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Musgaard M  Thøgersen L  Schiøtt B 《Biochemistry》2011,50(51):11109-11120
The P-type ATPases are responsible for the transport of cations across cell membranes. The sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2?-ATPase (SERCA) transports two Ca2? ions from the cytoplasm to the lumen of the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum and countertransports two or three protons per catalytic cycle. Two binding sites for Ca2? ions have been located via protein crystallography, including four acidic amino acid residues that are essential to the ion coordination. In this study, we present molecular dynamics (MD) simulations examining the protonation states of these amino acid residues in a Ca2?-free conformation of SERCA. Such knowledge will be important for an improved understanding of atomistic details of the transport mechanism of protons and Ca2? ions. Eight combinations of the protonation of four central acidic residues, Glu309, Glu771, Asp800, and Glu908, are tested from 10 ns MD simulations with respect to protein stability and ability to maintain a structure similar to the crystal structure. The trajectories for the most prospective combinations of protonation states were elongated to 50 ns and subjected to more detailed analysis, including prediction of pK(a) values of the four acidic residues over the trajectories. From the simulations we find that the combination leaving only Asp800 as charged is most likely. The results are compared to available experimental data and explain the observed destabilization upon full deprotonation, resulting in the entry of cytoplasmic K? ions into the Ca2? binding sites during the simulation in which Ca2? ions are absent. Furthermore, a hypothesis for the exchange of protons from the central binding cavity is proposed.  相似文献   
The fluorophore rhodamine B is often used in biological assays. It is inexpensive, robust under a variety of reaction conditions, can be covalently linked to bioactive molecules, and has suitable spectral properties in terms of absorption and fluorescence wavelength. Nonetheless, there are some drawbacks: it can readily form a spirolactam compound, which is nonfluorescent, and therefore may not be the dye of choice for all fluorescence microscopy applications. Herein this spirolactam formation was observed by purifying such a labeled peptoid with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and monitored in detail by making a series of analytical HPLC runs over time. Additionally, a small library of eight peptoids with rhodamine B as label was synthesized. Analysis of the absorption properties of these molecules demonstrated that the problem of fluorescence loss can be overcome by coupling secondary amines with rhodamine B.  相似文献   
Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) have great potential for clinical therapy and regenerative medicine. One major challenge concerning their application is the development of an efficient cryopreservation protocol since current methods result in a poor viability and high differentiation rates. A high survival rate of cryopreserved cells requires an optimal cooling rate and the presence of cryoprotective agents (CPA) in sufficient concentrations. The most widely used CPA, dimethylsulfoxide (Me2SO), is toxic at high concentrations at temperatures >4 °C and has harmful effects on the biological functionality of stem cell as well as on treated patients.Thus, this study investigates different combinations of non-cytotoxic biocompatible substances, such as ectoin and proline, as potential CPAs in a systematic parametric optimization study in comparison to Me2SO as control and a commercial freezing medium (Biofreeze®, Biochrom). Using a freezing medium containing a low proline (1%, w/v) and higher ectoin (10%, w/v) amount revealed promising results although the highest survival rate was achieved with the Biofreeze® medium. Cryomicroscopic experiments of hMSCs revealed nucleation temperatures ranging from −16 to −25 °C. The CPAs, beside Me2SO, did not affect the nucleation temperature. In most cases, cryomicroscopy revealed intracellular ice formation (IIF) during the cryopreservation cycle for all cryoprotocols. The occurence of IIF during thawing increased with the cooling rate. In case of hMSC there was no correlation between the rate of IIF and the post-thaw cell survival. After thawing adipogenic differentiation of the stem cells demonstrated cell functionality.  相似文献   
The zebrafish pharyngeal cartilage is derived from the pharyngeal apparatus, a vertebrate-specific structure derived from all three germ layers. Developmental aberrations of the pharyngeal apparatus lead to birth defects such as Treacher-Collins and DiGeorge syndromes. While interactions between endoderm and neural crest (NC) are known to be important for cartilage formation, the full complement of molecular players involved and their roles remain to be elucidated. Activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule a (alcama), a member of the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily, is among the prominent markers of pharyngeal pouch endoderm, but to date no role has been assigned to this adhesion molecule in the development of the pharyngeal apparatus. Here we show that alcama plays a crucial, non-autonomous role in pharyngeal endoderm during zebrafish cartilage morphogenesis. alcama knockdown leads to defects in NC differentiation, without affecting NC specification or migration. These defects are reminiscent of the phenotypes observed when Endothelin 1 (Edn1) signaling, a key regulator of cartilage development is disrupted. Using gene expression analysis and rescue experiments we show that Alcama functions downstream of Edn1 signaling to regulate NC differentiation and cartilage morphogenesis. In addition, we also identify a role for neural adhesion molecule 1.1 (nadl1.1), a known interacting partner of Alcama expressed in neural crest, in NC differentiation. Our data shows that nadl1.1 is required for alcama rescue of NC differentiation in edn1−/− mutants and that Alcama interacts with Nadl1.1 during chondrogenesis. Collectively our results support a model by which Alcama on the endoderm interacts with Nadl1.1 on NC to mediate Edn1 signaling and NC differentiation during chondrogenesis.  相似文献   


Osteoporosis and its main health outcome, fragility fractures, are large and escalating health problems. Skeletal damage may be the critical result of low-level prolonged exposure to several xenobiotics in the general population, but the mechanisms of their adverse effects are not clearly understood. The current study was aimed to investigate the possible ability of simultaneous subchronic peroral administration of selenium (Se) and diazinon (DZN) to induce changes in bone of adult male rats.In our study, twenty 1-month-old male Wistar rats were randomly divided into two experimental groups. In the first group, young males were exposed to 5 mg Na2SeO3/L and 40 mg of DZN/L in drinking water, for 90 days. Ten 1-month-old males without Se and DZN intoxication served as a control group. At the end of the experiment, macroscopic and microscopic structures of the femurs were analysed using analytical scales, sliding instrument, and polarized light microscopy.


The body weight, femoral length and cortical bone thickness were significantly decreased in rats simultaneously exposed to Se and DZN (P?<?0.05). These rats also displayed different microstructure in the middle part of the compact bone where vascular canals expanded into central area of substantia compacta. The canals occurred only near endosteal surfaces in rats from the control group. Additionally, a smaller number of primary and secondary osteons, as well as a few resorption lacunae were observed near endosteal surfaces in rats simultaneously administered to Se and DZN. The resorption lacunae as typical structures of bone resorption manifestation are connected with an early stage of osteoporosis. Histomorphometric analysis revealed that area, perimeter, maximum and minimum diameters of primary osteons’ vascular canals were significantly increased (P?<?0.05) in the Se-DZN-exposed rats. On the other hand, all measured variables of Haversian canals and secondary osteons were considerable reduced (P?<?0.05) in these rats.


Simultaneous subchronic peroral exposure to Se and DZN induces changes in macroscopic and microscopic structures of the femurs in adult male rats, and also it can be considered as possible risk factor for osteoporosis. The current study contributes to the knowledge on damaging impact of several xenobiotics on the bone.
Iron-reducing bacteria (FeRB) play key roles in anaerobic metal and carbon cycling and carry out biogeochemical transformations that can be harnessed for environmental bioremediation. A subset of FeRB require direct contact with Fe(III)-bearing minerals for dissimilatory growth, yet these bacteria must move between mineral particles. Furthermore, they proliferate in planktonic consortia during biostimulation experiments. Thus, a key question is how such organisms can sustain growth under these conditions. Here we characterized planktonic microbial communities sampled from an aquifer in Rifle, Colorado, USA, close to the peak of iron reduction following in situ acetate amendment. Samples were cryo-plunged on site and subsequently examined using correlated two- and three-dimensional cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) and scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM). The outer membranes of most cells were decorated with aggregates up to 150 nm in diameter composed of ∼3 nm wide amorphous, Fe-rich nanoparticles. Fluorescent in situ hybridization of lineage-specific probes applied to rRNA of cells subsequently imaged via cryo-TEM identified Geobacter spp., a well-studied group of FeRB. STXM results at the Fe L2,3 absorption edges indicate that nanoparticle aggregates contain a variable mixture of Fe(II)–Fe(III), and are generally enriched in Fe(III). Geobacter bemidjiensis cultivated anaerobically in the laboratory on acetate and hydrous ferric oxyhydroxides also accumulated mixed-valence nanoparticle aggregates. In field-collected samples, FeRB with a wide variety of morphologies were associated with nano-aggregates, indicating that cell surface Fe(III) accumulation may be a general mechanism by which FeRB can grow while in planktonic suspension.  相似文献   
Overexpression of ecotropic viral integration site 1 (EVI1) is associated with aggressive disease in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Despite of its clinical importance, little is known about the mechanism through which EVI1 confers resistance to antileukemic drugs. Here, we show that a human myeloid cell line constitutively overexpressing EVI1 after infection with a retroviral vector (U937_EVI1) was partially resistant to etoposide and daunorubicin as compared to empty vector infected control cells (U937_vec). Similarly, inducible expression of EVI1 in HL-60 cells decreased their sensitivity to daunorubicin. Gene expression microarray analyses of U937_EVI1 and U937_vec cells cultured in the absence or presence of etoposide showed that 77 and 419 genes were regulated by EVI1 and etoposide, respectively. Notably, mRNA levels of 26 of these genes were altered by both stimuli, indicating that EVI1 regulated genes were strongly enriched among etoposide regulated genes and vice versa. One of the genes that were induced by both EVI1 and etoposide was CDKN1A/p21/WAF, which in addition to its function as a cell cycle regulator plays an important role in conferring chemotherapy resistance in various tumor types. Indeed, overexpression of CDKN1A in U937 cells mimicked the phenotype of EVI1 overexpression, similarly conferring partial resistance to antileukemic drugs.  相似文献   


The SCN5A gene encodes for the α-subunit of the cardiac sodium channel NaV1.5, which is responsible for the rapid upstroke of the cardiac action potential. Mutations in this gene may lead to multiple life-threatening disorders of cardiac rhythm or are linked to structural cardiac defects. Here, we characterized a large family with a mutation in SCN5A presenting with an atrioventricular conduction disease and absence of Brugada syndrome.

Method and Results

In a large family with a high incidence of sudden cardiac deaths, a heterozygous SCN5A mutation (p.1493delK) with an autosomal dominant inheritance has been identified. Mutation carriers were devoid of any cardiac structural changes. Typical ECG findings were an increased P-wave duration, an AV-block I° and a prolonged QRS duration with an intraventricular conduction delay and no signs for Brugada syndrome. HEK293 cells transfected with 1493delK showed strongly (5-fold) reduced Na+ currents with altered inactivation kinetics compared to wild-type channels. Immunocytochemical staining demonstrated strongly decreased expression of SCN5A 1493delK in the sarcolemma consistent with an intracellular trafficking defect and thereby a loss-of-function. In addition, SCN5A 1493delK channels that reached cell membrane showed gain-of-function aspects (slowing of the fast inactivation, reduction in the relative fraction of channels that fast inactivate, hastening of the recovery from inactivation).


In a large family, congregation of a heterozygous SCN5A gene mutation (p.1493delK) predisposes for conduction slowing without evidence for Brugada syndrome due to a predominantly trafficking defect that reduces Na+ current and depolarization force.  相似文献   
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