dry mass partitioned to the ear than the taller semi-dwarfs (Yecora rojo, IBWSN-199). Studies with detached heads confirm that the head is a significant sink in the shorter wheat cultivars.  相似文献   
A multicolor procedure employing fluorescence in situ hybridization is described for detecting chromosomal domains and germinal aneuploidy in late-step spermatids in mice using DNA probes specific for repetitive sequences near the centromeres of chromosomes 8 and X. These probes were nick-translated with biotin- or digoxigenin-labeled nucleotides, and were detected with FITC or rhodamine. Probe and hybridization specificities were confirmed using metaphase chromosomes from spleen and bone marrow cells as well as from primary and secondary spermatocytes. Late-step spermatids, identified in testicular preparations by their hooked shape, yielded compact fluorescence domains in ~ 50% and > 99% of cells when hybridized with probes for chromosomes X and 8, respectively. In a survey of > 80,000 late-step spermatids from 8 healthy young adult C57BL/6 or B6C3F1 mice, ~ 3/10,000 spermatids had fluorescence phenotypes indicative of X-X or 8–8 hyperhaploidy. These frequencies are consistent with published frequencies of aneuploidy in meiotic metaphase II and first cleavage metaphases of the mouse, providing preliminary validation of sperm hybridization for the detection of aneuploidy. No significant animal or strain differences were observed. In addition, the hyperhaploidy frequencies for murine spermatids were indistinguishable for those for sperm from healthy men obtained by a similar hybridization procedure. These procedures for detecting aneuploid male gametes are examples of “bridging biomarkers” between human and animal studies. They have promising applications for investigations of the genetic, reproductive, and toxicological factors leading to abnormal reproductive outcomes of paternal origin. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The ferret has become a popular model for physiological and neurodevelopmental research in the visual system. We believed it important, therefore, to study extraocular whole muscle as well as single motor unit physiology in the ferret. Using extracellular stimulation, 62 individual motor units in the ferret abducens nucleus were evaluated for their contractile characteristics. Of these motor units, 56 innervated the lateral rectus (LR) muscle alone, while 6 were split between the LR and retractor bulbi (RB) muscle slips. In addition to individual motor units, the whole LR muscle was evaluated for twitch, tetanic peak force, and fatigue. The abducens nucleus motor units showed a twitch contraction time of 15.4 ms, a mean twitch tension of 30.2 mg, and an average fusion frequency of 154 Hz. Single-unit fatigue index averaged 0.634. Whole muscle twitch contraction time was 16.7 ms with a mean twitch tension of 3.32 g. The average fatigue index of whole muscle was 0.408. The abducens nucleus was examined with horseradish peroxidase conjugated with the subunit B of cholera toxin histochemistry and found to contain an average of 183 motoneurons. Samples of LR were found to contain an average of 4,687 fibers, indicating an LR innervation ratio of 25.6:1. Compared with cat and squirrel monkeys, the ferret LR motor units contract more slowly yet more powerfully. The functional visual requirements of the ferret may explain these fundamental differences.  相似文献   
Poliovirus minus strands were purified from double-stranded polio ribonucleic acid. The minus strands have a base ratio complementary to that of the viral ribonucleic acid and are not infectious.  相似文献   
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