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NSD3s, the proline-tryptophan-tryptophan-proline (PWWP) domain-containing, short isoform of the human oncoprotein NSD3, displays high transforming properties. Overexpression of human NSD3s or the yeast protein Pdp3 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae induces similar metabolic changes, including increased growth rate and sensitivity to oxidative stress, accompanied by decreased oxygen consumption. Here, we set out to elucidate the biochemical pathways leading to the observed metabolic phenotype by analyzing the alterations in yeast metabolome in response to NSD3s or Pdp3 overexpression using 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) metabolomics. We observed an increase in aspartate and alanine, together with a decrease in arginine levels, on overexpression of NSD3s or Pdp3, suggesting an increase in the rate of glutaminolysis. In addition, certain metabolites, including glutamate, valine, and phosphocholine were either NSD3s or Pdp3 specific, indicating that additional metabolic pathways are adapted in a protein-dependent manner. The observation that certain metabolic pathways are differentially regulated by NSD3s and Pdp3 suggests that, despite the structural similarity between their PWWP domains, the two proteins act by unique mechanisms and may recruit different downstream signaling complexes. This study establishes for the first time a functional link between the human oncoprotein NSD3s and cancer metabolic reprogramming.  相似文献   
Human serum paraoxonase (PON1) can protect low density lipoprotein (LDL) from oxidation induced by either copper ion or by the free radical generator azo bis amidinopropane hydrochloride (AAPH). During LDL oxidation in both of these systems, a time-dependent inactivation of PON arylesterase activity was observed. Oxidized LDL (Ox-LDL) produced by lipoprotein incubation with either copper ion or with AAPH, indeed inactivated PON arylesterase activity by up to 47% or 58%, respectively. Three possible mechanisms for PON inactivation during LDL oxidation were considered and investigated: copper ion binding to PON, free radical attack on PON, and/or the effect of lipoprotein-associated peroxides on the enzyme. As both residual copper ion and AAPH are present in the Ox-LDL preparations and could independently inactivate the enzyme, the effect of minimally oxidized (Ox-LDL produced by LDL storage in the air) on PON activity was also examined. Oxidized LDL, as well as oxidized palmitoyl arachidonoyl phosphatidylcholine (PAPC), lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC, which is produced during LDL oxidation by phospholipase A2-like activity), and oxidized cholesteryl arachidonate (Ox-CA), were all potent inactivators of PON arylesterase activity (PON activity was inhibited by 35%-61%). PON treatment with Ox-LDL (but not with native LDL), or with oxidized lipids, inhibited its arylesterase activity and also reduced the ability of the enzyme to protect LDL against oxidation. PON Arylesterase activity however was not inhibited when PON was pretreated with the sulfhydryl blocking agent, p-hydroxymercurybenzoate (PHMB). Similarly, on using recombinant PON in which the enzyme's only free sulfhydryl group at the position of cysteine-284 was mutated, no inactivation of the enzyme arylesterase activity by Ox-LDL could be shown. These results suggest that Ox-LDL inactivation of PON involves the interaction of oxidized lipids in Ox-LDL with the PON's free sulfhydryl group. Antioxidants such as the flavonoids glabridin or quercetin, when present during LDL oxidation in the presence of PON, reduced the amount of lipoprotein-associated lipid peroxides and preserved PON activities, including its ability to hydrolyze Ox-LDL cholesteryl linoleate hydroperoxides. We conclude that PON's ability to protect LDL against oxidation is accompanied by inactivation of the enzyme. PON inactivation results from an interaction between the enzyme free sulfhydryl group and oxidized lipids such as oxidized phospholipids, oxidized cholesteryl ester or lysophosphatidylcholine, which are formed during LDL oxidation. The action of antioxidants and PON on LDL during its oxidation can be of special benefit against atherosclerosis since these agents reduce the accumulation of Ox-LDL by a dual effect: i.e. prevention of its formation, and removal of Ox-LDL associated oxidized lipids which are generated during LDL oxidation.  相似文献   


Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) is well suited to a perennial crop like oil palm, in which the economic products are not produced until several years after planting. The use of DNA markers for selection in such crops can greatly reduce the number of breeding cycles needed. With the use of DNA markers, informed decisions can be made at the nursery stage, regarding which individuals should be retained as breeding stock, which are satisfactory for agricultural production, and which should be culled. The trait associated with oil quality, measured in terms of its fatty acid composition, is an important agronomic trait that can eventually be tracked using molecular markers. This will speed up the production of new and improved oil palm planting materials.  相似文献   
The defect in a kindred with marked plasma high density lipoprotein (HDL) deficiency and premature atherosclerosis was examined. The homozygous proband died of coronary artery atherosclerosis at age 45 and had undetectable levels of plasma apolipoproteins A-I and C-III, proteins of HDL. In family studies 10 heterozygotes were identified whose mean apoA-I, apoC-III, apoA-IV, and HDL cholesterol levels were 67, 57, 65, and 62% of normal. These subjects were noted to have restriction fragment length polymorphisms following DNA digestion with a number of enzymes including BamHI, EcoRI, HindIII, XmnI, PstI, and PvuII, following hybridization with a probe spanning 1.1 kilobases approximately 2.5 kilobases 5' to the apoA-I gene. Cloning and sequence analysis of the abnormal allele indicated that the defect is due to the complete deletion of the apoA-I, -C-III, and -A-IV gene complex on chromosome 11, with both ends of the deletion being located in areas of highly repetitive DNA. The data support the concept of an independent role for HDL in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Meiotic reinitiation has been studied in Locusta migratoria and Palaemon serratus in relation to the titre of free ecdysteroids present in the maturing oocyte. In both species meiotic reinitiation is characterized by two meiotic arrests, in prophase I and in metaphase I, and the first meiotic resumption which leads to germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) is correlated with increasing titres of ecdysteroids in the oocyte. Meiotic reinitiation has been successfully triggered in the oocytes of both species by incubation with physiological doses of ecdysteroids.  相似文献   
Phosphorylation of proteins is an important mechanism used to regulate most cellular processes. Recently, we completed an extensive phosphoproteomic analysis of the core proteins that constitute the Saccharomyces cerevisiae centrosome. Here, we present a study of phosphorylation sites found on the mitotic exit network (MEN) proteins, most of which are associated with the cytoplasmic face of the centrosome. We identified 55 sites on Bfa1, Cdc5, Cdc14 and Cdc15. Eight sites lie in cyclin-dependent kinase motifs (Cdk, S/T-P), and 22 sites are completely conserved within fungi. More than half of the sites were found in centrosomes from mitotic cells, possibly in preparation for their roles in mitotic exit. Finally, we report phosphorylation site information for other important cell cycle and regulatory proteins.Key words: in vivo phosphorylation, yeast centrosome, mitotic exit network (MEN), cell cycle, protein kinase, Cdk (cyclin-dependent kinase)/Cdc28, Plk1 (polo-like kinase)/Cdc5Reversible protein phosphorylation leads to changes in targeting, structure and stability of proteins and is used widely to modulate biochemical reactions in the cell. We are interested in phosphoregulation of centrosome duplication and function in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Centrosomes nucleate microtubules and, upon duplication during the cell cycle, form the two poles of the bipolar mitotic spindle used to segregate replicated chromosomes into the two daughter cells. Timing and spatial cues are highly regulated to ensure that elongation of the mitotic spindle and separation of sister chromatids occur prior to progression into late telophase and initiation of mitotic exit. The mitotic exit network (MEN) regulates this timing through a complex signaling cascade activated at the centrosome that triggers the end of mitosis, ultimately through mitotic cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inactivation (reviewed in ref. 1).The major components of the MEN pathway (Fig. 1) are a Ras-like GTPase (Tem1), an activator (Lte1) with homology to nucleotide exchange factors, a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) complex (Bfa1/Bub2), several protein kinases [Cdc5 (Plk1 in humans), Cdc15 and Dbf2/Mob1] and Cdc14 phosphatase (reviewed in ref. 25). Tem1 initiates the signal for the MEN pathway when switched to a GTP-active state. Prior to activation at anaphase, it is held at the centrosome in an inactive GDP-bound state by an inhibiting GAP complex, Bfa1/Bub2.6 The Bfa1/Bub2 complex and the inactive Tem1 are localized at the mother centrosome destined to move into the budded cell upon chromosome segregation, whereas the activator Lte1 is localized at the tip of the budded cell. These separate localizations ensure that Lte1 and Tem1 only interact in late anaphase, when the mitotic spindle elongates.7,8 Lte1 has been thought to activate Tem1 as a nucleotide exchange factor, although more recent evidence suggests that it may instead affect Bfa1 localization.9 In addition, full activation of Tem1 is achieved through Cdc5 phosphorylation of the negative regulator Bfa1 10 and potentially through phosphorylation of Lte1. GTP-bound Tem1 is then able to recruit Cdc15 to the centrosome, allowing for Dbf2 activation.3 The final step in the MEN pathway is release of Cdc14 from the nucleolus, which is at least partially due to phosphorylation by Dbf211 an leads to mitotic cyclin degradation and inactivation of the mitotic kinase.2Open in a separate windowFigure 1Schematic representation of the MEN proteins and pathway. MEN protein localization is shown within a metaphase cell when mitotic exit is inhibited and in a late anaphase cell when mitotic exit is initiated. Primary inhibition and activation events are described below the cells.Recently, we performed a large-scale analysis of phosphorylation sites on the 18 core yeast centrosomal proteins present in enriched centrosomal preparations.12 In total, we mapped 297 sites on 17 of the 18 proteins and described their cell cycle regulation, levels of conservation and demonstrated defects in centrosome assembly and function resulting from mutating selected sites. MEN proteins were also identified in the centrosome preparations. This was expected, because Nud1, one of the 18 core centrosome components, is known to recruit several MEN proteins to the centrosome13 as part of its function in mitotic exit.14,15 As phosphorylation is essential to several steps in the MEN pathway, beginning with recruitment of Bfa1/Bub2 by phosphorylated Nud1,15 we were interested in mapping in vivo phosphorylation sites on the MEN proteins associated with centrosomes and identifying when they occur during the cell cycle.We combined centrosome enrichment with mass spectrometry analysis to examine phosphorylation from asynchronously growing cells.12 Centrosomes were also prepared from cells arrested in G1 and mitosis12 to monitor potentially cell cycle-regulated sites. We obtained significant coverage of a number of the MEN proteins, several of which have human homologs (and33, column 1), of which eight sites lie within Cdk/Cdc28 motifs [S/T(P)], (23 Mob1 and Dbf2 are known phosphoproteins24 for which we observed peptide coverage but no phosphorylation. Surprisingly, we did not detect phosphorylation on Bub2 despite the high peptide coverage; it is possible that the mitotic centrosome preparations (using a Cdc20 depletion protocol) affect the phosphorylation state of Bub2, as Bub2 is required for mitotic exit arrest in cdc20 mutants.25 Additionally, specific phosphorylation sites have not been mapped on Bub2, suggesting that modifications on this protein may be difficult to observe by mass spectrometry. Lte1 does not localize to the centrosome, and we did not recover Lte1 peptides in our preparations. Many phosphorylation events on MEN proteins were observed in mitotic centrosomal preparations, most likely in preparation for their subsequent role in exit from mitosis (
MEN ProteinSequence CoverageTotal SitesS/T (P) SitesHuman Homologs
Cdc1480%102CDC14A, 14B2
Cdc1512%31MST1, STK4
Cdc541%73PLK1, PLK2, PLK3
Tem118%--RAB22, RAB22A
Mob113%--MOB1B, 1A, 2A, 2B
Dbf22%--STK38, LATS1
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Table 2

Cell cycle regulators of MEN proteins
Cell Cycle Regulator
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Table 3

All phosphorylation sites identified in MEN proteins Bfa1, Cdc14, Cdc15 and Cdc5
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Open in a separate windowConservation of domains or of individual residues of proteins is often correlated with function.26 We utilized a protein fungal alignment tool (SGD: www.yeastgenome.org/) to analyze the conservation of the individual phosphorylated residues among selected Saccharomyces strains. If an amino acid substitution occurred, we noted whether the alternate residue could also be phosphorylated [serine (S) or threonine (T)], or whether it mimicked phosphorylation with a negative charge [aspartic (D) or glutamic (E) acid]. Using these criteria with the 55 phosphorylation sites, we found 22 that were completely identical among the fungi, two that were conserved as potential phosphorylation sites (6 Interestingly, Cdc5-T238 is also conserved in human polo-like kinases (Plk1–3). In another study, Mohl et al. tested nonphosphorylatable mutations of Dbf2 kinase motifs adjacent to the nuclear localization domain within Cdc14 phosphatase. One mutant allele of CDC14 wherein four Dbf2 motif sites were changed to alanines, includes our mapped site, S546 (20 While exceptionally rich clusters of phosphorylation sites (≥ 5/50 residues) are rare in the yeast proteome,27 the dense negative charge associated with phosphorylation clusters can enhance the rapidity and magnitude of the resulting cellular event. Two of the MEN proteins examined, Bfa1 (24 out of 35 total sites) and Cdc14 (5 out of 10 total sites), showed evidence of phosphorylation clustering (Fig. 2). Mutating groups of these clustered sites could provide insight into how the negatively charged regions affect protein localization and/or function.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Clustering of phosphorylation sites within the MEN proteins, Bfa1 and Cdc14. All phosphorylation sites within Bfa1 and Cdc14 are shown along the X-axis, representing the primary protein sequence and the Y-axis denoting the number of sites. Sites are considered clustered if there are at least 5 sites with a density ≥ 1 per 10 amino acids, and are marked with a horizontal bracket.In addition to proteins known to be associated with the yeast centrosome, such as the MEN proteins described, we recovered limited peptides from a number of other cell cycle and regulatory proteins. The high sensitivity with which mass spectrometry can detect modifications on proteins enabled the identification of in vivo phosphorylation sites that are cataloged in Open in a separate windowOpen in a separate windowOur large-scale centrosome enrichment and phosphorylation analysis has yielded a rich library of phosphorylation events on core centrosomal components, those involved in the mitotic exit network and additional regulatory proteins. Information regarding the phosphorylation state of various proteins throughout the cell will be useful in studying their control and function.?

Table 4

Summary of phosphorylation sites identified in centrosomes from different cell cycle stages and their conservation
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Open in a separate window  相似文献   
Effects of a novel dual lipid synthesis inhibitor and its potential utility in treating dyslipidemia and metabolic syndrome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cramer CT  Goetz B  Hopson KL  Fici GJ  Ackermann RM  Brown SC  Bisgaier CL  Rajeswaran WG  Oniciu DC  Pape ME 《Journal of lipid research》2004,45(7):1289-1301
We have identified a novel omega-hydroxy-alkanedicarboxylic acid, ESP 55016, that favorably alters serum lipid variables in obese female Zucker (fa/fa) rats. ESP 55016 reduced serum non-HDL-cholesterol (non-HDL-C), triglyceride, and nonesterified fatty acid levels while increasing serum HDL-C and beta-hydroxybutyrate levels in a dose-dependent manner. ESP 55016 reduced fasting serum insulin and glucose levels while also suppressing weight gain. In primary rat hepatocytes, ESP 55016 increased the oxidation of [(14)C]palmitate in a dose- and carnitine palmitoyl transferase-I (CPT-I)-dependent manner. Furthermore, in primary rat hepatocytes and in vivo, ESP 55016 inhibited fatty acid and sterol synthesis. The "dual inhibitor" activity of ESP 55016 was unlikely attributable to the activation of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway because AMPK and acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) phosphorylation states as well as ACC activity were not altered by ESP 55016. Further studies indicated the conversion of ESP 55016 to a CoA derivative in vivo. ESP 55016-CoA markedly inhibited the activity of partially purified ACC. The activity of partially purified HMG-CoA reductase was not altered by the xenobiotic-CoA. These data suggest that ESP 55016-CoA favorably alters lipid metabolism in a model of diabetic dyslipidemia in part by initially inhibiting fatty acid and sterol synthesis plus enhancing the oxidation of fatty acids through the ACC/malonyl-CoA/CPT-I regulatory axis.  相似文献   
Statistical discovery of site inter-dependencies in sub-molecular hierarchical protein structuring     
Kirk?K?DurstonEmail author  David?KY?Chiu  Andrew?KC?Wong  Gary?CL?Li 《EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology》2012,2012(1):8


Much progress has been made in understanding the 3D structure of proteins using methods such as NMR and X-ray crystallography. The resulting 3D structures are extremely informative, but do not always reveal which sites and residues within the structure are of special importance. Recently, there are indications that multiple-residue, sub-domain structural relationships within the larger 3D consensus structure of a protein can be inferred from the analysis of the multiple sequence alignment data of a protein family. These intra-dependent clusters of associated sites are used to indicate hierarchical inter-residue relationships within the 3D structure. To reveal the patterns of associations among individual amino acids or sub-domain components within the structure, we apply a k-modes attribute (aligned site) clustering algorithm to the ubiquitin and transthyretin families in order to discover associations among groups of sites within the multiple sequence alignment. We then observe what these associations imply within the 3D structure of these two protein families.


The k-modes site clustering algorithm we developed maximizes the intra-group interdependencies based on a normalized mutual information measure. The clusters formed correspond to sub-structural components or binding and interface locations. Applying this data-directed method to the ubiquitin and transthyretin protein family multiple sequence alignments as a test bed, we located numerous interesting associations of interdependent sites. These clusters were then arranged into cluster tree diagrams which revealed four structural sub-domains within the single domain structure of ubiquitin and a single large sub-domain within transthyretin associated with the interface among transthyretin monomers. In addition, several clusters of mutually interdependent sites were discovered for each protein family, each of which appear to play an important role in the molecular structure and/or function.


Our results demonstrate that the method we present here using a k- modes site clustering algorithm based on interdependency evaluation among sites obtained from a sequence alignment of homologous proteins can provide significant insights into the complex, hierarchical inter-residue structural relationships within the 3D structure of a protein family.
Changing concepts in plant hormone action   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Th.?GasparEmail author  C.?Kevers  O.?Faivre-Rampant  M.?Crèvecoeur  CL.?Penel  H.?Greppin  J.?Dommes 《In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Plant》2003,39(2):85-106
Summary A plant hormone is not, in the classic animal sense, a chemical synthesized in one organ, transported to a second organ to exert a chemical action to control a physiological event. Any phytohormone can be synthesized everywhere and can influence different growth and development processes at different places. The concept of physiological activity under hormonal control cannot be dissociated from changes in concentrations at the site of action, from spatial differences and changes in the tissue's sensitivity to the compound, from its transport and its metabolism, from balances and interactions with the other phytohormones, or in their metabolic relationships, and in their signaling pathways as well. Secondary messengers are also involved. Hormonal involvement in physiological processes can appear through several distinct manifestations (as environmental sensors, homeostatic regulators and spatio-temporal synchronizers, resource allocators, biotime adjusters, etc.), dependent on or integrated with the primary biochemical pathways. The time has also passed for the hypothesized ‘specific’ developmental hormones, rhizocaline, canlocaline, and florigen: root, stem, and flower formation result from a sequential control of specific events at the right places through a coordinated control by electrical signals, the known phytohormones and nonspecific molecules of primary and secondary metabolism, and involve both cytoplasmic and apoplastic compartments. These contemporary views are examined in this review.  相似文献   
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